The art of deception and the disintegration of political credibility have reached new levels of stench, which the middle class across America looks to overthrow through its demonstrated support of ‘outsiders’ in the current presidential race. I use the term, “middle class,” because the political and economic ruling class, the supreme 0.001% quite evidently doesn’t care.
To pick up the deception banner for the Obama Administration, the Democrats and the MSM are disguising and offering-up a new Hillary Clinton as she effortlessly displays her inner Marxist. We do not yet have a thorough picture of the damage she inflicted on America through the use of her private email server and her obstruction of justice, however, we are clear on the damage she and Obama inflicted on both America and the Middle East with their lies about Benghazi.
Clinton and Obama knew that Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, had been killed by al Qaeda. They knew the attack had not resulted from a crowd’s spontaneous combustion over an anti-Muhammad video. At about 10:00PM, Sept. 11, 2012, the day of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, Clinton issued this statement, “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind”.
She knew, they knew, but they lied to America. They didn’t lie to Egypt’s Prime Minister, just hours after the attack, but they lied, and repeated the lie on news shows, and even had the gall to lie to the world two weeks later from the podium of the UN, as Obama so resolutely and sanctimoniously said, “a crude and disgusting video that sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. — I’ve made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video. I believe its message should be rejected”. What does this hateful, dishonest, and hypocritical statement really say about its speaker?
This Administration hammered the tirade over and over again, fuelling the hate, fuelling anger, and fuelling demonstrations across the middle east. This Administration promoted an absurd video across every waste dump of a media outlet in our midst, even going so far as to chase down the producer of the anti-Muhammad video, . . . just for further effect to ensure that the lie would be swallowed by our 4th estate. This Administration ensured that the whole Middle East would view this video. How hateful and loathsome is that? THEIR PROMOTION OF AN OBSCURE VIDEO HAD MASSIVE CONSEQUENCES.
Obama, Clinton, Jarrett and Rice incompetently and vapidly set the middle east ablaze, with their crowning achievement being the destabilization of North Africa and the whole Middle East, plus the creation of massive refugee movements estimated to be over 60 million people. This bunch in the Oval Office must feel pride in having created the greatest mass migration in the history of mankind.
This is the result when ignorance, supreme arrogance, and incompetence is elected to power.
The media has attempted to cover the lies, with terms such as ‘fog of war’ — as if somehow, getting caught lying to America and the world, can be excused by ‘fog’. Sure. They knew the cause, but they lied for political reasons and to hide the real objective of their half-witted plans for arms movements managed out of Benghazi.
There was no fog. But there is unparalleled destruction of lives, and the disintegration of whole societies, nations, and borders.
A constituent of the vast baby boomer generation with a career which has been fortunate to know the ponderous corporate worlds, as well as the intimately pressurized, and invigorating entrepreneurial domains of high tech and venture capital, I have harvested my share of mistakes meandering through corridors of enterprise from Silicon Valley, to London and endless, colourful, sometimes praetorian points in between. The voyage has provided an abundance of fodder for a pen yielding to an inquisitive keyboard, a foraging mind, and a passionate spirit.
Whether political or business or social or economic or personal, is it not all political? It is a privilege to write, and an even greater privilege to be read by anyone, and sometimes with the wind at my back the writing may occasionally be legible. I do not write to invite scorn, nor to invite respect, but if I get really lucky the writing can stimulate thinking. I also write for the very selfish purpose of animating my own processes, and engaging the best of what life offers. Above all, whether biting fire or swatting shadows, I am grateful to be gifted the freedom to write and publish whatever flows down to the keyboard. To all those who enabled this freedom, and to all those standing guard to preserve it, I am indebted.
OOOOOOooooo thats it !Hitlerys great accomplishment during her time as Secretary of State its the destabilization of North Africa and the whole Middle East.
The destabilization began with the invasion and occupation of Iraq
You guys better have a look back at your posts in 2011 about how Obama should have been doing more to get rid of the despot in Libya
The truly scary part is that roughly 51% of Americans who voted that year either believed the lies or didn’t care. Right now, roughly 45% still believe the lies or don’t care. And those are two big reasons why great countries such as ours fall apart from the inside.
@another vet: #2
Absolutely right, another vet. Apathy with large doses of willful ignorance allow the few at the top of the food-chain to take control — absolute control.
