Awwww … Barry got his feelings hurt …


Poor wittle President Thin-skin


Liberals Rail Against Clint Eastwood’s “Racist” Empty Chair Skit; But Not Piers Morgan’s?

This is too precious.

Breaking News!!!! Clint is yelling racist slurs at the chair. #RNC
— Samantha Gibbs (@LiberalChick89) August 31, 2012

Eastwood Chair Rant so racist white man manipulating mouth of black man like puppet getting him to say swear words
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

OUCH! good i missed it RT @mikeelk: Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Liza Sabater (@blogdiva) August 31, 2012

Eastwood chair rant was RACIST, white man putting dirty words into mouth of black man like a puppet
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

6 retweets from moron followers.

“It was like Amos & Andy meets Waiting for Godot.” – @meeshellchen on racism of#eastwooding
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) August 31, 2012

Ok, the Godot thing is clever.

Romney trying to take away grants hell now Obama need to sit in the chair for another term Romney seem racist
— Jα’Mεяiα(@_iRunThisShxt) August 31, 2012

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If you haven’t seen it here is the whole raaaaaaaaacist speech


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Bless his heart.

Racist? Absolutely not. Not a single word about the president’s ethnicity was ever brought up.
Clever & Funny? Yes. Much funner than I was expecting from Eastwood.
Condescending? A little. However President Obama has been aloof and condescending towards the American people his entire term, so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
It wasn’t the smoothest performance, but that is forgivable as it was impromptu, and extempore

Good lord! Tell me the Obama tweet is a fabrication? One hopes it is. Such a response, if genuine, would be the venal reaction of a thin skinned petty man.

Funniest thing, but none of these racially-orients comments were made by Obama. Unlike the ultra-right-wing, when I make a comment attributable to Romney, that means the Romney said it—not one of his surrogates.

Liberal1(subjectivity), what the hell are you talking about?

Do you even know, or are you just trying out the “stream-of-consciousness” approach?

Taken by obama? Not for much longer if things continue like they have.



Perhaps, perhaps not, but it is evidence of character weakness.

What significance is it that Pres. Obama’s back is turned to his American critics?

@Hard Right:
@Mike O’Malley:

Ohhhh… this is fantastic!

“Eastwooding” has been born as a viral Interwebz meme:


Obie will be as sorry for this Tweet as he undoubtedly is for “You didn’t build that.”


Almost forgot this:

5. Use Ridicule and Mockery
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

The tactic that people seem to complain most about is also one that can be most effective… if used well. First, satirists have known for centuries that humor, satire, and mockery can cut through a lot of BS and reveal truths that would otherwise be covered over by needlessly complex arguments. Getting your message across quickly and simply counts for a lot. Second, the more you encourage people to laugh derisively at some organization or institution, the less they will take it seriously. This will reduce that group’s social, political, and cultural power over time. Third, it’s difficult to effectively counter ridicule. It’s not amenable to logical counter-arguments. Finally, ridicule might make your opponent lose their cool, scoring you sympathy points in the court of public opinion. Key in all of this, though, is that the ridicule be done well. Poorly executed, it will backfire (and that’s admittedly a risk even under the best of circumstances).

Thanks Saul Alinsky.

That’s great advice.

And it appears that Romney is living deeply within Obie’s head and is rearranging the furniture:

Change in plans: Obama will visit La. Monday

President Obama will visit Louisiana after all.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told POLITICO earlier Friday that the president had no plans yet to visit the Gulf state and review damage from Hurricane Isaac, even though Mitt Romney announced plans to visit Friday.

Presidebt Obama: Continuing to lead from behind

@Mike O’Malley:
I must have been sleepy.
I missed the entire point here.
I didn’t realize Obama had responded to Clint.
Petty would-be tyrant, Obama.
Now, he’s going to LA when he wasn’t planning on it.

But the photo in post #12 shows something I have only been seeing recently:
Obama is suffering with red eyes.
I have seen this also in live shots of him speaking recently.
His eyes are awful red.
I wonder what’s wrong with him?
It couldn’t be allergy or we would have seen it in previous late summers.
May be Obama is having a tough time reading his teleprompters.
May be Obama could use some glasses or contacts.
OR……drugs, he’s back on drugs?

@Nan G:

If you suspect that someone you know is smoking marijuana, there are a few telltale signs you can look for. While the presence of one or more of these indicators is not necessarily proof that the individual is using marijuana, it can provide a strong suspicion that the individual is under the influence…

Red Eyes

Red or sleepy-looking eyes are also an indicator of marijuana use. Red eyes are caused either by irritation from the marijuana smoke, or by the effects of blood vessels in the eyes relaxing—called vasodilation—which makes the blood vessels in the eye fill with blood. The pupils also tend to relax and dilate while the individual is under the effects of marijuana. While smokers may use eye drops to lessen the effects of red eyes, droopy eyelids and dilated pupils will remain. Additionally, excessive use of eye drops may be a sign of marijuana use if the individual does not normally suffer from dry eyes.

