Just what is it about leftists and their fellow liberal travellers that compels them to proselytize for Socialism? In their holier-than-thou condescending style, leftists and liberals love to dictate to people about what is and isn’t moral as if their ideology is the perfect truth which all should follow. Their default position is Socialist and liberal beliefs are more enlightened and therefore, they are automatically morally superior to everyone else. Socialists and Liberals will be shocked and offended should anyone dare to question their perfect truth and will become outraged, angry and even violent should dissenters refuse to be brow-beaten into believing Socialist dogma.
Filled with what can be described as a fantasy-driven misguided hubris at best, the left has no problem in demonizing anyone who dares to oppose them. Their nasty little tactic is to portray opponents as immoral. As haters. As intolerant bigots. As unbalanced individuals who are filled with prejudice and irrational fear: Homophobes, Xenophobes, and the quite frankly absurd Islamophobe. Socialists will also twist and distort reality by smearing opponents as “far right” Fascists or Nazis. And let’s not forget their favorite Orwellian hate crime of all, the modern day heresy of racism.
What’s quite astonishing is how anyone from the left is regarded as moral and actually taken seriously. It’s as if the minds of the masses have been wiped clean of the diabolical nature and the murderous history of Socialism in the same way Hilary Clinton’s private email server has allegedly been wiped clean of incriminating emails.
I don’t think the left should be allowed to claim the moral high ground because there’s nothing moral about Socialism. To prove this, here’s just a small sample of what the morally bankrupt left actually stands for along with the abhorrent history of Socialism.
- Karl Marx, the Godfather of the left, was a man who called for classes and races too weak to accept the new conditions of life – that being HIS socialism – to be exterminated. It would be achieved by what he called “revolutionary terror”. This terror would be directed at the “bourgeoisie”, the upper and middle classes. Marx’s vision was for a classless, stateless society, where the working class – the proletariat – would control the means of production. Those who dared to oppose this dictatorship of the proletariat would have to “give way” and Marx knew this would lead to the slaughter of millions of people. In other words, opposition to Socialism will not be tolerated, it will be stamped out. How Karl Marx is regarded as a genius philosopher is baffling.
- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – The USSR – the world’s first Communist state, was born out of revolutionary terror. Between 1918 and 1991, the Soviet Union slaughtered an estimated SEVENTY MILLION of its own people including starving around seven million people to death in the Ukraine between 1932-34. This happened while Stalin continued to export millions of tons of grain including to his then allies in Nazi Germany. That’s another major aspect of World War Two that’s been conveniently forgotten. Leftists claim Nationalism was the cause of World War Two. They forget the war was started by National Socialist Germany and the USSR who were allies and who both invaded Poland. World War Two was started by SOCIALISM not Nationalism. The invasion of Poland was an act of revolutionary terror to conquer Poland and impose Socialism. Do you doubt this? Look at what happened to Poland AFTER the war was over.
- Marx’s call for revolutionary terror and the diabolical mass murder of people has been committed in other Socialist states most notably, The Peoples’ Republic of China, Vietnam, the killing fields of Cambodia, Cuba, Ethiopia, North Korea and many more including National Socialist Germany. In total, Socialism has slaughtered between 150-200 million people AND COUNTING. Socialist regimes have also imprisoned, tortured and enslaved at least as many in forced labor camps. These atrocities are not a coincidence; the perpetrators know what they’re doing: Obeying Karl Marx. Yet Socialists have the audacity to highlight slavery as an atrocity committed by the right and are demanding all symbols related to the Confederacy to be banned. If they were so offended by slavery, they would be calling for a ban on all symbols related to Socialism. Their lack of self-awareness is staggering and their hypocrisy is nauseating.
- Leftists and Liberals absolutely love to smear opponents as Nazis. In fact, Nazism belongs firmly on the left. Nazism is an abbreviation for National Socialist German Workers Party. The only way Nazism differs to Communism is that it is National Socialism whereas Communism is International Socialism. All of the rest is the same old Socialist dogma – state control of means of production, forcibly imposed collectivism with the individual reduced to a servant of the state and obviously, the Nazis were fiercely anti-capitalism. Whilst he was still a journalist, Adolf Hitler was invited to join the then German Workers Party – the DAP – after giving a beguiling speech on how capitalism could be destroyed. The Nazis also promoted promiscuity, abortion, expanded the welfare state, and Hitler himself was a vegetarian and an environmentalist. The Nazis were pro-gun control and one of the first things they did was to outlaw gun ownership.
