Obama 2nd term: Jobs? economy? Nope. Global Warming! [Reader Post]

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If you thought that in a second term Barack Obama would focus like a laser beam on jobs and the economy, think again:

President Obama plans to make climate change his top priority for his second term. No, that's not from The Onion, a humor publication, but the left-leaning New Yorker. What planet does this president live on?

'Obama has an ambitious second-term agenda,” wrote Ryan Lizza in this week's New Yorker. “The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change,” supposedly to “improve the world.”

So forget about the abysmal jobless numbers above 8% for over three years, or the $15 trillion deficit that threatens to turn the U.S. into Greece. No, amid those very real calamities, climate change is more important.

If this isn't a sign of a president out of touch with reality, what is? If climate change is Obama's “most important” policy issue, then neither the Tea-Party-led victories around fiscal discipline — such as the Wisconsin vote, nor the West Virginia primary, here 40% of Democrats chose a jailbird to protest Obama's anti-coal agenda, made a dent on him.

Paging Einstein:

Like a madman doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, it can only mean Obama intends to double-down on his green agenda if re-elected.

And it isn't as though he hasn't blown boku bucks on it up to now

Already no president has ever spent money on “climate change” as he has. The Congressional Budget Office reports that since 1998, $99 billion has been spent among 14 agencies on “climate change.” Of that, $35 billion was earmarked from the 2009 stimulus.

The top agency charged with enacting the Obama green agenda — the Department of Energy — has seen its budget soar from $24 billion in 2009 to $38 billion in 2012, the Office of Management and Budget estimates.

Thing is, this isn't tops Americans' concerns. From Rasmussen:

Things Americans consider “Very Important”

Economy 82%
Health Care 62%
Gov't Ethics and Corruption 61%
Taxes 60%
Energy Policy 54%
Education 54%
Social Security 53%
Immigration 45%
National Security/War on Terror 50%
Afghanistan 27%

Not making the list?

Global Warming.

It is not unreasonable to presume that Barack Obama has his own ego-maniacal agenda in mind for the future, and not the interests or needs of the American public.

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It’s a mental disorder…………..

Of the HIGHEST order…….


Climate Change is a means to make billionaires out of campaign bundlers. This isn’t rocket science, it’s called corruption, Chicago Corruption on a grand scale to be precise. We are supposed to be the dummies that don’t mind paying for it and worship our climate savior and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Obama the Fraud, in the process.

Dr John: it is beaucoup.
You could look it up.
And the Global Warming is part of the overall campaign strategy.
Tough on guns: Fast and Furious.
Tough on Foreign Relations: let Syria and Somalia dangle in the wind.
Tough on the environment: massive fraud and waste supporting non-sustainable “green energy.”
Tough on business: massive investigations and new regulatory bodies.
Tough on voter fraud: massive campaign to abolish Voter ID laws.
Tough on immigration: massive campaign to prevent States from identifying illegals.
Yessir. He is really tough. Evidence, facts, details, none of this bothers him. Because he is tough.
And IMHO we have had beaucoup of Barack Hussein O’Blameo.
Any more toughness and we join the Weimar Republc in the dustbin of history.


bokoo definition
and boku
many. (A play on French beaucoup.) : There are already boku people invited.


The only reality that 0-bama has been tough on is destroying America.

CALLER: It just came to my mind that Mr. Bush has got to be an absolutely incredible individual if, three years after Mr. Obama was immaculated, he still has not been able to undo all the good works that Mr. Bush did.
HOST: It is amazing, isn’t it? After three-and-a-half years, everything that’s happened the last three-and-a-half years, if it’s all been Bush’s fault, don’t we have evidence enough now to know that Obama can’t deal with it. Obama doesn’t know what to do with it. We need to elect somebody who can stand up to Bush.
CALLER: Absolutely.
HOST: This guy can’t even rescind tax cuts. This guy can’t fix anything that Bush did. If we reelect Obama, won’t it just be four more years of disaster caused by Bush? Obama’s admitting he can’t fix what Bush did. Why reelect him? If Bush screwed it up so bad we need somebody in there that can fix it.

