The GOPe is Ruining America (Guest Post)


The Republicans continue to block the Trump agenda. So called Republicans such as McCain, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and others have views that are not much different than the obstructionist progressive/socialist that are the majority force of the Democrats today. The GOPe is nothing more than an arm of the Soros globalist minions.

In the past as now, the globalists want to do away with private property and have our laws dictated to us by the executive orders of those that they wish to see in power. The leadership of the Republican party in both the Senate and the house are furthering the progressive/socialist agenda which lying to their constituents and pocketing all the cash they can. Why is it that politicians on both sides who are not millionaires when they join the club are millionaires when they leave?

During the campaigns, it has been revealed that the Super Pacs of John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and Carly Fiorina  received monies  from the Hillary campaign. Each was sent a substantial sum to remain silent during the primaries. One questions the loyalty of these politicians and others including Paul Ryan who dis-invited Trump from a rally in Wisconsin. John McCain also received a substantial payment after criticizing Trump, and Lindsay Graham was assured of a “soft” Democrat challenger when he runs for South Carolina Senate again. Graham and McCain have also been the main Republicans who have been pushing the Trump-Russia collusion lie to continue.

During the election we had such RINOS as Mitt Romney, John McCain and the National Review pontificating on how Never Trumpers would save the Republican party. The 22 Republicans that wrote in the special edition of National Review attempted to convince the American People that Trump was not intelligent enough, could not speak well enough to be handed the levers of power that the President are entitled to have at his disposal.

The American people are disillusioned with both political parties, knowing the only work they are prepared to do is to protect their  political power.  This Congress would sell it soul to continue to hold the power they crave and there are no political lines in the avarice that is shown to the detriment of the American people. The GOPe, does not work towards conservative values that Trump embodies, but only towards the perks they receive from being a member of Congress and retain the power they have taken upon themselves.

Republican Congressional leaders are turning against the Trump agenda on trade. Republican leaders along with the Freedom Caucus continue to follow the globalist agenda. This is being moved forward by the big corporate and globalist donors. Spearheaded by Paul Ryan it is attempting to flood the market with cheap foreign goods and labor increasing the stress on the job market of the country and products that would be made here if the pay of American workers were to be a determining factor. The Freed om caucus, working with the globalist agenda of Paul Ryan, and once ignoring the wishes of the American people.

Immigration is another forum where Trump is being required to fight against the Republicans. Where Trump was elected on the building of a border wall, the Republicans are now saying he didn’t mean it, but was just inferring that we need better border security. Paul Ryan has stated that immigration and the removal of illegal aliens will not be a focus of this Congress. This is the same Paul Ryan that has been very supportive of illegal amnesty and a long history of open borders support. The donors to the GOPe support immigration to allow more immigrants to take jobs here at a lower level than American citizens. Of course, American citizens oppose such steps as Paul Ryan is attempting in infiltrate into this administration’s policies.  Almost 90% of Americans are against the proposals that Ryan has pushed forward.  President Trump has stated from the first day of his campaign that he would put “America First”, it has been plainly shown that Paul Ryan, the Freedom Caucus and the rest of the GOPe do not agree. This is the same Paul Ryan that broke a promise to Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks and raised the H-2B guest program in the spending bill that hurt American workers.

There are Republicans that will not allow the reform of Obamacare to pass. Not because it is just Obamacare Lite and leaves the government in charge of healthcare, but because they agree with the raiding of your money, the legal IRS stealing of money from ordinary Americans to line their pockets. The American people were promised an open market for healthcare, not more of the same that is +destroying healthcare in this country.  What will be forced on the American people is a Ryancare Rationed Death healthcare costing just as much as what is failing now.

Frustrating but also illuminating as the mask is now off the GOP establishment, what they stand for and believe in. One party rule suits Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell just fine. They have more power and perks in the majority, but will still be well taken care of regardless of who runs Congress or sits in the White House. They make the rules, and the rules always favor the authors of those rules. They will have a front row seat at the trough of government largess. They will never struggle to pay their bills, get a job, afford health insurance or survive in crime-ridden neighborhoods.

The GOP has sold its soul, not for principles, morals or conscience, but for their own empowerment as Bill and Hillary Clinton have done for decades. No wonder the two parties of today are such a good fit.

The basic standards of honesty and loyalty in this country have been ignored. Our country was based on the public morality and a knowledgeable citizenry based on the structure of laws, regulations and culture. Both parties have moved beyond to delegitimize the basic foundations that this country was built on. There is no road to compromise between the parties and both now agree that only a government, be it national or global can fix the problems we face. The American people are, in the opinion of both parties, too ignorant to discuss the problems amongst themselves and find the corrections needed.

