Time to primary every single one of these asshats:
House Republicans told Obama at the White House that they could reopen the federal government by early next week if the president and Senate Democrats agree to their debt-ceiling proposal. After the debt ceiling is lifted, a House GOP aide said they would seek some additional concessions in a government funding bill.
Obama repeatedly pressed House Republicans to open the government, asking them “what’s it going to take to” end the shutdown, those sources said. He questioned why the government should remain closed if both sides agreed to engage in good-faith negotiations on the budget, according to a Democratic source briefed on the meeting…
Obama agreed to review the House Republican proposal for reopening the government, but reiterated that he wouldn’t pay a ransom, the Democratic source said.
The whole reason tea-party groups like Heritage Action were okay with a short-term debt-ceiling hike is because, in theory, it cleared the way to re-focus on stopping ObamaCare by digging in on the shutdown. Instead, evidently, Republicans are ready to end the shutdown for a month or more in order to initiate broader negotiations with the White House. Which means that, contra tea partiers’ wishes, discussions over the shutdown and the debt ceiling will end up being “merged” after all. Which in turn means defunding/delaying ObamaCare, if it’s not off the table already, is likely headed for the shelf as the parties focus on deficit reduction instead.
The RINO’s have caved and now what do we get in return?
In exchange, they sought a commitment by the president to negotiate a deal for long-term deficit reduction and a tax overhaul.
A commitment to negotiate.
Just when you thought the RINO’s couldn’t get more spineless they surprise you.
And now we got Boehner to negotiate a budget deal once more. It worked out quite well a few years ago:
• 1/7/2011: Boehner Doubles Down On Promise To Cut $100 Billion: “Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) yesterday doubled down on $100 billion in cuts. ‘No ifs, ands or buts about it,’ he said.”
• 2/20/2011: House Approves $61 Billion Spending Cuts, Raising Risk of Federal Shutdown: “Senate Democrats already have said they won’t accept the cuts in the $1.2 trillion spending bill, and Obama’s budget office has threatened a presidential veto. ”
• 3/2/2011: Boehner: Compromise Will Trim GOP’s $61 Billion Budget Cuts: “Responding to a question Tuesday about whether he foresees the House ultimately budging from the $61 billion figure, the Ohio Republican did not say that the chamber would hold firm when the Senate returns their proposal, which will likely include less than a $61 billion reduction in spending levels.”
• 3/10/2011: Tea Party pressures Boehner in budget battle: “Complaints by Tea Party Republicans have already forced Boehner to almost double the amount of spending cuts proposed this year from $32 billion.”
• 4/4/2011: Boehner says $33 billion in cuts is not enough: “I’ve made clear that their $33 billion is not enough and many of the cuts that the White House and Senate Democrats are talking about are full of smoke and mirrors. That’s unacceptable,” the Speaker said.
• 4/7/2011: Interviewed on ABC News, Speaker Boehner vows not to shut down the government over a 2011 “continuing resolution” budget impasse: “I’ve said that 1,000 times since the first of the year. I do not want to shut the government down. I think that is irresponsible.” [Ed: As an aside, the government has been shut down numerous times in recent years including a 21-day impasse during the Clinton administration.]
• 4/12/2011: Boehner touts fact that ”Budget Agreement Eliminates Funding for Obama Czars’ as a reason to support the continuing resolution budget deal.
• 4/14/2011: Boehner: I’m standing by the $38 billion number: Boehner stands by the $38 billion in cuts, saying that this was really “$78.5 billion less than what the president wanted to spend… [and that he was] very disappointed in [Obama’s] speech yesterday,”
• 4/15/2011: CBO Says Spending Cuts Aren’t As Advertised: “The Congressional Budget Office reports that the $38 billion in cuts to the budget for the current fiscal year will actually reduce this year’s deficit by only about $352 million.”
• 4/16/2011: Boehner’s office is not surprised Obama found a way to circumvent Congress, according to a staffer. A spokesman for Boehner said that the Speaker was not surprised that Obama has chosen to ignore the budget rider eliminating funding for the “Czars”.
Boehner gets schooled every time.
So I guess its back to just letting the people choke on Obamacare.
Way to go Republicans!

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During the 60’s the Communists and Socialists were open and honest about their political affiliation, but they achieved nothing. Ayers and Alinsky advised these Leftists ( like Hillary and Pelosi) to hide their actual political affiliations behind the facades of Liberlism and Progressivism. It worked and now we have Useful Idiots by the millions.
If they are aware of the paradigm, they lie: if they are too stupid to see the obvious, they feign righteous indignation like neurotic drama queens. Stalin is enjoying the revolution and his Useful Idiots as they study each day’s talking points and prepare to incessantly regurgitate the mind numbing nonsense.
@Skook: Skook, you understand them very well.
@This one: boy you are stupid….real stupid…………..and still an asshole
@This one: stupid ass
@This one: do you post in between heroin injections………….shit for brains
it’s a fact which wont change, cause it is OBAMA ‘S
We know obama will keep this promise like he has kept all of his other promises.
