Barack Obama came into office looking to be Vladimir Putin’s BFF. One of his first actions in office was to scrap a proposed missile shield for Eastern Europe. During his 2012 re-election campaign, Obama had declared that the Taliban was decimated, He had already declared the war in Iraq over, and ISIS was the JV.
He lied about every one of them. Then he went on to vigorously defend Russia.
During one of the debates, Mitt Romney named Russia as the number one geopolitical foe. In response, Obama scolded Romney for his naive view:
The Cold War is over. The 80’s want their foreign policy back. Russia was no threat. That wasn’t the end of it. Obama promised to be more flexible for Putin:
That still wasn’t the end of it. obama learned of Russian meddling in US elections in 2015– at least- and did not one thing about it (Until after the election).
And that’s still not all.
The US does not have enough uranium
Two Colorado-based uranium producers on Tuesday jointly asked the US Department of Commerce to investigate uranium imports that they said threaten national security, saying uranium from state-owned and state-subsidized companies in Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan fill nearly 40% of US demand while domestic production meets less than 5%.
“The domestic uranium mining industry needs US government assistance to survive the foreign onslaught — particularly from Russia and Kazakhstan — that has undermined the US uranium industry while new players — particularly China — will soon make the situation worse,” Energy Fuels and Ur-Energy said in a petition they jointly filed with the department.
Despite that, the obama administration, including Hillary Clinton, decided that it would be a good idea to sell control of 20% of US uranium to Vladimir Putin. Some key points:
- Investors with ties to Uranium One and UrAsia donated millions to the foundation in 2010 and 2011. These donations were disclosed. In addition to this, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month that the Russians closed the deal for the majority stake in Uranium One. The speaking fee was one of Clinton’s highest, according to The Times.
- The concern was American dependence on foreign uranium. The Times notes that while the US “gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces only around 20% of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves.”
- Four members of Congress signed a letter expressing concern over the deal, and two others drafted legislation to kill it. One senator contended that the deal “would give the Russian government control over a sizable portion of America’s uranium production capacity” as well as “a significant stake in uranium mines in Kazakhstan.” The Nuclear Regulatory Commission made assurances that the US uranium would be preserved for domestic use regardless of the deal.
- Final say over the deal rested with the foreign investment committee, “including Mrs. Clinton — whose husband was collecting millions of dollars in donations from people associated with Uranium One,” The Times notes.
- After the deal was approved in October 2010, Rosatom’s chief executive, Sergei Kiriyenko, said in an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Few could have imagined in the past that we would own 20% of US reserves.”
And money poured into the Clinton Foundation.
The FBI had a “racketeering and strong-arming” investigation ongoing while this deal was being made and information about it was suppressed so as not to nix the deal. Worse, the deal made with Russia may have included shutting down US competition:
In July 2009, however, the acting director of the BLM proposed a study to determine if it were “appropriate” to close the area to mining to protect the Grand Canyon. The area was closed for two years and the study began. In July 2011, before the agencies completed the study, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar ordered an “emergency withdrawal” and then six months later withdrew the entire area from all mining for 20 years. Oddly, his new grab bag of reasons was not listed in the BLM’s application, nor was it supported by underlying documents. Finally, he took pains to destroy the validity of the valuable claims held by scores of small miners represented by the Mountain States Legal Foundation.
Was it purely coincidental that, in mid-2011, with the Uranium One deal completed the previous October, Salazar, a friend of the Clintons, saw yet another reason to kill uranium mining in Arizona for decades? Did others help? John Podesta, Bill’s former chief of staff and Hillary’s 2016 campaign manager, was “the hidden hand involved in every environmental advancement accomplished in the Clinton and Obama administrations,” says top Clinton official Bruce Babbitt of Arizona.
To date no one has explained why this deal – compromising national security- went down or how it could possibly be a good idea in the interest of the US. Today democrats are screaming about what a bad guy Putin is, but it was Obama and Clinton engineered a deal that would make the US more dependent on Russia and Putin-owned assets and give Putin control of the world uranium supply chain. It still amuses me that Putin became a bad person to the left only after Hillary lost the election.
In retrospect, Obama’s actions (and Clinton’s as well) are either those of a Russian agent- or an idiot.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
What else can one say?
Obama needs to go to prison along with all members of his corupt and crooked staff and a special prison for them
Not a Russian agent, but worker for the NWO, The destruction of every nations sovereignty and marching in a One World government. Not head of the government you get to be a slave and work for their comfort and protection not your own.
Beware they are changing the language as people are waking up, control becomes reform, warming becomes change, treason becomes extreme carelessness or idiot.
I just stopped by to get a reaction of Trump’s latest advocacy of confiscating guns while disregarding due process.
What I find is of no surprise.
An investigation into actions intended to weaken US national security and individuals to personally enrich themselves would take about 8 hours to come to a conclusion, and most of that would be typing. Yet some idiotic morons STILL defend Obama, Hillary, Holder and the rest of the corrupt gang that engineered this sale.
I guess AJ is afraid Trump will come get his BB gun when he starts confiscating weapons of deranged useful idiots.
Of course, he could be both. An idiot agent who did what an “advisor” told him to and managed to become POTUS…
@Bill… Deplorable Me: AJ looking for opinions on Trump in a post about Obama, does he also look for hot broasted chicken in the frozen food section? A real Rocket surgeon he is looking for apples on a walnut tree.
