Hold The Presses, We’ve Found An Honest Democrat

In this modern time, no one expects a Democrat to be honest, not the public, not the media, not Democrats, and especially not the Progressives and Liberals. Lying is the accepted modus operandi, every bit of news or public announcement from the Obama administration and its mainstream media is considered propaganda at best and often just a bald-faced lie. It’s no big deal; the public has accepted the fact that Obama lies as a matter of course. He is a liar and they love him for his arrogant manner of pretending people believe his lies.

The day Obama jumped the shark [Reader Post]

This could be a really simple post. All I have to do is post Drudge headlines. First, these three:

Libyan president: ‘No doubt’ was ‘preplanned’ starting months ago…
Video Purports To Show US Ambassador Dragged, Cheers From Crowd…

Obama gains coveted personal injury lawyer endorsement [Reader Post]

You remember Charlie Crist. He used to be a Republican Governor of Florida. Then he thought he’d become bigger than the GOP in Florida and had his ass handed to him by Marco Rubio:

ST. PETERSBURG — Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-independent, continued his political makeover Sunday by endorsing President Barack Obama’s re-election and calling him “the right leader for our times.”

Hit The Road Barack, And Don’t You Come Back No More

It’s Newsweek, the title of the cover article reads, “Hit The Road, Barack”, and the Left has their collective panties tied in a knot. It has not a been pretty sight, but perhaps Newseek’s new editor, Tina Brown, has realized there is no honor or dignity in being another propaganda rag for a failed president and following him into oblivion and ignominy.

Obama pees on our leg and tells us it’s raining [Reader Post]

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

President Obama: Well, first of all I am not sure that all of those characterizations that you laid out there were accurate. For example, nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon. And, I think that what is absolutely true is if you watch me on the campaign trail, here’s what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how to put Americans back to work.

Seal Team Six Speaks Out On Obama’s Raid

Obama’s indifference to our troops in the field who actually put their lives on the line is typical of nearly all imperial leaders of history. However we cannot excuse this blatant callousness on the personalities of history;