Just when you thought the RINO’s couldn’t get more spineless they surprise you.
Why haven’t the republicans made the senate pass a budget like they are legally obligated to EVERY YEAR? This one thing by itself that tells me there no longer is an INDEPENDENT republican party. The two have merged and become one. I am no longer surprised by what the republican party does. Anyone who votes for most of them is voting for more increases in spending, higher taxes, bigger government, and more perks for the politicians. I would like to see the veterans storm congress and take it over.
WE have a president that has no problem ignoring the laws that he was sworn to uphold – at this point, I think you have to assume that any part of a deal that would affect progressives or their agenda will be ignored. Never make a deal with a proven lier, something even your common choome dealer should know.
@Rob in Katy: That’s an interesting twist. You are complaining about a President for ignoring the law in an argument over the fight of Republicans ignoring the law.
@Ronald J. Ward: Are you not smart enough to understand the House of Representatives has the Constitutional authority to control what is funded and what is not? Your party, and your president have proven to be adept at not only ignoring law, but ignoring the Constitution at will, with no repercussions because people like you who believe the ends justify the means. The biggest flaw in progressive thinking is the belief that y’all know better about what’s good for the rest.
@Pete: For starters Pete, I’m aware that “The Tea party is still actively supported by 1 in 5 Americans”. I’m not sure why you take pride in that 20% approval rating but I’ll agree that while they are pretty much on their last leg, they’re not quite dead.
West lost. That pretty much validates my argument. Joe Walsh lost. Deep pockets and highly funded Michele Bachman barely eked by. Spice it and spin it all you like but the tea party crashed and burned in Nov 2012 and their approval ratings continue to fall. Even today, the decisiveness from the eta party is causing the GOP to implode.
I have no idea why you invoke the Occupiers in this argument. Perhaps more “non sequitur” because you come up short on relevant rebuttals? If you’re looking for what you deduce as flaws or such, why not argue with the Hell’s Angles or such? How many “Occupiers” do we have in Congress? How many “Occupiers” are state governors? So, how are Occupiers influencing our government? What the hell are you talking about?
It isn’t unusual for folks like you to use such sophomoric distractions when your arguments fail to stand up to scrutiny.
@Scott in Oklahoma: Scott, you bore me with your regurgitated talking points that you fail to back up with any credible resource. If you are going to correct someone for ignorance while chastising them for pretending to be “smart”, at least do so in a manner that doesn’t expose your own abject ignorance of Congressional authority and powers.
The Affordable Care Act was enacted with “mandatory spending” which means the only way to defund it is to repeal it in its entirety-which they cannot do as the don’t have the support of the people nor the seats to do it.
Definition: Mandatory spending funds U.S. Federal programs that have already been established by Congress under so-called authorization laws. These laws both establish the federal programs, and
mandate that Congress must appropriate whatever funds are needed to keep the programs running. In other words, Congress cannot reduce the funding for these programs without changing the authorization law itself. Funding can’t be changed without, quite literally, an act of Congress.
I can’t stand those know it all , know nothing, when they finish to type,
@Ronald J. Ward:
A very interesting point of view, that Congress can pass a law that they can’t ‘un-pass’. Even the Constitution itself can be amended, according to law, but someway or other, Congress passed this ACA that can’t be changed or un-passed and money has to be appropriated for it forever, even if a budget is not passed. Very interesting opinion. Just to check tho, RJ, when Obama first decided to run for public office, what party was he affiliated with? Was he a Dimocrat back then?
@Redteam: While “Congress can pass a law that they can’t ‘un-pass” might be a “very interesting point of view”, that’s not what I said nor what the law implies.
Congress can indeed “un–pass” a law. This is of course that like passing a law, they have the votes to advance and be signed by the President OR have the 2/3 majority votes to over ride a veto. Republicans simply don’t have those votes. Madatory spending of a law can only be “un-passed” by “un-passing” the entire law.
This by the way, isn’t “a very interesting opinion”.
Ronald J. Ward
yes so sadly that they did not shutdown this obamacare law, at this time,
but the effort has just begun,
they are very smart and will do it on another time,
@Ronald J. Ward: RJ, you totally missed the point of my post. No wonder you didn’t think it was interesting, you apparently didn’t understand the point. Let me ask you again, Does congress have to pass a law each year to fund the budget? Is congress allowed to decide what to fund and what not to fund? If congress decides to not fund something, who provides the funds? Is the president allowed to fund things without the approval of congress? Does the congress have to vote funds that are spent at the discretion of the president? Can the president spend money on projects that the congress has prohibited money to be spent on? Who controls the purse of the US?
And finally, a repeat, what political party was Obama a member of the first time he ran for political office?
I don’t think , Ronald J. Ward has the brain to answer all your questions,
he prefer to play profiling on CONSERVATIVES, SO TOLERANT THEY LET HIM HAVE IT,