Signs of Someone Smoking Marijuana

Offered as light hearted humor.

However, illegal drug use is not entirely out of the question … as one clinical psychologist explains:

For one, Obama’s teleprompter and the men behind the Blackberry keep him well-scripted. We know so little about the facts of his life.

But it’s more than just a lack of information. Obama himself is a strange bird. He doesn’t fit easily into any diagnostic category.

Many people attribute Obama’s oddness to his narcissism. True, Obama has a gargantuan ego, and he is notoriously thin-skinned.

Yet a personality disorder like narcissism does not explain Obama’s strangeness: his giggling while being asked about the economy; his continuing a shout-out rather than announcing the Ft. Hood shootings; or his vacations, golfing, partying and fundraising during the calamitous oil spill.

Take also Obama’s declaring on the “Today Show” that he wants to know whose ass to kick. Consummate narcissists would never stoop to this vulgar display of adolescent machismo.

Obama is flat when passion is needed; he’s aggressive when savvy is required. What’s most worrisome is that Obama doesn’t even realize that his behavior is inappropriate.

So if it’s not just simple narcissism, what is wrong with Obama? Since I’ve never evaluated him, I can’t say for sure. But I can hazard some educated guesses.

If I saw a client as disconnected as him, the first thing I would wonder: Is something wrong with his brain? And I’d consider the following theoretical diagnostic possibilities.

–Physical problems: …

— Drugs and alcohol:…

–Asperger’s Syndrome …:

–Mental Illness: …

However this shrink would wager on:

Trauma: My gut tells me that Obama was seriously traumatized in childhood. His mother disregarded his basic needs, dragged him all over the place, and ultimately abandoned him.

But I think there may be something even more insidious in his family background. While I can’t prove it, the degree of Obama’s disconnect reminds me of my sexually abused clients.

With serious sexual abuse, the brain chemistry may change. The child dissociates — that is, disconnects from his being — in order to cope. Many adult survivors still dissociate, from occasional trances to the most extreme cases of multiple personality disorder.

Apparently, young Barry was left in the care of Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who admitted to molesting a 13-year-old girl. As a teenager, Obama wrote a disturbing poem, “Pop,” that evoked images of sexual abuse — for instance, describing dual amber stains on both his and “Pop’s” shorts.

Would trauma explain Obama’s disconnect? In many ways, yes. A damaged and unattached child may develop a “false self.” To compensate for the enormous deficits in identity and attachment, the child invents his own personality. For Obama, it may have been as a special, gifted person.

The good doctor goes on to prescribe:

If my assessment is accurate, what does this mean?

It means that liberals need to wake up and spit out the Kool-Aid…and that conservatives should put aside differences, band together, and elect as many Republicans as possible.

Because Obama will not change. He will not learn from his mistakes. He will not grow and mature from on-the-job experience. In fact, over time, Obama will likely become a more ferocious version of who he is today.

Why? Because this is a damaged person. Obama’s fate was sealed years ago growing up in his strange and poisonous family. Later on, his empty vessel was filled with the hateful bile of men like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers.

Obama will not evolve; he will not rise to the occasion; he will not become the man he was meant to be. This is for one reason and one reason alone:

He is not capable of it.

A Shrink Asks: What’s Wrong with Obama?

Mike O’Malley,
that was interesting, and possibly the closest to the true OBAMA.


@Mike O’Malley:
The more we learn about Obama the better chance a good doctor’s diagnoses might be correct.
Obama has an addictive personality and has admitted to being a habitual user of drugs including tobacco, pot and cocaine.
He claimed to have quit smoking (tobacco) in 2008, 2009, and now Michelle says he quit in 2011.
He has never claimed to have quit pot OR cocaine!

As a child in Indonesia his step-dad worked and his mom did anthropology research out of the home.
Who took care of young Obama?
A tranny nanny!
Obama used to laugh when this babysitter put on his mom’s makeup.

Obama’s inappropriate reactions in serious situations reminds me of kids at school who would get high but try to ”maintain,” in class only to fail and end up outing themselves.

We under appreciate the destructive impact over the long course of human history of physical and sexual abuse of children upon civilizations..

The Childhood Origins of Terrorism

The Childhood Origins of the Holocaust

The Land That Developmental Time Forgot

@Nan G:

The young child Barack suffered not one but three traumatic parental abandonments in his childhood, that of his:
his purported biological father Obama Sr.
his Indonesian stepfather (perhaps the only healthy parent figure who cared for him as a child, and
Stanley Ann Dunham, his bitter anti-American hippy mother.

