The Wall St Journal and Fox News are all that remain of legitimate journalism



In May of 2009, Barack Obama made a “joke” at White House Correspondents Dinner. He said about those in attendance:

“Most of you covered me (pause)… All of you voted for me.”

Mildly amusing if it weren’t true.

obama as god 1

Not only do they vote for Obama, they are allied with Obama. They are his public relations people. They protect him. They defend him. In turn, he makes them giddy and tingle.

Chrissie Matthews tingles whenever he even thinks of Obama:

I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.

Richard Wolffe was so painfully obvious an Obama sycophant that even Politico noticed.

“Richard Wolffe was doing PR for Barack Obama throughout the campaign,” said Michael Goldfarb, a former aide to John McCain and a writer for the conservative Weekly Standard. “At least now, with the new book and the new job, he’s dropped even the pretense of being a journalist.”

Comments like these suggest Wolffe could become a flashpoint in the larger debate over whether journalists are too enamored with Obama’s biography and personal style, and not being sufficiently skeptical of his grand policy plans.

Ya think?

In the first Republican presidential debate the very first question out of the mouth of George Stephanopoulos was:

Senator Santorum has been very clear in his belief that the Supreme Court was wrong when it decided that a right to privacy was embedded in the Constitution. And, following from that, he believes that states have the right to ban contraception. Now, I should add that he’s said that he’s not recommending that states do that. But I do want to get that core question. Governor Romney, do you believe that states have the right to ban contraception? Or is that trumped by a constitutional right to privacy?

It was obviously designed to direct the debate away from Obama’s record and was the opening salvo in the “Kill Romney” war.

CNN political corespondent Tom Foreman revealed that he had written a letter to Barack Obama every single day of Obama’s first term.

Inauguration Day will signal the culmination of an effort I launched on January 20, 2009, to write a letter to the White House every single day of Barack Obama’s first term.

And I do mean every day. Weekends, holidays, when he was on vacation, and when I was on vacation. I wrote in my office, at home, in moving airplanes, cars, trains and even while running through the woods. I wrote early in the morning, in the middle of the day and late at night.

I wrote about things that were important, like unemployment, Afghanistan and women’s rights. I also wrote about things that were trivial, like sports, favorite foods and my yearly battle with Christmas lights.

The tally: 1,460 letters, well over a half-million words, or enough to fill about seven novels. Laid out as one line of text, these letters would stretch almost 3½ miles or considerably longer than the inaugural parade route.

Numerous alleged news outlets refer to Obama as “God”


And this obsequiousness continues unabated. CBS political director John Dickerson offered Obama a game plan:

Go for the Throat! Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.

I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of anyone on Fox News ever suggesting that the Democrat party be destroyed.

CNN’s Jim Acosta one-upped Chris Matthews with an on-air orgasm while covering the Obama inauguration parade.

“You know, I feel like I should pinch myself right now, Wolf. I can’t believe I have this vantage point of history in the making,” Acosta gushed.


“It’s good to be the President. It’s almost like being a rock star on every street corner of Washington on this day.”

Matt Hadro notes that Acosta wasn’t so gracious with Mitt Romney:

“If you were to somehow beat the first African-American president, what would you say to the black community to assure them that you would be their president also?”

Matt Hastings of BuzzFeed described the Obama rapture he thrilled at along with many other members of the press corps:

“The behavior of the assembled press corps was telling. Everyone, myself included, swooned. Swooned! Head over heels. One or two might have even lost their minds,” Hastings writes, as each reporter had a chance to speak personally with the president. “We were all, on some level, deeply obsessed with Obama, crushing hard, still a little love there. This was nerd heaven, a politico’s paradise, the subject himself moving among us — shaking our hands, slapping our shoulders!”

Hastings reveals that the president spent “over an hour” with reporters who later stayed up late buzz over every detail of the evening.

