The NRA does not glorify gun violence. Hollywood does. Will democrats swear off Hollywood cash?

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As you know, CNN has a tendency to fake the news. It held a debate in which the Clinton campaign was fed questions ahead of time. Here’s a list of their fake news for 2017 alone. Yesterday CNN held a “town hall” in which it propped up Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch to be used as leftist cannon fodder.

Wednesday’s CNN town hall to promote gun control and gun grabbing was off the rails from the start. So-called moderator Jake Tapper sat back as the wild crowd targeted Republican Senator Marco Rubio (Fla.) with boos and jeers for basically just being there. The wildest moment allowed by Tapper was when Parkland, Florida student Cameron Kasky smeared the Senator by equating him to the shooter that killed 17 of his classmates. And Tapper thanked him for all of it.

I’m sorry, I know I’m not supposed to do this, but I’m not going to listen to that. Senator Rubio, it’s hard to look at you and not look down the barrel on an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz, but the point is: You’re here and there are some people who are not,” Kasky spat.

After Rubio answered his question, Kasky began to browbeat him for the money the NRA donated to his campaign, basically insinuating he was being bribed. “And this is about people who are for making a difference to save us and people who are against it and prefer money. So Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA in the future,” he demanded as the crowd went crazy.

This was highly disrespectful and Tapper let it go on. And it turns out that the whole thing, “unexpectedly”, was scripted:

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN to ask a question at Wednesday night’s town hall but decided not to after the network gave him a “scripted question,” quashing one he wrote himself. Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC shielded students while the school was under attack from the shooter, said he was going to ask about using veterans as armed security guards.

“CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being all scripted,” Haab told WPLG-TV.

Demonizing the NRA is pure crap. The NRA is the only entity thwarting the wholesale confiscation of firearms in this country. Moreover. the NRA has a premium on safety. There are strong recommendations for gun safety and children.

I can tell you who doesn’t give a rip about gun safety.


In the box office hit Black Panther there are 163 shootings.

Black Panther set box office records on its way to becoming “a watershed in cultural history of African Americans,” wrote The Miami Herald’s Leonard Pitts Jr. Yet, the movie was typical Hollywood – filled with violence, including 163 shootings, while Marvel stars call for gun control.

Lupita Nyong’o, who played Black Panther’s love interest Nakia, advocated for gun control in the wake of the Orlando shooting. The actress posted a long message on Instagram, saying “most importantly, we simply need to put down the guns!” Other Marvel Avengers have weighed in as well. Captain America’s Chris Evans has called for “common sense gun reform.” And the Hulk, played by Mark Ruffalo, has criticized conservatives for giving thoughts and prayers, and not actively pushing gun reform.

Hollywood producers whine about guns but fill the eyes of the vulnerable young with glorified gun violence:

The Media Research Center analyzed the top five movies in theaters the week before Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured hundreds more in a shooting spree on a country music festival. They found that the movies were riddled with violence and that the three out of five movies researched featured automatic weapons.

Kingsmen: Golden Circle, American Assassin, Mother, IT, and The Lego Ninjago Movie all featured violence, but the MRC removed The Lego Movie from their final tally because its violence was animated.

From the four remaining movies, MRC counted 589 incidents of violence, including 212 incidents of gun violence. The body count total reached at least 192 people. They also counted 108 times characters in the movies used automatic weapons.

Rather than looking inward after Paddock shot up the Vegas Strip, Hollywood’s elite decided to attack the National Rifle Association.

Have you seen either John Wick movie? Natural Born Killers? Django?

Rambo (2008)?

Gun violence in movies has tripled since 1985, says…..CNN

For the study, published this week in the scientific journal Pediatrics, researchers analyzed the 30 top-grossing films every year from 1950 to 2012. They identified violent sequences in each movie and noted whether the scenes included a character carrying a gun with the intention of harming or killing a living target.

Since 1950, violence in films has more than doubled, the study authors concluded. Perhaps more surprising is that gun violence in PG-13 films has tripled since 1985, even exceeding the amount found in R-rated films in more recent years.

