You knew he would be back. You knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from the spotlight. His ego needed re-charging. He needed to be adored and worshiped again.
And he’s still full of sh*t.
He gave a speech the other day and during that speech referred to himself 102 times in a 64 minute speech.
All told, the former president referred to himself – I, My, Me – more than 102 times in about 64 minutes, while simultaneously engaging in the type political pot shots he criticized Republicans for.
Obama’s favorite word seemed to be “I,” which he repeated at least 87 times, followed by more than a dozen references to “my” or “me.”
He wasted no time in hammering Trump supporters
Former President Barack Obama slammed tens of millions of Americans during his speech on Friday, claiming that they were paranoid, divisive, and resentful.
“Neither party has been exclusively responsible for us going backwards instead of forwards,” Obama said. “But I have to say this because sometimes we hear a plague on both your houses.”
“But over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican party,” Obama continued. “This Congress has championed the unwinding of campaign finance laws to give billionaires outside influence over our politics.”
Obama continued by claiming that the Trump administration has “systematically attacked voting rights to make it harder for young people and minorities and the poor to vote,” without offering any evidence to validate his claim.
He let loose a torrent of lies during his lecture. Among them was this one:
“It shouldn’t be Democratic or Republican to say that we don’t threaten the freedom of the press because they say things or publish stories we don’t like,” Obama said. “I complained plenty about Fox News, but you never heard me threaten to shut them down or call them enemies of the people.”
He may not have called them enemies, but he sure treated them like enemies:
As the Obama administration investigated leaks (notice how the media now hates when Trump rants about leaks), it obtained the records of more than 20 phone lines connected to the Associate Press over a two-month period back in 2013. It also seized records from five phone lines connected to Fox News.
When the Obama Justice Department (DOJ) investigated leaks about North Korea, it completely spied on Fox News’ Washington correspondent, James Rosen. The DOJ accessed Rosen’s security badge records to track his time at the State Department and traced his phone calls. They even snooped on his personal e-mails after obtaining a dubious search warrant. The administration referred to Rosen as a possible “criminal co-conspirator” in the leak.
You can add James Risen and Sharyl Attkisson in there as well. And, in fact, he called Americans “enemies.”
obama took credit for the Trump economy but he counts on liberals having no long term memory.
What aren’t resentful, divisive, or paranoid are statistics. And those statistics tell us that Obama failed as a president and Trump has succeeded – both for minorities and all Americans collectively.
Economic growth during the Obama years should have been unusually high, since he took office the year after a financial collapse and stabilization. Growth is usually strongest after recessions.
But during the Obama years, economic growth averaged only around 2 percent and wages stagnated. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and other left-wing economists invented a new term – “secular stagnation” – to argue that we were permanently in a new era of slow growth and there was nothing that could change the situation.
But President Trump did change the situation. Annual economic growth is now averaging about 3 percent and the last quarter saw rapid growth at an annualized rate of 4.2 percent. Wages are finally growing – some 2.9 percent over the last year, which is far better than anything achieved under Obama.
Unemployment for women and minorities is near historic lows, as it is for all Americans, and manufacturing jobs are coming back. These are facts, not opinions.
Remember this?
He insisted he was not worried about another depression or recession but the unemployment rate, stuck at just below 10 per cent, was a major concern.
“What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they’ve learned to do more with less, and so they don’t hire,” he said.
Obama never had a full year of 3% GDP growth
Yesterday’s NY Post cover:
“We are Americans. We’re supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them,” Obama said. “We’re supposed to stand up to discrimination and we’re sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers.
“How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad.”
BTW, it took Donald Trump deport a Nazi from New York.
Speaking of failure to denounce racist demagogues:
Hey obama, how hard would it be to say “radical Islamic terrorism”?
