Awwww … Barry got his feelings hurt …


Poor wittle President Thin-skin


Liberals Rail Against Clint Eastwood’s “Racist” Empty Chair Skit; But Not Piers Morgan’s?

This is too precious.

Breaking News!!!! Clint is yelling racist slurs at the chair. #RNC
— Samantha Gibbs (@LiberalChick89) August 31, 2012

Eastwood Chair Rant so racist white man manipulating mouth of black man like puppet getting him to say swear words
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

OUCH! good i missed it RT @mikeelk: Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Liza Sabater (@blogdiva) August 31, 2012

Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

6 retweets from moron followers.

“It was like Amos & Andy meets Waiting for Godot.” – @meeshellchen on racism of#eastwooding
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

Ok, the Godot thing is clever.

Romney trying to take away grants hell now Obama need to sit in the chair for another term Romney seem racist
— Jα’Mεяiα(@_iRunThisShxt) August 31, 2012

Read more

If you haven’t seen it here is the whole raaaaaaaaacist speech


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@Ditto: #82
This started me thinking. We know that Obama has nothing to do with writing his speeches, and possibly doesn’t even read them ahead of time. Remember how he read someone else’s speech all the way through, even thanking HIMSELF for being there, and didn’t know it was the other person’s speech until the other person mentioned that it was his speech Obama read? If he has nothing to do with his speeches, maybe he doesn’t have anything with his tweets.

When he looses the election, maybe he can go into business as a party planner. Does he still average one party every three days like he did the first year or two. Parties, golf, and vacations have kept him very busy for almost four years. Does he even have time to READ the tweets?

@Mike O’Malley:

What happens next? You and the dozen other people who remain confused descend into your fall out shelters for a decade? Is this wishful thinking?


You know, Tom, anyone who thinks that Obama is a good president, must either know little of American history, or is a full blown Marxist.

I suggest you hit your nearest theater that is showing Hope and The Change starting the end of this month. It will show you lots of disillusioned Democrats who bought into all the hopey change only to find out they are worse off now than they were four years ago.

But not all of us were taken in by the firewords and Greek columns. So of us actually did our homework, and knew what kind of man Obama is. His relationship with his grandmother (you know, that typical white person) told me all I needed to know about Obama.


I didn’t realize you knew Obama and his grandmother when he was growing up. I guess that adds weight to your opinion. Unless you don’t know them and are just rehashing stale propaganda.

I read this yesterday and it fits perfectly TOM,
it goes like this; THE INSANES, don’t know they are
and they try to manipulate the SANES to join them

@Tom: #85
Please answer some questions for me. Don’t give the usual non-answer or just not answer the questions:

(1) If Obama cares about the military, why didn’t he know how to pronounce “Navy corpsman?”

(2) There is a picture of Senator Obama saluting like a British soldier salutes, with the open hand facing forward. I can’t find it on the Internet. If Obama ever watched war movies, who’s side was he rooting for?

(3) Why didn’t Obama salute the flag. He does now, but he didn’t for some time after he was elected. He only started doing it only after he caught a lot of flack for not doing it.

(4) Why didn’t Obama wear a flag pin after he was elected? He does now, but he didn’t for some time after he was elected. He started doing it only after he caught a lot of flack for not

(5) Why does Obama want OUR National Anthem changed to something like, “I Want To Teach The World To Sing?”

(6) Would you vote FOR changing our National Anthem?

(7) Why does Obama want a civilian security force as strong as, and equally funded as the military? We have the National Guard.

(8) What did Hitler call his civilian security force?

(9) How many of these questions will you ACTUALLY answer?

Chris Rock tweet: “The Dems should have an empty chair on stage for the entire DNC, & when anyone asks who it belongs to, they can say Osama bin Laden”.

Mike is that a LOLZ?

he cannot answer all that, don’t you realize, he has not learn all the answers,
he’s not there yet, or he might never be there,

@Ditto: #89
When I saw “bo” in your comment, it made me think: Isn’t that what he named his kennel purebred dog? Guess what? It is. He is so into himself he named his dog after himself. He just loves to hear his name and have his picture all over the media.

I have it on the tip of my tongue,
edit; numerist? manuvist? necrolist? pervalis?
aclumeris, naristic? narcissis?


Before we have what could be a possibly mean-spirited exchange, i need to know whether you’ve ever been diagnosed with a mental disability.