Then there’s the mass murder of human beings. The Nazis killed about 21 million people, a bit of an amateur effort compared to the Communist killing machines in the USSR and the Peoples’ Republic of China. It should never ever be forgotten that Nazism is a leftist ideology firmly rooted in Marxism. You cannot understand Communism or Nazism without understanding Marxism. This also applies to Mussolini’s Fascism – Italian National Socialism. Ignorant leftists who accuse others of being “far right” Nazis share the same Socialist beliefs as Stalin, Mao, Mussolini and Hitler. Remind them: Socialism is the progression to the Gulags of the USSR, the Laogais of China and the Konzentrationslagers of Nazi Germany. Odd how all of these brutal Socialist regimes had forced labor camps isn’t it?
- As almost everyone knows, the Nazis were racial supremacists who regarded all non-Germanic, non-Aryan races as inferior. They despised the Roma and the Jews but they also regarded white races such as Slavs and Celts as untermenschen – Sub human.
But where did Adolf Hitler get this hatred from? He didn’t think of it, he was a second-rate intellectual after all. He got it directly from the Godfather of Socialism Karl Marx. The Nazis didn’t call their nefarious aim to make Europe Judenrein “The Holocaust.” They called it “The Final Solution”. The final solution to what? The Jewish Question. Who asked the Jewish question and provided the final solution? Karl Marx.
So, whenever you hear a shrieking progressive bigot screaming “racist”, take the opportunity to remind them that Socialism is a racist ideology right to its very core.
- Racist in the usage as we know it now, is a pejorative Marxist construct, a thought-control weapon designed to silence dissenters and brainwash people into meekly accepting the creeping colonization of their land, the dilution of their culture and the erasing of their identity.
Racism is a weapon of ethnic cleansing and it’s only deployed against one group of people: Western Europeans who are proud of their nations and who wish to preserve their culture and identities. Racism is the Marxist term for tribalism and the word racism has no meaning to the tribal peoples of Africa and South America, the Oriental races of Asia and the Arabic peoples of the Middle East. All of whom, incidentally, must be regarded as racists by Socialists if they apply their dogma evenly. No chance of that though.
This word has been around for over a century and initially it wasn’t pejorative.
It became pejorative thanks to the Marxist revolutionary (there’s that word again) Leon Trotsky, the man who created the Red Army. Trotsky was a firm
believer in the application of revolutionary terror and it was he who set up the concentration camps (Gulags), compulsory labor camps and implemented state control of trades unions.
To make Socialism dominant in the USSR and eliminate opposition, Trotsky instigated many brutal practices including summary execution which would be adopted by another Socialist font of humanity, Joseph Stalin. Indeed, Stalin accused Trotsky of betraying the working class and ordered for Trotsky to be summarily executed. After a couple of botched attempts including the murder of Trotsky’s bodyguard, Spanish-born Soviet agent Ramón Mercader killed Trotsky with an ice-pick.
During the mid-twentieth century, Marxist scholars such as Herbert Marcuse realized the working class people of the West had rejected Socialism. To solve this problem, they decided to import people into the West who would become the new oppressed proletariat who would take Socialism forwards. With this evolution, Marxists abandoned the working class people of the West and adopted the causes of minorities – women, homosexuals and especially immigrants. Racist was the Orwellian thought control weapon they used against those who opposed mass immigration. Their plans were boosted by events in South Africa, where the white minority was branded as racists who were cruelly oppressing the black majority through its “racist” system of apartheid.
Since the end of apartheid and the imposition of black Marxist ANC rule, over 3000 Boer famers have been killed by black South Africans. This is genocide of the Boers but unlike the outrage the International community had for apartheid, this genocide is ignored.
This shows is why racism is a racist term itself because it only works one way. The word racist is used by leftists who believe they are white knights protecting ethnic minorities from evil haters. In fact it is a thought control weapon designed to stifle opposition to the spread of Communism – International Socialism – the dismantling of Western capitalist states and the creation of a one world stateless Socialist society. It is a smear to demonize people who are loyal to their nation, its culture and who wish to preserve them for future generations of their people. Smug, self-righteous Socialists who deploy this thought-control weapon are nothing more than subverts who are working to destroy nations. In other words, racism is the weapon of a traitor. And remember: This pejorative word was coined by Leon Trotsky, a Marxist revolutionary who is responsible for the murders of between 2-4 million people.
Far from having the moral high ground, the evidence of Socialism is that it is a violent, supremacist, hate-filled totalitarian ideology. It’s a racist ideology that is destroying Western civilization and it’s way past time for people to stop listening to pious bigoted leftists and to remind them of the abhorrent truth about Socialism and its evil, murderous history
Christopher J. Green is an investigative journalist and historian specializing in the decline of America and Western civilization. He is the author of the new book: Death of the Family – True Stories of the Charlatans Who Deceived the World and Broke the Backbone of Our Society.
