As the organizers of last Sunday’s “Million” Vet March attempt to distance themselves from the political partisanship, one idiot on the right stands out as the poster child for Tea Party crazy:
Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group, said the country is “ruled by a president who bows down to Allah,” and “is not a president of ‘we the people.'”
“I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out,” he said.
Larry Klayman is a birther attorney and an idiot. There are legitimate problems with this president (Who is not running for re-election in 2016); and he trots out the “Obama is a Muslim” canard?! As if there is even anything wrong with that (oops…did I leave myself open? Is there some religious test I am unaware about in regards for running for the highest office in the land?).
Can we put this harmful conspiracy to rest already?! The Birther nonsense (started by Democrat Hillary supporters yet perpetuated on the right) and the Muslim-charge only helps President Obama. It doesn’t hurt him. And it makes conservatives look like a bunch of wingnuts.
Where on his presidential itinerary does he make the time to pray 5 times a day, facing Mecca? Is droning Muslims proof-positive that we have a Muslim in the White House? Isn’t the stupid stereotype that Muslims supposedly hate dogs? Don’t eat pork? Don’t drink? Yet President Obama owns a dog, has been seen eating pork and drinking beer; his wife and daughters wear neither hijab, niqab, nor burqa; and the list of un-Islamic things goes on and on…
Yet some crazies on the right insist on labeling him a closet Muslim with as much fervor as birthers insist he is not American-born; or is not a natural-born citizen; and 9/11 Troothers blather on about Building 7…
Personally, I don’t believe religion plays a vital part of President Obama’s personal life- Christian, Islam, or any other. I think his decision to join Reverend Wright’s church was a political calculation. He might have had a 20 year membership; but I don’t think he sat in the Trinity United Church much more than he attends church today as president. I could be wrong, as it’s just speculation on my part.
But in regards to his religious affiliation? It isn’t Islam.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
even children singning CHRISMAS SONG IS RACIST,
even they say that it might offend other<
well how about offending the AMERICANS? those with roots on the ground,
have been signing for century the CHRISMAS SONG FOR CHRISMAS.
THEY ARE OFFENDED, and if you hear them say it,
count yourself lucky to hear just words, you deserve something else
that would shut your offense for good,
@Redteam: Where have you or o5 or Bees ever called out racist comments made against Obama by F.A. posters? Aqua called out a particularly egregious comment a couple of days ago. Curt had it deleted. It wasn’t the first racist comment deleted by Curt. Chances are, it won’t be the last.
I’ve been accused of being a race baiter. I say, if you call out a racist, shine a light on his or her bigotry, you ain’t baiting em you’re hookin em. When someone calls out a racist, as Aqua and others have done, it does not make Aqua a racist.
zealot–excessively zealous, fanatically committed person. I would say this defines you and Bees and 05 in your efforts to degrade the POTUS. You may see it as a badge of honor.
Richard Wheeler
UNFORTUNETLY for you, it’all the truth,
so, is there something interesting you want to give your opinion on?
YA SURE, IT SHOW THE PEOPLE want to get out of here,
and get away from indoctrination of their children,
and live in a neutral zone, in their boat, in the middle of the
OCEAN which nobody can claim to own,
@ilovebeeswarzone: Interesting? We can talk about boat manufacturing.
How bout a discussion of the basic tenets of Christianity—Compassion,Love,Generosity,Humility,Forgiveness,Patience. Are these qualities we can all strive for?
Richard Wheeler
@ilovebeeswarzone: It doesn’t matter who the POTUS is when it comes to being a Christian and living a life imbued with Christian tenets. Obama,Bush etc. do not affect anyone’s personal faith and values.
@Richard Wheeler:
So now Redteam, Bees and I are responsible for calling someone out on a racist comment[s] that they made in spite of the fact that we may not have even seen it [them] due to Curt deleting it [them]?
Only a progressive zealot could come up with that standard.
@retire05: Simple question. Have you ever called out an FA. poster for an obviously racist comment directed at the POTUS? Many were deleted but many more remained. You’re a savvy lady and know this to be true.
If you have I THANK YOU.
btw about your assertion on another post. I do not consider all negative comments directed at Obama to be racist.
Ex. Benghazi—hopefully we’ll know more about the truth, as in the coming days, those who were there will be testifying.
@Richard Wheeler:
I could tell you “yes” but after years of being here, I have no idea what comments were made that you consider “obviously racist” or if I called the person out on the comments. I noticed that you, on another thread, dismissed what could be considered “obviously racist” comments about Ted Cruz as NOT being so.
Give me an example of the remaining comments you think are “obviously racist” and I will critique them.
@retire05: You say ” Obviously racist comments about Cruz” Agree that negative and tasteless comments were directed at him. I didn’t see spic or wetback etc.