“Did this inform our reporting, did seeing the man in the flesh, in a somewhat staged and casual setting, provide new, deep, and lasting insights?” asks a reflective Hastings in his book. “Yes, I would say, but again, I’m not at liberty to share.”

WaPo is so rife with bias that even Politico noticed.

The NY Times? Laughable.

It was bound to happen- this loss of objective journalism. Barack Obama is the ultimate conflation of pop culture and politics. He is not just President. He is more than that. He is a rock star. He is the first Entertainment Tonight President.

He shouldn’t be. We regard rock stars with altogether too much adulation. America can’t wait to hear what Lindsay Lohan has to say following an arrest. Lance Armstrong grips the US when he attends confession at the Church of Oprahculate Reform. The country is obsessed with notoriety.

I had this terrible wave of dread pass through me when I saw Obama dance with Ellen Degeneres. That was the moment I knew he won the election.


Obama hangs with Oprah, Clooney, Beyonce and Jay-Z. And the artists formerly known as journalist.

Romney never had a chance.

white house press corps 2

The White House Press Corps at Obama’s Inaugural

It is a sad when you can’t distinguish the CBS Evening News from Inside Edition and Scott Pelley from Chris Jacobs. Outside of Fox News, reporters (Sheryl Atkisson excepted) have become the little girls you used to see at Beatles concerts. They scream, they cry, they faint at the nearness of their American Idol.

The press as the Fourth Estate is no more. Some have suggested they have gone the way of Pravda, but I don’t share that opinion. That would require thought. This is brain dead infatuation.

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A Smart Politics analysis finds that ABC reporters have been called on the most frequently during Barack Obama’s solo news conferences followed by CBS, the Associated Press, and NBC with FOX News coming in at a distant ninth at less than half the rate of the top outlets and less than 40 percent of press conferences overall.

Fox has only been allowed one question in the last six pressers Obama has given.

NBC’s Chuck Todd has been able to ask 52 series of questions and follow-up questions of Obama.

But remember this?
The White House said White House pay czar Kenneth Feinberg would give interviews to members of the White House TV pool – with the exception of Fox News. The other members of the cost-sharing pool – CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS — objected.

Now, 2013, the other media does NOT seem to notice the freeze out of Fox News.
They forget how easily they could be next.
Obama is not averse to throwing a friend under the bus….if he benefits from it.

I cannot understand what he has that people think that is so great because I can’t see it. Never did and never will. And the MSM is so pathetic…………

Dr. John, it would not take much to imagine those like Chris Matthews or Jim Acosta sitting in their living rooms with a bottle of expensive Moet Chandon Dom Perignon, and pleasuring themselves while watching their DVR’d videos of Barack Obama’s speeches. Yeah, they are that far over the edge. But are we to expect anything different?

We have long abandoned a belief that the press would keep people honest. That belief went by the wayside with the introduction of “journalists” like Walter Lippman, Walter Duranty and Walter Cronkite (something about the first name, I suppose). They, the Walters, no longer felt that the responsibility of a journalist was to report facts, as they actually existed, to inform the public, but that it was there responsibility to sway public opinion. So as the latest generation of journalists (I use that term loosely) appeared on the scene, they had been taught in some tony School of Journalism that their heroes should be the three Walters.

Add to that the advent of video journalism, where it is important not just what they write, but how they look on the small screen. They can be dumber than a box of rocks, i.e. Piers Morgan, but hey, they look good on the small screen. And since outragous sells, they become more outragous with every comment.

How did we get to this point? Two causes: the Frankfort Marxist professors who migrated to the U.S. because of fear of the Nazi regime, and the Fabian Socialists, who understood Gramsci quite well, and knew that in order to bring about their socialist utopia, they had to infiltrate the universities that trained journalists. Obama meets all the standards of their ideal of a Socialist president and they have gleefully sold their souls, and their profession, for him.

