French reporters: Obama is an a**hole

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obama jumps the shark


I keep telling you Barack Obama is a liar. I keep telling you Obama is a sociopath.

He is. Yesterday he jumped the shark.

Obama truly believes that saying things makes them true. To wit:

While giving a press conference in Paris, President Barack Obama told reporters that the mass shootings that plague the United States just never happen in other countries.

“With respect to Planned Parenthood, obviously, my heart goes out to the families of those impacted,” Obama said in response to a reporter’s question. “I mean, I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings; this just doesn’t happen in other countries.”

For those living under a rock, the city of Paris itself was just hit with a series of simultaneous terrorist attacks. The majority of 130 deaths were in mass shooting attacks, where the ISIS-affiliated terrorists attacked public places with automatic rifles. Nearly one hundred people alone were killed in just one mass shooting at the Bataclan theater.

Never mind that beside the 130 deaths just suffered by France:

Earlier this year, Paris was also the victim of a terrorist attack targeting the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists wielded assault rifles, killing 11 innocent people.

Then there were a couple of other events that seem to have escaped Obama’s mind:

ISIS shoots 200 Syrian children to death.

ISIS shoots 50 men, women, children.

Anders Breivik shoots 77 dead in Norway.

Gunmen kill 21 in Mali.

There are nine more examples here.

French reporters, utterly incredulous at Obama’s bald stupidity, got it right:

“He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”

Yes, he is. What does it take for the left to catch on?

I once wrote that you are an idiot to believe anything Obama says.  It’s never been more true.

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They are way across the big pond, I can see why it took the French this long to figure out.

@kitt: The more I see of Trump the more I dislike him. It’s personal
What say you? Can you imagine this guy as POTUS?

@Rich Wheeler:

We know he’s living rent free in your head Rich, but this post has nothing to do with Trump. Trying to change the subject is a typical trolling move. Why don’t you try addressing the flippin’ subject instead of “pulling a Greg?”

@Rich Wheeler:
If Trump was half the asshole you are Rich, he would still be better than the current Jerk in chief.

I know Obama supporters who have completely forgotten that Obama would NOT have drawn large crowds before he was elected (as president the 1st time) had he not given FREE CONCERTS with top draws.
The Decemberists never gave a free concert before they did for Obama (who paid them) …… 75,000 people wanted to see them.
German band Raemonn (and a few others, too) also never gave a free concert other than for Obama (who paid them).
Arcade Fire and Bruce Springsteen also sang free for fans while Obama paid the bill.
But if you read the NYTimes, you’d never know there were free music stars drawing those crowds….. you’d think Obama was ”charismatic,” or something.

No wonder the French had no idea what a jerk Obama is.
But, exposed to the real guy when he had a chance to act like a warm, caring human being and, instead, acting like a doper with a one-track mind caused the scales to fall from the eyes of the French.

@OpenTheDoor:and Ditto Trump will never be elected POTUS. The American people are too good for that. The fringe radical right like you two will never grow beyond a loud mouthed minority.
Rubio or Cruz will get the nom and save the Repub. Party from this self centered ,bombastic hate monger–bank on it..

@Rich Wheeler: The American people were stupid enough to elect obama… twice! So I wouldn’t underestimate their foolishness.

@Rich Wheeler:
Mr. Trump is not my choice, he has his followers, I think he is playing the media like a fiddle it is totally amusing to watch. But there is drama and undercurrents going on in the RNC they are in such a WTF is this condition.

“I mean, I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings; this just doesn’t happen in other countries.”

In Obama’s defense, I think what he meant was, in other countries, the leaders do not use the deaths of their citizens as political game pieces.

My initial evaluation of Obama, after consideration, was that he was an empty suit. I was not completely accurate. He is a suit filled with nothing but stupidity.

414 days 15 hours til Nobama time I want all citizens to behave so he has no reason to declare marshal law and “delay” the elections. The French Media seem to be much more intelligent than our media. I guess its always the last 414 days that seem the longest.

