Metaphors To The Left, Metaphors To The Right

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After the tragedy in Tucson, everyone is concerned with the metaphors that had nothing to do with the murders or the homicidal maniac who pulled the trigger, but if there was some kind of connection, there would be Hell to pay in the Liberal Press. The Propagandists of Progressivism parading as unbiased journalists have exposed their bias to all who have an open mind or at least those who have a shred of analytical judgement. For they have shot themselves in the foot.

Lord have mercy, Ol Skook has made the same error. He has used an old metaphor and is now eligible to be persecuted and hit with the lead weighted purses of all the dainty boys of the Left Wing Media Complex. But wait a minute, Ol Skook has been a professional hunter and trapper, has been a rancher and worked around the rough and tumble world of horses all his adulthood and childhood. He’s a little course around the edges, you could say he still has the bark on and makes no apologies.

Now our silly boys who get tingles up the inside of their legs watching Obama recite teleprompter messages are going to seem a mite different than a man who hunted elk and moose to feed his family and butchered his own pigs and smoked hams and bacon. You see men like Skook have never farted through silk and aren’t likely to ever consider the possibility.

Once upon a time, at least a few decades ago, before our public education system insisted that young boys act more like girls and adopt feminine mannerisms or be put on anti-anxiety drugs to prep them for being drug addicts, while worrying about self-esteem and majoring in societal disciplines to help form a national dystopia of the future, most men had no doubt as to their manhood and sexual preferences. They were men, some were better than others, but they were men.

Is it no wonder, that a man who fed his family with the meat that he killed and butchered, without ever buying a steak or roast wrapped in cellophane, might use more colorful and descriptive metaphors than one of these boys who would rather starve kill and butcher a moose.

There are different perspectives between these two types of people. One is a survivor and one has lost touch with the elemental factors of nature that can mean the difference between survival and starvation. Unfortunately, it is the survivor that is vilified and looked down upon. He has no compassion for the wolves and the Delta Smelt of the Sierras. Of course he knows of the savagery that wolves use to kill elk and moose, and to the wolf, a rancher’s cow and calf is no different than an elk cow and calf. He knows that the Delta Smelt is being used as an opportunity for the Sierra Club to flex its muscle and control over the farmers of the San Joaquin Valley, so that the water of the Sierra will need to be diverted to San Francisco Bay instead of being used to grow crops in the most productive farm land in the world.

So we talk a little rougher, not with swearing necessarily, we just don’t talk like the dilettantes at the Sunday Wine and Cheese Clubs. Just as truckers will use trucking terms to describe his life and a military man will use military jargon to describe his particular life, and a fisherman will use fishing terms to describe things in his fishy life; although, this is now supposed to change, if we don’t speak in a politically correct manner like our sanctimonious propaganda journalists, we can and will be held liable, just in case someone reads a few lines of our prose and is driven beyond the limits of human endurance and can’t resist killing a few people.

It’s possible that some pathetic soul, that failed to ‘lock onto’ the pacifist pablum of socialism might hear me say or read my writing that implies that certain journalists weren’t worth three dead flies. Does that mean, I will be under the gun, since my metaphor will be the ominous smoking gun that will put the noose around my neck; especially, if some gender confused man-child raised on video games while medicated on the anti-anxiety drugs Zoloft and Ritalin, decides to take his fantasies into reality. Will the Pontificating Lords of Political Correctness and Propaganda sharpen their axes and set their sights on poor Ol’ Skook.

The precedent is being set, we must apologize for any phrases that might imply noncompliance with the new norms of political acceptance, essentially those established by our propaganda bureaus and the Progressive Socialists they represent.

CNN’s John King: “Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race. My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates. We’re trying, we’re trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he’s covered politics for a long time, but we’re trying to get away from that kind of language.”

Of course, the transgression becomes much more serious to a propagandist if the perpetrator is a Conservative or a Republican, this is the nature of propaganda.

I am imagining how I will need to write my hunting stories of the future: I saw the bull moose; no, I saw the moose with male genitalia emerge from the river. I looked through the scope; no, I looked through the magnifying apparatus. He was a prime specimen; no, he was representative of a healthy moose population. I snugged the rifle into my shoulder and began the trigger squeeze after exhaling half a breath; no, I placed my led projectile implement in position and slowly initiated launching procedures. The rifle barked and the bullet landed dead on, piercing both lungs and the heart; no, the lead projectile pierced the breathing apparatus and the animal’s vital pump. He swayed on his feet for a few moments and collapsed to die a few breaths later. Aw Hell, this is getting ridiculous; about as ridiculous as being blamed for rhetoric that didn’t cause a homicidal maniac to go on a killing spree.

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Great one, Skookum!