I was not originally a Trump supporter, but I have come to the conclusion that President Trump is one of the few honest men left. President Trump is the only leader I see that understands the virtues of our country and has the vision needed to correct it. He understands the challenges we face, and is not part of either party and their principles of dynasty and imperial rule.

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@Redteam, #49:

In your article, for example, it states that DeVos is worth 5 billion. That’s her father in law. She is, in fact, worth about 150 million.

That’s undeniably the way a tax attorney would look at things.

Would you prefer successful people on the cabinet? or failures?

I’m guessing you would have whistled an entirely different tune if Obama had filled his cabinet with America’s wealthiest liberals. Obama’s cabinet members, by the way, were collectively worth over $5 billion less.

Well, my reply just went into moderation, so I guess I’ll save myself the effort of further typing.

@-Rich Wheeler:

BTW I didn’t build my house–it has no walls around it

No walls? hmmm…..interesting. So anyone standing outside your house can see into every outer room? Wait. I’m only assuming you know what a wall is, but now I’m not so sure. Most houses have rooms separated from each other and from the outside world with walls, but you’re saying yours does not. I’ve never seen that type construction used in residential homes, but I’ll take your word for it. And without walls, then certainly doors with locks would serve no purpose. Do only liberals in Ca live in this type house or do some Republicans also do this?

As o5 intimates a wall down the Rio Grande–foolish idea.

:She did? Why do you think Obama has a wall around his new house? Why do the Clintons? Why does the Vatican? Why do prisons? Why does the White House? If walls are useless, then that would be a waste of time.
But I’m going to bet that you were just kidding when you said your house doesn’t have walls.

So if you were in charge of the prison system in california, you would do away with the walls in the prisons? As you say, walls are not effective?

@-Rich Wheeler:

Focus RT I was referencing the botched Repub. healthcare bill.

Focus? RW? There was no botched Repub healtcare bill. Were you dreaming or having a nightmare?


Poll finds growing opposition to GOP healthcare bill

Yes we conservatives want what we were promised, a full repeal, and an open marketplace to purchase insurance across state lines, to have a choice of coverage.
I would like the feds to get their nose outta my business and let me choose and buy or not buy what I as an adult.
As far as the insurance companies charging older people more they always have , Youngsters only had health care insurance when they got a job that offered it.
Build the wall use E-verify and Companies will have to start hiring with benefits again to get and retain employees.
Leave minimum wage alone, its for teen-agers, date and gas money.If Mc Donalds or Burgerking is your career, its your problem not mine.

File under, No sh-t, Sherlock.

THE END OF THINKING–Most of the information we spread online is quantifiably “bullshit”

Maybe it should have come with an OFF switch.

@Redteam: Trump called the House bill”mean’ Senate Repubs are secretively coming up with something new–like House disaster it won’t be popular
As you know we’re talking about walls AROUND the property as at The Vatican and Obama’s–don’t have one–feel perfectly safe with house unlocked most of the time.

BTW also don’t like DR’S and never taken a med.

Bad guys had their chance at me in V.N.

kITT IMO ANYONE who works a full time job should make a LIVING WAGE

Abortion Adds Obstacle as Republicans Plan to Unveil Health Bill

…and Medicaid cuts:

Further complicating the measure’s prospects, insurance companies, which took a leading role in the health care fights of 1993-94 and 2009-10 but have been conspicuously quiet this year, released a blistering letter objecting to Republican plans to remake Medicaid and cut its funding.

The changes being considered in Congress could “amount to a 25 percent shortfall in covering the actual cost of providing care to our nation’s neediest citizens,” the top executives of 10 insurance companies wrote. “These amounts spell deep cuts, not state flexibilities, in Medicaid.”

As senators struggle to develop a health care bill, their handiwork appears to be too moderate for some Senate conservatives and too conservative for some Senate moderates. The latest version, without the abortion-coverage prohibition and with steep Medicaid cuts, may prove unacceptable to some in both camps. To pass it, Senate leaders can afford to lose only two Republican votes of the 52 in the chamber.

It sounds like they may have lost one vote already:

Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, made clear on Wednesday that he was not on board with the Republican bill, which he said “sounds like Obamacare lite.”

