A tale of two cities [Reader Post]

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

2008 could yet prove to the 1917 of America. Barack Obama promised us that he would “fundamentally transform” the United States of America. America is a Democratic Republic and Obama promised change.

Vladimir Lenin promised “Peace, Land, Bread.”

Peace meant ending the war. Land meant spreading it around and bread meant feeding all.

Sound familiar?

Obama’s vision for the United States can be seen with crystal clarity in two cities in this country- Detroit and San Francisco. Both cities have been ruled by Democrats for decades and cannot point the finger of blame at anyone else.


Detroit has a budget of $1.6 billion and is facing a deficit of about $450 million. Unemployment in Detroit is 15%.

Real estate prices are collapsing.

Some enjoy unemployment benefits so much that they refuse work.

Rich Lowry shed some light on Detroit’s path to destruction:

Public-sector unions protect the dismal status quo. Detroit high schools graduate just a third of their students, according to an estimate by Michigan State University. But when a philanthropist offered to spend $200 million to create 15 new charter high schools, teachers staged a walk-out. Mayor Kilpatrick spurned the offer. These failing schools throw kids with no skills into a struggling economy in an environment characterized by social breakdown.

Things are so bad that Mayor Dave Bing has proposed bulldozing 24% of the city.

The city does top one list- it is the #1 most liberal city in the United States.

San Francisco

In school we were given an light-hearted definition of mental disorders. They told us that neurotics see cities in the clouds and that pychotics live in those houses. San Francisco is a city of the clouds.

An article in SF Weekly shows that San Francisco’s fate is beyond astonishing. It’s positively terrifying.

If one was normal, that is.

Let us first sample the society.


Steven, who asked us not to use his full name, is 20 and homeless. He grew up in Stockton, became a welder after high school, then decided he “didn’t want the hassle” of staying put for a wage job. His fingernails play host to an ungodly amount of dirt, but his tight blonde curls, pretty golden eyes (“they look like a lion’s!” says one friend in amazement) and mellow, generous demeanor make him a popular hub among his homeless peers.


Sitting against a mural on a wall where Haight meets Clayton, I watch Piss, an outgoing, gangly guy in his early 20s with a curly blonde mohawk in a growing-out stage. I ask him where he got his unusual moniker. “I like to get drunk and piss on things,” he says.

Well. Originally from Billings, Mont., Piss has been traveling since his mid-teens. “Let’s just say me and my family don’t get along,” he tells me.

His answers to my questions about why he’s on the streets follow a path I see with many of the younger homeless youth: they insist that the lure of the open road was too hard to ignore, but eventually reveal that their parents kicked them out or were unable to care for them at a young age. Many, like Juju, another small-time weed dealer I met, bounced from family member to family member until frictions with them and their significant others left no recourse but the street.

And these people vote.

Now back to the future:

“Infinite” is not a word you expect to find in a report on municipal spending. It’s more of a science fiction–type term — Tremble, Earthling, before the infinite might of Galaxor! But there it was, in a recent report on San Francisco’s finances: Spending on the city’s employee retirement system in the past decade had grown at an “infinite” rate.

Naturally, that’s an exaggeration. If you do the math, the city’s retirement costs for employees in the past 10 years actually grew only 66,733 percent.

To infinity- and beyond!

In fiscal year 1999-2000, the city spent about $300,000 on its retirement system. In fiscal year 2009-10, it was $200.5 million. Benefits alone — not salaries, just benefits — for current and retired employees this year are budgeted at $993 million. Spending on retirees’ health care and pensions is conservatively projected to triple within five years.

And after that? Infinite.

And that’s the good news.

But that’s not the worst of it. There’s an even bigger financial apocalypse right behind this one. By 2015, the city’s pension contribution will swell to at least half a billion dollars — as a best-case scenario. Meanwhile, the city has a $4 billion unfunded health care liability looming that it hasn’t saved any money for.

The bloom is off the rosy scenario.

Even a 15 percent investment return won’t keep the city’s pension contribution from leaping to more than half a billion dollars yearly — and fast.

Health care is going to make us sick.

But health care is where things are really ugly. San Francisco’s overall costs jumped by 147 percent over the past decade, and are expected to continue skyrocketing. That’s about how it went in many cities. But not every city had the obscenely generous policy of awarding lifetime health coverage to any worker with a scant five years on the job. That munificence bit San Francisco on the bottom line — and led to the looming $4 billion shortfall no one has figured out how to address. The city’s $993 million spent on benefits this year does not include a single dollar toward that $4 billion gap between the projected costs of health care for future retirees and their families, and the money on hand to pay for it.

These are merely two of the more egregious examples of Liberals Gone Wild. These are the canaries in the mine and they’re dead. There are lots more of these cities. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find a solvent, responsibly run city controlled by Democrats in the entire country.

If you closed your eyes, you might find one.

In the clouds.

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Well, by 2012 everything is to be destroyed any way, because of the Mayan Calender stopping, so might as well party like it is 22,000 B.C. and not CE, ever.

