Biden orders the left-wing media to trash Trump and they signal they’re ready to comply
At the White House Correspondents Dinner Joe Biden gave an address in which he summoned the press to do his bidding. Curtis Houck on X Biden calls on …
At the White House Correspondents Dinner Joe Biden gave an address in which he summoned the press to do his bidding. Curtis Houck on X Biden calls on …
Disgraced James Bond wannabe Christopher Steele granted an interview to George Stephanopoulos which has been turned into a “documentary” by George Stephanopoulos productions. Some might think it curious as …
From the interview with George Stephanopoulos, we learn that James Comey doesn’t know- a lot. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Y– that’s only part of it. You’ve taken on the mob, Martha …
In May of 2009, Barack Obama made a “joke” at White House Correspondents Dinner. He said about those in attendance: “Most of you covered me (pause)… All of you voted …
Mark Steyn: “The definition of a ‘nano-second, is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or Fox News.’ “
I am sitting here slowly draining an adult beverage as I write this. This day began horribly with the shooting in Aurora Colorado that thus far has resulted in 12 deaths and 59 wounded. Then it was made even worse by the utterly demented opining of Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos that the shooting could be linked the Tea Party.
Joy Behar, on The View, discussing the Dream Act and making some illegal immigrants legal: “But what about the kids who were born here?”
Marco Rubio: “Well, the kids who are born here are U.S. citizens.” Maybe it is just me, but I laughed when I heard this.
President Obama: “I hear folks running around calling this class warfare, this is not class warfare—let me tell you something: asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary, that’s just common sense.”
Joe Biden to Nancy Pelosi: “There’s not a single, solitary thing on our agenda that would have gotten done without your leadership. Those decisions you made, the risk you took, the losses we incurred, really did save this country.”
Jay Carney: “The President…spends a relatively small amount of time campaigning.”
Senate majority leader Harry Reid: “In spite of the conservative obstructionism, we’ve been able to get a lot of good things done. [According to congressional scholar Norman] Ornstein said it was the most productive Congress in the last 75 years.”
First Lady Michelle Obama: “I guess it’s more interesting to imagine this conflicted situation here and a strong woman. But that’s been an image that people have tried to paint of me since the day Barack announced. That I’m some angry black woman.”
Oprah Winfrey on Barack Obama: “I think he is, uh, a masterful leader and I think that what it takes to be able to do that on a daily basis and to stand up in a world where everybody is open to attacking you all the time, very hard job…I’m proud of him.”