After Joe Biden’s shout fest State of the Union speech Donald Trump suggested that Biden take a drug test:
Former President Donald Trump once again demanded a drug test for current President Joe Biden before their expected June debate.
This suggestion arose from Trump’s accusation that Biden was “high as a kite” during his March State of the Union address. In front of a crowd at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota, Trump voiced his demand.
I am totally on board with that, thanks to Merrick Garland.
Garland was found to be in Contempt of Congress yesterday for refusing to hand over the audio recordings of SCO Robert Hur’s interview with Biden. Garland is blocking access to the recordings after Biden invoked Executive Privilege over them:
WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden invoked executive privilege Thursday to keep the recording of his deposition about storing classified documents at his home confidential as House Republicans set two committee votes to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to release the recording.
The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel determined the recording falls under executive privilege and Garland shouldn’t be punished for following the president’s order to keep the recording confidential, according to Carlos Uriarte, an associate attorney general.
The Office of Legal Counsel has long held that executive privilege extends to a “closed criminal investigation where disclosure is likely to damage future law enforcement efforts,” Garland wrote to Biden on Wednesday.
Hur found that Biden was unfit for office:
In that report, Hur said Biden could potentially defend himself in court, if charges were recommended, by appealing to jurors as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
Biden seized on that immediately
Biden pushed back with a fiery news conference defending his acuity.
We don’t know who is right (Actually we do) and we need to know if Biden is unfit for office. If he is fit for office, he is also fit for prosecution of violating the Espionage Act. This can be clarified with the release of the recordings. “You have the transcripts, you don’t need the recordings”, say Biden supporters.
That’s a non-starter because the White House works furiously to sanitize Biden’s remarks all the time.
White House Quietly Corrects Joe Biden Transcript After Numbers Gaffe
White House makes nine brutal corrections to Biden’s NAACP Detroit speech
White House works to correct Biden’s remarks at ‘ridiculous’ rate
While President Joe Biden is known for his blunders and colorful turns of phrase, his staffers increasingly are correcting his words after the fact via strikethroughs in the White House transcript.
The written record of a May 19 campaign speech in Detroit includes no fewer than nine corrections, some of which created mini-news cycles of their own in real time.
One was when Biden recalled being vice president during the pandemic, saying “Barack,” meaning former President Barack Obama, told him to go to Detroit and “help fix it.” But Biden was running for president during the pandemic, and Obama had been out of office for three years.
The transcript replaced the word “pandemic” with “recession.”
In a separate spot, Biden spoke about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, describing the people who stormed Capitol Hill as “erectionists.”
The White House press team wrote the blunder as “irrectionists” and corrected it to “insurrectionists.”
Correcting the record has been a frequent habit of Biden’s staffers for years, one that the president’s critics say reflects his lack of fitness for the office.
“I’ve heard of cleaning up a president’s mistakes, but this is ridiculous,” presidential historian and Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley said. “It should be called the White House Mess team.”
There is no good reason to withhold the recordings – even Jake Tapper agrees.
CNN’s Jake Tapper told Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York on Wednesday that there is no legitimate reason for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to withhold the audio of President Joe Biden’s interviews with special counsel Robert Hur.
We have all seen how Biden frequently gets confused. We have all seen him repeatedly lie about his history. We have mall seen him need Jill to lead him around. He cannot conduct a press conference without the questions and answers being scripted in advance. We have seen him unable to have discussions with foreign leaders without note cards.
Along with many others, I want to see how different the transcript is from the audio recording. Without any doubt something is being smothered here- Joe Biden in unfit to hold the office of the Presidency.
America needs to know the truth.
He is slipping quickly now- watch
The Prime Minister of Italy got a briefing from White House on what she needs to do when Joe Biden wanders on the ground.— GlobalIntelligencer (@KosmosNous) June 13, 2024

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The Emperor has no clothes and nothing will be done about it. Democrat voters know and don’t care. They know Obama is the real president, his ‘fingerprints’ are everywhere.
It’s not getting any better….
Isn’t there at least one democrat who recognizes this is not good for the country and would initiate a course of action to end this elder abuse by dr jill?
No doubt Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland is confused as to why the Republicans don’t just make up portions of the recordings and “leak” them, like the FBI did photos of the MAL raid. Democrats wonder, “What’s the deal with the real thing? Just make shit up and then get yourselves enraged over what you yourselves made up. Like we do.”
I seem to remember the Democrats coming out and saying that the investigation completely exonerated Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden 100%. So, what, exactly, is the problem with releasing the audio?
The SOH should allow a vote on Representative Anna Paulina Lina’s resolution to vote on inherent contempt. A successful vote would then dispatch the Sargent at Arms to arrest garland and confine him in the Capitol basement jail.
