Say What? May 22, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Obama Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “The goal of Romney economics has always been about wealth creation, but job creation. It’s wealth creation for a handful of investors like Mitt Romney, not about the creation of jobs for everybody else.”

Chris Wallace: “Mr. Goolsby, can you name a single CEO who does not see their job as creating wealth for their investors rather than creating jobs?” [quoted from memory]

Austin Goolsbey, an Obama adviser: “Uh, I don’t know the answer to that.”

Say What? January 31, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

President Obama: “I hear folks running around calling this class warfare, this is not class warfare—let me tell you something: asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary, that’s just common sense.”

Joe Biden to Nancy Pelosi: “There’s not a single, solitary thing on our agenda that would have gotten done without your leadership.  Those decisions you made, the risk you took, the losses we incurred, really did save this country.”

Say What? January 22, 2012 [Reader Post]

Jay Carney: “The President…spends a relatively small amount of time campaigning.”

Senate majority leader Harry Reid: “In spite of the conservative obstructionism, we’ve been able to get a lot of good things done. [According to congressional scholar Norman] Ornstein said it was the most productive Congress in the last 75 years.”

Say What? December 12, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

First lady Michelle Obama to her husband: “You had BBQ?  You didn’t tell me you had BBQ.”

President Obama: “Too many children can no longer expect to join the middle class, the president said, no matter if they work hard and play by the rules.”  It is difficult to determine if these are his exact words.  They are attributed to him, but without quotes.  However, what this means is, what he has done so far for Americans has not worked.