“I’m still hoping we reach impasse, and we actually go back to the idea we originally started with, which was repealing Obamacare,” Mr. Paul said, adding, “I’m not for replacing Obamacare with Obamacare light.”

There you go, Mr. Paul. Repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with nothing. That will be a BIG hit with voters. Especially when the insurance industry goes into total meltdown in the chaos that follows.

You’d probably be better off if you really did have the Keystone Cops in Congress. These guys could become the setup for ushering in a single payer system.

@-Rich Wheeler:

Trump called the House bill”mean’ Senate Repubs are secretively coming up with something new–like House disaster it won’t be popular

Were you all wound up about what was in Obamacare? I’m not even looking at what’s in this bill til it starts to get to a vote. We all know the Dims want to screw the citizens and the Repubs want to get something out there that is not Socialism.

As you know we’re talking about walls AROUND the property

We are? I thought we were talking about walls made to keep people out. Doesn’t your house have walls intended to keep people out? With doors that have locks? Why, if you don’t think walls work, would you have any walls? In regards to border wall, we’re not talking a wall ‘around’ the country, only one to keep people from coming into US from Mexico. If a wall on your home is only to support the roof, you can use columns for that.
So I guess you don’t think prisons should have walls either, right? they don’t work. Right?

BTW also don’t like DR’S and never taken a med.

I don’t believe you. No aspirin? No anti acid? No iodine? No tetanus shot?

ANYONE who works a full time job should make a LIVING WAGE

How much is a living wage? If someone mows your lawn, do you ask them how many persons are dependent on him before you decide how much to pay him? If everyone on a production line is getting paid $15/hr and you find out one employee has 3 more children than anyone else, do you give him a raise? Would you then permit the guy paying those people to lay off the guy with more children because he wasn’t worth paying more than the others? Are you saying you believe in Communism or just Socialism?

What’s in the Senate healthcare bill

You’ll be happy to know that the provision allowing insurance companies to charge older Americans 5 times as much for the same insurance coverage as they do for younger Americans is also in the Senate bill.

There will be no requirement that any employer to provide health insurance for employees, so that worker benefit will quickly vanish. Don’t worry. Younger workers can get their own coverage cheaper, and the older workers who can be charged 5 times as much are pretty much used up anyway.

All Obamacare taxes will be repealed, except for the so-called Cadillac tax, which would linger until 2026. Taxes can be cut because Medicaid will be cut (even more than under the House bill) and low-income health insurance subsidies will be eliminated (once the 2020 election is safely over). Working people—who will be hunting for their own affordable and soon-to-be unsubsidized health insurance—should have no difficulty picking up more of their elder relatives’ nursing home costs, since they’ll be sharing in the tax cuts. (Well, not so much, but they will get some,, which always makes them happy, and they never seem to figure out where the biggest cuts are going. You do realize who would be getting huge tax cuts at the expense of the poorest and most helpless among us, don’t you?)

You get what you vote for. If you weren’t clear about what that actually was, it will eventually will become clear.


BTW also don’t like DR’S and never taken a med.
I don’t believe you. No aspirin? No anti acid? No iodine? No tetanus shot?

you knew you were lying, so you didn’t answer.


allowing insurance companies to charge older Americans 5 times as much

Are you delusional or just like showing your ignorance? If you don’t think older people already pay 5 times as much as younger people then you are in deep doo doo. That’s Obozocare for you.

@Redteam, #62:

No, I’m not delusional. How about you?

The Affordable Care Act currently limits insurance company premiums for older customers to an amount that’s no more than 3 times higher what they charge younger customers for identical coverage. That’s a fact. Another is that both republican healthcare bills would allow them to charge older people premiums that are 5 times greater for identical coverage.

Do you think they won’t? They don’t want insure older Americans in the first place, because their predictable medical costs are much higher. They want to sell insurance to those least likely to use it. They want a risk-sharing scheme that allows them to extract as much profit from the pooled funds as possible. Profit is the motive, not healthcare.

This will certainly reduce whatever inclination any employer who still provides health insurance might have to hire older workers.

On top of that, the ACA subsidies be phased out and vanish, so older Americans will take the full hit of the premium cap removal.

What about those deep Medicaid cuts? Medicaid pays costs for 2/3 of all Americans in nursing homes. Older Americans approaching retirement age who would have to bear huge increases in their own insurance costs while preparing for retirement will also find themselves wondering how to care for their elderly parents.

But hey, the fattest of the fat cats will get more whopping big tax cuts, so everything is good.

@Greg: You must have really struggled with math back in kindergarten.