We’d need all Republicans to possess a set of balls (real and figuratively) for that. I doubt that’s possible, but the vote should happen anyway, just in case.
A majority of Americans know not only is he illegitimate, his mental acuity is gone. The transcript of the two day Her interview has been edited. The audio is being withheld because it shows the truth of bidens mental condition. If Americans heard the audio it would sink the democrats faster than the titanic and with far more casualties.
RNC Research on X: “Crooked Joe Biden brought his perpetual state of confusion to the G7 — yikes!” / X
Did you know that Biden used to work at Black Rock?
RNC Research on X: “BIDEN: “Mr. Fink — I call you Larry … we go back a long way at BlackRock”” / X
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden thought the guy packing the parachute had a little girl in the bag and he wanted his turn.
Who is monitoring the debates to make sure Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t get the questions in advance? We know the left would do it; they’ve done it before.
Biden just told us that there are rules for the left-wing media covering him
Yeah, no questions that have not been pre-submitted, screened and approved.
And placed on notecards with answers and pictures of the reporter….
Because the octogenarian dementia riddled waking cadaver has a non functioning brain.
I must complain about the title of this post. There is no secret and the fact that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a corrupt, incompetent, treasonous pedophile is not hidden at all.
Fit Biden with a Tacking Collar so they know where he wonders
Speaking of dog collars, Judicial Watch’s FOIA request was finally filled about each and every attack by joe biden’s dogs since his time as VP and president.
Seems joe watched three times while his dogs attacked members of the Secret Service to the point of the victims needing stiches!
Re-homing the dogs was a start.
joe needs to be re-homed as well.
I don’t mean just Dog Collars but the ones they fit on Wildlife as well
“Even when he wins he lies about it.”
Speaking of lying, where did you hide that response about those who predicted Trump would be acquitted and those calling for civil war?
Right where I left it, dildo: as a response to one of the other times you asked the question.
If I could remember which thread it was a share the link with you, you’d refuse to go read it and you’d continue to say that I hadn’t posted it.
There were a couple of instances from CuntWon, and one from you.
It wouldn’t be that difficult for you to find it. If it’s there.
No, I’d go check it out. Then I’d admit I missed it. However, when I come to comment, I check the “Active Discussions” and check out all the new comments. There has been no such comment, that I’ve seen. Much like the rest of the left, you like to attribute things to people that they have never done or said. That’s gutless and cowardly. Nothing but lies, which is what identifies the left most noticeably. Because you have nothing worth defending, all you do is lie about others.
You are a liar, and a gutless liar at that. But, that’s just being a leftist.
All that means is that you didn’t see it.
Can’t see what is not there. I’m not, as I have stated, a leftist.
So I’ve put a comment search widget on the sidebar based on this discussion so everyone search away!
Thanks. I used it. I had to do it twice for, while looking for “Michael”, I figured out that all posts by anyone other than myself or an author come up as “guest”. So I went back and looked at those. Very helpful feature.
Unfortunately, if they haven’t logged into WordPress it comes back as a guest. I could force all commenters to log in, but that would discourage people from commenting.
I didn’t ever log in until recently. I found the “Active Discussions” updated as I was on it. Thus, the change from “Deplorable Me”, a moniker that is probably outdated anyway. Sometimes, and not intentionally, it shifts back and it takes me a couple of posts to realize it. Not trying to “trick” anyone.
Your total Ignorance is the problem you and Greg are about the same in your Ignorance
You really don’t want to get into a comparison of falsehoods
Well, I searched “acquit” and “acquittal” (actually, “acquit” will bring up all words that include “acquit”) and didn’t find your response which would be loaded with copies of all those comments predicting Trump would be acquitted, so apparently it doesn’t exist. For that matter, going back 2 months, there were no comments predicting acquittal, either. I won’t waste that much time searching for those calling for civil war.
My assessment stands as fact.
The DoJ refuses to hold Herr Obergruppenfuhrer accountable so I guess they’ll have to use Rep. Luna’s resolution to have Garland picked up and jailed.
Arrest the weasel. Lock his sad ass up. Is garland above the law?
By every measure, that sorry piece of fascist shit should get a healthy dose of what he’s been doling out. If only there was a way to carry out a SWAT raid on his house.
Trump’s “spiritual advisor” is a confessed child molester.
11/08/23 – Man pardoned by Trump accused of covering up years of pedophilia at Christian treatment facility
The Economist — Trump odds of winning jump to 72 percent.
Top pollster has Trump winning Iowa by 18 — If true, there is no way he loses Wisconsin, or Minnesota.
Will Obama pull the strings to remove Biden.