One such abandonment is known to be potentially emotionally crippling.

Thereafter young Obama’s bizzarro grandfather, Stanley Dunham, introduced this damaged young soul to a truly dark and evil personage, CPUSA member and perhaps Barack actual biological father, Frank Marshall Davis.

OK, they’ve got a “thang” going on over at Ace of Spades. They want everyone to put chairs in their yards, on roofs, in the bed of your pickup, anywhere you can think of.

No signs, just an empty chair. Post them on facebook.

It’s easy, it’s fun! It’s the empty chair!

So this tweet is somehow more telling about the respective candidates fitness for duty than Romney’s decision to let Clint Eastwood ramble unscripted and incoherently at a chair for ten minutes on the biggest night of Romney’s life, completely overshadowing him and turning the night of his nomination speech into a train-wreck farce? Seems like a stretch to me.

By the way, you do all realize that the Obama twitter feed is run by his campaign staff, and that humorously tweaking the idiocy of his opponent is part of their job?

@Nan G: @Mike O’Malley:

Perhaps we should psychoanalyze this tweet through a paranoid, xenophobic lens, and come to all sorts of wild conclusions about Obama’s current abnormal psychology and Socialists tendencies based on it. What do you think?

I see from the shrieking, hair on fire responses that Eastwood’s appearance last night is having precisely the desired effect.


And for those who may have missed it last night, here it is:

Clint wasn’t giving a speech, he was giving a stage performance. It was theater. When he paused and muttered, it was a theatrical device as he waited for “Obama” to answer his questions. That’s why he bowed at the end. The performance was too subtle for some who expected a speech.

The empty chair will haunt Obama for the rest of the campaign. Clint knew exactly what he was doing, and the performance was scripted on the teleprompter. The prompter stuck on his intro, and he had to do the bit from memory, which caused a few pauses. The stuck teleprompter made his performance even more remarkable.

By the way, Clint used an old Bob Newhart technique. Newhart kidded him on Twitter last night about suing for use of Newhart’s signature one-sided interview technique. Probably the most famous example of this technique can be found in Newhart’s “bomb defusing” phone bit, on “The Button-Down Mind Of Bob Newhart”. It’s hysterical. Older folks get this stuff right away. Young people don’t, as they are used to screaming curse words being thought of as comedy.

One of the speakers the LEFT is hoping we all forget about was Jane Edmonds.
Did you all realize she is a lifelong liberal Democrat?
But she was asked over at Politico WHY she spoke at the RNC convention for Romney.
Her answer:

“I didn’t come here to talk about our differences — I’m not going down that path.
I’m here to talk about my experiences working for him.
My friends have asked me why.
I adore the guy.
I have seen him behind closed doors in Cabinet meetings.
I have seen his compassion.
I’m at a point in my life that the character of the human being we entrust to be president is important to me.
He would make an excellent president.”

Jane Edmonds served as a member of Governor Romney’s Massachusetts cabinet.
He was her former boss.

Speaking of rambling unscripted and incoherently…

@Nan G: Just like a LASER Nan! Maybe to many “intercepted shoomers”.



As long as everyone is now up to speed on how Twitter works, and we all realize how silly it appears to be filled with outrage over a picture posted by some intern, my work is done.

@Meremortal: Just put an empty chair out in the front yard! Bravo Zulu!

@Tom: Not so fast Tom! Regardless who/how the Obama Twitter Feed originated, this is just further example of his or his out-of-control office amateurs. Before he/they responded so capriciously, a disciplined staff would have considered the “unintended consequences” of responding for the P-POTUS.


The unintended consequence of people thinking he’s being a good sport about Clint quoting him as saying “go F yourself”?



I imvite you to go look at the Obama Twitter page and then tell me whether there is any ambiguity regarding its purpose and Obama’s involvement. And then maybe you can opine as to whether it’s ignorance or dishonesty that drives more than one author here to post these tweets as if they’re Obama’s own words.


Excellent, the movement is growing! One guy put a chair on a golf green and took a pic to post on facebook! Obama is gonna explode in a few days.

Clint said no such thing, you need to get your mind out of the gutter, Tom.

Clint is really living rent-free in your head isn’t he, Tommmmmmm????




Perhaps he is. He is a big fan of me. I loved his performance and agree with some of your analysis, perhaps not the part about the outcome. Too soon to tell. Either way it was a terrible risk on the part of Romney and def overshadowed his speech. Was that the point? Who knows. If Romney had the faintest idea this was how it would play, I give the old stiff credit. ballsy.