Heltau: hi, There where not partying in those B.C. years, because they where in
JURASSIC PARK living in fear of what was lurking behind those giant leaves;
It seems like the DEMS never got out of that way of thinking. bye

The Halloween Party That Destroyed America’s Currency
By Jeff Clark
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“So, we’re in agreement?” asks the Mad Hatter as he stands in the center of the Oval Office. All the costumed figures in attendance nod.

“Great. Get in here, then.” The Mad Hatter ushers them all into a huddle. Everyone puts their right hands in.

“OK, let’s hear it. QE2, on three. One… two… three… ”

“Q! E! 2!”

The shout rattles the windows of the Oval Office and startles the guests out in the waiting room. They’re bobbing for apples and complimenting the Queen of Hearts on how lovely she looks.

“Let’s get back to the party,” laughs the Mad Hatter. All the costumed figures leave smiling and snickering with a degree of confidence lacking at the meeting’s start two hours earlier…

Two hours earlier…

“This can’t be happening.” The Mad Hatter slammed his fist down on the desk and pointed a trembling finger toward the clown hiding behind the flag in the corner. “This is all your fault,” yelled the Hatter. “You had this problem before I even got here.”

The clown shrugged his shoulders, honked his nose, and squirted water from the small American flag pinned to his lapel.

“Come on people,” the Mad Hatter turned to address the rest of the room. “The election is in three weeks. We need to get the American people on board with us or we’re all screwed. Any ideas?”

The donkey in the middle of the room raised his hoof.

“Whatcha got, Harry?” asked the Hatter. “It’s the first idea you’ve had since you were elected to the Senate 26 years ago. So make it good.”

“Sorry, sir,” said the donkey. “I just need to go to the bathroom.” He trotted out the door and never returned.

“I have an idea,” blurted a round-faced, mustached gentleman dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. “Let’s do the helicopter drop thing again. This time, though, instead of dropping all the money on Wall Street, we can fly over other parts of the country so the money actually makes its way into the economy.”

The room erupted in laughter.

“Ben,” said the Mad Hatter, “you’re a moron. We’re not in Kansas anymore. The whole idea is to get money into the pockets of the bankers. This foreclosure crisis is about to blow sky-high. If we don’t find a way to bail them out soon, they’ll never be able to finance our campaigns. We’ll be booted out of office. We’ll be stuck standing in line for food stamps like everybody else. Now, get with the program or I’ll get rid of you… and your little dog, too.”

Toto lifted his head and growled. But what could a little puppy do? He mumbled something about a strong dollar policy and then laid his head back down on Dorothy’s lap.

“How many times do I have to tell you the same thing?” The Grim Reaper rose from the couch and waved his scythe at the crowd. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

“It seems to me,” he continued, “there’s only one group the American people distrust more than the bankers.”

“That may be true,” interrupted a short, frumpy figure dressed as a scarecrow. “But how are we going to pin this on the Republicans? They’re not even in power anymore.”

“I’m not talking about the Republicans, Hillary,” the Grim Reaper replied. “I’m talking about the Chinese.”

“Ahh,” the crowd sighed, recognizing the brilliance of the idea.

“They’re currency manipulators!” barked Toto.

“That’s right!” yelled the scarecrow. “And they dump their products onto our markets.”

“That’s right!” repeated a figure wearing a Dick Cheney mask. “And they dump their products onto our markets.”

“For crying out loud, Joe,” the Mad Hatter grumped. “Hillary just said that.”

“Sorry, sir,” Joe replied. “Force of habit.”

“Rahm is right,” said the Mad Hatter. “We can say all our problems are caused by China manipulating its currency. We’ll tell them the only way to combat that threat and avoid another Great Depression is through another quantitative easing program. We’ll give the new money to Fannie and Freddie. They’ll buy up all the questionable mortgage-backed securities investors are threatening to force back on the banks. The banks will be off the hook. We’ll get our campaign contributions. And we’ll kick the ticking time bomb down the road another generation or two.”

“Do you really think the American taxpayer will go for it?” asked Dorothy.

“Sure,” replied the Hatter. “We’ll just label the Chinese currency peg a ‘financial weapon of mass destruction.’ The taxpayer will let us do anything we want to after that. Right?”

The clown behind the flag shrugged his shoulders, honked his nose, and squirted water from the small American flag pinned to his lapel.

“Alrighty then,” continued the Mad Hatter. “It’s Q-E-2 on three. Ready? One… two…”

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark
The is from The Growth Stock Wire, an investing newsletter.

Randy; funny and not finish story;!!!!!AND THAN, THEY HEARD A terrifying noise,
ALL where scare, and said to each other, CAN you tell me what it is?
RAISING their voices, SHAKING the HOUSE and all humans in it hiding in their travestis:
THE CONSERVATIVES said; YOU ALL go and ask forgiveness to the people of this land, and
never come back in this HOUSE, WE are going to restore the house in a happy place,
SO the people will be FREE and able to create WEALTH, to find work for those YOU deprived of
having their mind to think for themself and their love ones.

The sad part is that I can see all these people sitting around a meeting table talking about how they can keep their jobs and still look successful in 2 years time.

San Francisco median family income $86,822
Dallas median Familiy Income $43,408