Warmist Hypocrisy


Ah…the smell of hypocrisy in the morning: (h/t Tom Nelson)

When writer and outdoorsman Mike Lanza realized climate change was staking a full-scale assault on our most beloved national parks, he didn’t just lament about how his kids wouldn’t get to experience them the way he did. Instead, he saddled up his entire family — wife Penny, son Nate, 10, and daughter Alex, 7 — with packs, kayaks, and climbing gear and embarked on a year-long mission to visit them all. His new book Before They’re Gone: A Family’s Year-Long Quest to explore America’s Most Endangered National Parks chronicles the adventure. He took some time to answer a few questions about our changing parks, life-list trip planning, and educating the next generation about climate change through adventures in the great outdoors.

…Q. Getting to all these places obviously required a lot of carbon. Did that ever trouble you?

A. Yes. I’m kind of a nut about energy consumption…We’re planning a family climbing trip to the City of Rocks in June, a nine-day hut trek in Norway in July, and a four-day backpacking trip in the Wind River Range in August.

Trains, planes and automobiles.

But hey, he is a nut about energy consumption and all.

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I live in a duplex home. My parents have forty cats. I have sixty rats that I can not kill. One cat on my side does most of the work. We take out three a week on average.

We recycle everything. Never leave a light on. It interests me… before mandatorty recycling… I never saw a rat. Just over the last forty years or so.

Frigging Bush.

Now I can’t sleep.

Had the EPA been in existence millions of years ago, they would have stopped all that soil erosion in the Grand Canyon. I’m not sure whom they would have fined, though…

Two hints:

1. Baby, somebody needs to introduce you to the old, ”Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up!” mantra taught to rural folks from a very early age.
Pick a “hot spot,” dig it down to about four feet deep and one across (cover it w/ something you can remove as needed) use it as a grave and let it age for 3 or 4 years before planting a nice lemon bush or other small fruit tree on top.
Pick a new ”hot spot” for carcasses after about 30 rats are in the old one.

2. When your folks have three-month old kittens, take them and allow them to learn to hunt.
By the time the survivors grow up they will be great assistants to your one hunter cat.
Yeah, you might lose a few in the training process.
Oh, and get them all ”fixed,” or they will be your next problem.

Looking at that cartoon brought to mind the melding of “cradle-to-grave” socialized medicine with ”greenism.”
Here’s one recent story of how the twain will meet:

Surgery bans elderly patient over her carbon footprint
An elderly woman was ordered to find a new GP because the “carbon footprint” of her two-mile round trips to the surgery where she had been treated for 30 years was too large.

Avril Mulcahy, 83, was told to address the “green travelling issues” over her journeys from her home in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, to the West Road Surgery. The surgery wrote to Mrs Mulcahy, telling her to register with a new GP within 28 days.

I still give the guy credit, he took his family out into the world instead of letting his kids watch Disney channel reruns. I’m sure even Teddy Roosevelt had an impact on the environment despite being in love with it.

Another attempt to distract people from the real problems in America by labeling certain liberal actions and ‘hypocrisy’. Doesn’t Curt think conservatives are ever hypocritical? He doesn’t write in such volume about them, as he does with the Left. Or, maybe, it’s the case that the Right doesn’t have any idea what are the real problems in this country and feel that the solution is sitting around calling progressives hypocrites.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Just calling them as we see them, hypocrite.

Maybe if you lib/progs spent more time being consistent with your ideology, labeling you as hypocrites would be as you say. Until then, if the shoe fits, then wear it.

John I don’t even know where to begin on Conservative hypocrisy over social issues.
You got family values guys Sanford and Ensign cheating on their wives and lying to their constituents. Anti gay rights advocate Sen. Larry Craig playing footsie in a public men’s room.
Then there’s Newt, calling for Clinton’s impeachment while engaged in an affair with a female empyoyee.

I’ll speak of economic hypocricies after I take a shower.

rich, Clinton was not impeached because of an affair… duh

Mata True, though no Monica no impeahment by House. IMO Newt’s serial philandering just another example of Conservative social hypocrisy

If it wasn’t for the social stances and hypocritical actions of the RIGHT,I’d be pulling your lever

rich, that’s another absurd statement. At this sentence, you’re two for two now, guy.

Of course if there was no Monica, there would be no need for Clinton to disdain the judicial branch by lying in a court of law.

I seriously doubt it’s the “hypocritical” actions of the right that prevents you from voting Republican. This would make you exceedingly naive to the hypocrisy of the Democrats And that, of course, brings your tally of dumb observations as three for three.

Mata It’s not so much the Right’s hypocricy, which is blatant , but the actual social beliefs and actions of the Right discussed before that keep me voting Dem. or Indie.

Fortunately for Repubs. the rightests’ Santorum,Cain,Bachmann,Perry and Gingrich have been relegated to the dump.Romney/Rubio can win.

Mother Nature provides more carbon, energy, every millisecond out of the ground in the Pinedale Anticline natural gas field than he’ll use in his lifetime. And right next to his Wind River Range backpacking trip too :-/

Perhaps I should sell him my unused carbon credits for living ten minutes them…

Take Care,
Sublette County Wyoming