“Parents need to realize that just because a movie has been rated PG-13 does not mean that their 13-year-old should go to see it,” study author Daniel Romer said. “We would like to see Hollywood go back to labeling movies with lots of violence, and gun violence in particular, with an R rating, just like they have been doing for explicit sex all along.”

Yeah, the same CNN which scripted the town hall.


Hollywood is absolutely full of it:

Has the Harvey Weinstein influence taken effect? Some background: in 2014, the studio head behind such fare as Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs condemned gratuitous use of violence in movies and said he would avoid making those types of films in future. Though that won’t stop his company from releasing a new Tarantino flick this December, in The Hateful Eight, which is sure to have its fair share of gun battles; nor does it account for the lack of gun massacre movies pre-2014.

The NRA is #92 on the list of donating to politicians and while most goes to Republicans, 17% goes to democrats.

92 National Rifle Assn $22,911,605 $20,388,989 $2,522,616 $3,844,292 $19,048,065 17% 83%


On the other hand, Hollywood, which glorifes gun violence, fills the pockets of liberal politicians. Does all that gun violence have an effect on children? Some argue yes:

MONDAY, Sept. 25, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Kids who see gun violence in movies are more likely to play with and fire a gun if they have access to one, a new study finds.

“We know from past research that kids who see movie characters smoke cigarettes are more likely to smoke them themselves, and kids who see movie characters drink alcohol are more likely to drink alcohol themselves,” said lead researcher Brad Bushman.

Yet, “we know little about what happens when kids see movie characters with guns,” said Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University.

Gun violence has more than doubled in PG-rated movies since the rating was introduced in 1985, Bushman said.

In this study, kids who saw a film clip with characters using guns held a test gun longer and were more likely to pull the trigger than kids who saw the same movie without the guns, Bushman said.

During the test, “One kid pointed the gun at his friend’s temple and pulled the trigger,” he said. “Another kid aimed the gun out of the window at passersby in the street and was pulling the trigger.”

The children had no way of knowing the gun had been altered and wasn’t loaded, Bushman said.

The NRA promotes safety and responsibility. Hollywood promotes and thrives on gun violence and death. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a non-scripted town hall with an all pro-2A audience in which democrat politicians are asked to swear off donations from Hollywood?

What say you, Jake Tapper?


CNN’s long history of allowing Democratic town-hall plants

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Harvey Wienstien bragged about his movie he was making was going to totaly destroy the NRA until his his turkeys came home to roost and his dirty little secrets went public and i see where a texas school district said any students who leaves class to take part in a anti gun protest will be suspended a school not run by snowflakes

“We always get outspent by the N.R.A. because there just isn’tany money to be made by passing gun controls,” said Jake Tapper, a spokesman for Handgun Control Inc., the nation’s leading advocate of tougher firearms laws.

Will CNN swear off gun control advocate hosts ?

How about we line up some liberal law makers and ask them how much taxpayer money Planned Parenthood gave them and ask them what they are going to do about the tens of thousands of abortions each year, the sale of baby body parts or the opposition to moderate regulation that would prevent demons like Gosnell or Karpin from killing full term, viable babies? Oh, that’s right… that’s a “privacy” issue… “choice”. Yet there there is no “shall not be infringed” related to infanticide.

Like every other liberal agenda issue, they have to lie, orchestrate and mislead in order to have any issue at all.

Hollywood movies are widely distributed internationally; many popular foreign films are every bit as violent as American films or even more so; popular video games having high levels of violence are distributed internationally with foreign language soundtracks, and many popular, violent video games are created and distributed by overseas game producers. Given that we watch the same sort of movies and play the same sort of video games, how can they account for the fact that the U.S. gun death rate is 25.2 times higher than the world’s other high-income nations?

The most obvious difference is the number of guns per capita. The United States topped the list as of 2007, and the total number of firearms in the U.S. has grown enormously since then.

Violent movies and games likely do influence the behavior of some unstable and impressionable consumers, but suggesting they’re the root cause of our troubles is a diversion from constructive discussion and an effort to shift blame.