CNN has obviously got an opening (maybe more than one) for Winston Smith’s job as described in the book, 1984.
Winston Smith worked as a clerk in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job was to rewrite historical documents so they matched the constantly changing current party line.

It may come that news editors will be back in vogue.
They can spend all day sanitizing the writings of their own staff.

Nan, 1984, one of my favorite books. There is at least an upside to this, it will give opportunities to many Winston Smiths and thus we will be creating jobs, just as Barack promised.

You wrote

Lord have mercy, Ol Skook has made the same error. He has used an old metaphor and is now eligible to be persecuted and hit with the lead weighted purses of all the dainty boys of the Left Wing Media Complex.

Are you talking about your allegation that Obama was trying to start a race war?

This analysis was dead on center. And, although I personally couldn’t hit a bull in the ass with a snowshoe I do recognize marksmanship, whether with a gun or a pen, when I see it. Please note that the left is after both types of marksmanship. Jim Clyburn of SC is pushing for the fairness doctrine while the calls for gun control have only begun.

Chicken Thief, I am not totally against gun control; for example, violent felons and psychotics or people on mind altering drugs, especially registered addicts if we legalize drugs, should be allowed anywhere near a weapon. Children and especially gang members should be prosecuted for attempted murder if they are in possession of a firearm in the city. Now that’s gun control.

The Fairness Doctrine for the Democrat is viewed like civil rights and the Holder Justice Department, it is a one way street, because minorities can’t be prosecuted for hate crimes and Progressive Socialist outlets like NPR and the MSM will never be required to allow Conservative rebuttal because they are official propaganda outlets, never wrong and always objective.

This is only the beginning, totalitarian control will take time to implement, even the Titanic took a certain amount of time to sink to the bottom. Socialists are taught to have patience, they are prepared to work towards their revolution over generations. This gradual cultural revolution is the only option they have; by using our freedoms to hogtie us like the Lilliputians controlled Gulliver, they avoid resorting to violent revolution, a far fetched concept when they have purposely designed generations of sissy boys who are worried about their metro-sexual images. These are not the type of revolutionaries that were with Che and Fidel in the mountains. Thus the North American Revolution must be gradual, using political correctness rather than rifles, they seek to wear us down in the tradition of Ho Chi Minh.

Good one Skook! Please pay no attention to the recently refreshed pc crowd.

Hope as they wade back into those murky waters they come across a drop off, get tangled up in their silky drawers as they resurface then be carried out to sea, never to be heard from again. The end.

So when Sharron Angle referred to “2nd amendment solutions,” did you take that as a metaphor?


Care to post Angles’ entire quote?

Or would that not fit your talking point?

Here, here…Good one.

Thanks Skookum.
Once again you display the intelligence I wish the liberal/leftist/ dimocrats/…etc idiots had.

It’s easy to find what Angle said, which was fairly well publicized:

You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it’s good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years.

I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

So, again, was that metaphor?

Russell #11 And folks here at F.A. wonder why Angle lost to a very vulnerable Reid.
The good people of Nevada couldn’t stomach her “Tea Speak”


I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

So, again, was that metaphor?

Yes. It was.

And the rest of it? About Second Amendment remedies?

Because it sure sounds like she is trying to make a real point about the current state of the US, and not just put a metaphorical cross-hairs on Reid.

More of that “new tone” and “civility” from the left, what a surprise:


And the rest of it? About Second Amendment remedies?

Angle was merely expressing the concerns of the citizens of AZ. At no point did she herself state that she was in favor of “Second Amendment remedies”. In fact, she did exactly the opposite didn’t she? She specifically said that she hopes we aren’t getting to that point.

Exit Question: Do the American people, under US law have the right and duty to alter or abolish an oppressive government?

At best, Angle might say that’s what she thought the people of Arizona were thinking. But the vote proves otherwise. So you have to give the credit to Angle, for the claim that we’re getting to where a 2nd amendment remedy is needed.

Which, if not metaphorical, means shooting people, right?

Do the American people, under US law have the right and duty to alter or abolish an oppressive government?

Of course. If they want, they can have their state legislatures call for a Constitutional convention to rewrite the whole framework. But that is an Article V remedy, not a 2nd amendment one


So you have to give the credit to Angle, for the claim that we’re getting to where a 2nd amendment remedy is needed.

That’s not anywhere even close to an intellectually honest translation of what Angle said but, since you’re a Leftist, such behavior is not at all surprising.

Of course. If they want, they can have their state legislatures call for a Constitutional convention to rewrite the whole framework. But that is an Article V remedy, not a 2nd amendment one

Perhaps you should take a closer look at the Declaration of Independence and the original intent of the Founders in regard to the purpose of the Second Amendment.

Aye Why not just cut the back and fro and say you and possibly Shirley(where’s she working now?) would favor a 2nd Amendment solution if these crazed Libs in power get TOO out of hand.You can ofcourse claim The Constitution and The Declaration Of Independance gave you and yours this authority.