If you can not even recognize Nazism as right wing you are a complete idiot
Many many right wing conservative Americans such as Henry Ford Sen Prescott Bush who did great business with Germany liked Hitler
These same people hated Russia and socialism
Might I suggest reading. Trading with the Zendmy by Loftus in regards to how well Anerican capitalists liked Hitler?
Have you ever noticed how Leftism only works best for the “masses”?
The Vanguard are somehow always exempted from its strictures as they have important work to do.
Hugo Cavez managed to leave his daughter a little something while the rest of the people of Venezuela see empty shelves: Four BILLION Dollars!
And, Alejandro Andrade, who served as Venezuela’s treasury minister from 2007 to 2010 and was reportedly a close associate of Chavez, was discovered to have $11.2billion in his name sitting in HSBC accounts in Switzerland!
Oh, well, PUBLICLY, during his lifetime, Hugo Chavez denounced wealthy individuals.
But looks like he was a bit two-faced when it came to HIS wealthy individuals.
The socialist left-tards are collectively suffering from The Butterfield Effect: It’s what happens when someone on the Left makes a statement that is laughably ludicrous on its face, yet it reveals what the speaker truly believes — no matter how dumb…
Let’s not forget Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, aka Vladimir Lenin. He is an icon on the left despite the fact that he began the killing spree that Stalin continued. If you were to look at arguments and statements made by those on the left and compare them to what Lenin said, they would essentially be the same. As was pointed out on another thread by Artfidgr, the left in this country is following the Menshevik approach of gradual change as opposed to Bolshevik approach of change through immediate violent revolution. We have already seen leftists who post here state on more than occasion that they consider conservatives to be the biggest threat to this country. We currently have a leftist on another thread comparing us to terrorists.
The left claim to be the tolerant ones yet if you disagree with them they do everything in their power to shut you up and resort to such accusations as racist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, war on women, etc. etc. Make no mistake, if the left in this country had their way there would be but one party, theirs, and anyone who didn’t get in line would end up suffering the same fate of past peoples who didn’t go along their leftist agenda. They can claim to be “non-violent” but the PP videos, the OWS protests, and the recent rants about killing cops show otherwise. Their agitators and intelligenstia of course don’t engage in those activities but they inspire others who aren’t afraid of violent confrontation to do it.
@John: The National SOCIALIST Party was, by definition, NOT RIGHT WING!
@Me, #5:
That’s a load of manure.
People have properly understood the National Socialist German Workers Party to be an extreme right-wing organization since its beginnings in 1919. The right’s recent efforts at historical revision are ridiculous. Their entire argument is pinned to the occurrence of the word “Socialist” in the party name. News flash, kids: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea—aka North Korea—is not democratic, nor is it a republic. The fact that the words appear in the country’s official name means absolutely nothing.
The reality is that the Nazis hated socialism. The word was included in the party name early on because it had a certain currency and populace appeal at the time, but all leftist organizations and ideas were total anathema to the Nazis. They battled leftists of every description on the streets for years. Beatings and murders were common. As soon as they came to power they made socialism illegal. They rounded up socialists by the thousands and sent them to concentration camps. Over 11,000 were arrested and sent to Dachau in 1933 alone. Many were executed. The Nazis disbanded all unions and arrested their leaders, which is not a particularly leftist thing to do. Socialist books disappeared from universities, libraries, and shops and were publicly burned. If you wrote or distributed such material you could expect a late night visit from the Gestapo. By no stretch of the imagination were Nazis leftist.
Three books, in combination, explains American Liberalism.
The first is The Bell Curve, by Herrnstein, which points out that half the population is not as bright as the other half. You would think this to be obvious, but if you couple this with the Dunning-Kruger Effect, that these same Left-side-of-the-Curve people do not accept this truth, and indeed, consider themselves brighter than average, a picture begins to appear.
Over the last 50 years, the Left has convinced the proles that a college degree is simply required. Doesn’t matter what the degree is in, it’s your ticket to the top. A BA in 14th century art is enough. You can’t change a tire, but it doesn’t matter.
The second would be “Pathological Altruism”, a series of papers collected by Barbara Oakley, that suggests that Liberals will kill you, but it’s for your own good.
The third is Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. This is simply that Communism has rebranded itself as Liberalism, or Progressivism, or Secular Humanism, or some other verbal camouflage.
Do the equation, and there are two values. The Evil, the Stupid. The Evil tells the Stupid what to believe. The Stupid, firmly convinced of their own brilliance, have been told that we have always been at war with Eastasia, and will hate and kill anyone who disagrees.