America has historically been very fortunate in its geography. It has two vast oceans protecting it, a friendly, complacent, and similar nation to its north, and it has a relatively narrow border to the south that it could easily protect if it wanted to enforce laws. So it has been gifted with a very useful physical isolation (protection).
It is disintegrating from the inside and doing so very quickly. Without strong leadership, which it hasn’t had for a generation, it can only continue its slide.
@another vet: Its like being in the middle of an old Twilight Zone episode.
Hilliary Clinton, John Kerry and Joe Biden all voted for the Iraq war. Obama then picked all three to serve in his administration.
Obama/Biden claimed Iraq would be one of their greatest accomplishments.
I suggest you get up and start trying to live in reality not a college campus whiner festival.
Depends on what they were trying to accomplish.
Nixon was impeached for getting involved in the cover-up of a failed operation to weaken the opposition and enhance his reelection. The lies and subsequent cover up to disguise the failures and incompetence that led up to Benghazi is the same scenario. Is it merely ironic or yet another example of Hillary’s hypocrisy that she was involved in the prosecution of Nixon for the same thing she has now made herself a part of?
Is there any denial, even from the ardent leftist usual suspects, based on all the evidence now available and proven, that Obama, Hillary and Rice all lied? How can Hillary (even without the FBI cloud hanging over her) even be considered a candidate for President?
The answer to that question pretty much proves the deterioration of the dedication to the country by many citizens.
Try this fix:
Nixon was impeached for getting involved in the cover-up of a failed operation to
weaken the oppositionestablish the connection between the democrat party and International communism – and enhance his reelection.Obama, Clinton, Jarrett and Rice – lied and millions died
@James Raider: Add in: increasing the already unsustainable debt; the weakening of our military; the promotion of dependency on the government for essentials like food, healthcare, and money; the advocacy of what essentially mounts to open borders, and the overall disregard of the Constitution/rule of law and presto we will fall ala Ancient Rome. And who are the ones who advocate all of the above? The left.
@kitt: Just waiting for Rod Sterling to appear and make his infamous, “Welcome to the Twilight Zone” intro and then hearing the theme song. Then again, when I hear the lefties give us their version of history and tell us how greatly things have improved thanks to Obama, I wait for Ricardo Montablan to appear and tell us, “Welcome to Fantasy Island.”
@another vet: I know it would never hit the air today Rod always came in with a cigarette in hand..Imagine if you will..a world where the police are considered the enemy,the government spies on the citizens, the IRS is used to silence the opposition, Patriots are called terrorists, and terrorism is called workplace violence and the democrats leading candidates are a socialist and an old woman under FBI investigation
(**this was plagiarized from something I saw on the internet)
@kitt: Sounds too familiar.
@another vet: #10
Another vet, this video “Open Gates,” which is getting rapid traction around the world, shows the reality of overwhelming and too rapid, out-of-control immigration.
Marxists like Merkel, socialists like Hollande, or simpletons like David Cameron are ensuring the destruction of the nations they govern.
The left seems on a tear to do the same in the United States and Canada (where a totally inexperienced-never-had-a-job airhead, Justin Trudeau, has just been elected Prime Minister).
@Budvarakbar: #9
Budvarakbar, . . . I wrote this article because, not surprisingly, I couldn’t find anything in the MSM that linked THE LIE about the video to the outcome — the telling of the lie fuelled anger in Africa and the Middle East. The link is direct and obvious.
Even today, no one in the MSM looks at the insanity of Obama’s address to the UN, which I linked above, and addresses the consequences of that lie, weeks after the event.
@James Raider:
Kinda like California’s Gov. Moonbeam!
@Budvarakbar: #16
Exactly . . .
Insanely, this meathead Trudeau has actually never had a full-time job.
He was a part-time Art Teacher for 2 years — that’s it. He inherited a fortune from his father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (also an inheritor of a gas station fortune).
He ran on promising to increase Canada’s National debt, legalizing marijuana, and raising taxes on 6 rich guys.
. . . about on par in intelligence with the genius in the White House.
Oh, and he promised the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canada’s government owned news network, budget increases of hundreds of millions of dollars — no surprise that that national network promoted and worshipped him at every turn throughout the election campaign.
@john: Actually, Libya and Egypt were very stable. Kaddafi actually gave up his WMD research as a result. As usual, you have no clue.
@Budvarakbar: A younger version, who likes to pose without a shirt.
Him too? — A new trend for political leaders — now if he will just join in on the efforts in Syria ala his sartorial mentor!