@kitt: Keep in mind that, currently, those causing the civil unrest are beyond reason… yours or anyone else’s. They are paid and under the control of the left.

Also, Obama needs no sound provocation to do whatever he wants to do. Whatever happens will be ideological agenda-driven.

Pew Research is considered to be the Gold Standard among pollsters
In their last global poll in the Spring of 2015 Obama’s approval rating was 83%
This is typical of the numbers France has given him over the last 6 years and much much higher than they gave to Bush
Maybe France was pissed over the right wing demanding French fries renamed “freedom fries”?
Dr J your world view is blocked by the Fox News bubble

@John: This assh*le comment was made by a reporter, dearie did they only poll reporters? Your research is Pepe la pew.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, I hear what your saying and personally I hope there is a better choice and expect this to happen. Having said that though, give Trump v Hilldabeast I would have to pick Trump. We know Hilldabeosts resume is a failure and will continue to be exposed.

@Common Sense: I tell you Common Sense the ONLY thing that would get me to vote for HRC would be a Trump nom. There are many Dems that feel as I do. .Wish you all a great California Christmas.

@Rich Wheeler: Are you saying you would not vote? If no which rep would you vote for against Ms Clinton?

@John: I can’t help but notice you didn’t bother to attach the poll. I can only speculate as to why.

@kitt: I would vote for Rubio or Kasich over HRC.. Otherwise I’ll look at 3rd Party alternatives.

“With respect to Planned Parenthood, obviously, my heart goes out to the families of those impacted,” Obama said in response to a reporter’s question. “I mean, I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings; this just doesn’t happen in other countries.”

I think Obama’s point might be that what is exceedingly rare in other Western nations has become totally routine in the United States.

If anyone disputes that observation, I suggest they turn on their television, switch to any cable news channel and take note of what is going on in San Bernardino, California at this very moment. The shootings are coming so frequently that it’s getting hard to keep track of them. It’s not an anomaly here. It’s becoming the norm.

@Rich Wheeler: As much as I dislike Trump I doubt he would bad mouth our country the way President Obama has. You’ve offered a lot of opinions in this thread but not any on the subject of the original post. What are your thoughts on the president’s comments?

@Greg: 3 shooters in armor shooting up a center for mentally disabled children. Gee, what does THAT sound like?

Get the spin machine ready.

@Rich Wheeler: Right back at ya Rich. I appreciate the fact that we can discuss our opinions, although different at times, we maintain acceptable decorum. Best Christmas wishes to you and yours as well.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in world,” Obama told CBS’ Norah O’Donnell in an interview.
Fuck off.

@Brother Bob: The President making that comment while in Paris–foolish.
I do agree with Fox’s Shep Smith that the comment is correct. Today just another example.

@PhillipMarlowe: They dont have to deal with his pen and phone do they?

@Nanny G:

Arcade Fire and Bruce Springsteen also sang free for fans while Obama paid the bill.
But if you read the NYTimes, you’d never know there were free music stars drawing those crowds….. you’d think Obama was ”charismatic,” or something.

Don’t forget all those astro-turfed fainters — pathetic dam low info voters!

@PhillipMarlowe: Thank you. Since liberals lie so consistently and without remorse, it should be a requirment for them to substantiate anything they say. I am happy to see a glowing popularity report of Obama from people that only listen to his “Hopie-Changie” words and don’t have to endure his actions.

Notice here, he is personally popular, but NONE of his policies or his performance on specific issues are viewed favorably. Charisma doesn’t pay the bills, Marlow.

But, I guess if he is a popular guy with Europeans (Bush is viewed more favorably than Obama among Muslims), I guess I should enjoy that and happily watch my country go down the tubes?

Thank you. Since liberals lie so consistently and without remorse, it should be a requirment for them to substantiate anything they say.

Like most propaganda memes, that one is patently ludicrous when so plainly stated—at least to anyone who hasn’t been fully indoctrinated.

Perhaps you might want to apply your requirement for substantiating evidence to the right’s claims about Benghazi, Clinton’s emails, Obama’s citizenship, the evils of unions, the benefits of high-end tax cuts, etc.