You know, you seem like a really nice guy. It’s genuinely sad to me that you’ve been dragged into such a hateful anti-cult of personality. Obama will be gone in three months or four years. Is this really what you want to leave behind as your intellectual legacy? Reading into Obama’s salute like a gypsy reads into tea leaves? Do yourself a favor and find something more worthy to obsess about.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #108
I don’t expect him to answer ANY of them.

@Tom: @Tom: #111
I challenge you to find any “mean spirited” comments I have made. I am usually the one that tries to calm others down. I get tired of reading two people goin on and on about the same thing without settling anything. I usually don’t read any more posts when the same two are talking to each other and don’t settle anything.

As far as the mental condition, I have been called stupid many times, but I explain to them that I’m not stupid, but I do admit to being excedingly ignorant in a whole lot of areas


They are idiotic questions fueled by your obvious xenophonia and simplistic conspiracy mindframe. Tell me why should I answer such ridiculous questions?


…Does he even have time to READ the tweets?

It’s hard to say Smorg. Tweets are tons simpler than a speech to both write and read, so we can theorize that it is possible that he might have personally sent a few out, but as I’ve pointed out to Tom, we can’t make any such assumption. I seem to remember seeing one photo of Obama “tweeting” but as the back of his Blackberry was to us, we don’t really know.

When I saw “bo” in your comment, it made me think: Isn’t that what he named his kennel purebred dog? Guess what? It is. He is so into himself he named his dog after himself…

Lol. I noticed that as well, but didn’t think to comment on it. Sadly, Tom has proven to us that he really is naive enough to have been completely convinced that if an ‘Obama tweet’ says “bo”, why, then it surely must be from “Da Won” himself, typed in by those self same fingers that flipped off Hillary, Mccain, Romney and so many others. No doubt it sends a thrill up Tom’s leg as he imagines his messiah’s slender brown digits sliding over the blackberry keys and pressing firmly down. (I should stop here. We wouldn’t want Tom to get overheated in fanatical religious tremors.)


I didnt call you stupid, did I? Don’t be a liar.You might recognize the consideration behind my question. Obviously I can see you are mentally fully functional and thus I will pull no punches. As you have thrown down the gauntlet consider your challenge accepted. Pistols at dawn perhaps?


Slender brown digits, huh? Tell me more.

@Tom: ##113
As I have said before: You won’t answer ANY of the questions. You would make a good politician. You remind me of my history teacher in high school when she told about one politician being asked a question about an issue. He answered something like, “Half of my friends believe one way, and the other half believe another way, and I stand by my friends.

Do yourself a favor and find something more worthy to obsess about.

I’m open to any suggestion from you as to a topic. What is more worthy of obesssing over than an illegal president who wants to turn the USA into a socialist or Muslim country and wants a civilian security force that can defeat the military?

Any open minded person who has ANY doubts about whether Obama is an illegal or not, can go to just one place and look at the evidence of his birth certificate, Social Security number, and Selective Service card, and decide for yourself. You don’t need to, Tom. We’ve been through the evidence before.

From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?

World Net Daily ( and Drudge are about the only ones covering stuff like this any more. Even Fox News stopped following the stuff. We might want to ask ourselves why the media isn’t following stories like this, or the documents that disappear when someone or an organization is granted a Freedom Of Information request for spicific documents, and they are missing, even in our National Archives. Many Federal agencies are blocking or destroying documents.

Just how big is this when documents from many agencies disappear? Even democrat controlled Hawaii is in on it. Some Hawaiian officials say that a fire destroyed the paper records. Some say they were destroyed when Hawaii went digital. That doesn’t matter, since they still have the microphish copies. Since Obama supposedly released his paper birth certificate, why doesn’t he just release a copy of his microphish copy. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is still trying to get it, but Hawaii is try ing to pass a law so that they can destroy these too.

@Tom: ##116
Please pick one question and explain to me why you think it is “idiotic.” I said you wouldn’t answer ANY of the questions, but you want us to answer your questions. What if I said your question about my “idiotic” question is idiotic?

I had to look up “xenophonia.”
1. an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.

I was a truck drive for 20 years, and talked to a lot of people who came over from other countries. I could tell by their accent. I asked them to please not loose all of their accent, because I love accents. I started keeping track of how many different countries they came from. There are about 30 on the list now, and I hope to add many more. I love to hear them talk about their home country and how they like America.

