There’re commonly referred to as DABDA: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Originally they were developed to describe the phases of terminal illness but have evolved to describe any personal catastrophic event.
Like Obamacare.
Barack Obama’s journey is complete.
“What I Said Was You Can Keep Your Health Care Plan ‘If It Hasn’t Changed Since the Law Was Passed'” still brandishes the lie.
2. Anger
“Don’t blame me! Blame the insurance companies!”
3. Bargaining
‘Nobody is more frustrated than I am’
4. Depression
Obama crashes to 39% approval- lower than Bush’s approval rating at the same time in his Presidency.
5. Acceptance
“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.”
The admission he is a liar is a healthy thing for Obama but it is not enough to ensure his rehabilitation. He ought to take time off and re-evaluate his priorities and his life in general.
As Nixon did.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Obama does not value truth.
He values Islam (with its taqiyya and kitman) over Christianity (with its truth, way and life).
When Chicago Sun-Times columnist Cathleen Falsani interviewed Obama in 2004 he made a huge admission:
So, for Obama, his good vs evil isn’t truth vs lie, it is mere publicity vs accomplishing personal motives!
No forgiveness, no sin, no humility.
Just ”me, myself and I.”
Oh, and all of what Obama said in answer to her question aligns perfectly with Islam’s taqiyya and kitman.
Sebelius admits Navigators may be felons
Cartoon by Branco
Obama said he had been ‘as clear as he could be’, which only tells me he is incapable of telling the truth.
“As Nixon did.”
Bada BING!!!
Only difference is Nixon actually liked his country.
Ten lessons.
What the good Dr. John said in spades! Time for Oabama to burnish up his golf & body surfing in Hawaii.
So funny to see wingnuts post this kind of crap about Obama when Bush killed hundreds of thousands on a lie and crushed our economy severely.
obama’s moral compass is not that the needle is broken, but that it never had one.
He ought to take time off and re-evaluate his priorities and his life in general.
The only re-evaluating he does is to try and figure out why a plan didn’t work, and how to change it so that it will. The objective is still the same. That will never change. Keep in mind that obama is just the front man. The marionette that the puppeteers control. We keep giving the marionette too much credit.
@This one:
Actually, it is a lie only when the statement is deliberate. Bush didn’t lie. They actually found WMD. We have documented that here many times. It is the left who continues to say Bush lied.
Obama knew he was lying and continued to lie. People continue to die as a result of Obama lies about the SOF agreement in Iraq, the Benghazi deaths and many other issues. I do believe he does not know the difference between the truth and a lie he has been lying about his past in the book he didn’t write, his relationships with known terrorists as well as most every time he opens his mouth. The POST 9-11 GI Bill was initiated by veteran organizations, not Obama. He proposed that returning wounded veterans be treated by their own health insurance instead of the VA.
So “that one”, you continue to show your ignorance of the truth. Isn’t that a lie?
Which is in itself a lie — the whole left’s line of crap is a lie — the demo-commie-cRAT party is a dammed lie.