On this blog BHO has been called a n—er, every member of the ape family, and a hell of a lot more. I’ve seen outrage from Conservatives like Aqua, Word, John Galt and others.Kudos to them.
@Richard Wheeler:
So…………unless you see certain pejoratives, no matter the insinuations, you deem comments not to be racist? Why doesn’t that same standard apply to Obama?
Out of line and totally unnecessary. I don’t recall seeing those.
If the pejoratives you listed were used, again, out of line and unnecessary. As to the conservatism of Aqua, Word and others, who are you to decide they are “conservative”? Or are you like the hooker who teaches a sexual abstinence class?
@retire05: What specific “insinuations” made against Cruz were racist?
Do you dispute that Obama has been called a n—er, and a monkey here at F.A., or are you sticking with you don’t know but it would be ” out of line and unnecessary” UNNECESSARY—-YA THINK??
Are you saying Word and Aqua are not Conservatives? I must be on the wrong blog.
@Richard Wheeler:
What gives you the impression I give a damn about who calls Obama a racist? I don’t play the racist card. People that play the racist card are racist, there is no denying that.
I saw the comment and I didn’t agree with the comment. I am not the blog owner, it is the job and duty of the blog owner to delete comments that ‘clearly’ should not be posted. My only obligation is to read or not read comments and comment on the ones that I wish to comment on. I’m not the blog police.
And I will stick by my statement that most of the persons calling out racists are racist. I didn’t see where Aqua called out a racist, but then I wasn’t ‘looking’ for it either. That comment that you mentioned that was deleted had nothing to do with racism, in my opinion.
Of course I don’t agree with you, after all you can’t even predict baseball games. but I’m not a ‘zealot’ or ‘fanatic’ about anything. No one has to be concerned about degrading Obama, he doesn’t need any help, he does quite well on his own. I watched a clip of his lying speech yesterday, he stumbled, mumbled and lied his way all the way through. He should at least practice a TOTUS speech so he can at least get the words correct. I’m amazed they put in so many ‘you knows’ in his teleprompter.
I understand that secular progressives think their mission justifies their actions, but I have never thought that planned lying was the way to go.
@Richard Wheeler:
And yet, you don’t seem to care that the president has none of these qualities.
@Richard Wheeler:
@retire05:362 RW said:
Retire said:
Put me down in the ‘I haven’t seen that either’ category. But I don’t read ‘every’ comment on all threads.
I think it is very interesting how quickly RW plasters a ‘label’ on someone he disagrees with but sees no bigotry or racism in his doing so, but anyone else doing it is only because of bigotry or racism. Anyone see a double standard anywhere?
@Redteam: Now you say “most persons” who call out racists are in fact racists. You’re gonna give Aqua a pass. How bout when Aqua said he considered use of Redskins by Washington NFL team to be racist. Does he get a pass on that assertion.
Racists are racists. No place for them in 21st century America—they come from the right and the left. No acceptance. No shelter.Don’t blame the messenger.
Who did I “plaster a label on” Be specific. You don’t think you are EXCESSIVELY zealous in your effort to degrade the POTUS? Fine Does this assertion have ANYTHING to do with bigotry or racism on my part.
Please explain your line of thought?
@Richard Wheeler:
give me a comment number of one of those, I don’t recall seeing any of those.
I wouldn’t label either of those in any way, why do you? I haven’t read enough of Aqua to have a strong feeling either way but Word ‘seems’ to be kinda in the middle from what I’ve read, but I haven’t read a ‘whole lot’ of his writings either.
@Richard Wheeler:
Seriously? Well there’s this:
Didn’t you also call someone ‘compassionate conseratives’, just above?
Didn’t I just say I don’t play the race card? It’s not my place to call out racists, they usually do that very well themselves. I do not retreat from my statement that ‘racists play the race card’ I don’t care what anyone says about calling the Redskin’s racist. If persons were not thinking racist thoughts, then they wouldn’t be thinking of labeling things as racist.
@Richard Wheeler:
Well, let’s just say that I am applying the Obama rule: anything negative said about Ted Cruz, a man of color, will, and shall, be considered racist.
I cannot testify to what I have not seen. I’m sure you would rely on hearsay. I don’t.
Yes, UNNECESSARY and OUT OF LINE. If that is not good enough for you, too damn bad.
Give me your definition of “conservatives”.
We finally agree on something.
Richard Wheeler
this is not a place to step on everyone which you don”t like the opinion< no place to judge other<
if you don"t want to be judge,
THIS FLOPPING ACES IS to express your view on the subject,
it"s not to attack the views of other,
@Redteam: Really. Do they affect yours? How so? They certainly don’t affect mine.
@Richard Wheeler:
If the messenger is running around shouting ‘racist’ it is because of the racist thoughts in their mind, it has nothing to do with anyone EXCEPT the messenger,their state of mind.
