How obama sowed the seeds for the violence at Trump rallies
You’ve heard me say it a million times. Liberals have zero long term memory. It is a protective mechanism meant to block facts from the past that make statements of …
You’ve heard me say it a million times. Liberals have zero long term memory. It is a protective mechanism meant to block facts from the past that make statements of …
I keep telling you Barack Obama is a liar. I keep telling you Obama is a sociopath. He is. Yesterday he jumped the shark. Obama truly believes that saying …
What does it take? When does the American left catch on? Barack Obama thinks he knows everything about everything. Just ask him. He’s never wrong. He cannot admit to …
There is a great deal of focus on the Benghazi hearings and rightfully so, but there’s something missing. There’s actually a larger issue that’s flying under the radar and …
Please watch this: [youtube][/youtube] As part of Obama’s surrender to Iran Qassem Suleimani has been granted amnesty. Suleimani is the commander of the Iranian elite Quds forces. The full …
Barack Obama has multiple personality flaws, but one stands out above all: Hubris. Hubris. Hubris. Hubris. I have said, and I truly believe, that he is a sociopath. He oozes …
Bill Elliot has cancer. Barack Obama made his premiums jump to the point that he cannot afford Obamacare and he decided to throw in the towel and let nature take …
Barack Obama has lamented that he is not a dictator- several times: King: “My cabinet has been working very hard on trying to get it done, but ultimately, I think …
There’re commonly referred to as DABDA: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Originally they were developed to describe the phases of terminal illness but have evolved to describe any personal …
Edward Snowden should be the President of the US, not Barack Obama. Then at least we’d have a President how knows what’s going on in this country. Captain Oblivious doesn’t …