A “New Chapter” In Libya Spells Disaster…Torture, Violence & Mayhem

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Libyan militia members man a checkpoint in the capital, Tripoli, in December

Guess no one saw this coming eh?

Armed militias in Libya are committing human rights abuses with impunity, threatening to destabilize the country and hindering its efforts to rebuild, Amnesty International said Thursday.

Militias have tortured detainees, targeted migrants and displaced entire communities in revenge attacks, according to a report the organization released a year after the start of popular uprisings that eventually ended Moammar Gadhafi’s 42-year rule.

“Hundreds of armed militias, widely hailed in Libya as heroes for their role in toppling the former regime, are largely out of control,” the report says.
Detainees at 10 facilities used by militia in central and western Libya told representatives from Amnesty International this year that they had been tortured or abused. Several detainees said they confessed to crimes they had not committed in order to stop the torture, Amnesty International said.

At least 12 detainees held by militias have died after being tortured since September, the human rights organization said, adding that authorities have not effectively investigated the torture allegations.

Well almostnoone.

Thank you Arab Spring.

Meet the new boss…same as the old boss:

A terrified Libyan man is beaten and tortured with electric shocks by youths who appear to be former revolutionary fighters.

The images, taken from a video handed to The Mail on Sunday in a Tripoli refugee camp, will be seen as fresh evidence that those who deposed Colonel Gaddafi with the help of the West are adopting methods as brutal as the dead tyrant’s.

The film shows three men tying up the blood-spattered man before whipping him repeatedly with cables, touching him on his skin with electric wires and taunting him as he pleads for mercy.

The man being whipped with cables on the video was Saleh Barhoun Gersh, who had run a general store in Towerga – which was loyal to Gaddafi during the conflict until the town was ransacked by fighters from nearby Misrata. When the rebels arrived, Mr Gersh was so frightened he wore women’s clothes to disguise himself

The film shows three men tying up the blood-spattered man before whipping him repeatedly with cables, touching him on his skin with electric wires and taunting him as he pleads for mercy


It’s a new chapter all right…a new chapter in Islamic fanaticism. A new chapter in torture and violence. A new chapter in crazy.

Reality is that everyone was happy that Gaddafi was gone, but not everyone had their head in the sand, ignoring the obvious. He was being replaced by thousands of Gaddafi’s.

Mata wrote last October:

But while westerners set aside their normal respect for rule of law and justice, gleefully rejoicing in a particularly bloody end, the arguments some of us have been making about this “new and improved” Libya looking suspiciously like (if not worse) than the old Libya, is gaining traction as more proof surfaces supporting the the Libyan rebels committed war atrocities.

This goes far beyond just Gaddafi, as mass graves with hundreds of bodes are excavated… the count approx 300 in one alone at this writing.. many with their hands bound behind their backs, executed.

Ali Tarhouni of the National Transitional Council excuses the rebels as young boys who had witnessed murders of family and friends, and praised their “self control”. Hey.. you can’t make this stuff up.

And in the end we helped bring down one dictator and helped prop up a radical Islamic regime.

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Quick — we better send them $800,000,000

how come you and MATA warned us before it happened, we all had comment on BOTH POST expressing
restraint in demonizing the LYBIAN REGIME, because of the radical element coming to become a worse choice,
and I think that SYRIA is the same pattern, no matter if they are supported by any COUNTRY WHICH ARE not friend of the USA, SYRIA is still attack from the same movement as the ARAB SPRING to depose the leader and take over, because they refuse the program which was offer to them, and as soon the mob got in the street push by the radicals since then they are to easy to notice so the journalists cannot ignore them anymore and it force the politicians to admit it,
and as we see coming soon, they are very powerful and no body can stop their advance, simply
because they are getting in the labor force AND ACTIVE IN UNIONS IN FREE COUNTRIES,
I see GREECE also acting as to be incited by the same radicals, and I see the OCCUPYERS being molded to the same movement, and these are WORLDWIDE movements very strong by their appealing to a crowd of misfits and ignorant and unaware students where a UNIVERSITY IS A BEST PLACE FOR PROPAGANDA on their movement to win on a global scale,
remember what one TALIBAN said quite a while ago; which is , you have the weapon
but we have ” TIME”

Bees, everyone was too busy celebrating Gaddafi being targeted as a despot to worry about repercussions. It was the same with the UBL raid in Pakistan, and not carrying how that would affect not only our relationship with Pakistan, but how they could block needed supplies to our troops in Afghanistan by blocking supply routes… something that is still in effect today, except a temporary reprieve for perishable items only.

As to Libya, this also extends to Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is holding US aid hostage for the price of upholding the treaty with Israel. Obama, of course, has no problem caving to the MB’s demands. This despite the fact that Egypt has has arrested 19 Americans with alleged criminal charges for operating without proper registration and receiving foreign money.

Gaddafi gone? Check. Mubarek gone? Check. Intolerant Islam moving into power? Check.

All in all, in retrospect, my opinion remains the same. Bad move…

As the “Arab Spring” gives way to Islamic Winter, the conditions on the ground are resembling those in France after the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The lofty idealism of Rousseau soon degenerated into the brutal reality of the “reign of terror”, thus laying the ground work for Napoleon to seize and consolidate his power. The people were so appalled at the carnage wrought in the aftermath of the French Revolution they gladly chose the tyrant over the mob.

I see the Caliphate emerging in exactly the same way, offering shelter from the carnage of the terroriststs, with the people gladly accepting the tyranny of Islamo-fascism to give them relief from the brutality of the terrorist attacks, which of course accomplishes the terrorists main objective.

Look for an Islamic leader to soon rise up and begin the process of assimilation and consolidation much as Napoleon did. Should that consolidation occur, look for him to lead the Muslims in a Holy War against the west with potentially devastating results, not the least of which would be forcing the west into the panacea of the NWO.

the people have been lured in a uprising till the beginning which was peaceful and slowly
escalate to now, so many died, from both sides, and just like GADAFI they under estimate the coming of the end of his departure , I think because he ASSAD HAS support from RUSSIA AND CHINA
AND FROM IRAN, BUT NOW AL QAEDA IS IN THERE, it was said before by ASSAD himself at the beginning
WHO IS NEXT AFTER SYRIA? the brotherhood was with OBAMA not so long ago, just before he told GADAFI TO GO, AND HE ALSO HAD TOLD MUBARACK TO GO,