Smart Diplomacy

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How lucky we are, we who mourn the erosion of freedom and bemoan the implementation of Statism; for now, we at least have the consolation and comforting feelings that come with knowing there is a high degree of intellect directing our international diplomacy, designated as “Smart Diplomacy”. The phrase our former First Lady uses to describe her self-professed skills in diplomacy; skills that were apparently acquired in managing the “Bimbo Eruptions,” her husband precipitated during their marriage and sometimes bizarre journey to the White House. Skills that became patently obvious with the Obama Administration’s opening of our embassy in Damascus and Ms Clinton describing Assad, the butcher of Syria, as a reformer. Yes, if the diplomacy of the White House and the State Department were any smarter, the dictators of the world would be cowering in fear when Hillary flexes her brain and farts intellect by the bucket.

Unfortunately, reality has gripped the world; various blood stained “Reformers,” miscreants, tyrants, and benevolent dictators know the US is a war weary country and Hussein Obama is in an election year. The military may be beginning to resent being used as pawns, according to some returning vets, while political leaders make strategic military and political decisions based on popularity polls. Our citizens watch in disbelief as our president goes to the United Nations for a dubious permission slip to engage Libya in a “Lead From The Rear,” war to depose a dictator who by all outward appearances was beginning to reform, but threatened to deal harshly with those in revolt. If only he would have claimed to have a nuclear warhead with inter-continental capabilities, he would have been treated with respect by Obama and others and perhaps still be alive and in power, much like the monster of North Korea who lived out a natural, but surreal comic book existence with Obama’s tacit blessing.

Thus a limited military action, supposedly utilizing air power with surgical precision, our Fearless Slayer of Defenseless Monsters promised a speedy victory over tyranny; unfortunately, the war that wasn’t a war and the precision execution of a tyrant turned into a five month orgy of flexing our military technology and our economic might as we rained down an array of our most sophisticated weapons in an attempt to kill one man. Sadly our proposed orgy of singular execution was but an impotent display of presidential miscalculation and “Smart Diplomacy;” for in the end, a sadistic mob tore the dictator apart, but other dictators were taught to fear the consequences of falling out of favor with America’s own skinny little tyrant.

While Hussein Obama strutted on the world stage and posed in the dual role of Superman and International Bully, our enemies began to see the weaknesses and possibilities or perhaps the impotency of a high tech super power bully engaging a primitive enemy and culture while losing the support of his people. For the absolute absurdity of the situation was never more apparent, than the theater of sublime hypocrisy: a Community Organizer imposing a “No Fly Zone” and using it as an excuse for the bombing of tanks, trucks, and infantry with American air power. With logic that eluded all but the most dedicated sycophants, Hussein Obama continued to rain holy hell on Libya, until a mob tore Qadaffi to pieces. America’s greatness and her beacon of freedom fell several notches during that afternoon of mayhem, but the power of “Smartness” or perhaps dumbness was definitely out in the open, for the world to judge.

Now, the world watches as another dictator slaughters his people who dare to resist tyranny and thumbs his nose at Obama and Hillary with her bucket of smartness. The citizens of the world look up at the throne of Obama, not with a hopeful look, but with a smirk, for they know President Hussein Obama on his throne is really nothing more than a childish Community Organizer on a toilet.

The people that Obama leads, the entitled, self-serving self-designated intellectual snobs, and the ultra-rich Elites, are willing to ignore his military adventurism; except, for those faithful followers in the defense industry. No, it is a delicate balance of a coalition of factions, for the Socialist Pacifists can only stomach a certain amount of military adventurism; until, one day in the future, they look upon Hussein Obama with the familiar fish eyed stare of outage and indignation, formerly reserved for former war-time presidents; yes, even “Smart Diplomacy” can fail, and a benevolent leader may need to whack those who oppose him with a big stick, straight from the Qadaffi and Assad school of diplomacy or tyranny, but on a much grander scale: so a word of caution to you disillusioned pacifists, don’t be too obvious with your revulsion of this man and his barbarism, tyrants with power are tyrants indeed. To grow a perfect Socialist Garden, you must chop up the weeds with a hoe; don’t let Obama see you as a weed that is polluting his garden.

The trick is to be on the correct side of public opinion. Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for being America’s first Marxist President is an example of being on the right side of public opinion or perhaps the Left side of public opinion. Being blatant and openly involved with Crony Capitalism is pushing the envelope of public opinion, even for the Socialist with tunnel vision, but they are a forgiving group and able to overlook the most glaring contradictions in their anointed one, their “Gift from God,” according to Nancy Pelosi.

We have learned not to take threats from the self-styled tyrant, Hussein Obama lightly, he boasted of being able to destroy the coal industry and imposing skyrocketing energy prices; by rejecting the Keystone Pipeline and any pretense of a self-sufficient energy policy, he has single-handedly insured America and the world, that we will be paying crippling energy prices for decades. There is a slight problem with manipulating energy prices ever higher: the cost of living and the cost of food quickly follows energy’s lead, for everything is produced by energy and is transported by energy. Thus America’s buying power is reduced and the downward spiral of an economy begins its descent toward an inevitable collapse.