As I said, not at all. POTUS does not need help in his efforts to degrade himself and his job.
@Richard Wheeler:
Do you believe a regime’ that pushes an Anti-Christian agenda does not effect Christian lives? How about not allowing Catholic Mass for the military during the ‘shutdown’? How about an injunction to prevent a public prayer at a High school football game? How about an injunction to prevent singing Christmas carols at school. I can believe that these things would not effect the lives of secular progressives, but being a secular progressive and being a Christian are not compatible, so of course it would not be a problem.
@Redteam: Cmon RT If someone is yelling at and calling out a rapist in his neighborhood does that make him a rapist. Does he have the mind set of a rapist?
Rapists should be called out. Racists should be called out.Abusers of children and animals should be called out.
Anything less is Cowardice—-don’t blame the messenger.
Singing Christmas Carols or reciting public prayer has nothing to do with living a life of compassion,humility ,patience,love and the tenets and virtues of Christianity.
Semper Fi
one cannot be responsible if he say the black person across is talking with the white woman,
insulted for having been label black person, THEN that is not the one ‘s problem,
it”s the black person’s problem for being dishonest and playing the race card on the one,
that game was played many times by OBAMA AT THE START OF HIS PRESIDENCY,
anyone refering to black was called a racist, that was the begining of the divide on the people,
THEN they continue dividing this AMERICA with the poor against the wealthy,
they chose the MUSLIMS AS BROTHER in war against the CHRISTIANS,
now AMERICA is divided all around,
less than half sold to OBAMA, the other plus half to the people who love AMERICA with all their soul,
@Richard Wheeler:
You sure are/or seem to be obsessed with this racism business. What has caused this defect within you? I’m not even sure what you think a racist is and don’t know why you have a ‘need’ to think about it. I never think about racism because I don’t practice it and don’t think others should either, but this is America and everyone, as far as I am aware, have freedom of speech. It is beyond my comprehension as to why anyone would think the name Washington Redskins is racist. Are you personally offended if someone calls you a ‘white man’? (assuming you are Caucasian) If you are offended? Why? Is it because you believe they are trying to label you as racist? That being ‘white’ must mean you think you are ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than someone that is not white. Why would an American Indian feel that being referred to by the color of their skin is a ‘degrading’ thing. I think every person should be proud of themselves and their heritage and not feel inferior to anyone just because of the color of their skin. But as I say, since I’m not racist, I don’t run around ‘thinking’ of it and ‘looking’ for it.
@Richard Wheeler:
It just occurred to me, are you insinuating that calling a person a redskin(if that person is an American Indian) is equivalent to being a rapist? or a bank robber?
@Redteam: I think where we differ is you don’t believe racism exists in this great Country that you and I have defended. Or maybe you think it exists but it’s none of your business since you are not a racist. First Amendment rights you say.
Obviously I don’t see it that way. We’ll agree to disagree on that.
@Richard Wheeler:
@Richard Wheeler:
I don’t believe I either said that or insinuated that. All this business about racism IS THE ACTIVITIES OF RACISTS. Racism is a business, ask Jesse Jackson or Al (Twana Brawley) Sharpton what their business is.
@Richard Wheeler:
Not sure what your point is. I would think you do believe in First Amendment rights for ‘everyone’ . If you want to get mileage or extra traction by ‘calling’ out racists, then by all means, exercise your first amendments rights, but remember those you are ‘calling’ out have those same rights to call you whatever they think you are. Do you actually put racists and rapists in the same category?
@Redteam Racism in America exists because of Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson et al.
@Richard Wheeler: Absolutely.. and many others. But it is their primary and/or only business.
@Redteam: Child abusers,animal abusers,rapists are worse than racists.
The first three are criminal.
Racists are simply ignorant.
I think it is funny how the race baiters tell anyone who isn’t black how only blacks can use the N-word, and that we don’t understand that it is only objectionable when used by someone else. Well, if that is the litmus test, then what right does some white guy have to decide that the term “Redskin” is racist when they wouldn’t knew what the Dawes Rolls are if place in front of them. Never mind that the Western Channel continues to run movies that portray Native Americans as nothing more than blood thirty savages killing the white
interloperssettlers.But hey, the Native Americans can’t afford K Street.
@Richard Wheeler:
Jesse and Al won’t like you if you keep talking about them like that.
of course, by Native Americans you mean those born in the US.
Nah, just pandering to the politically correct adherents among us that think the original Americans should be called “Native” Americans. 🙂
@retire05: @Redteam
Wow, you guys are certainly cracking each other up. Why am I in the dark? What’s so funny about calling Native Americans “Native Americans”?
@Tom: Are you talking about American Indians or people born in the US?
That should really crack you up.
I was talking about Native Americans. Are you confused or ignorant? Let me guess: you’re about to show us. 2 3 1
Obviously our definitions are different.