‘The United States is not at war with Islam and will never be. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject.” So spoke President Barack Hussein Obama in Turkey last week. Following in the footsteps of the Bush administration, Mr. Obama wants to avoid labeling our enemy in religious terms. References to “Islamic terrorism,” “Islamic radicalism,” or “Islamic extremism” aren’t in his speeches. “Jihad,” too, has been banished from the official lexicon. But if one visits the religious bookstores near Istanbul’s Covered Bazaar, or mosque libraries of Turkish immigrants in Rotterdam, Brussels or Frankfurt, one can still find a cornucopia of radical Islamist literature. Go into the bookstores of Arab and Pakistani immigrant communities in Europe, or into the literary markets of the Arab world and the Indian subcontinent, and you’ll find an even richer collection of militant Islamism. Al Qaeda is certainly not a mainstream Muslim group — if it were, we would have had far more terrorist attacks since 9/11. But the ideology that produced al Qaeda isn’t a rivulet in contemporary Muslim thought. It is a wide and deep river. The Obama administration does both Muslims and non-Muslims an enormous disservice by pretending otherwise.
obama called Benghazi a “conspiracy.” This elicited a scathing response from Kris Paronto
Whenever Trump so much as belches, he gets fact checked. obama, on the other hand, dances by the fact checkers without them so much as blinking. “Things can get worse” said obama.
Indeed. Giving back control of the country to a party that has veered so far left that it stands on the doorstep of socialism would be far worse. obama was always great at making things look bleak.
In fact, he was great at making them bleak too. Now obama sounds like a little more than a sniveling whiner.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
a gay radicalized muslin terrorist – his two gay lovers killed in Chi six moths before senate race. he had emanuel divert $156 million for his library in Jackson Park. so $156 million is now unavailable for road improvement in ill.
Dr. John, in that 64 minute speech, Obama actually used only 87 “I” references. Trump, however, in a 75-minute speech, including a Republican mid-term opponent’s speech (I’s not included), used the word “I” 210 times and referred to himself, “Trump,” half a dozen times.
So who is the obnoxious narcissist here?
I now there is a market for it and I wish some entrepreneur would build a butt-shaped Obama shrine liberals could keep in their homes so they could continually kiss it in private and stop with their vomit-inducing worship in public.
When facts back up your suspicions, it isn’t “paranoia” and it is right and American to resent some of our finest institutions being turned into muscle for the Democrat party.
Well, that would sort of ruin his entire point, wouldn’t it? If all his claims are going to have to be factual, he might as well just shut up. Hey…. wait a minute.
He counts on liberals being stupid, which is always a safe bet. Funny, but liberals have been spending all their time denying any recovery was taking place and downgrading the growth of the economy. Then they turn around and claim the booming, roaring economy is all due to Obama. Does a single liberal notice the reversal? No. They never do. They NEVER do.
Krugman… the genius that predicted a stock market crash that would last forever if Trump won. I realized at the time that Obama’s constant blaming Bush for the awful, terrible, miserable hand he had been dealt was merely setting the public up for failure, embedding his pre-constructed excuse for an ongoing bad economy in the minds of Americans; Bush did it. Obama knew he had no idea how to bring the economy back, even showing improvement over a deep, deep recession. So, unless something totally out of his control happened and a boom occurred, he set the nation up to accept failure.
The anonymous op-ed states that all the improvements we see are IN SPITE of Trump, not because of him. However, no one but Trump could have cut the regulations he did by EO and no one but Trump could begin the process of bringing trade partners around to his way of thinking about tariffs.
Cmon, Tonto. Don’t sugar coat it. Tell us what you REALLY think.
@MOS 8541:
Or to protect the citizens left vulnerable due to liberal failure.
@Gary Miller:
Easy. Obama. Using “I” in sentences like “I am going to do….” or “I promise to…”, “I need you to vote… ” or “I am under attack by the fake media” is a different usage from “I take credit for what others have accomplished” a hundred times.
@Gary Miller: Obama, clearly.
Context and patterns show this.
A billionaire (Soros) and big corporate money installed him in the WH, and he has the gall to say billionaires are out of control?
This is the same cheap propaganda that was used to manipulate the poor and oppressed of this nation for voting for a demagogue.
It’s all the Dems have left, their one trick pony.
Obama is a cardboard cut out. Always has been.
It’s too little, too late. The same people who voted Trump in are all going to the polls to stop the Dems.
The Op-Ed and Obama are the usual treachery the Dems employ to pretend they are relevant, and to get votes. They’ve manufactured hate and fear.
But yeah, go proof-text some more “evidence” like you work for CNN.
@Nathan Blue:
Nathan — this is all empty rhetoric. Silly stuff. Mr. Obama was duly elected by electoral and popular vote – twice.
But you keep saying he was installed by George Soros. Don’t expect to be taken seriously.
Between Obama and Trump, normal people can see who the real obnoxious, narcisstic liar is.
