The Week in Radical Leftism, 11/03/2023

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Welcome back to Day 1018 of the Biden* occupation! Hopefully everyone had a great Halloween and are ready for something truly scary – what Democrats are doing to our country:

10/23 – This week in court – Fair Fight/Stacey Abrams/Marc Elias/Biden DOJ v True the Vote et al

This is a huge front in the battle to retake America. The Radical Left is still suing over having the audacity to fight their efforts to steal elections

10/24 – Eat Meat and You Will Kill the Planet

Yeah, I’ll eat the bugs after I see Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and St. Greta eat a plate of cockroaches

10/24 – How Globalists & Communists Encouraged Islamic Terror

I’m reminded of the punchline to an Andrew “Dice” Clay joke where as a kid he was responding to his grade school teacher – “That’s what I say, Teach. What’s the (copulatin’) difference?

10/24 – Perilously Little Known About CCP-Mideast Terror Connection

if nothing else, one has to admire how well China has capitalized on the US having a dementia patient in The White House.

10/25 – Hamas Sexual Abuse of Israeli Women Follows Islamic Doctrine as Night Follows Day

And Western “Feminist” groups respond with a deafening silence

10/27 – Nightmare scenario of ‘little green men’ makes sense to China’s generals

Just when you think that things can’t get worse. Have an adult beverage handy – you’ll need one for this article.

10/27 – Biden Crime Family: 5 News Stories He Hopes You Won’t Notice In A VERY Hectic News Week

If anything significant breaks expect some new indictment of President Trump to take up the oxygen in the headlines


I don’t see this crushing UFC the way some are expecting. Unless they decide to serve nothing but Bud Light at events.

10/28 – Pallywood Profile: Saleh Aljafarawi

And our legacy media continues to never call out these literal bad actors.

10/29 – Doom-Scrolling a New Holocaust: TikTok’s Pro-Hamas Propaganda

Once again we go back to the China connection. This one comes via the always great RS McCain.


It makes sense that The Radical Left will make the natural progression from supporting mutilating and raping children to supporting murdering them.


If you read one post this week, this one is it – very good big picture description.

10/30 – For Want of a Judge…

I haven’t read Mark Steyn in a while, and couldn’t believe that the Michael Mann lawsuit against him still exists.

10/30 – Mitt Romney, We Hardly Knew Ye

I normally don’t post such a long article on a rapidly fading, petty politician. But a paragraph like this gets you into TWIRL:

It had always seemed hard to reconcile Romney’s obsessive political drive with his charmed life and impossibly handsome façade without suspecting something slightly sinister lurking underneath. Now this Atlantic article reads like American Pyscho: The Golden Years. I half expected the excerpt to end with Coppins nervously edging toward the door as Romney casually starts to fondle an axe and lay down plastic sheeting in the living room while cheerfully monologuing about what a tool Josh Hawley is.

It’s long, and if you don’t have time to read the whole thing skip to the last paragraph. There’s mild profanity, but it puts a perfect bow on the package.

10/31 – Mohammed, You’re Fired

A sad side effect of Hamas’ vile tactics – everybody loses on this one.

10/31 – Teen Vogue: A Glossy Socialist Training Pamphlet

Is it me, or has every magazine not specifically a Conservative news publication gone to the hard left? I rarely pick up dead tree magazines these days, but a few years ago we had free subscriptions to Money and Fast Company. Money seemed to be a guide as to how gay couples invest their money, while Fast Company was a shill for whatever Obama policy was going to “help” businesses. And don’t get me started on National Review, the standard bearers for the Vichy Republicans…

11/1 – An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia

Dead on. The Democrats view their (excrement) hole, crime and filth ridden cites not as a warning, but a blueprint for the entire country. Not in their neighborhoods, of course – just anywhere we Normals may reside.

11/1 – Melting Down America

Amazing how quickly we jumped from “We just want to move them to a museum!!” to “We’ll melt them down and use them to create some hideous Leftist “art”. Like this hideous fountain in Vienna.

11/2 – Biden heckled by bearded woman promoting Hamas agenda in Minneapolis

That may be the most 2023 headline we’ll see.

11/3 – Gov. Newsom Says California Will Defy Fed Gov to Ally With China

Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that The Radical Left no longer even tries to hide how China owns them?

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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On Romney:

something slightly sinister lurking underneath

Mitt never should have been on the ballot for senator in the first place.
He, and his church buddies* cheated.
They threw out the primary rules that put the top TWO vote getters on a run-off ballot and instantly instituted a write-in way to gain a slot.
They went to their church’s “stakes” and obtained just the minimum number of votes to put Mitt on the ballot, but then closed the window for more people to also make the ballot right afterwards.
Then the two real conservative Republicans split that part of the vote and all the globalist Republicans (GOPe) voted for Mitt!