It can also shift and weaken the focus of the firearms discussion by implying that media abuse of First Amendment free speech rights are part of the problem. They’re not. Nor does support of Planned Parenthood have a thing to do with any of this.

Gotta love it. Just when you think the left can’t stoop any lower or borrow tactics from Vlad, Joe, and Adolf here they go. Trot out and take advantage of a bunch of traumatized high school kids to push their left wing agenda. Since normal thinking adults aren’t swayed by their agenda, exploit the impressionable and vulnerable high schools kids. Kind of reminiscent of Hitler’s Youth and the Young Communists. The left proves with each passing day they are lower than whale shit and that’s at the bottom of the ocean.

@another vet, #5:

Articulate young people telling complacent, ineffectual politicians that they’ve had it with being terrorized and murdered in their schools is a message they’d better listen to. These are the people who will be voting to throw them out on their butts in a couple of years.

@Greg: Funny, they don’t feature any articulate young adults that express support for the 2nd Amendment, though they have appeared elsewhere. I guess they just forgot, huh?

Articulate young people telling complacent, ineffectual politicians that they’ve had it with being terrorized and murdered in their schools is a message they’d better listen to.

Who go home, play violent video games and listen to rappers glorify killing cops, pimping young girls and slapping bitches. Leftist purveyors of filth and violence not only will not admit their part it the culture that PRODUCES the mind that thinks killing innocent people is a way to “make a point” but they would rather blame the NRA (that promotes safety and self defense) than try to educate impressionable youth that what they sell is fantasy and not good for society.

No, the left would rather point fingers everywhere but where they should be pointed… right back at themselves.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #7:

Refer to post #4. Are Americans uniquely so impressionable, unbalanced, and simple minded that fictional violence drives them to murder? If not, some other factor must be responsible for a gun violence rate that’s 25.2 times higher than other high-income nations.

@Greg: #8 they could be, 101 dalmations is released and quickly dalmation puppies become very popular. Television and movies do leave impressions if you are ignorant of facts there are entire conventions for Star Trek, Starwars, even Little shop of Horrors. Used to raise money for war bonds, and propaganda, against marajuana, fossil fuels ect…
The nightly propaganda on cable news has the same effect, CBS let people watch DTs SOTU address and 70 % liked it, just 1 or 2 days later after they bashed it numbers changed.
The numbers are changing on the tax cuts other things as well.

@Greg: The US has unique liberties. Some want to maintain and sustain those liberties while the left wants to take them away.

You will ignore every factor in these tragedies but one, which is why when liberals are involved, the solution is never found. The solution is not your agenda; the solution is the culture, which is poisoned by violence and permissiveness and where discipline and faith is denigrated. Though Cruz is but a liberal chicken come home to roost, he could have still been stopped, but the government everyone is supposed to be so totally dependent upon was asleep at the switch, which means having the means to self defense is even MORE vital.

Why not ban Uber? They drove him there. Ban duffel bags; that’s how he got his weapon into the school. All that makes as much sense as banning the weapon.

@DrJohn: I can hear their parents; “You lied real good tonight, honey. Here, have some of Mom’s pot.”


@Greg: #8 they could be, 101 dalmations is released and quickly dalmation puppies become very popular.

I can remember all the newborn babies named “Kizzy” and “Kunta” after “Roots” came out. Hair and clothing styles are dictated (for some) by what entertainers wear. The same goes for drug and alcohol use; if entertainers would denounce that and put forth more of a positive image, the job of police would be made much easier.

The same goes with sex and sexual abuse. Hollywood and the music industry all but promote promiscuity and abuse, then wonder why it has become more pervasive. They all promote and employ all the vices they, when the publicity goes bad, pretend to object to… including violence.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #11:

The US has unique liberties. Some want to maintain and sustain those liberties while the left wants to take them away.

Not everyone is sufficiently responsible to be allowed to carry around a means of quickly and easily bringing about other people’s deaths.

Yes, I would deprive such people of their powerful tool for bringing an end to other’s lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. If that makes the process for responsible people to acquire a firearm a bit more inconvenient or lengthy, so be it. The Constitution guarantees instant gratification to no one.