Don’t you Trump fans grow weary of being played for suckers day in, day out?
People need to remember the Obama plan to recover the economy/unemployment was created by Timothy Geithner and charted BY THE OBAMA ADMIN.

Here it is:
Notice that IF NOTHING had been done by Obama, the economy was on a flight plan to completely recover by 2014.
It was Obama’s meddling that made it take LONGER!
Not only should Obama not take credit for the recovery, he deepened the time it took over doing nothing, even according to his own man, Mr. Geithner.
@Gary Miller: Yes, financed and installed by Soros. While Obama whines about big money in campaigns, it didn’t stop him from spending nearly a billion dollars on his… even after he pledged with McCain to abide by the McCain/Feingold guidlines. Sort of….”PSYCH!”
Apparently, like most liberals, you are are ignorant of how our electoral system works here in the United States. The Electoral College is the deciding factor. Had Obama not won in the Electoral College, regardless of his (somewhat corrupted by voter fraud) popular vote, he would never have been President (and we would all be much better off).
Soros is also footing the bill of the Robert “Beto” (to appeal to Hispanic voters) O’Rourke in Texas, trying to unseat Ted Cruz (someone the left fears). MORE big money pouring into a Democrat campaign. More big hypocrisy.
Yep. Obama. The biggest liar and most corrupt and scandalous President we have seen. Trump is working hard to clean up all Obama’s messes AND donating his pay to charitable causes. Though Obama was a millionaire (who said that at some point, people have enough money), did he ever give any of his salary back? Nope. Obnoxious, narcissistic, lying AND greedy.
@Nan G: Certainly, the only result of Obama’s stimulus (besides rewarding many of his campaign contributors) was to add $900 billion (plus interest) to the debt. Obama kept the economy afloat by printing money and loaning it out at 0.0% interest. Trump has stopped this and generated explosive growth. In no possible plane of reality can Obama claim a shred of credit for this economy.
Who was promptly suspended by Twitter after the post. But there is no bias against conservatives. Robert J. O’Neill got into an argument with a lefty over Obama and the lefty told him that Obama killed OBL. O’Neill asked the dumbass if he knew who he was talking to. Considering O’Neill was the SEAL who put the bullet in OBL’s head, I would think he would know who killed him more than anyone. But hey, the lefties know it all. I wonder when O’Neill will be suspended?
@Gary Miller: Gary — nobody has taken your simple-minded Obama cheer-leading seriously, so perhaps you need to check your own rhetoric. You add nothing to the conversation.
But please, keep playing that game. All those “Trump fans” need to be taught a lesson by some dipsh*t parroting the same tired propaganda we’ve all been hearing for the past 10 years. Popular vote? I can exploit poor people, too. Big deal.
Obama was installed by way of the most expensive campaigns ever seen, all funded and overseen by rich white guys with an agenda. He was hand-picked to play the part. He was marketed to everyone, for any reason. He divided us, had the press on a leash (limited the press like no other president before him), and was only about his brand: nothing more. Banana republics do that. Not the US. Again, using identity politics to buy votes from poor people doesn’t mean your party is this vastly successful entity that simply gets to own the country, just because you think it’s “popular”. Quite a few bad regimes were popular, too. See: 20th Century Genocides.
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, both of these duly elected presidents are narcissists. At least Trump has real reasons to be. Obama was and is a show pony, with no leadership ability. His highlight reel is all SNL appearances…and that’s about it.
Ah yes. Please make sure to divide the election-winning portion of the American people from the “normal” people. You have no idea the kind of damage this thinking does to the country, but then again, you are simply indoctrinated by mass media, aren’t you…
By the way, I’m a “normal” person. Don’t label me and shove me in a rail car just because I don’t think the same things as you.
If Obama really wanted to help he would stay in Chicago and work on the violence problem there. But he won’t because he isn’t a problem solver and it appears he doesn’t care enough to help his home town people.
Good one, DrJohn,
This narcissistic failure’s 8 years in office saw an explosion of Government hiring, which was by far the biggest source of jobs, . . . just like a good socialist->communist. Next was healthcare. Every other sector was a disaster.
Quite. He’s incapable of decisive action and is so impotent that the hateful Jarrett was needed as his puppeteer and she made all decisions.
He worked overtime to look “pensive” the way he thought you’re supposed to look when in deep thought. The lefties didn’t really believe it so the NYT had to double down and actually call him, “Saint Obama.”