@Greg: Not only would I be glad to, but I do. And, when I don’t, feel more than free and welcome to request it.

However, based on your ongoing clinging to the video excuse for Benghazi, refusing to admit that there are now 999 Hillary emails containing classified information (that would be 999 MORE than she claimed) and how wonderful the economy and Obamacare is working, you would have to promise to actually READ the information.

By the way, I have never addressed Obama’s citizenship. As a haggish old fop once stated, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” The damage is done. It was not electing a Kenyan (not that I say he is) that caused all the damage; electing Obama himself was the disaster. He could have been George Washington’s kin… he would STILL be a disaster.

I don’t know why people keep criticizing the Obama’s job performance, when we’ve got a republican-majority Congress that hasn’t done anything even remotely useful for nearly a year. The only noticeable development has been Paul Ryan’s beard.

@Greg: That’s where your wrong again Greggie, Republicans have slowed down the methodical destruction of our nation by Obola, Slimy Harry, and Piglosi!!

@Greg: Give us time dearie we got rid of the useless house head now the corupt senate majority head must roll.


I don’t know why people keep criticizing the Obama’s job performance,

I think it’s because, even with a Democrat controlled House and Senate, he is a total, complete, thorough, utter failure. He has succeeded at nothing but to create the most social tension since the Civil Rights era and degrade the US standing all around the world.

That could be why.

@Common Sense, #35:

I don’t define subversion and sabotage of all efforts by the Executive branch as constructive activity any more than I define political opportunism as patriotism or propaganda as news.

@Greg: people, obammi included, seem to have forgotten that it’s the legislative branch’s job to set policy. the executive is there solely to implement it. by definition, only the executive can be obstructionist.

@Greg: Its a Wisconsin thing to grow the beard during deer hunting season. Keeps the face warmer, the ice melts off it at the local tavern where you register your kill.
The french reporters are correct.

@Greg: You didn’t say that when Slimy Harry and Piglosi did the same to Bush. My view is as stated, they are attempting to limit the destructive damage this failed president has brought upon our nation. They have passed legislation but of course he has vetoed it. I would ask you to prove your position but when you can’t even acknowledge the fact that Obola lied to America when he even admitted it there’s nothing to discuss. Obola said Al Qaeda was on their heels a lie, ISIS was contained a lie, ISIS was a JV team of farmers and teachers a lie, and of course the climate change lie is totally amazing. Republicans are doing exactly what I and the majority of Americans sent them to do when they removed Piglosi and the House in historic fashion and then the Senate. Obola has done less than zero to work with congress. Sorry Greggie but your on the wrong side again!!

@kitt: If the French lefties are as impressionable as the US lefties are, then that is what they will think!

@Greg: How do you describe using the IRS as a political weapon, running guns to Mexican drug cartels, lying to the American people about terror attacks, enacting laws by royal decree that have already been voted down by Congress and blocking the enforcement of laws already passed?

There is good reason to oppose what this President does and wants to do. The only problem is there is far too little opposition.

@Bill: Good question Bill but you have to remember this is Greggie. My guess is he will take his usual path and completely change the subject to something he can blame the Republicans or Bush for or just blame Bush for the Democrats failures!! He is sadly very predictable and sadly a liar just like Obola!!

@Bill: Liberals have no monopoly on lying. Look at The Center fFor Medical Progress or the work of James O’Keefe.

@Jim S: Legislature set policy?
Didn’t happened with Nixon or Reagan, two nonliteral/non-Democratic presidents.
They proposed and set policy.
But it was a Democrat who set Army policy on desegregation.

@PhillipMarlowe: So… both sides are guilty…. surprise.
But it was democrats who segregated the army in the first place… if that has anything to do with the topic at hand.


:Liberals have no monopoly on lying. Look at The Center fFor Medical Progress or the work of James O’Keefe.

What were the lies? However, liberals sure have a monopoly on using the federal government as a weapon against their political foes, don’t they?

Liberals lie more than they tell the truth.