Loved his quote about how mormons don’t believe in Original Sin.
Satan believes and shudders! (James 2:19)

*Mitt is the third richest mormon.
He gets a big cut of the tithes all mormons pay to the church because he organizes many of the church’s financial investments.
Most mormons were shocked to learn that their church leaders are enjoying a $9 BILLION slush fund while they get their tithe automatically taken out of their paychecks all over Utah.

Well only the ones that dont know whats up with this.
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10/23 – This week in court – Fair Fight/Stacey Abrams/Marc Elias/Biden DOJ v True the Vote et al

The only part of the vote the left defends is the open-ended opportunities for committing fraud.

10/24 – Eat Meat and You Will Kill the Planet

I’ll tell them what they can eat…

10/24 – How Globalists & Communists Encouraged Islamic Terror

They love using the chaos to weaken capitalism. Like Trump, extra-curricular impediments are required to defeat what is best for the world.

10/24 – Perilously Little Known About CCP-Mideast Terror Connection

What strange bedfellows the hatred of the United States creates.

10/25 – Hamas Sexual Abuse of Israeli Women Follows Islamic Doctrine as Night Follows Day

So, be a good Muslim and you can pretty much do whatever you want. This is what the left praises.

10/27 – Nightmare scenario of ‘little green men’ makes sense to China’s generals

Yeah, but… if they are communist, maybe they’ll vote Democrat.

10/27 – Biden Crime Family: 5 News Stories He Hopes You Won’t Notice In A VERY Hectic News Week

Well, now Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has TWO of his wars to distract from the evidence of his corruption and treason. I love the Democrat’s constant harping about holding the wealthy accountable for their taxes while they themselves skate on their taxes. I think I’ll just start claiming all my income as “loans”.


Why don’t they try making it taste like beer?

10/28 – Pallywood Profile: Saleh Aljafarawi

No doubt there’ll be a new category created for the Oscars, Best Acting In Support Of Beheading Babies.

10/29 – Doom-Scrolling a New Holocaust: TikTok’s Pro-Hamas Propaganda

I’ve noticed it doesn’t take much effort to make leftists stupid.


The left really appreciates abortion ingenuity, like post-birth abortion by beheading or burning. They make natural allies.


Which means these people cannot be reasoned with or compromised with.

10/30 – For Want of a Judge…

The very thought of someone like Mann suing anyone for objecting to his climate bullshit is ludicrous.

10/30 – Mitt Romney, We Hardly Knew Ye

It seems strange to consider that he would STILL have been better than Obama, but without Obama we would never have had the Trump awakening. But, you’re right… that’s way too much reading just for Romney.

10/31 – Mohammed, You’re Fired

They can live along with Jews in Israel. All they have to do is stop trying to kill every Jew the meet every time they meet one. But, they don’t want to coexist or cohabitate Israel. They simply want all Jews dead.

10/31 – Teen Vogue: A Glossy Socialist Training Pamphlet

Kind of a huge Lord of the Flies effect, affecting youth that have this suppressed, venomous hatred that finally find an outlet. Or something. I don’t guess there are a lot of articles showing the actual RESULTS (as opposed to the intention or dream) of socialism, do they? I like the one, “I’m a 17 year old socialist”… wow, a real person of the world. Someone that hasn’t even entered the job market yet has decided socialism is superior to capitalism and has decided what fascism is without any background whatsoever. I guess they are an “influencer” now.

11/1 – An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia

Or, you could argue it would turn us into Chicago. With our wide open southern border, it would hard to tell when the US stopped and Mexico began. Implement a “common sense” gun control law, enforce it, see it solve a problem, THEN get back to me. Until then… NUH UH. You’ve got all the gun control out of me you’re going to get.

11/1 – Melting Down America

For the left to take over, they need to render our history as worthless. Then, no great loss, it can be replaced with statures of Obama, George Floyd or Rachel Levine.

11/2 – Biden heckled by bearded woman promoting Hamas agenda in Minneapolis

He’d sniff it, though. This is the constituency the Democrats are worried about getting their vote; those who are willing to have headless babies and burned bodies traded for terrorists’ “rights”. Do they purposely target the “insane vote”?

11/3 – Gov. Newsom Says California Will Defy Fed Gov to Ally With China

Don’t forget, Gavin… shell companies FIRST, THEN the millions of dollars in bribes. Does he have his insulatory relatives lined up to be the bag-people? How much of a thrill do you think communists get from watching capitalism be destroyed by the greed of leaders who could not succeed in capitalism?

I like the one, “I’m a 17 year old socialist”… wow, a real person of the world. Someone that hasn’t even entered the job market yet has decided socialism is superior to capitalism and has decided what fascism is without any background whatsoever. I guess they are an “influencer” now.
This is zero surprise Enter a highschool dropout from backwater Europe who scolds her elders at the UN about something she knows nothing about, the attention seeking ignoramous that likes octopus stuffies.

Yeah, it’s just ridiculous to believe there was any Democrat election fraud. No evidence. Anywhere. Ever.

I havent done this in a bit
This one goes out to Zelensky, guess who the new kid is.