Please explain the difference in the treatment of the individual citizen in the leftist Russia and the Right wing Germany.
The communists and National socialists only fought for control of the boot on the throat of the individual. Both were exterminators of copious numbers of their citizens.
The notion that nazism is of the right was a fabrication incorporated into a false political spectrum line graph drawn by early communist infiltrators of the US college system. It took, apparently.
Ya, I know, Bush.
@Greg: Fascism and Nazism have simply become shorthand for any political system lefties don’t like.
Nazis rounded up and committed atrocities against people from all manner of “others”. They did end up focusing heavily on our Jewish friends, initially because they sought to nationalize or take over their successful businesses in order further their own cause or line the pockets of their favored cronies. Hmm…sound at all familiar?
Your lame-ass attempt to spin National Socialist to mean something other than what it clearly does is no more accurate than pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.
@John: Actually,the conservative “right” in Germany during that period had all been steadfastly loyal to the Kaiser and the Hohenzollern monarchy…when that was abolished,they transferred their loyalty to Paul von Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic…Hitler knew his Marx….hence,his very own German “dictatorship of the proletariat”
@Fred H: Thanks for this book list, Fred.
I had Bell Curve and Road to Serfdom on my shelf but had not even heard of “Pathological Altruism.”
Before I spring for it I think I’ll try finding a copy at our Library.
The Amazon reviews make it sound really interesting.
The government took over the means of production from private industry.
The government rounded up and detained and/or eliminated ‘undesirables’ in internment camps.
The government took control of healthcare.
The government supported eugenics, in reality even if it denied this support.
The government supported mass violence against the state in order to gain control.
The government supported the creation of the “new man.”
The government expanded militarism.
The leader instituted what he called “socialist” changes in support of the ‘have-nots’ and leading them to rise up over their oppressors.
So, are these the actions of a ‘right-wing’ fascist govrnment, or a ‘left-wing’ communist one?
One could pick and choose certain entries above (hello, John) and say “You could say that about any government!” But the point is ALL of these actions were done, in the same era, by both the Nazis and the communists. And folks seem to be forgetting they had a pact and worked together (hello, Poland). I guess they didn’t know they were on opposite ends of the spectrum!
(Yes, the Soviets eventually turned on them, but that has nothing to do with their suddenly discovering the Soviets weren’t right-wingers.)
“By no stretch of the imagination were Nazis leftist.” That’s hogwash. Saying they rounded up Soviet communists because they suddenly realized “Ohmigosh, they’s COMMIES!” reveals the game.
@JSW: Do you know what the word, ‘nazi’ stood for?
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei…
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party…
The Nazi Germans considered most Slavs to be ‘Untermenschen‘…
Soviets whacked rivals all the time just like two coke drug lords battling for supremacy
Both were socialist and as Marx stated the goal of socialism is communism
A complete idiot? Let’s see. Nazism = German National SOCIALIST WORKERS Party. It is firmly rooted in Marxism, the red on the flag symbolises socialism. All means of production controlled by Reich Ministry of Economics. Massive expansion of welfare state (free education and healthcare), classeless society, indeed the Nazis bragged they had united ALL Germans. Establishment of a one party state and a collectivist society – “You must submit to the overwhelming urge to obey” said Hitler and as is usual with socialist states, establishment of forced labor camps, just as occurred in USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea.
The Nazis proclaimed they were socialists who were champions of the German worker and the German farmer. They knew what they were and they belong firmly on the left, slightly to the right of Communism – International Socialism.
Hope this helps.
@JSW: The amazing part of all this is how the left contradicts themselves on this matter (like most others as well). They call people who advocate small government “right wingers”, therefore a right wing extremist would be someone who advocates no government at all, i.e. an anarchist. If their argument was consistent and the NAZI’s were right wingers, they would have at a minimum advocated small government and if they were right wing extremists, they would have been anarchists and would have completely eliminated government. A direct contradiction of historical facts. Hitler was pro-big government, a control freak, against private ownership of firearms, and anti-capitalist amongst other things. Sounds like a lefty to me.
“The American people will never knowingly accept Socialism. But under the name of “liberalism” they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist Program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
Norman Thomas]
Six time Presidential candidate on the Socialist Party ticket.
Any questions?
No surprise that plain -ISM facts give liberal zombies a “fiery farter”. Community definitely needs more posts like this.
@Christopher J Green:
Bernie Sanders admits to being a Nationalist and a Socialist who is getting most of his campaign money from the Workers Unions.
Knowing that, tell us Greg What party’s nomination is he trying to win?