One man was a truck driver and was from Siberia and didn’t like our temperature system. The rest of the world uses Celsious. He finally said, “As long as I’m in the green, I’m OK.” I still chuckle at that.

Want to try calling me another name. You like throwing them out.

@Ditto: #117
Tom is just playing with us. I usually only reply if he “tweets” me directly. Otherwise, I never jump in the mud he likes to wollow in. I do like a good mud bath once-in-a-while, but not for long, and not very often.

@Tom: #118
I apologize for not saying my comment the way I meant it. I can see where it could be read a different way than I meant it. What I meant to say is that over the years I have had a lot of people call me stupid. I meant it in response to your saying I have a “mental condition.” I am guessing that the ones who called me stupid were wanting to start an argument with me. I usually defused the situation by saying, “I’m not stupid, but I do admit to being excedingly ignorant in a whole lot of areas.” Not knowing the definition of what I call the “high palut’n words” is a good example. The conversation usually ended after that.

Again, I am sorry I didn’t word my comment the right way. I have read replys to me and thought they were mad at me, but after they explained what they MEANT, I could see that I just didn’t read it right.

@Tom: #118

Pistols at dawn perhaps?

If you still want a duel, I’m not a morning person. Is early evening OK. I have a 380, a 9mm, and a 45. Which one do you want us to use? LOL

@Tom: @Tom:

What happens next? You and the dozen other people who remain confused descend into your fall out shelters for a decade? Is this wishful thinking?

In each hypothetical situation what happens next is a national security or foreign policy disaster unfolds. Why? Because under your scenario Pres. Obama’s lack of tight control over his own twitter account posses a national security risk. If you can’t think this through on your own you may well not have the judgment necessary to contribute something positive to the democratic process.

Let’s take a look at a real world non-hypothetical analogous situation, the Franco-Prussian War.

Prussian Chanceler, Otto von Bismarck, goaded the French into declaring war by altering a telegram sent by William I. Releasing the Ems Telegram to the public, Bismarck made it sound as if the king had treated the French envoy in a demeaning fashion. Six days later, France declared war on Prussia.

Count Benedetti intercepted me on the promenade and ended by demanding of me, in a very importunate manner, that I should authorize him to telegraph at once that I bound myself in perpetuity never again to give my consent if the Hohenzollerns renewed their candidature. I rejected this demand somewhat sternly, as it is neither right nor possible to undertake engagements of this kind [for ever and ever]. Naturally, I told him that I had not yet received any news and, since he had been better informed via Paris and Madrid than I was, he must surely see that my government was not concerned in the matter.

Bismarck’s published altered version

After the news of the renunciation of the Prince von Hohenzollern had been communicated to the Imperial French government by the Royal Spanish government, the French Ambassador in Ems made a further demand on His Majesty the King that he should authorize him to telegraph to Paris that His Majesty the King undertook for all time never again to give his assent should the Hohenzollerns once more take up their candidature. His Majesty the King thereupon refused to receive the Ambassador again and had the latter informed by the Adjutant of the day that His Majesty had no further communication to make to the Ambassador.

This altered version was published by most newspapers the following day, which happened to be July 14th [Bastille Day when the French annually celebrate homicidal mob-violence] setting the tone, letting the French believe that the king had insulted their ambassador, before the ambassador could tell his story.

France’s mistaken attitude of her own position carried matters far beyond what was necessary, and France mobilized. Following further improper translations and misinterpretations of the dispatch in the press, excited crowds in Paris demanded war, just as Bismarck had anticipated. The Ems Dispatch had also rallied German national feeling. It was no longer Prussia alone; South German particularism was now cast aside

France fared rather poorly in the Franco-Prussian War and the ensuing occupation of France …


I don’t have to know Obama, or have the mind of Sigmund Freud, to understand that Obama had no respect for the woman who basically raised him.