Evolution is more than a theory, the earth is round and circles around the sun, smoking cigarettes causes cancer, fast foods, sugar, and too little exercise make your kids fat and lazy, too much television makes them stupid, too many dumb people own guns already, and the global climate getting warmer because of human activity.

You’re the source of your own problems, not Barack Obama.


OK, J, My degree’s in Chemistry and I say the experimental design and data for “AGW” are shi*.

Your turn.

@Jason: And too many idiot wacho liberals like you give our country a failed President who’s focus on Global Warming/Climate Change/or pick a new term as the politics will dictate while having NO clue how to stimulate the economy, create real jobs, and accept responsibility for his own failures!!


It’s getting warmer because of human activity and instrusion…Ok….Then why are you on a computer, using electricity killing Gaia?….I bet you have a job too, drive a car, live in a house, have running water, etc…How can you sleep at night knowing that you are the result of the earth’s death….Shame.


Like JustAl, I’ll call your bet also. My degree’s are in Microbiology, Chemistry and Project Engineering and I’ll just refer to the models. A random walk model resulted in far superior predictions for the climate than any of the current models.
Liberal Theme:
Math is hard, science is harder and research is hardest of all.

Dr John, we took over for the French in Indo China after the defeat of their paratroopers at Dien Bien Phu. There was a huge French contamination of the language during the colonial period, which is humorous, since the French are very protective with maintaining the purity of their own language. Beaucoup was one of the French words that was popular among American troops and it still has some usage and acceptance among older generations.

Bokoo looks like it is adapted from Japanese, I am not a linguist, but while your definition may be correct on the street, I am afraid it is historically and grammatically wrong in light of recent history. A slang interpretation of improper slang is neither correct or a proper example of correct slang usage.

@Skookum 2:

Climate Change is a means to make billionaires

Commoditize (carbon) then monopolize.

Obama said: “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad.” He went on to explain: “So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

^^^ Reducing substitutes in the energy market.

Mossomo, I think Obama intends to bankrupt everyone, but his faithful bundlers. They are even richer if evertone else is poorer.

The day after the 2010 election Obama said: “Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way. It was a means, not an end. And I’m going to be looking for other means to address this problem.”

“There was a time when men were afraid that somebody would reveal some secret of theirs that was unknown to their fellows. Nowadays, they’re afraid that somebody will name what everybody knows.” – Francisco D’Anconia

Solar Mosaic.
Ring any bells?
What about….
Van Jones?
There, that does.

On Wednesday the Department of Energy began financing solar power installation research with a $2 million award to Solar Mosaic. The solar energy research company has former Obama “green jobs” czar Van Jones listed as an advisor. It also employed Rebuild the Dream, Jones’ firm, to do its public relations work. The DOE’s grant money will be distributed to nine companies in four states. Solar Mosaic received the most money, four times the amount of most other grants. Jones resigned his post in the Obama administration three years ago amid controversy stemming from his past remarks.

Obama is shoveling cash out the back dock to, as poster Skookum 2 pointed out in #14 his own bundlers, as fast as he can print it!

Here’s a chart that totally destroys the idea of ”Peak Oil.”

The original study is on PDF;
This chart is on page 7 of that report.
The page 12 chart on oil consumption shows we are flat while the Asian Pacific is booming.
On page 16 we see that refinery use is up only in two areas: S&Cent America AND the Former USSR.
If you want to see how a ”peak” graphic might look go to page 31 and see the proven COAL reserves.
Either nobody’s looking or nobody’s finding new coal!

Peak oil is also real.


“There was a time when men were afraid that somebody would reveal some secret of theirs that was unknown to their fellows. Nowadays, they’re afraid that somebody will name what everybody knows.” – Francisco D’Anconia

Most people don’t have a clue as to who that is, let alone what work the quote is from. And of those that do, the lib/progs jump to denouncing the author and will not address the valid points being made at the same time that they adopt their shroud of “intellectual”.

