Welcome back! I realized this week that somewhere around my summer break I stopped opening these posts noting the grim milestone of which day of the Biden* regime we are into. So as of today, we mark Day 647 of America held hostage. Now onto the crazy:
10/17 – Cost of public charging an EV is now more expensive than filling up with diesel–Parkers
More of this to come.
10/18 – It’s Beginning: Arizona Ballot Stuffer Caught Covering Up License Plate
And so it begins
10/19 – Gen X to Democrats:Eat My Shorts!
I wish this Gen X rejection of The Radical Left were as widespread as the article implies. I’ve seen too many old friends who went from Angry (and blaming us Normals) when Obama turned out to be more cheap politician than the Messiah they were promised, Furious when President Trump denied Hillary’s coronation, and off the rails livid when we wouldn’t let them gaslight us to acknowledge the “legitimacy” of installing a dementia patient over a stolen election. But for me personally, this post nails it.
10/20 – A Tribute to Git R Done
How about something positive?
10/21 – Journolism: ignoring the “Five Ws + H” in reporting due to political correctness
You’ll be as shocked as I was when you read the big reveal
10/22 – Scientists Glue Themselves to Floor to Protest Car Emissions
10/23 – NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness
Projection is more than a rive rin Egypt.
If you haven’t seen this one yet, watching a group of Normals calmly school this partisan hack is a thing of beauty.
10/25 – Just Like In Communist Countries, The State Is Turning Your Children Against You
Not really a surprise – they know how to follow a playbook
10/26 – Michelle Malkin Signs Off: ‘An Ending, but Not the End’
Sad news, Malkin was one of the first columnists I’d read when I got interested in following politics. She will be missed.
10/27 – Deep State Villainy Thwarts Brexit
If you want to make your blood pressure rise be sure to read to the end.
10/28 – Keep the Smithsonian’s Identity Politics Museums Off the Mall
Amen to this. As someone who used to roam the National Mall regularly, do we really need more museums along it?
Have a great weekend, and Happy Halloween!
– He’s fine. Shut up Republicans
– He’s got hearing loss. Shut up Republicans
– It’s temporary. Shut up Republicans
– He’s disabled. Shut up Republicans https://t.co/k5zysihlJq
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) October 27, 2022
He is to coherence what you are to intern management. https://t.co/zg57Ofcci2
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 26, 2022
I would also like to reassure those who are Tik Tok disco-dying and throwing soup on Van Goghs and gluing yourselves to things: you’re doing great and changing minds, and absolutely no one is remotely sick of your shit
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 24, 2022
Brokers peace between Kosovo & Serbia
Brokers peace between Israel & UAE
Brokers peace between Bahrain & Israel
1st POTUS to visit N Korea in peace talks…Doomsday Clock advances 3x during term
Says his proxy war w Russia puts world on path to Armageddon:
…Doomsday Clock zip
— Razor (@hale_razor) October 18, 2022
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Rip Jerry lee Lewis , another one for Rock n Roll heaven.
There will be a whole lot of shakin’ going on.
10/28/22 – Lunatic Trump Supporter Invades Nancy Pelosi’s Home and Attacks Elderly Husband with Hammer
10/28/22 – Election officials prepare for unprecedented efforts to disrupt 2022 midterm
10/27/22 – ‘We’re going to hang you’: DOJ cracks down on threats to election workers ahead of high-stakes midterms
10/27/22 – RNC head repeatedly appears on Steve Bannon’s podcast to cast doubt on elections, recruit poll watchers
10/27/22 – Armed ‘vigilantes’ and conspiracy theorists threaten to disrupt midterm elections: ‘We are watching’
10/26/22 – ‘We Will Find You’: Election Officials in Arizona Are Receiving Threats Before the Midterms
10/23/22 – Arizona officials ‘deeply concerned’ by armed ‘vigilantes’ at ballot drop box
07/08/22 – Facing harassment and death threats, some election workers weigh whether to stay
You moron
He was not a Trump supporter
Another lie from the NAFO convicted liar greg
Of course he wasn’t:
Hey greg. Remember when Time Magazine admitted the 2020 election was rigged?
The Left is violent. The Right is not.
We know you losers are already poised to J6th-style accuse Republicans of doing what Democrats are doing: rigging elections.
Everyone knows. We’ll be ready this time.
WE know many on the right are delusional, prone to projection, have anger management issues, flaunt firearms, and are increasingly prone to political violence. It doesn’t really matter that they wave a flag with one hand and hold a bible in the other. That’s just camouflage. There’s no more understanding that the Constitution is about individual liberty than there is of the words of Jesus. They think Trump is a patriot, and televangelists with private jets and gigantic mansions are Christians
There was NO rigged election. There’s ZERO evidence that there was. Trump was soundly REJECTED by a record margin of American voters, and that rejection has made him even crazier. He’s the abusive boyfriend with an infantile fixation on the one who rejected him, determined to get her back an mete out punishment. I’m not sure whether he belongs in a prison or padded cell, but he sure as hell doesn’t belong in the White House.
You constantly confirm your idiocy
Not so delusional as to think student loans passed by a couple of votes, anger management sorta like shooting someone going door to door because they are pro life? Political violence summer of love 2 billion in damage, camouflage… putting on a maga hat before filming Ashley Babbits murder and getting off with zero charges 70,00 bucks richer.
The bigotry seethes as he rolls every republican voter into one pile, demonizes the guy that had us energy independent with very little inflation.
I agree the knot head that breaks into another persons home is a lunatic, but where are the firearms in this episode how many rounds did the assault hammer have?
Your post was perfect for TWIRL, showing how unhinged some on the left can be.
from the ny post: A local website published a photo of a man named David Depape in December 2013 in which he was described as a friend of a “nudity activist” planning a naked wedding in Berkley, Calif.
Hardly MAGA you idiot.
No doubt the FBI worked overtime to get the online posts up. There is no way this fruitcake is a MAGA conservative.
He’s a Berkeley nudist hippie who sells hemp jewelry- not a MAGA
He’s also in favor of “Pedophile Normalization
Looks like a child predator
Sure. “Typical Berkeley nudist hippie” profile:
Maybe you should check here to see if any of the regulars are suddenly missing.
And referring to Rand Paul’s attack, Christine Pelosi said this:
“Paul’s neighbor was right”
Odd, you seem to have forgotten that.
They both had hammers sounds like a lovers spat.
Don’t you have a better source tha a leftwing nutjob conspiracy theory site?
Just in exclusive security footage of Paul Pelosi from Nancys house.