What opinions do we have now that we understand the bulk of our press is in the tank for Obama and his movement? That is simple to answer. Advertisers. Let advertisers know that if they advertise on these dispicable programs, we will vote with our money. You see, after working for a major news publication for years, I understood this: subscription rates are simply the gravy to a publication/tv station/radio show. The real meat and potatoes are the advertisers. And advertisers only put their money where they have the biggest audience. Believe me, the NYSlimes/ABC/MSNBC, all of them, have departments that do nothing but survey the demographics of their audience. And if their audience decides to not shop with advertisers who support programs like Chris Matthew’s, they pull their advertising money. It is a double whammy. The media outlet is hurt financially and the big mouth pseudo journalist winds up out of a job.

So the question posed to all us conservatives should be “Are you willing to take a stand and let the advertisers know that you will no longer support their product when they financially back such bias?” I once bought a copy of the Austin American-Stateman, made a list of all its advertisers and spent a day letting those advertisers know that I could not support them any longer because of the Statesman’s radically biased to the left reporting.

A better question is why do Republicans not treat the press as if they were the same partisan hacks as their Democrat counterparts in office? The GOP needs to start going on the attack – Romney should have taken a brief jab at Steph before framing and answering the question properly.

@Brother Bob:

The answer to your question is easy: they are luguini spined cowards who know that the media is going to go after them with a vengence if they stand up to conservative values. So they take the easy way out and play to the press.

I have read different stories of people coming to the USA, and telling how what is going on in the country they left, is starting here too. It would be interesting to talk to any survivors of the Holocaust, if there are any still alive, and ask them how the news reporting in Germany was before and during it, and ask them how that compares to the reporting in the USA today.

I just realized that I used the wrong term when I said “reporting.” They don’t report the news any more. They MAKE the news what they want it to be. I remember on the Laura Ingraham show many years ago, she had a woman who wrote a book about following the news media.

Laura said that the picture on the cover said it all. It showed a picture of a boy who looked like he was throwing a rock. It was taken in Lebanon, and the kid was supposedly, throwing the rock at Israeli troops. That picture went around the world in all of the media. The picture she took was from the opposite angel. She was behind the boy, looking at the photographers: All three rows of them. Like so many pictures the media shows, it was staged.

I was driving at the time Laura interviewed the woman, and couldn’t write down her name or the name of the book. I have a lousy memory for names, and couldn’t remember either one. I emailed Laura and ask for the info, but the only emails that the most popular talk show hosts read are the ones that are sent in through their paid subscription, and I never got a reply back. Does anyone know the name of the author, or the book name?

Because of the above story, and many stories like it, I call the MSM the propaganda media, because all they are now is a brainwashing machine for the liberals. One example of this is them calling the USA a democracy instead of the republic that it is so that you will think of democrats and not republicans.

CNN political corespondent Tom Foreman said he wrote a letter every day to obama. Has he ever written to a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan who doesn’t get letters from anyone?

Doesn’t the Islamic religion teach that the leaders are as gods?

How could I have missed such an important event? Just like most other people, I watched something interesting. What could be more interesting than obama being crowned sworn in? ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!


I remember on the Laura Ingraham show many years ago, she had a woman who wrote a book about following the news media.

Laura said that the picture on the cover said it all. It showed a picture of a boy who looked like he was throwing a rock. It was taken in Lebanon, and the kid was supposedly, throwing the rock at Israeli troops. That picture went around the world in all of the media. The picture she took was from the opposite angel. She was behind the boy, looking at the photographers: All three rows of them. Like so many pictures the media shows, it was staged.

I was driving at the time Laura interviewed the woman, and couldn’t write down her name or the name of the book. I have a lousy memory for names, and couldn’t remember either one. I emailed Laura and ask for the info, but the only emails that the most popular talk show hosts read are the ones that are sent in through their paid subscription, and I never got a reply back. Does anyone know the name of the author, or the book name?


How do you define ‘jounalism’? Let me take a guess: Anyone on a network supposedly reporting the news, who agrees with you.

@Smorgasbord: (#6) I suggest you do a little independent research on Islam.

