There is no silver lining: Justice Roberts’ despicable Obamacare decision [Reader Post]

In March of 1937, in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish erstwhile conservative Justice Owen Roberts suddenly began voting to support New Deal legislation. His change of heart was the beginning of what became known as “The switch in time that saved nine.” His sudden reversal was in direct response to FDR’s threat to pack the Court in the face of the Court’s resistance to the President’s sweeping progressive agenda. From that point forward the Constitution ceased to be a significant barrier to anything FDR wanted to do.

What John Roberts really did for us [Reader Post]

The dust blasted into the air from the impact of the Obamacare decision hitting Washington has yet to settle but it’s recriminations all around. SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts is getting toasted by the right. Mark Levin calls the decision “lawless” and the NY Times and Michael Savage questions Roberts’ mental health status. But hold on- I think Roberts did us a favor.

Say What? May 1, 2012 Edition

George Will: “We have a president who believes, because he says so, that ATMs and airport ticket kiosks cause unemployment. So that gives you some sense of his grasp of how the economy works.“

George Will: “Mr. Obama, the night he clinched the nomination, said this will be the moment when the rise of the seas stop. Well, if he can stop the seas from rising, why can’t he bring down the gas prices?”

Penalizing you for not buying insurance is not a burden, but insisting on a free ID to vote IS a burden [Reader Post]

The Obamacare individual mandate demands that everyone have insurance coverage and penalizes those who do not carry insurance.

The fine for not purchasing health insurance under PPACA is $95 per person in 2014 (or 1% of taxable income, whichever is greater), $325 in 2015 (or 2%), and $695 in 2016 (or 2.5%). Thereafter, the mandate is indexed to inflation.

But hold on, there are exemptions:

ObamaCare and the children’s lemonade stand next door [Reader Post]

You can see where this is going. This gets us to the fundamental question about liberalism in general. When will enough regulation be enough? Will there ever come a point where liberals believe that there is simply enough government regulation in place and that they should stop making new laws? Is there a point where citizens are going to be allowed to exercise individual responsibility to the point that they are responsible for their own lives? From the federal government all the way down to local towns and counties, what one describes as freedom in America is rapidly shrinking.

Say What? March 26,2012 [Reader Post]

Jodi Miller: “White House spokesman Jay Carney said, that most of President Obama’s time is not spent campaigning, and he’s right. Most of the president’s time is spent playing golf, vacationing, apologizing to our enemies, and running our economy into the ground.”

Obamacare could unleash tyranny [Reader Post]

I was thinking of writing this up as a Most Wanted, but it deserves significant exposure. The Institute of Justice has filed an amicus brief regarding Obamacare. It questions the ability of the government to force people into contracts against their will, and if this is done for Obamacare then there would be no limit to what Obama could force anyone to do. And one cannot help but wonder if this is not part of the plan.

Say What? March 6, 2012 edition (great week for quotes!) [Reader Post]

President Obama to the UAW in Detroit: “And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy [a Chevy Volt] and drive it myself.”  GM has suspended the building of Volts this week.

A New York Times correction: “A previous version of this article misstated how many of the president’s proposals  to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil were new in his speech on Wednesday. None of them were, not one of them.”