@rich wheeler:

Wheeler…Haven’t you been around these parts long enough to have learned that those who attempt to put words in my mouth invariably end up regretting that decision?


“That’s not anywhere even close to an intellectually honest translation of what Angle said.”

Really? Read Angle’s words again:

If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around?

In case you weren’t paying attention in December, that Congress did keep going in the direction Angle hated. It repealed DADT, ratified Obama’s START treaty, and approved unemployment benefits extensions. So on her own words, why shouldn’t everyone think Angle is ready for “Second Amendment remedies”?

Aye complains, “since you’re a Leftist…”

What makes me a leftist? That I point out facts you don’t like?

Aye, Rich seems to be a little cranky these days. I guess seeing the left blame the right for the shooting was so bad he has an inkling that his side isn’t the wonderful people he thought they were, and that he thinks he is by being one of them. Rather than deal with reality he attacks us which allows him to avoid those scary “what if’s” that might bring personal insight.


Good grief, what are you twaddling about now?

Nan G. beat me to the punch. Everyone should read or re-read 1984. Brilliant Nan! NEWSPEAK is now being forced upon us.

Conservatives consider 1984 an early warning. Leftists consider it a roadmap.

Right on target Skookum!

Err, I mean a very nice piece of prose, Skookum.

There’s a difference between metaphorical and literal speech. Do you consider the statement by Joyce Kaufman—ultra-conservative talk show host in southern Florida– “If ballots don’t work, bullets will”, as metaphorical? Sounds pretty literal to me. And, I think it could be considered such by some right-wing fanatics such who were prompted by Glenn Beck and Bernard Goldberg, to commit acts of violence.

The difficulty seems to be that the English language is becoming so distorted in the name of politics, it’s virtually becoming meaningless—as far as communicating truth goes. Sara Palin’s use of the term ‘blood libel’ is a good example of this. Even in her latest interview about the meaning of the term, she got it wrong. The best comprehensive, generalized definition that I’ve found for the term is, “Blood libel” is not wrongfully assigning guilt to an individual for murder (as Palin defined it—parenthetical material my own), but rather assigning guilt collectively to an entire group of people and then using it to justify violence against them.

But many conservative pundits were quick to come to her aid and justify use of these words by Palin. A good example of this is seen in the NRO article be Jim Geraghty, and others, which specifies example of how the term has been used by various pundits, politicians and journalist, “outside the original religious context”. In this particular article he uses examples from liberals and conservatives—as thought the inaccurate use of English is excused because it transcends both side of the political aisle.

But who ever said, in any of the examples suggested above, that the phrase was used properly? They have all used it primarily for effect—the term is composed of the conjunction of two highly emotive words, blood and libel, with negative connotations in this case. And this highly emotive effect is probably what Sarah Palin’s promoters wanted—assuming even they knew what the term meant. Many try to excuse the use the of the expression by saying it’s used in “common parlance”. So, the term ‘nigger’ is still used in common parlance by many the most reactionary among us. Does this make it an adequate descriptor, or simply a derogatory, emotionally charged word used to demean a portion of our citizenry?

Whether it results in stochastic violence, or, like this article by Skookum—portraying a ‘he-man’ image, and correspondingly denigrating the ‘sissy image’, like many a teen-age boy who acts and speaks in such a manner to make the little girls swoon—such ‘symbolisms’ concocted by his words might further contribute to his readers turning a blind eye to crimes committed against individuals toward
whom they are prejudiced. Besides, this kind of macho talk puts him in the same league as Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz when they’re feeling their testosterone.

And that’s also the danger of putting too much uncritical faith in what certain political heroes might be saying. Again, returning to Palin, after this fiasco—in addition to many other gaffs, i.e., neither being able to name one periodical she reads regularly nor one Supreme Court decision with which she disagreed, etc.–how can anyone put any faith in what she says a truth, let alone consider this her for any significant public office, especially abdicating her public office of governor and seek fame and fortune.

Liberal1 drops a load of #2 on the site yet again. BTW, please make up some new lies and distortions about Palin already. The ones you listed are already disproven and flat out boring.

Blood libel was used to describe the lies that Jews were killing children to use their blood for rituals. It has become a phrase that describes lies told about anyone, individual or group that claims that person or persons has blood on their hands. This was what the MSM attempted to do to Palin.

The use of ritalin to calm my 2 sons in school sure hits home. Attention deficit, horse feathers, lousy lazy curriculum. The boys told me they were faking the ingestion and selling the pills with their buddies. They hated the sedation and became drug pushers. I threatened lawsuit and all the boys in their classes were taken off the drug. This scenario took about half a school year. Moral of the story- I put the boys in the Catholic system and the rest is history- successful, tax paying citizens.