@Greg: Good thing you are not in charge of everyones rights or the granting thereof, cause you have no respect or reverence for the highest law in the land. It isnt about your feelings. As there are more guns in private ownership than population seems the responsible ones should keep their guns and not let feelings over ride RIGHT.
Feelings got the kids dead, more than person had feelings he wasnt a danger despite his long history of trying to prove them wrong.


Not everyone is sufficiently responsible to be allowed to carry around a means of quickly and easily bringing about other people’s deaths.

Not everyone ISN’T, either. In fact, the VAST majority are responsible and provide a clear defense against criminal violence. Yet the left’s ONE AND ONLY response and “solution” is to bring down more laws, restrictions and regulation upon only those who have done nothing wrong because, as anyone with an IQ that registers on a scale cans see, criminals do not respect laws.

While those like you demand and expect MORE government control over you lives, this tragedy happened because GOVERNMENT failed to protect the public. The local government failed to identify a mental threat and, if they weren’t going to treat it, document it. The schools failed to identify a violent threat against the students of three schools and, in the end, allowed the killer into the school (a government-mandated “gun free zone”, by the way) from which he was banned. The local police failed to identify a known violent threat to citizens and react, even to have his name in a database of violent threats. Finally, the FBI failed to act upon a specific threat they were notified of, a notice so clear and precise that beyond any doubt this tragedy could have been averted.

But your answer is to ban the instrument he picked up and used because it looks scary. One can hardly imagine a reaction more stupid, unless one takes into account what the goal of the left in America is; disarming citizens to make them defenseless.

Illegal immigrants commit about 22% of the murders in the US. Yet the left… YOU GUYS… refuse to honestly discuss illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and border security and rush to the aid of illegal immigrants accused of crimes or deported or crimes.

Take that in; almost a quarter of the murders in this country are committed by YOUR protected class, yet you want to ban a gun because it looks scary and criminals have used it. YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY. You don’t care about the safety of children in schools. When was the last time Soros organized a prayer vigil for victims of criminal illegal immigrants? When was the last time the corrupt liberal media promoted a Russian-backed rally against the crimes committed by illegal immigrants?

Then there’s abortion, the plague of society. I am not a staunch opponent of abortion, even though I neither support or approve of it; especially as a method of birth control. However, except for rare medical necessity, there is no reason or excuse for late term partial birth abortion, yet the left will fight tooth and nail against regulation or restriction of them. Pennsylvania was afraid to offend abortion supporters and would not regulate the practice of Kermit Gosnell. He went on to commit the most outrageous atrocities, yet the left defended him… EXCUSED him, suppressed news of him. The same goes for the recent exposure of Planned Parenthood harvesting and selling baby body parts; the left defends and protects that.

All of that serves to support my premise, my accusation: the left doesn’t care about safety, the left cares about disarmament to make their acquisition of power and infringement of civil liberties and freedoms easier. That’s it. There are, to be sure, numerous pawns, puppets and “useful idiots” not aware of this agenda, but make no mistake; that is the end and any and all means are thought to justify it.

Shannon Watts is just another of Michael Bloomberg’s Mom Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety who he founded and throws big handfuls of cash at to support total civilian disarniment

No one, from Gold Star parents Cindy Sheehan & the Kahn couple, to these students whose classmates and teachers were killed, merits immunity from criticism.
CNN put 500 people in a Townhall: 498 liberals who used the incident to further their agenda of gun confiscation and 2, Dana Loesch of the NRA and Sen Rubio, who are looking for workable solutions to the problem of school shooters.
Most of the people were in the dark, off camera where they gleefully & freely heckled and threatened both Dana and Marco.
Dana said she required armed security just to get from the CNN studio to her vehicle to get home!
Arming willing and trained school faculty & staff looks workable.
Take down the signs that say, Gun Free Zone.
Let the would-be shooters wonder if the 1st person he runs into is armed and able to stop him. See how that drops the numbers of shooters at schools.
In fact, let’s look at the record.
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them.
Sen Biden wrote the Gun Free School Zone bill, Pres HWBush signed it.
Here’s a graph showing what happened in schools after it became law:
comment image?w=563
We went from 4 events in 45 years to 10 events in 24 years!

