He Helped to Build That! [Reader Post]

Much like the previous attacks on Romney for having had the audacity of visiting New Orleans after the storm, and several days before the campaigner-in-chief saw fit to do the same, Romney is once again under sieged by Obama’s campaign and by the media for stating the obvious, defending our sovereignty and standing up for one of our most sacred values, our freedom of speech.

Obama was too busy campaigning to catch up with his intelligence briefings [Reader Post]

It was reported that Barack Obama has been missing 50% of his intelligence briefings.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney calls a new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report finding that President Obama has missed over half of his daily intelligence briefings “hilarious.”

“It’s revealing that Mr. Carney did not dispute the Government Accountability Institute’s actual numbers,” said Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer in an interview with Breitbart News. “That’s probably because our findings are drawn directly from the White House’s own calendar.”

Lockerbie Bomber dies peaceably at home, age 60

Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie Bomber convicted of killing 270 and diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer in 2008, was released in August of 2009 under compassionate grounds (where’s the compassion toward the victims?) due to “a Scottish law that allows terminally ill prisoners to die at home. When he was freed, Mr. Megrahi was expected to live three months.”

Smart Diplomacy

How lucky we are, we who mourn the erosion of freedom and the implementation of Statism; for now, we at least have the consolation and comforting feelings that come with knowing we have a high degree of intellect directing our international diplomacy, more commonly known as “Smart Diplomacy”. The phrase our former First Lady used to describe her self-professed skills in diplomacy; skills that were apparently acquired in managing the “Bimbo Eruptions,” her husband precipitated during their marriage and sometimes bizarre journey to the White House. Skills that became patently obvious with the Obama Administration’s opening of our embassy in Damascus and Ms Clinton describing Assad,the butcher of Syria, as a reformer. Yes, if the diplomacy of the White House and the State Department were any smarter, the dictators of the world would be cowering in fear when Hillary flexes her brain and farts intellect by the bucket.