I like the chair idea, CLINT WAS VERY FUNNY, HE PLAYED

YES not a good speech
compare to the speech given by the CONSERVATIVES, AT THIS CONVENTION
after we heard them talk and it was sincere, no pretend like OBAMA speech, he loose his focus most of the time and his crowd feel sorry for him, why the , why do they have to stand there until he’s done?
unless they get paid to be there, or they had their ipad remove before the speech and have to wait till the end to get their pad back,


So this tweet is somehow more telling about the respective candidates fitness for duty than Romney’s decision to let Clint Eastwood ramble unscripted and incoherently at a chair for ten minutes on the biggest night of Romney’s life

LOLZ! So Dirty Harry has gotten inside of your head too Tom? 😉

Eastwood didn’t ramble. Eastwood is an artist, a gifted teatrical artist who employed a sophisticated theatrical device to show us what is “unseen” but real,, the reality that is unseen because we choose not to see it. And he even baited Obama into ratifying the artist’s insightful portrayal of Obama the man! Genius!

But the most transformative moment — in its way, the most redolent of the Tea Party revolution — was Clint Eastwood’s conversation with an empty chair in which President Obama was not sitting.

One of the clearest tidbits recalled from my playwright studies was a device that effectively made a murder victim present on the stage. On a set of his house, during an interview scene with family members, the script called for the actor playing a detective to lean his hand on the dead character’s favorite rocking chair and “inadvertently” set it in motion.

What Clint Eastwood emphasized, with his seemingly improvised chat with the invisible Obama was the absurd notion of having a man-to-man talk with the Vogue-interviewee president. Eastwood was a real celebrity expressing common-man ideas to a celebrity commander in chief.

Even more, Eastwood’s fame is founded in his being a character actor whose chief characteristic is to cut through nonsense. Tough and real; doing what needs to be done…

Beyond the screen writer’s flair, though, the feel of Clint Eastwood’s convention speech was not of soaring political rhetoric, but of a movie awards ceremony, as if he were speaking to an audience of peers. And there again is the unique character that he has been in the public imagination, as if we the people are his peers, not the glitzy stars. He introduced himself to the GOP audience as a “movie tradesman.”

What Eastwood did, with his extemporaneous air and unfilled chair, was to call bull**** on the increasingly untenable narrative that the Left has been weaving through all of the public institutions that it has spent decades infiltrating. He elevated to TV Land the shocking breach of story line and etiquette that hit YouTube years ago when angry citizens shouted down their Senators at town hall meetings.

The Brilliance of Clint’s Empty Chair

Mike O’Malley
that was also brilliant,

@Tom: @ilovebeeswarzone:

Indeed Clint Eastwood did NOT quote him as saying “go F yourself”? No one in the Hall did. Eastwood elicited that unspoken response from the forbidden intuition of his audience. Unlike the little boy in the tale, Eastwood did not shout out “look the emperor has no clothes!”. The accomplished Director directed the gaze of his audience onto an unspoken common truth. And then standing naked before the multitude, the emperor loudly declares “behold the glory of my royal robes” and thus ratifies that forbidden truth.

Mike O’Malley
yes thank you for that

@Mike O’Malley: @Mike O’Malley:

It was certainly interesting and i can live with the various interpretations of its effectiveness and intent. Your interpretation seems to imply a degree of scriptedness I didn’t see. Of course its effectiveness is directly tied into its lack a script. It had an edge because it rambled, occasionally into nonsense. It was the moment before a car crash drawn out.

Equally interesting, to me, is that almost nothing he said was something a Republican could agree with or identify with (aside from the anti O bits). It was aimed at Independents? Ok, but it sure was funny watching the audience applaud.


scriptedness I didn’t see

Indeed! The genius of a true master of the theatrical arts! We see in center stage not the cunning artist taking a bow but the naked emperor himself!

The only part of the convention I watched was the 11 minute clip of Clint’s speech. It was well worth it. His line about how the pols are the employees and the people are the employers was well worth the time. No truer words have been spoken. The folks in D.C. need to get rid of their elitist attitude.

@Mike O’Malley:

Let’s all imagine the response if a Republican President was the butt of such ribalb tom foolery: “this is a disgraceful lack of respect for the office! And to sanction it at your convention. For shame. This is a turning point, the downfall of the West. When we freely mock THIS office, we are no longer a people worthy of being called American”.

How was that?

another vet
yes, I did loved it.

@Mike O’Malley:

Oh, so you thought those times he ah, er, um. He ah… Times. Times he or a person um. Lost his rain. His train of . Of. You thought that was on purpose? Because it, what, sounded better? It appealed more to the heartland conservative crowd who crave avant garde improv? Do you think there was a point beforehand where Romney said, “you’re being too coherent! Make it weirder. amplify my madness!”

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