If you had read his book Dreams you would know that Obama respected only two people in his life; his useless grandfather and Frank, who was Frank Marshall Davis. You would have learned that after his mother dumped Barry on his grandparents, it was his grandmother who was the bread winner in the family, as his grandfather drank and told dirty jokes with Frank. You would have learned that it was through his grandmother’s hard work at a bank, that allowed Barry to go to a tony prep school, and to have a car when he was 16 (as no where does he talk about having a job during his teen years). And you would have learned that once he left the island, going to California to attend Occidental, and later on to Columbia, he never returned to Hawaii to visit his aging grandmother. Even after his mother had been told at Sloan-Kettering that there was no hope for her, and she returned to Hawaii to die, did Obama rush home to be by his mother’s side? No, he waited until she was virtually on her death bed, and then, he was not there when she died as he had already returned to the Mainland. Now, perhaps that sounds like a loving, close mother-son relationship to you, but not to me.

You would understand that the comment of “typical white person” about his grandmother was not a compliment, it was an insult. An insult made public about the woman who actually did without so he could attend a tony prep school. And when his grandmother was dying, did he suspend his campaign and rush to her side? Nope. He actually waited a disgraceful amount of time before he even went to Hawaii, missing her funeral.

Perhaps those actions are the actions of a man who truely cared for the woman who raised her grandson, but not to me.

And then there is the matter of Obama’s own 1/2 brothers and sisters, especially George, who lives in total poverty in Kenya. Obama likes to remind us “We are our brother’s keeper”, when promoting his Marxist views, yet he cares naught for his own brother. Even if they were not close, they are blood, and that should count for something with a man who is worth millions but has a brother who lives in a Kenyan shanty. Obama obviously doesn’t practice what he preaches.

I think it is pretty certain that Sigmund Freud would have called Obama a malignant narcissist.


“Idiotic” was perhaps a poor choice of words. So I retract that and any unintended offense. Let’s just say the questions are very leading, and in some cases, dont appear to have factual basis. For example, #5. Can you provide evidence for this assertion?


You have nothing to apologize for. These things happen while engaged in a spirited debate. I took no offense whatsoever.


Hmmm. Seeing your arsenal, I am having second thoughts. Perhaps a round of miniature golf would be better for my long term health.


Since everything with Obama is a foregone conclusive with you, it’s pointless to discuss. Hypothetically Obama sends money overseas: an act of Christian charity, or funding terrorism? Do we even have to ask what your interpretations would be? You fit evidence to your conclusions, not the other way around.Literally anything he dies just reinforces your notions. To willfully blindfold oneself, I cannot imagine the point.


Instead of trying to analyse me, why don’t you address the actual facts about Obama? Or would that be just too painful?

Obama sending money overseas? Exactly when did he do that? Oh, that’s right, he sent OUR money overseas to help create jobs in Finland, and Brazil. And forced charity on the part of Americans is not charity, its taxation.

Yet, you will dodge talking about his relationships with people I wouldn’t want living on my block, much less in my living room. You know, those Marxist professors and fundalmental feminists (whatever the hell that is)? Or how he treated his own family, including his grandmother and 1/2 brothers and sisters. Nah, you don’t have the cajones to talk about those things, do you?

You would rather stay blinded by fireworks and Greek columns. You would rather hang on to “Hope and Change” which has as much meaning as “I Like Ike.” And I think you would probably rather read Alinsky than Hazlitt.

“You fit evidence to your conclusions”

How so? Do you deny that Obama admitted he sought out the radicals at Occidental, or that his adult associatioins were with radicals (Edward Said, Billy Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Jr., Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod)? It is you who fits ideas, not facts, to your conclusions. You ignore the truth and hang on to the hopey change.

So tell me, are you a full blown Marxist or just a Socialist wannbe?

What was this thread about? Oh, how thin-skinned Obama is.


The Fail has been strong. That what’s known as walking back criticism so as to cut one’s losses.

Here’s another example: Cory Booker walks back criticism of Obama tactics as ‘nauseating’


Remember how Bush was accused of purposely abandoning New Orleans and allowing a great American city to drown?

Not only were Bush and Cheney accused of neglecting New Orleans while it flooded, they were accused of actually blowing up the levees so that blacks would die.

Through their accusations regarding 9/11, the wars, and Katrina, the Left wanted us to believe that Bush was guilty of at least 7,000 plus cases of accessory to murder if not worse.

Those were not just particularly hate filled charges. They are indicative of descent into madness.

@Mike O’Malley:

If you’re craving a pat on the back from Aye, I wouldn’t hold my breathe. As far as I know he’s not a Birther, and I know for a fact he’s not an Islamaphobe, so I predict you’re wasting time. Of course he’s unlikely to give people like me the satisfaction of publicly rebuking you, but I imagine you’re something between a disapointment and an embarrassment for any non-“race concerned” conservative.

instead of giving your opinion on other,
nobody need your opinion, because you are so empty.