Obama uses his highly overrated intellect, much like a child to cast blame for his personal failures on others:

“Everybody who is out there back in 2009, if you look back what their estimates were in terms of how many jobs had been lost, how bad the economy had contracted when I took office, everybody underestimated it. People thought that the economy contracted 3%. It turns it retracted close to 9%. We lost 8 million jobs just in a year’s span, about half a year before I took office and half a year after I took office,” Obama said.

“So, the die had been cast, but a lot of us didn’t understand at that point how bad it was going to get. That increases the deficit because less tax revenues come in, and it means that more people are getting unemployment insurance, we’re helping states more so they don’t teachers, etc. The key though is we’re setting ourselves on a path where we can get our debt under control.”

Yes, for those of us “out there”, back in 2009, who are wondering how such an intelligent man can communicate in such a disjointed and non-sensical manner or more importantly, how or why he occupies the most powerful position in the world. We can’t help but wonder, will America’s entitled classes awaken to the realization, that a deflated economy and runaway inflation spell economic doom to even those who are above the economic vagaries of the once Free Market, that even those under a supposedly benevolent statism and a benevolent tyrant like Hussein Obama will eventually run out of credit or other people’s money and be forced to turn off the welfare pipeline. But in classic Doublespeak, straight from Orwell’s 1984, Obama feeds his entitled people from the trough of Socialist nonsense, during a press conference, he attributes the growing price of oil, not to world tension, his energy policies, and a weakening dollar, but to a strengthening economy that increases the demand for oil:

“And when gas prices are on the rise again because as the economy strengthens, global demand for oil increases. And if we start seeing significant increases in gas prices, losing that $40 could not come at a worse time…”

The world and America can only withstand so much “Smart Diplomacy.”

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The slaughter of Marie Colvin, the Sunday Times war correspondent in Hom, by President Bashar al-Assad’s goons, is shining light on the fact that the Obama/Clinton “Smart Diplomacy” needs to be replaced with a strategy managed by adults.

“The White House offered its condolences . . .” – Yup, that’s about it.

At least from Nicolas Sarkozy we get an impotent, “This regime must go.”

. . . . No kidding ‘condolences’. But perhaps Sanctions will work. No?

I’m not a religious person, but Psalm 109:8 seems to strike a chord:

May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Living in Bible country, I may paint “Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8” on the tailgate of my pickup truck.

Here’s the thing: a very senior Iraqi gov’t figure stated that the insurgents and guns that were funnelled into Iraq via Syria, are now making their way back to Syria. These insurgents aren’t our allies. Homs is the powerbase/stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. The Al Qaeda flag has been seen raised there.

Support a dictator, support MB/AQ, or stay neutral and ignore/accept the human casualties. Sanctions will only serve to assist MB/AQ. There’s really no win-win for us.

There is a reason why she is called the Sec of Slut. BIll is an idiot and opie is a fool. Revelations 6:11-12). It is just a matter of time when the portals are open. Smile America. you paid for her face lift, and vacations, and bill support and……………………………………………

the time has come to raise the bar to get them out of the WHITE HOUSE SOON it will be a thing of the past and AMERICA WILL breed again, work again, free again, able to keep their money in their pocket again,
be able to crush their enemies again, prosecute the traitors again,know who’s in our side clearly again,
number one is close the borders finally.
bye best to you

It was actually the French who took the decisive action to back and arm the hardcore west-Libyan rebels who were the ones who brought the regime down…while the guys in Benghazi were busy playing to the cameras.

Yet, *he* took credit.

Remember, he was against regime change before he was for it.

@mossomo: Why should we stop short of supporting ALL the Arab Spring uprisings to install MB/AQ throughout the Arabic World. Mr. Islam Firster – POTUS has failed in his efforts to ensure a ‘fair’ redistribution of the anarchists to every Arabic country. Why, Oh Why stop short of ensuring that the entire Arabic World is united under the MB/AQ banner? I guess just another pull out short failure of execution of his Islam First plan.

yes you got it figured out, SYRIA next and IRAN THE FATHER OF THE CRESCENT,

Perhaps if the corporate oil giants would not export so much of our gasoline — gasoline is the number one export of the US ( — instead if they would keep more of this gasoline in this country, then we might not have such high prices for fuel.

Please, enough with the red herrings. Pulling out some Yahoo / Huff Pipe agitprop does not address Dear Leaders foreign policy FAILURE. if you don’t like “corporate profits” please find some smelly #OWS hippies and have fun.

BTW- thanks for sticking the word objectivity next to your screen name when your post used the tu-quoque fallacy. The combination of these is laughably stupid.

Personally, I liked Newt’s take on Syria/Iran. Develop an energy self-sufficient America so we can turn to the Middle East and say “We frankly don’t care what you do.”.

@libzero (objectivity), we don’t have a supply problem, thus the exports of the excess not sold here.

The problem is that half of the cost of refined fuels is dependent upon the price per barrel, and that is dictated by the OPEC cartel for ME product. Developing US crude sources, not subservient to OPEC price control, is the approach. When they undercut OPEC prices to steal their business (it’s called competition…), OPEC has to lower their prices. When they do, non OPEC controlled sources can cut their prices again.

there is many true words coming from NEWT GINGRICH, he is right all the time,
hope the VOTERS STICK WITH HIM, he would not waste time, and on his first day is working day for him,
that tell of his dedication to AMERICA RISING AGAIN TO THE TOP ON ANYTHING. he is not one to waste time on trivia unimportant event,