The Week in Radical Leftism, 02/02/2024
Welcome back everyone! I know I suggested there would be two additional posts this week, but a short week followed by a bug that caught me, high thought wasn’t happening. …
Welcome back everyone! I know I suggested there would be two additional posts this week, but a short week followed by a bug that caught me, high thought wasn’t happening. …
Welcome back to Day 1053 of the Biden* occupation! First let’s jump into the Wayback Machine all the way to two summers ago for this gem: 8/10/22 – Evil Week: …
Welcome back to Day 1018 of the Biden* occupation! Hopefully everyone had a great Halloween and are ready for something truly scary – what Democrats are doing to our country: …
Disgusting. It’s as classic a case of war on women as one could find. Ayaan Ali Hirsi was disfigured as a young girl in Somalia under Islam. She suffered a …
al-Silm (i.e. “Islam”) means “surrender”
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that an anti-Muslim Internet hate site that contained a number of threats of violence targeting mosques, including the comment “I want [Muslim] blood on my hands,” has been taken down by its hosting company.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: “The national media, which leans a little to the left, I could argue, could smash him [Mitt Romney].”
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir: “But if anyone’s dirty, it’s Newt Gingrich — a man whose personal morality has been drawn from the sewer, a man who pontificates about his Catholic faith and morality but repeatedly commits adultery.”
Egyptian television people are beginning to say that the Muslim Brotherhood have taken over the Egyptian revolution, and the revolutionary youth have been replaced by bearded men with guns.
A group of Muslims attacked Ayman Anwar Mitri, a 45 year old Christian Coptic man in the Upper Egyptian town of Qena, cutting off his ear. The Muslims claimed they were applying Sharia law because Mr. Mitri allegedly had an illicit affair with a Muslim woman. Mr. Mitri, a low grade administrator at a secondary school, from elHasweya, in Qena, 492 KM from Cairo, had rented his flat to two Muslim sisters, Abeer and Sabrin Saif Al-Nasr, through an agent. After nine months he learned the sisters had been indicted for prostitution, so he asked them to leave and they did.