Say What? December 12, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

First lady Michelle Obama to her husband: “You had BBQ?  You didn’t tell me you had BBQ.”

President Obama: “Too many children can no longer expect to join the middle class, the president said, no matter if they work hard and play by the rules.”  It is difficult to determine if these are his exact words.  They are attributed to him, but without quotes.  However, what this means is, what he has done so far for Americans has not worked.

Say What? November 7, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “I think it’s really important to know that President Obama was a job creator from day one.  Now, was the ditch that we were in so deep that when you’re talking to people and they still don’t have a job, that that’s any consolation to them?  No.  But I’ll tell you this, if President Obama and the House congressional Democrats had not acted, we would be at 15 percent unemployment. Again, no consolation to those without a job, but an important point to make.”

Say What? October 17, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Wall Street protester chant: “You can become immortal…you can have sex with animals or whatever.”

Occupy Wall Street in Los Angeles protester Patricia McAllister (employee of Los Angeles Unified School District) “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government. . . . they need to be run out of this country.”

Say What? July 17, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Obama: “The truth is, you can’t solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also can’t solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share”

President Obama to Republican Eric Cantor, after 5 days of a budget impasse: “Eric, don’t call my bluff. I’m going to the American people on this.”