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #15:

But your answer is to ban the instrument he picked up and used because it looks scary.

Did I say that? I advocate an outright ban or serious ownership restriction on bump-fire accessories, which serve no useful purpose that offsets the degree of their potential danger to the public. They should be available to the general public only the extent that machine guns are available. I also advocate an outright ban or serious ownership restrictions on high-capacity magazines.

I would consider liability laws specific to firearm ownership, making owners legally responsible and financially liable for demonstrable negligence that allows their firearm to fall into the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.

I would consider sales restrictions on the sale of all firearms to anyone under the age of 21.

I also think all existing government and civil databases that show a person is legally incompetent, incapable handle their own financial affairs, subject to restraining orders involving someone’s personal safety, or on a no-fly list should be used to flag that person for firearm background checks. A person should be able to overcome such an impediment to firearm purchase, but doing so should require an extra step involving personal contact with a qualified doctor, the local police department, or a designated local court official, depending on the situation.

@Greg: You want the no fly list which has proven to be highly inaccurate to determine a persons rights, limiting sale of firearms to men of age that can be handed a fully auto and burst fire weapon by the government, restriction after restriction, its the government that should have the impediment not the citizen. Frightened small minded little control freaks need to move to a country that bans firearms. Leave us that will prefer not to have a nanny state to our horrible self governing fates.
You cant legislate evil away.

Back in 2013 a bunch of these Hollywood cleberties took part in the Demand a Plan they were there pleading and begging us to do something about guns someone produced a little piece where it showed those same Hollywood bunch doing movies where they were using Guns and then there’s others like Jim Carrey and Liam Nesson showed using guns in their movies The Hollywod Hypocricy speaks louder then words

@kitt, #19:

…limiting sale of firearms to men of age that can be handed a fully auto and burst fire weapon by the government…

Younger persons who have been handed such weapons by the government have been screened and accepted for military service and fully trained to use them.

The no-fly list sometimes contains names by error, but generally those who are on it are on it for a good reason. I’m only suggesting that those who are should require closer scrutiny before a firearm purchase. I’m suggesting the same with the other categories mentioned.

@Greg: BS you want to impose your feelings and beliefs on others. Just brainwashed by media that doesn’t allow contrary voices #VeryVeryFakeNewsCNN told Colton Haab, a Junior ROTC member, who shielded students from gunfire in FL school shooting, “stick to the script.” Consequently, Colton pulled out of meeting.
Crawl away like the Cop that was outside and armed and allowed the demon his full rampage, when children charged unarmed to help.
Colton was one of those children but your media wanted their point of view only, no debate no alternative ideas. I say pfft to your non solutions.

@kitt, #22:

BS you want to impose your feelings and beliefs on others.

Do you want to talk about a woman’s right to choose whether to continue a pregnancy that she doesn’t wish to continue?

Regarding guns, I want the specific things that I mentioned. Second Amendment absolutists prefer to characterize any desire for rational, common sense regulatory changes as advocacy of confiscation, because that’s the straw man they can best scare people with.

If regulations as they exist aren’t working well enough, they need to be reexamined and changed so that they do.

@Nanny G:

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them.

Oh, but that’s just a coincidence, I’m sure. Because, good intentions always reaps good results. Right? Every liberal endeavor based on unicorn farts always results in a happy ending. Just like the Community Reinvestment Act.


Did I say that?

Yes, you did. Repeatedly, in fact. These guns are on the block because they LOOK like scary, awesome military hardware though they are castrated down to mere semiautomatic rifles. Period.

I advocate an outright ban or serious ownership restriction on bump-fire accessories, which serve no useful purpose that offsets the degree of their potential danger to the public.

Reversing Obama’s mistake, you mean. So do I. So does Trump.

I also advocate an outright ban or serious ownership restrictions on high-capacity magazines.

Nope. Again, it’s not the magazine that kills, it’s the person. Cruz could have had a bag full of magazines but if the government had done it’s job, he’d never have gotten close to the school.