@kitt: He simply doesn’t want to engage in a discussion about useful idiot socialist Soros tool Obama because he hasn’t gotten those talking points emailed to him yet. He has LOTS of gun control/gun ban talking points and he needs to clear some shelves full of those.
I think my point was that every time Trump does something utterly outrageous, illegal, bigoted, or in this case, advocate that the government confiscate guns and the hell with due process, all you here from the hacks is something like “but. but. but Obama!!!!!”.
@Ajay42302: Tsk tsk tsk silly troll have you read the comments on Democrats losing the gun argument thats a better posting for complaining about Trumps comments. You might find one from me there. I sent an email to the White House to express my displeasure.
My point is stick to the subject, Obama is a progressive that never respected the Constitution or ever had the slightest affinity for this country.
@kitt: I think what the coward AJ means is every time liberals need to divert attention from their abject and total failure and FANTASIZE Trump did something outrageous or illegal… not that he actually has to do any such thing, or has. He thinks Papa Soros actually knows his name. He has been looking for a ghetto in which to help some Nazis round up fellow Jews so he can emulate his hero but has, so far, been unsuccessful.
You see everything as a lose/lose for Democrats, regardless of well, anything.
Here’s the thing, had Obama or Hillary or any major Dem player made the comment Trump did, you and your ilk and much of America would be in the streets with torches and pitch forks, led by none other than Fox News and the NRA.
And realistically, there’s plenty of fairness to that protest. The main argument of 2nd Admin defenders has been that you just never open that door to confiscation, you never give an inch, never let anyone break that plane. And even as liberal minded as I am, I can concur with much of that argument myself.
Yet here we have Trump, a previous open advocate of gun control prior to collecting $33 million from the NRA to not be pro-gun control, now openly stating that government should, at government’s judgment, confiscate arms at their discretion and take due process up at a later date.
And yet, here you and your ilk still sucking Trump butt while screeching the “but Obama” tune.
Your hypocrisy is truly overwhelming as is your blatant dishonesty.
@Ajay42302: You obviously dont haunt real conservative sites there was plenty of WTHWT from them. I admit there wasn’t the pitch forks and torches that the statement deserved. The 33 million dollars was spread across many politicians they actually bought 6.5 million in advertising for Trump himself, originally backing Cruz in the presidential campaign. The failure of the shooting in Florida is much less the NRAs fault than Obama era policies that discouraged consequences for minorities for crimes, attaching grant money to that end.
Again this thread is about Obama and his failure to do anything to rein in the Russians, his “flexibility” comment before the 2012 election, his the 80s wants their policy back to Mitt. Well I think the60s wants their policyback we have never been in a war with the russians and the cold war is OVER. But allowing our uranium to be controlled by them was a baaaad idea.
Obama, Holder and Hillary, among others, sold out US national security, Obama for more ideological reasons than Hillary’s abject greed. Obviously this is just A-OK with liberals because they have not yet developed the ability to think for themselves.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Putin wants the evidence of Russian meddling sent to him, something tells me he knows there is none, but they just feel its true so keep digging.
Calling Muellers bluff?
Doc doesn’t need to give anyone anything Heres the word
@Ajay42302: Usually followed by a “but, but…Bush” by morons like you.
@Ajay42302: That’s the new meme: Trump was bought by the NRA the way Obama was bought by United Healthcare, et al. *but, but…Obama! So funny how libs can’t see their own hypocrisy.*
But seriously, how stupid can you be to parrot the non-scandal of the NRA giving money to the Republican Candidate? Wow. So crazy.
Trump is a moderate, and the least paid-off President we’ve had in modern times. He’s pushing for legislation no paid Rep would dare push, and the NRA isn’t stringing him up for it. He’s fought against the GOP as much as the Dems.
No, we actually have some give and take, and you are bitching about it.
Trump is advancing a liberal agenda, in practice, as much as he’s advancing a conservative agenda. You have no argument.
Only a paid troll could blather on like you. Not sure what you think your lies will bring. Obama did open the door for all kinds of things, and you should have thought about that before you pulled the lever in ’08. Trump is showing you that the WH shouldn’t be a rockstar reality show, like it was with Obama. Suffer and learn, *sshole.
@Nathan Blue:
Part of your analysis may have some merit albeit I don’t know in what world.
I could dissect it and debunk it piece by piece but but in this fairyland of hacks and sock-pupputs, well, we’ve been there before.
But you hid your head in the sand from the fact that Trump actually said “I like taking the guns early, to go to court would have taken a long time.” which strongly conflicts with the Republican Cardinal “I’ll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
If AJ and “Marlboro Man” are not one in the same, I hope they never meet up. That much stupid in one place could create black hole of stupid, absorbing all intelligent thought into their vortex of stupidity. Thank God they are.
If I were so ignorant as to be an incurable Obama butt-smoocher, I suppose the only tactic at my disposal is to invent some other horrible, terrific non-issue and try to drag the intelligent discussion off onto that tangent.
@Ajay42302: You have been told we can let our standards slip a little cause you have none to live up to. And Just because he speaks it doesnt make it a reality @Nathan Blue: AJ is just a floater, no one would pay him for the nonsense blather.