The Affordable Care Act currently limits insurance company premiums for older customers to an amount that’s no more than 3 times higher what they charge younger customers for identical coverage.

I will attempt (loosely)to educate you, but it’s a lost cause.

Let’s say your insurance was $100 before obozo care. so with Obozo, it went to 300 base and 3 times that is 900. So the new one, it stays at the 100 base and 5 times that is 500. Which would you prefer?
The base in Obozo had to be increased to provide maternity coverage to 65 year old men and to pay for birth control in 60 year old men and women. There were some other sensible features such as those included in Obozocare. These have been removed for Trump care.

They don’t want insure older Americans in the first place, because their predictable medical costs are much higher.

I’m sure you’re not aware that older Americans are insured with Medicare, not Obozocare.

@Redteam, #64:

Let’s say your insurance was $100 before obozo care. so with Obozo, it went to 300 base and 3 times that is 900. So the new one, it stays at the 100 base and 5 times that is 500. Which would you prefer?

If the full cost of your insurance was $100 before the Affordable Care Act, your coverage was most likely crap. This follows from the fact that insurance companies are in business to make money, and weren’t risking very large sums of it to give you good coverage at bargain basement rates out of the kindness of their hearts.

That said, many people bought crap insurance. One result was that it brought average premium prices down. The costs of the uninsured and under-insured got shifted to taxpayers rather than to insurance companies when $100-a-month policy holders wound up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

It’s also worth noting that medical costs and health insurance premiums had been going up much faster than any other category of expenses for far more than a decade before the Affordable Care Act existed. The ACA didn’t create that situation.

I’m sure you’re not aware that older Americans are insured with Medicare, not Obozocare.

I hate to break it to you, but insurance companies define older Americans as anyone age 55 or over. Medicare eligibility doesn’t begin until age 65.

Employers are less inclined to hire people who are over age 50. Insurance costs for older workers are certainly one big consideration.

This age group are also the people much more likely to be dealing with aged parents who may require Medicaid covered nursing home care, which will also take a hit.

The ACA could certainly use some work. In past days, such legislation would have been continuously adjusted, refined, and improved to work out the problems. None of that has happened. Republicans have instead been obsessed with assuring its failure as a prelude to killing it altogether—along with anything else Obama did—even though they obviously don’t have a clue how to deal with the problems it attempts to address themselves.

This is the big difference between the democratic and republican response. Democrats want to address problems; Republicans want problems to be somebody else’s worry. People who were elected to govern want to dismantle government. They assert that the quest for profits will solve any problem that’s worth solving. This is a bullshit premise. Their entire agenda is based on a bullshit premise.


This is the big difference between the democratic and republican response. Democrats want to address problems;

but don’t know how.

In past days, such legislation would have been continuously adjusted, refined, and improved to work out the problems. None of that has happened.

It was obozo’s show and he had his 8 years and left it much worse than where he started.

It was obozo’s show and he had his 8 years and left it much worse than where he started.

You mean, worse than the national economy in a death spiral, one of the nation’s Big Three auto manufacturer about to go under, 20 million fewer Americans with health insurance, people with pre-existing conditions totally out of luck, Iran months away from having a nuclear weapon, Osama bin Laden still comfortably hiding out 7 years after 9/11, the torture of captives an acceptable American procedure, the FDA powerless to regulate the tobacco industry, credit card companies able to raise rates on existing balances without advance notice, no equal pay for equal work law, and no CHIP program providing health care to 4 million disadvantaged children?

That all added up to a better state of affairs, before Obama?

@Greg: As in, he totally destroyed the healthcare insurance system, most of them are not participating in Obozocare. 20 Trillion in debt, more than all 43 presidents together before him. Iran still close to Nuke’s and N. Korea also closer. Warmbierr left in NK to be tortured and killed. Bush had already put together the bailout bill that Obozo had only to put into action after Bush laying it out for him. Race relations set back to 1955. The list is endless, but you already know them so I’ll leave the remainder to you.

That’s what happens when republicans slash taxes, start two endless wars paid for with a credit cart, and then crash the national economy. Effects generally tend to follow the cause.

Now Trump wants to cut taxes again, to stimulate an economy that isn’t even in recession. He also wants a build up of military spending that’s already off the charts. It’s easy to guess what will happen. You have literally put the economy of the nation in the hands of a gambling casino owner, who has a long history involving multiple bankruptcies. He got rich by quickly walking away from projects that go bust, and by losing other people’s money. His talent is convincing people that they should trust him—which doesn’t mean that they really should.