I would consider liability laws specific to firearm ownership, making owners legally responsible and financially liable for demonstrable negligence that allows their firearm to fall into the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.

Again, something that only affects law abiding citizens and attempts to restrict ownership to a wealthy elite. Nope.

I would consider sales restrictions on the sale of all firearms to anyone under the age of 21.

I had already assumed that was the case. I, too, could support that, with a waiver for those serving in the armed forces or law enforcement.

I also think all existing government and civil databases that show a person is legally incompetent, incapable handle their own financial affairs, subject to restraining orders involving someone’s personal safety, or on a no-fly list should be used to flag that person for firearm background checks.

Throw out the “financial affairs” and it’s good. However, those limitations need to be specifically defined, as well as how one gets on and OFF the no-fly list, and THAT is going to be enough to kill it. For, as we have seen, if liberals ever grab power again, they definitely have a desire and tendency to abuse powers. So, perhaps you can describe how that can be prevented.

And anyone that participates in ANTIFA, BLM or Occupy violence and their associates should be on a no-purchase list.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #24:

Yes, you did. Repeatedly, in fact.

While that may be what you imagine you heard, that IS NOT what I said. I commented on the fact that immature and unstable people are often drawn to particular firearms because of their undeniable military appearance, and that this is sometimes used as a marketing tool. This is why we have BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, and children’s toys designed to look like an AR15 or other such weapons. It’s why they turn up so often in first-person shooter video games. It may also have something to do with why they’re the weapon of choice of such people when they go on a murderous rampage. Five out of the last five, I believe I mentioned.

I would consider the restrictions specifically mentioned in post #18, and might elevate semiautomatic civilian clones of military weapons of war to handgun status for background check and waiting period purposes. Bump-fire accessories and high capacity magazines would be more tightly regulated or banned altogether.


While that may be what you imagine you heard, that IS NOT what I said. I commented on the fact that immature and unstable people are often drawn to particular firearms because of their undeniable military appearance, and that this is sometimes used as a marketing tool.

You’re saying to-mah-to and I’m saying to-may-to. You are wanting to base the ban of the weapon it’s appearance, not it’s capabilities. You are basing it on what it APPEARS to be capable of and while someone might buy one because of what it looks like, that makes it no more lethal than any other semiautomatic.

Harden the school and someone looking to be cool with his cool looking rifle will reconsider. Get the FBI out of the politics business and they can better react and protect the public when they get a specific, pinpoint warning.

Banning any weapon accomplishes nothing. Well, nothing in regards to public safety, anyway.


Do you want to talk about a woman’s right to choose whether to continue a pregnancy that she doesn’t wish to continue?

No I dont . No rabbit holes, just slither away, you know it was a system failure by liberals and lazy FBI PAL operator that refused to follow their own policies, procedures and training. Everything was in place to prevent this, everything, so those responsible should be held accountable, the psychiatrists, teachers, police, FBI. Not those that never had contact or authority over the killer, they should have no consequences because of the failures of others and killers crime.
BTW, the bumpstock isnt a firearm, hardly anyone knew of them before Vegas, burn them all.

@Greg #18

I would consider sales restrictions on the sale of all firearms to anyone under the age of 21.

Given all the pejoratives you’ve thrown at Trump since the election, nice to see you finally agreeing with him on something! Careful, though, better get another koolaid injection before you find yourself agreeing with him on something else!

That DOES point out another inherent hypocrisy of the liberal narrative though…

Young people who are smart enough and engaged enough to shape the debate about gun violence are smart enough and engaged enough to vote.
One of the most common arguments against lowering the voting age is that 16- and 17-year-olds are not mature enough to take on the responsibilities of choosing our elected officials. Studies of cognitive brain development prove otherwise, showing that brains are fully formed for “cold cognition,” or reasoned, deliberate decision making, by age 16, which is the kind of thinking needed for voting.

So, apparently 16 year olds are ‘smart and engaged’ and are capable of ‘reasoned, deliberate decision making’ – but 20 year olds somehow don’t possess enough of any of those abilities to make the decision to purchase a gun?

