Clinton & Obama Benghazi Lies = Death and Devastation For Millions

The art of deception and the disintegration of political credibility have reached new levels of stench, which the middle class across America looks to overthrow through its demonstrated support of ‘outsiders’ in the current presidential race. I use the term, “middle class,” because the political and economic ruling class, the supreme 0.001% quite evidently doesn’t care.

Liberal Hypocrisy Unleashed On All Women

Democrats have for years accused conservatives of conducting a war on women. Seeped in hypocrisy and oozing with deception, this assertion has been conducted with help from a witless media, and with assistance from the influential socialist enclave of Hollywood. I use the term “hollywood” inclusively here — herding into this corral, both the players and the products of the entertainment industry.

A Drug Addled Society — Who Has The WILL To Act?

Twenty five years from now, where will our society be, given the ever expanding, persistent and destructive invasion that harmful illicit drugs are imposing on us? Will drug-clattering minds become the dominant impression indelibly stamped on our ethos for the ages? This infectious disease is affecting our families, our newborn, our businesses, our homes, our personal safety, our productivity, our creativity and all of our social constructs, plus it is delivering homelessness, spreading infectious diseases, and straining emergency rooms. Does anyone have the will to act?

Obama and Pope Francis vs. America’s Middle Class?

We await a heavy-handed anti-capitalist measure of therapy about to be unleashed on the world from the supreme seat of power, the Oval Office, as two world leaders link their voices, trumpeting the global redistribution of wealth. The Argentinian Pope, Pope Francis, with as much pomp and pageantry as this Administration can muster, will be revered and burnished by our uninformed and un-inquisitive media.