They’re as insane as he is.
@Nathan Blue:
Why is it that acolytes of the serial lying, rabid racist, life long con man and grifter, self admitting sexual assaulter (“because, when you’re a superstar, they let you do anything” and profound egomaniac which now occupies the White House, simply assume that they have the authority to speak for anyone and everyone and to even state the opinions of anyone and everyone?
This phenomenon seems to be quite common with trump lickers.
@Ajay42302: Trump has lived about 70 years and was never called a racist until he became President. All you guys have is name calling and playing stompy feet.
@Mully: Never called a racist until he became president? Seriosuly? Trump has been a racist for years. Through his management company, his casinos and the Central Park Five.
The man that destroyed the Democrat Party is back to throw a rope to the remaining in the party as his legacy and himself are swirling down the crapper.
Here we have Obama the nations #1 worst presidents in Americas over 240 year History and still worshiped by the MSM and proving why he is a liberal little sleezeball and why he belongs in Prison for life
Well, yes they have. Many many times.
Oh, and his father, Fred Trump, an illegal immigrant, also has a long history of racism. Just as sure as Dr, John and his cloned cohorts have a long history of abject dishonesty.
Sorry that reality is so toxic in the FA delusional world.
@Spurwing Plover: A comment from a true hero, How ’bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly a** on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot AK47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent #scum.”
He went to bed to be fresh for a fundraiser in LasVegas, what a leader looks like? Today is a good day to remember the Twin Towers FBI failure and Bengahzi betrayal.
You just made that up out of wholecloth, Fred was second generation Trump’s grandparents immigrated into the States in 1885. Puking liberal lies is all you do.
@kitt: That’s what the lying coward does. Don’t wait around for any proof.
@Deplorable Bill: Why would we question his birth country, cause maybe up to 2007 he said so? Then had every aspect of his life sealed.
There is no quote, no record of Barack Obama saying he was born anyplace other than the state of Hawaii, no matter what a crazy blogger says, or what a literary agency’s pamphlet says.
Semi good catch, depending on if you believe “anchor babies” are indeed American citizens. Many so-called conservatives have argued otherwise.
It was actually Fred Sr who illegally enter our country and proceeded to establish whore houses to acquire wealth. Fred Jr was the racist anchor baby that many of your ilk seem to have a problem with who continued that immoral business. DJT is the bi-product of that filth.
Looks like they didn’t exactly “send us their best”.
I believe it was Frederick Trump, Fred Sr’s father, who immigrated to the United States. He worked as a barber, and made his fortune by opening a string of Washington Territory brothels during the Klondike gold rush. He returned to his native Bavaria rich, but lost his Bavarian citizenship and was kicked out of the country when it was discovered that he had gone to America to evade Bavarian military service. He then returned to the United States and began buying up real estate in Queens.
@Greg: Who didnt know but old gramps had flair “In the larder was salmon and an extraordinary variety of meats, including duck, ptarmigan, grouse, goose, and swan, as well as caribou, moose, goat, sheep, rabbit, and squirrel. Incredibly, the New Arctic served fresh fruit: red currants, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, even cranberries. A small oasis of luxury, the Arctic’s menu was a vast improvement over what the two restaurateurs had been able to offer on the trail.”
Wild times, gold rushes, lumber barons, steel, oil, railroad it took some visionary hard men to build the nation.
While it’s unclear if Frederich Trump directly profited from prostitution at his hotel (or whether it even occurred there), it should be noted that the world’s oldest profession was relatively commonplace during the Gold Rush.
What evidence can AJ provide that either time Grandpa first alone then with wife and first child entered the US illegally?
Then there is Trumps dad and mom his mother Mary Anne Trump was a Scottish-born American domestic worker who was the mother of Donald Trump, the 45th and current President of the United States. Born in the Outer Hebrides, she immigrated in 1930 and became a U.S. citizen in 1942. Even Snopes doesnt profess she was illegally in the States.
@Greg: Remember Joe Kennedy? No, I thought not.
How about Al Gore’s Klansman daddy? Hell, how about Bill and Hillary, criminals and sex offenders in their own right. I’m pretty sure if dirty pasts was a real concern of yours, you wouldn’t want the subject to come up… which leads me to believe it’s all hypocritical politics. Again.