That’s what history is for—to tell the story that dead people can no long relate.

@Wordsmith: Does Laura Ingram have a degree in Journalism? I think the right-wing needs to learn to discriminate between real journalists and radio/TV/internet commentators.

@retire05: The last to time that advertisers spoke against a pundit was in the cases of conservatives Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck—and what good did it do? As long as their audience continues to make them rich, the more capable they are of financing themselves, with a minimum of sponsors.

And whom do you prefer for hosts—those jokers over at FOX News? Now there’s an objective bunch.

@Smorgasbord: I suggest that we quit using the term “liberals” — it is a scam tactic by communists to fool people into thinking they are “good” – a perversion to throw people off the scent — like “democracy is good” when it is really semi-modified mob rule, “progressive” is really “regressive” and “socialism = good” when it is really gateway to “communism = BAD”

liberalism >> socialism is a scam to destroy the capitalist system and create the chaos required for the implementation of communism and its variations of “final solutions.”

Posts 8 through 11 provide clearly presented evidence.

liberal = communist

On some blog yesterday I ran across a comment stating re the hildabeast sham hearings that – paraphrasing: “we (DC) are now not much different than a place like North Korea” to which a follow up commenter pointed out – “yes – except the leader of NK proudly admits to being a communist”


The last to time that advertisers spoke against a pundit was in the cases of conservatives Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck—and what good did it do?

While I underststand your disappointment in not being able to shut down Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck, the fact remains that advertisers are the key. Perhaps you should just accept that the OWS crowd is not the majority.

And whom do you prefer for hosts—those jokers over at FOX News? Now there’s an objective bunch.

If you are talking about Juan Williams, IMHO an honest man who struggles to make excuses for this current administration, Gerald Rivera, who is a flaming liberal and who votes almost straight Democrat ticket although he claims he is a registered Republican (yeah, and he’s gonna find Jimmy Hoffa one of these days), and Bob Beckel, who is Fox’s token bottom feeder and a vile human being who tried to stiff a hooker by giving her a hot check, no, I have no use for any of them. And it is because of them, I rarely watch Fox.

But I will take any one of them compared to Chris Matthews, Piers Morgan, and the gay gal that dresses like a man.

You see, Lib1, unlike you, I do my own research. I do not take the word of any talking head that looks pretty on tv and can feign outrage over what they think is a slam against their agenda of acheiving Socialism in America in our time. Hell, you were faked out by a “clean and articulate” half black guy, voting for him again although the unemployment rate is exactly what it was when he took office except that there is a lot fewer Americans in the work force (therefore making the BLS stats incorrect).

I certainly hope that whatever pay off you received for your efforts to prop up the Marxist in Chief was worth it. Remember, with that Obama phone, you are only allowed so many minutes.


So tell me who is the “legitimate” news source? The difference between commentary; ie Limbaugh, Ingraham, etc, and so called main stream news is the commentary side at least tells you up front they are biased. NBC, CBS, ABC and NPR for starters are full liberals who masquerade as down the middle journalists. Many of them as well do not have journalism degrees, which is really just liberal training school.

Ever noticed when the big news story of the day happens tuning into each the mainstream outlets is like an echo chamber. It’s group think.


Does Laura Ingram have a degree in Journalism?

You’re being a moron. Why are you bothering me with this silly question? Try more comprehension on what I resp0nded to and less partisan attack dog zeal.

Woof! Woof!

So much bark and so little bite….

yes but what name should we give them,
traitors of the CONSTITUTION?
cowards afraid to expose the failures?
the hypocrites? the non credible ?
the empty suit big mouth?
the un AMERICAN haters?

now who will help the SANDY ISLAND VICTIMS?

@Wordsmith: #7
Just ordered it. Thanks!!!

@Budvarakbar: #12
I consider anyone who wants to give other people MY money without working for it, a liberal.

#7: I last checked this post just after Smorg’s comment but before yours and was going nuts trying to remember the book. Thank you!