Tell Me About Evil Carbon And The Brilliant Al Gore

I had an interesting conversation today with a customer, while she was paying me to work on her horses; after delving into religion, philosophy, metaphysics, and eventually the climate, it became obvious that she was hiding her Liberal proclivities to be agreeable. She was convinced we should use natural gas and “quit digging up dinosaurs for our energy needs, there were too many humans and the world would be a better place after a massive die-off.” Her premises were pregnant with opportunities to attack, but in situations like this, it is better to have your opponent wondering about the discussion while in bed later on and questioning the simple reasoning she had heard earlier with a sense of emptiness and bewilderment.

Democrats for Romney? [Reader Post]

This post is for all of the lefties out there, or for anyone who has a favorite lefty friend still convinced that that an Obama re-election will ultimately make them happier than if Romney were to win on Tuesday. There are a lot of issues that are driving your decision to vote for Obama. We know that there’s the right to pay for the contraception for future one percenters, hating chicken sandwiches, making our country a welcome home to illegal immigrants, telling us how much salt or sugar we’re allowed to consume, or ensuring the right to cast fraudulent votes. Do you know why you care about these issues? Because you can.

The 6 Quadrillion Dollar Climate Change Scam

President Vaclav Klaus delivered the keynote address this year to the World Federation of Scientists:

The real problem is not climate or global warming, but the Global Warming Doctrine and its consequences. They may eventually bring us close to a real planetary emergency. Absolutely unnecessarily, without any connection with global temperature.

This doctrine, as a set of beliefs, is an ideology, if not a religion. It lives independently on the science of climatology.

Obama 2nd term: Jobs? economy? Nope. Global Warming! [Reader Post]

If you thought that in a second term Barack Obama would focus like a laser beam on jobs and the economy, think again:

President Obama plans to make climate change his top priority for his second term. No, that’s not from The Onion, a humor publication, but the left-leaning New Yorker. What planet does this president live on?

Warmist Hypocrisy

Ah…the smell of hypocrisy in the morning:

When writer and outdoorsman Mike Lanza realized climate change was staking a full-scale assault on our most beloved national parks, he didn’t just lament about how his kids wouldn’t get to experience them the way he did.