As Christianity Dies In The West, The West Itself Dies…
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” Since that quote was first published in 2017 by …
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” Since that quote was first published in 2017 by …
In 2008 when Barack Obama was elected president, much of America – including millions of white people – thought the election of a black man to the presidency would prove …
There has been much commentary about the events in France over the last week. One of the major causes for the motivation behind the home grown terrorists who struck the …
Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes. Our favorite movies say a lot about us… although I’m not exactly sure what. My top five (in no particular order) are …
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where at some point you stop and ask yourself “how the hell did I end up here?” I have, and like a …
Religions are largely kept together by the faith of the followers as opposed to proof. Whether it’s Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any other religion, it’s not science or empirical evidence …
The country is certainly a different place than it was when Andy Griffith was keeping the streets of Mayberry safe from pick pockets or settling disputes between feuding clans. It’s also a different place from the one Ronald Reagan inherited in 1981. While Americans may no longer be tethered to a telephone hanging on the wall or stuck getting their news or entertainment from a newspaper or television, those new freedoms and choices pale in comparison to the freedoms and choices lost in terms of their own economic opportunities.
Liberals perceive tax cuts as giving something to the rich. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Tax cuts allow the rich and poor alike to keep more of the money they earned rather than give it to nameless, faceless and largely unaccountable bureaucrats to distribute.
One of the easiest ways to recognize a liberal is their refusal to accept that the universe is dynamic rather than static. The most obvious example of this is their perpetual inability (or unwillingness) to grasp the notion that increasing taxes and growing regulations impact taxpayer behavior. This can be seen in on a number of levels. On the state level it can be seen by companies and wage earners fleeing high tax locales for those with low taxes or no income taxes. Rush Limbaugh famously left New York two years ago for the zero income tax comfort of sunny Florida.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, …