You mean, worse than the national economy in a death spiral,

Three words for you, Gullible Greggie: Community Reinvestment Act

one of the nation’s Big Three auto manufacturer about to go under,

And now we have ONE

20 million fewer Americans with health insurance, people with pre-existing conditions totally out of luck,

Amazing how Americans managed to cross great expanses of land, travel through deserts and over mountains, in covered wagons without government provided health care. How this nation has dissolved into sniveling spawns like you!

Iran months away from having a nuclear weapon,

Eight years of Obama and that is still the case.

Osama bin Laden still comfortably hiding out 7 years after 9/11,

Remind us all again how FDR got Hitler who hid out in plain view.

the torture of captives an acceptable American procedure,

You mean the same procedure that our American SEALs go through during training?

the FDA powerless to regulate the tobacco industry,

Why do you want to regulate human activity? I guess you think smoking dope is less harmful. You would, being the idiot you are.

credit card companies able to raise rates on existing balances without advance notice,

How in the world did our ancestors ever manage to build the greatest economy the world has ever know without credit cards? Perhaps you should live within your means and save your money (what a concept) for those items you will need in the future and for emergencies. If you don’t like your credit card rate, pay the damn thing off. Now, here’s an original concept; don’t take on unnecessary debt.

no equal pay for equal work law,

How so?

and no CHIP program providing health care to 4 million disadvantaged children?

1) why are they “disadvantaged?”
2) most states have a CHIP program
3) I thought abortion was to prevent all those “disadvantaged” children

That’s what happens when republicans slash taxes,

Like JFK did?

start two endless wars paid for with a credit cart,

Like FDR did?

and then crash the national economy.

Like Clinton did with the CRA?

One thing about it, Gullible Greggie, you are a true believer, stupid, but a true believer in the Socialist doctrine.

Republicans control the House, the Senate, and have their guy in the White House. In spite of that, I truly believe they aren’t accomplishing diddly squat.

Senate Health Care Bill Hangs In The Balance As 5 Lawmakers Waver

Just About Every Major Medical Group Hates the GOP Health Care Plans

Republicans give Trump’s budget the cold shoulder

Apparently it’s all the fault of democrats:

‘All we do is win, win, win’: Donald Trump turns rally into a vent session


hands of a gambling casino owner, who has a long history involving multiple bankruptcies

So you blame Trump for all the many states that suddenly legalized gambling which made basically all the casino’s in NJ tank. Do you think only Trump casinos in Jersey tanked? You do know that the only person that lost money on his bankruptcies was himself. His co-investors did not, so he was only playing with his money.

start two endless wars paid for with a credit cart,

So even tho Bush started two wars on a credit card, Obozo came in, shut down those two wars and increased the debt many times over what Bush did. So explain that.


I truly believe they aren’t accomplishing diddly squat.

So tell us what it is that you are hoping they get passed? Do you really want them to accomplish anything? Isn’t it helping your agenda for them to be ineffective?
About how many bills/laws do you estimate they have passed since Trump took over? More than 10? 40? 80? 100? 200? How many?

@Redteam, #74:

I suppose they could get rid of the restrictions prohibiting insurance company competition across state lines. They could take a close look at the domestic pricing of prescription drugs, and undo the restriction they made that forbids Medicare Part D administrators from bargaining for the lowest drug prices. That would lower costs and save taxpayers a helluva lot of money. They could take cannabis off the Schedule 1 drug list, allowing it to be prescribed by doctors whenever they consider it the cheaper, safer and better option to overpriced patent drugs. They could address the problem of astronomical malpractice litigation awards, as they’ve often claimed they want to do. The could assemble committees to address and seek solutions to specific problems that have arisen with the Affordable Care Act, with the objectives of making it cheaper and better.

If they did that, they would pick up the support of many democrats. They wouldn’t have the all-or-nothing fight on their hands that they have when they define their objective as the total repeal of Obamacare—something which they’re not really going to do anyway, unless they want to destroy their political power in the process. They could set realistic, achievable, widely supported goals, and positive things would actually begin to get done.

The 40 bills signed into law by Trump don’t include much that’s of earthshaking significance, or that was especially controversial. Here’s the White House’s presentation.

Thought for the day…

Possibly radical thinking like this is the reason his face doesn’t show up on any of our currency.

The Centrist Party blog. I looked them up because they appear on the image with the John Adams quote. I’m not sure if they’re the beginning of a new party, or just an idea.