BTW, great quote.


The goal is control. It always has been and always will be. The socialists of the world cannot let America, even the watered-down version of our bastion of freedom we live in today, to survive. They cannot do this as it provides an example of people living in freedom and liberty successfully that contradicts and counteracts their lies and deceit. The problem for many of us living here today is that there are so many “useful idiots” running around, including several on this site, supporting such socialistic ideas of how societies should behave.

What they say amounts to this: “You people should put on your shackles willingly, and with a smile. You owe this to society. Enslave yourselves happily, or we will do so by force, because you are too incompetent to run your own lives.”

The supporters of liberal/progressive ideology are like pigs traveling by truck to slaughter. Happy to be free from the pen at the farm, the wind ripping through the trailer’s sides, they feel like it’s freedom. Of course, they forget that they are packed in like sardines in a smaller, mobile version of their pig pen, as well as their ultimate destination. They happily comply with the handlers in the ending of their lives. Ignorance? Maybe. Idiocy? Certainly.


commoditize then monopolize

Swing batter swing: Even Brazi Socialists see through the “GREEN” agenda.

Thousands of women representing social and farm movements marched in central Rio Monday to rail against the “green economy” advocated by the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development.

Behind a large banner from the international peasant movement Via Campesina proclaiming “the peoples are against the mercantilization of nature”, they marched several miles to the Flamengo park, the venue for the “People’s Summit” organized by civil society groups on the sidelines of the Rio+20 event.

Heh – mercantilization of nature



Peak oil? Fearmonger much Jason. No sooner than someone says peak oil is there another field discovered.

So far 2012 discoveries have made Saudi Reserves look small:
– Eagle Ford Shale, Texas
– Bakken Shale Formation, N.Dakota
– Bazhenov, Siberia

We have more pressing needs. Climate change should rank close to the first place on Obama’s list of priorities, not jobs. Most Americans and particular President Obama see AGW as the world’s biggest problem that has to be used to affect fundamental sociological changes.

The president has committed us to sacrifice and made us willing to “move forward”, aggressively reducing CO2 emission. We are most certainly well on our way to enjoy the gains so fare achieved via perpetuating the economic recession. Hopefully, with the help of Obama, we can make further gains by letting this recession decent into an endless depression. To make certain that we stay on course most all of us are committed to blindly re-elect president Obama. We know, he is the only one who can save us from having to work and from the scorched earth the AGW-religion is predicting. We are scared of being burned alive in a coal and oil fired hell on earth. We have no other choice than to put our trust in him.

Obama shows leadership. He sees nothing wrong shutting down all coal fired power plants right now while promising wind mills, solar collectors and electric “green” cars for the future. The cars, as I understand it, will come with free solar panels or windmills instead of charging systems that connect to the electric grid fed by coal fired power plants. His devoted followers will gladly put up with the inconvenience of charging the batteries during the day and driving “green” cars during the night or after a hefty storm only. He is way ahead of our time, truly progressive!

Obama is committed to amplify his current success in the war for social change and against the runaway global CO2 and global temperatures. With his visionary two prong approach we will be allowed to adapt to that global-heat problem: First, underground cities so we can stay cool and enjoy our lives as cavemen, and second, an accelerated path to get underground via Obamacare. Thank god the Supreme Court not only held up our unalienable right to die but enhanced it.

Without doubt, there is nobody more concerned about my, our and our glob’s wellbeing than President Obama. For the sake of humanity and progress please, vote for Obama because should he loose so will I. My preexisting condition of insanity will be questioned and most likely I will be robbed of my med and bed at the mental ward. I sure don’t want to work. And I know, Obama feels for me because he behaves like he experiences the same aversion to jobs as I. Therefore, I find it absurd and radical to demand that Obama focuses on creating jobs. What’s wrong with you cruel people, where is your empathy?