Not sure I understand what tortured bit of what passes for logic liberals are relying on there.

I also think all existing government and civil databases that show a person is…{laundry list of liberal talking points}…should be used to flag that person for firearm background checks.

Those would be these background checks?

Eighty-two percent of weapons involved in mass shootings over the last three decades have been bought legally, according to a database compiled by Mother Jones magazine…

Mother Jones being not exactly a bastion of conservative thought and opinion. But, I suppose, just like socialism in general, just because it hasn’t worked yet is no reason not to keep trying.

A person should be able to overcome such an impediment to firearm purchase, but doing so should require an extra step involving personal contact with a qualified doctor, the local police department, or a designated local court official, depending on the situation.

That would be the doctor that under Obamacare was allowed to put the person IN the database in the first place without discussing it with the patient?

Sure, that inspires my confidence in government decision making…

Have you read about all the red flags that were raised on Cruz over YEARS that somehow never managed to get him on any of those databases to actually ‘flag’ him when he passed his background check?

Last, but not least, since the ‘bar’ that has been set by the left is that federal laws (at least on executive powers, voting privileges, immigration enforcement and marijuana legality to name a few) are ‘optional’ and states and/or cities can pass laws negating them, I assume you’re also OK with states or localities passing laws that say these new firearms laws you’re hoping for don’t apply in their jurisdictions?

”A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do…Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

A primer for the ignorant.

Rambling, condescending discussions about the accuracy of the generic term “assault weapon” are nothing but an effort to derail meaningful discussion. It has long been acknowledged that the term “assault weapon” isn’t a specific enough description for legal purposes—a fact that is often lost on the “ignorant” on either side of the discussion. “Assault weapon” is really nothing more than a term of convenience.

What people are specifically referring to is a civilian model of a military battlefield weapon that retains much of the functionality of the military battlefield weapon—in the case of of an AR15 that uses .223 Remington ammunition, for example, it’s a design that facilitates an extended high rate of fire, that accepts high capacity magazines, and that utilizes ammunition specifically designed to penetrate a military helmet at a range of 500 yards and calculated to increase the severity of the wounds it causes to a human body. These were military criteria that the original design was required to meet. In other words, we’re talking about the civilian clone of a military weapon specifically designed to efficiently kill human beings. The only significant difference might be the lack of a selector switch allowing full-automatic or, more commonly, 3-shot-burst operation.


Rambling, condescending discussions about the accuracy of the generic term “assault weapon” are nothing but an effort to derail meaningful discussion.

No, the very choice of the phony term “assault weapon”, which applies to ANYTHING, is the discussion killer because it proves that those who cling to the phony term are dishonest.

The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.

In other words, the left utilizes public ignorance to dishonestly push their agenda; an agenda not of safety but of disarmament.

So, apparently, you wish to avoid discussion.

I think I’ll avoid continuing this particularly useless discussion.

@Greg: As long as you are going to pursue that “assault weapon” crap, you should.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The children crying about the NRA, they have no clue what the NRA is. The church shooter was stopped by a NRA instructor with an AR, where else would that nut have gone, fatally wounded and bleeding out he just went to his reward.
Now there are companys no longer offering discounts to NRA members, that will not decrease the membership.

@kitt: NONE of the critics have any idea what the NRA is. But, being informed is not their strong suit.

Here’s something to think about. I’m not sure if it speaks more to firearm laws and regulations or to cultural values that need closer examination.

It’s interesting that approximately the same number of viewers on YouTube have up-voted the video as down-voted it. It is, of course, one of those cases where it isn’t at all clear what an up-vote or down-vote even means.

@Greg: Well, THAT was conclusive. Glad you included it.

@Greg: Criminals and felons can get guns easily too was that sale legal? I know of a 12 year old that shot his first deer last year. A great celebration as it was the only deer taken in his party. There are youth hunts I dont fear a kid with a gun. In fact I hope to teach my grand daughter to shoot my 9 mil hand gun, accurately and safely. (she shouldn’t have to learn it on the streets) Theres a nice hill on my land will make a great shooting range.