On the 17th of June, in the year of our Lord, 2024, President Trump defeated joe biden.
3 cheers for Mr. Grab-em-by-the-pussy, the lying convicted felon who pardons child molesters!
Are you all crazy?
Clinton was a Rapists and Traitor Obama a Traitor Biden a Traitor your aa Ignorant little Pea-Brain idiot
01/12/24/ – Second lawsuit filed against former Arkansas religious boarding school
Trump’s evangelicals: Hypocrisy R Us…
Widespread sexual abuse cases in Southern Baptist churches were reported by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News on February 10, 2019. The report found roughly 380 clergy, lay leaders and volunteers had faced allegations of sexual misconduct, leaving behind over 700 victims since 1998.
12/29/23 – Southern Baptist Convention settles high-profile lawsuit that accused former leader of sexual abuse
Texas tribune=left wing rag.
The entire conservative apple barrel is rotting because they won’t remove the bad apples.
Bad Apples, when will one of Epsteins customers go to court Gates, Clinton?
Sling all you want the FBI knew for years about the Olympic “doctor”.
But back to the subject Biden cant function.
Greg and Michael the Dumb and Dumber of this website
Trump corrupts everything he touches.
Thanks for the WB, you say everything, perhaps if you could name something, or better yet name 1 thing Biden has not FUBR’ed
You know you’re in a cult when…
Most black people know Trump is a jive ass honky.
De jus jump in the hooptie and do da drive by.
Oh ya Cornpops, damn u rassist. Just whack em wid da chain.
Just because he did’nt want any perverts at the pool.
So why did your cult leader grant clemency to Ted Suhl?
Georgia has 20,000 unsubstantiated ballots from tabulators that do not exist.
Curt how do you say Ive never ever done anything by myself?

Yo chucky burgers and dogs aint barbque, and you flip the burger before the application of processed cheese.
Trump hates dogs.
Who will the democrats choose as their candidate when they remove biden/harris from the ticket?
Trump hates dogs.
Debunked. try again.
A dog is a lifetime commitment to an animal not some ornament or tool for politics, Bidens have a talent to turn them vicious, the dogs the Obamas had were not properly housebroken.
But Joe he just is a shell having to be led around to tell his weird lies.
biden has serious cognitive problems. democrat leaders are looking for a way to replace biden.
Trump vs. Biden: Let’s Compare the Facts…
MTG Loses Her Mind Over New Fox Biden-Trump Poll –
The poll says you’re wrong. Why would rural America support a guy whose trade war tariffs crashed American agricultural exports to China from $24 billion to $9.1 billion in a single year? Soybean exports alone declined by 75%. He tried to buy back their favor at a $28 billion cost to American taxpayers.
It’s not fact until Raging Madcow says it is.
I’d guess you’re around 10 or 12 years old.
Typical Trump b.s. today, on Truth Social:
You can see the 06/19/24 Fox News article with the August ’23 to June ’24 chart here.
And fools watch the talking head propaganda on Cable television, bigger fools pay for it.
MTG has her voters, dont really care. He feelings are meaningless, as are Kirks.
Have you taken a drive out into rural America? There are no Biden signs, none in the small towns you pass through. The signs that mention the Resident are all FJB.
Go for a drive Greg, look for yourself. Some Biden Harris signs can be found just outside of some small towns, they are put in the grave yards, boy what a sense of humor they have.
Democratic voters are being voters, not fans. MAGA can’t understand the difference. Yard signs and boat parades don’t affect anything.
Dems are fans.
They’d have to be fans to vote for more of this:
Democrat voters are mindless idiots that fear straying from the Ministry of Propaganda for fear of finding out the truth. But, mostly, Democrat “voters” are copy machines.
Trump supporters show they are PROUD to be supporting the NATION, not a destructive ideology.
I drove through rural Indiana a week ago and saw an anarchy symbol painted on a barn. Time was when I’d mostly see cornfields and Amish wagons.
Many are beginning their own homesteads, moving away from the crime and filth of urban decay to raise chickens and kids. They are learning food preservation to limit going to the grocer.
Yes self sufficiency is a form of anarchy.
The Amish are highly independent and reject vaccines they have the healthiest kids. Taught life skills from an early age no welfare sponges.
Why is it that no Democrats anywhere care about innocent citizens being raped and murdered by Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s illegal immigrants?
dems only care about what they are told to care about.
Even then dems don’t really care, they just play act.
If dems cared would joe have kicked thousands of soldiers out of the military for not getting the covid jab while – at the same time – letting in MILLIONS of unvaxxed illegals?
dems don’t care, they pretend.
ALL they care about is power and exerting it on people.
Trump is only 7 points behind Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in New York.