@Tom: #127
It looks like I was wrong with that one. Someone wrote an article in satire, and others tried to promote it as fact. I don’t care who’s side a person is on, using false information to promote thier agenda isn’t right. How about the other questions?

@Tom: #128
You mean I cleaned my guns for nothing?

@Tom: #129
Miniture golf will do just fine. I feel I should warn you that I haven’t figured out which of my feelings are the strongest. I either really HATE to loose, or I really LOVE to win.

@Tom: @Aye:

If you’re craving a pat on the back from Aye, I wouldn’t hold my breathe. As far as I know he’s not a Birther, and I know for a fact he’s not an Islamaphobe, so I predict you’re wasting time.

a pat on the back?

Or was I seeking to engage Aye in a discussion of the implications of Bush Derangement Syndrome as a introduction to Mimetic Theory? Mimetic Theory can help us understand the profound and dangerous social pathology behind Bush Derangement Syndrome. On occasion I’ve speculated that “The One” seems to be some sort a anti-polar doppelganger of demonizaed Pres. Bush. What I’d like to explore with Aye is how the generative mimetic scapegoating mechanism underwrites Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Not long ago, Thomas A. Michael wrote an insightful essay: How To Scapegoat the Leader. A Refresher Course (for those who do not need it)

T.A. Michael’s sets out four condition sets out that are generally needed in order for the generative mimetic scapegoating mechanism to come into play”:

The community comes under threat or there is a sense of a crisis; there is a collapse of order, hierarchy and differentiation

There is a search for someone who could be seen as responsible for the crisis, threat, disorder

The victims chosen for scapegoating are perceived as being marginal, outsiders, abnormal, unusual — this includes those at the top of the hierarchy, such as leaders (“The authority figure is a marginal insider who is always in danger of being scapegoated by the mob whenever there is unrest.”)

The community unites against the evildoer and stops fighting one another; the scapegoat is expelled and peace returns to the group (temporarily)

George W. Bush is a Texan (recognized as not exactly your average America), an Evangelical Christian, he spoke with an accent and his occasional mispronunciations were analogous to the speaking or physical defects that the mobs fixate upon when they select a scapegoat. His “swagger” set him apart. George Bush is very much a marginal insider.

The pathological abuse and demonization of President Bush is very much the same homicidal pathology the drove the French Enlightenment into enacting a horror that has reverberated through the world for over two centuries filling many lands with mass graves: Achever Clausewitz , by René Girard, membre de l’Académie française et professeur émérite à l’université de Stanford.

Achever Clausewitz, by René Girard.

“I am convinced that history has meaning, and that its meaning is terrifying.” René Girard.

Mike O’Malley
very interesting, and now president bush is out of the one being scapegoat,

@Mike O’Malley:

Thomas A. Michael wrote an insightful essay: How To Scapegoat the Leader. A Refresher Course (for those who do not need it)

T.A. Michael’s sets out four condition sets out that are generally needed in order for the generative mimetic scapegoating mechanism to come into play”:

1. The community comes under threat or there is a sense of a crisis; there is a collapse of order, hierarchy and differentiation

2. There is a search for someone who could be seen as responsible for the crisis, threat, disorder

3. The victims chosen for scapegoating are perceived as being marginal, outsiders, abnormal, unusual — this includes those at the top of the hierarchy, such as leaders (“The authority figure is a marginal insider who is always in danger of being scapegoated by the mob whenever there is unrest.”)

4. The community unites against the evildoer and stops fighting one another; the scapegoat is expelled and peace returns to the group (temporarily)

Thanks, Mike O’M.
I did need it.
Now how to TWIST the narrative?

Obama’s part in the housing collapse in Chicago is coming to light.

1. The community comes under threat or there is a sense of a crisis; there is a collapse of order, hierarchy and differentiation

There was no real community under threat so Obama MADE UP a threat: that the big banks were not lending mortgage money to black people.

2. There is a search for someone who could be seen as responsible for the crisis, threat, disorder.

That would be Citibank. Obama was the pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and representing 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.

