The Week in Radical Leftism, 07/19/2024 – Assassination Free Zone!
Welcome back to Day 1278 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Sorry for the late posting, but it’s been that kind of week. And not to make light …
Welcome back to Day 1278 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Sorry for the late posting, but it’s been that kind of week. And not to make light …
How’s that for a bold prediction? “But Brother Bob,” you may be asking, “since both of their nominations are all but etched in stone as their party nominees, how could …
Welcome back to Day 1018 of the Biden* occupation! Hopefully everyone had a great Halloween and are ready for something truly scary – what Democrats are doing to our country: …
Welcome back! I realized this week that somewhere around my summer break I stopped opening these posts noting the grim milestone of which day of the Biden* regime we are …
If you’ve ever read Lord of the Flies, The Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich or 1984, you understand the threat to life and limb that unrestrained …