At a packed indoor event an angry community organizer warns against voting in person because people might get sick

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Irony def:

noun, plural i·ro·nies.

the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:

Hypocrisy def:

noun, plural hy·poc·ri·sies.

1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

Yesterday an angry community organizer delivered a political statement masked as a eulogy for the recently departed Congressman John Lewis. He railed against police action against “peaceful protests.”

You know- this kind of peaceful

Anyway, this angry community organizer then went on to decry the filibuster. He described it as a “Jim Crow relic.”

“And if all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another Jim crow relic in order to secure the God-given rights of every American, then that’s what we should do,” Obama added.

But back in 2005 when Republicans tried to end the filibuster, this angry community organizer defended the filibuster:

“If the right of free and open debate is taken away from the minority party, and the millions of Americans who asked us to be their voice, I fear that the already partisan atmosphere in Washington will be poisoned to the point where no one will be able to agree on anything. That doesn’t serve anyone’s best interests, and it certainly isn’t what the patriots who founded this democracy had in mind,” Obama explained.

The angry community organizer likened Donald Trump to Bull Connor and George Wallace, to which Mark Levin responded:

“I can tell you what Lincoln did for African-Americans,” he said. “I can tell you what [Ulysses] Grant did. I can tell you what Eisenhower did and LBJ did and I can tell you what Donald J. Trump did, but I can’t tell you what Obama did.”

But best of all was this:

…and attacking our voting rights with surgical precision, even undermining the postal service in the run-up to an election that is going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick.”

The angry community organizer said this in a packed funeral home while not wearing a mask. The angry community organizer did not explain why protests are not risky but voting is.

As David Harsanyi said, it was “ugly.”

Please refer to the definitions above.

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Highlighting the hypocrisy of this race-baiter is absolutely appropriate, though it’s an observation missing from his adoring and pandering socialist media.

His narcissism was evidenced in full bloom at this funeral — some of it bordered on insane. It is also clear that he’s sweating about the surfacing evidence of his crimes against the Trump 2016 campaign.

Get the popcorn out.

The Democrats are hypocrites for wanting to end the filibuster now
When the GOP loses the Senate do you think that they will continue to vote to get rid of the filibuster ? If they don’t doc, will you be coming them out ?

@John: Maybe you should have read the post. That usually helps.

As the cornered rat snarls.

I see where Obama got his Ugly Mug on the front cover of that liberal rag Rolling Stone Yes these liberals worship Obama and kiss his rings

And churches must be closed or limited…why?
No social distancing, few masks, in a location where returning to DC the Mayor says you must quarantine yourself.

@kitt: And aren’t we told that blacks are extra-susceptible? Another liberal trope…. lie or fact?

@Deplorable Me: They have more health issues so are more likely to die from the Kung flu.
Happy August

In the village of the blind the one eyed man is King.

I have been barraged by bloggers on conservative sites stating Moochelle will be the VP pick. Rationals given include the obama popularity with not only the black vote, but with all democrat voters, as well as the blm riots will stir the black voters to action. A Moochelle VP will give obama control over the alphabet agencies and stop any further investigation or indictments. There is also a Biden video that has been sent to me that has Biden stating that he will open America up to Muslims . The video is underscored with Muslim writing and ends with encouraging all Muslims to vote as “their time is now in America. It is a Face Book URL. I’m not sure it’s format will be accepted by Flopping Aces, but here it is

@Abbi: Rumour has it with Hillliarys face lift and dental work she will be slipped in as the candidate at the convention cause Joe no longer has his faculties. Nothing would make me laugh so hard as her screwing Bernie twice.

@kitt: And that’s more than she’s screwed Bill in the past 30 years!

The left says having more than 50 people worshipping, even in a large cathedral that hold 500 is helping spread the Kung Flu.

The left says that blacks are at higher risk of catching the Kung Flu.

Funerals have been denied to normal Americans because…….Kung Flu.

But it’s OK for hundreds of blacks and whites to be packed into a church, shoulder to shoulder, for a funeral for John Lewis?

So, you’re saying that the black people should have been made to sit in the back?

@Greg: #15
Okay, Scarecrow. Maybe instead of sitting in front of a monitor, you should be out looking for that girl with the ruby slippers.


But it’s OK for hundreds of blacks and whites to be packed into a church, shoulder to shoulder, for a funeral for John Lewis?

How the imbecile greg infers that the comment was that blacks should be made to sit in back demonstrates the vacuous nature of the thought of the left. Accuse people of saying something they did not say and then criticizing them for what they did not say. In this instance the petulant imbecile troll attempts a bait and switch tactic.

People here would be wise to ignore greg. His ramblings and incoherent thought does not change the mind of any normal person here. He/she is titillated sitting in the basement when he/she thinks he/she has scored some innocuous point .

@July 4th American: Greg doesnt even know what year this is and to him all old white women look alike Pelosi Hillary he is as addled as Creepy quid pro quo fingers Joe. I think this whole time his code name was Panda Bear.
A cross between Russia and China mini troll.

@July 4th American:

How the imbecile greg infers that the comment was that blacks should be made to sit in back demonstrates the vacuous nature of the thought of the left.

I think it’s one of those Freudian things.

Accuse people of saying something they did not say and then criticizing them for what they did not say.

They have their version of what they believe people are like. It is usually based on their own character. When the people they want to hate do not comport to their fantasies, they simply make up the details they need to cultivate that hatred. Because, hate is what they live for.


So, you’re saying that the black people should have been made to sit in the back?

By Democrats, yes.

“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!”

Sounds like Mas’sah Biden is getting his plantation in order.

@Nathan Blue: “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” Yup an old Democrat saying. Along with avoiding sending the kids to a racial jungle school.’”

@kitt: Racism is OK when Democrats do it. And they do most of it.

When Trump gave the medal of freedom to Rush the left was outraged. Pelosi stated “we thought that he was going to give it to John Lewis.” That’s the kind of pandering that idiot Republicans have been doing for half a century. The left is still astounded that Trump won’t play. Did John Lewis deserve (a word I absolutely hate) a medal of freedom? I can’t say but if he did why didn’t Obama give it to him? Obama was too busy micromanaging the intelligence ‘Community’.

@71Grad: No one that supported the impeachment of Trump on those absolutely political grounds even deserves respect, much less a medal. Maybe a “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal.

I see where that liberal rag Rolling Stone has Obama on their front cover as always the lefists Media support the Traitors