3. The victims chosen for scapegoating are perceived as being marginal, outsiders, abnormal, unusual — this includes those at the top of the hierarchy, such as leaders (“The authority figure is a marginal insider who is always in danger of being scapegoated by the mob whenever there is unrest.”)

Again, Citibank but also Bank of America (AKA the owners of ”Panther Stadium”) and other big banks.
Even their families have been terrorized in their homes by mobs.

4. The community unites against the evildoer and stops fighting one another; the scapegoat is expelled and peace returns to the group (temporarily)

Well, that might have been the hoped-for response, but banks don’t up and disappear so easily.
And folks who don’t pay their bills end up looting and being looted by their own neighbors, as it turns out.
Obama couldn’t even find it within himself to charge Jon S. Corzine after he lost how many hundreds of millions of his investor’s dollars?

@Tom: @Aye:

If you’re craving a pat on the back from Aye, I wouldn’t hold my breathe. As far as I know he’s not a Birther, and I know for a fact he’s not an Islamaphobe, so I predict you’re wasting time.

Your mocking dismal is noted Tom, as is your continuing clumsy attempt to marginalize me as a Birther and an Islamophobe. You’ve return to boring polemical cliche.

One of the great anomalies of Modern Era is how Progressive reform movements for over two centuries have declared altruistic goals of bettering the life of the “‘common” man (“Liberté, égalité, fraternité,” – “Liberty, equality, fraternity) and yet have time after time again sent hundreds of thousands and millions of “common” men and women and their children to mass graves, gulag, deprivation and war. During that time few Progressives seem to notice how the good of the common man, the workers’ paradise, is often a hellish homicidal oppressive horror. The “Denial” is a strong with Progressives as is the “Fail”. Odd isn’t it how so many nasty misanthropic criminals such as Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis and their ilk are attracted to Progressive movements. One might well wonder whether there is truly a disconnect between the true intent of Progressives and the suffering, deprivation and death of common men that has been Progressivism’s most notable social achievement.

@Mike O’Malley:

I believe we have identified your justification for your own heinous personal attacks on President Obama. It’s a simple school yard case of “they did it first”. I am curious though, if you would care to share, how you reconcile your feelings of revulsion for those who are afflicted with BDS with your own actions, which are no different, and I would venture worse, seeing as how you attempt to capitalize on hatred and fear of those who are different.

Mike O’Malley
the PROGRESSIVE seem to believe in progress by destruction of THE CITIZENS,
progress by imposing radical entitlements against the will of the CITIZENS,
glorifying corruption, forcing a neutered situation from the CITIZENS
who’s seeking help and support,
even haters countries who lie so to enter in AMERICA AND REMAIN SLEEPERS HIDDEN IN MANY MOSQUES,

@Nan G:

Since the mortgage bubble burst, some of his (Obama’s) former clients are calling for a policy reversal.

“If you see some people don’t make enough money to afford the mortgage, why would you give them a loan?” asked Obama client John Buchanan. “There should be some type of regulation against giving people loans they can’t afford.”

Read more:

As I type Nan G. I have before me a directive dated March 17, 1994 from the Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the Treasury to the “Chief Executive officer of the Savings Association(s)” throughout America, a directive which in effect forced regulated savings associations to make just those highly risky loan to minorities.

These were the federal agencies involved:

It appears that the only Federal Bank Regulator that is absent from that list is the Securities and Exchange Commission, the federal banking regulator that uncovered massive sub-prime fraud at Fannie Mae.

Mike O’Malley
he is trying to pin a racist card on your label,
and tell on other blogs that you hate THEM DEMS AND OBAMA,
is in it obvious? it’s his usual way of asking questions by not answering any questions,
a way to keep the lead in a comment,


I believe we have identified your justification for your own heinous personal attacks on President Obama. It’s a simple school yard case of “they did it first”.

Just who is that “WE”?

If by “they did it first” you mean the Jacobin’s did it first I might be inclined to agree.

Otherwise I’ll refer you back to Aye’s list and my posts above. 😉


Of course he is. He is trying to use the scapegoating mechanism to silence critics of Pres. Obama. He is however clumsy. 😉


Tom’s behavior is an imitation of the behavior of prominent Progressives. This is the business end of Alinskian method. How victims critics are isolated, marginalized and in-substance silenced.

Think of Peter in the courtyard of the High Priest.

After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, “Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away.” Matthew 26:73.

Obama … this will all end in tears …