Tucson. Parkland. Buffalo. Uvalde.
Jared Loughner. Nikolas Cruz. Peyton Gendron. Salvador Ramos.
Their stories are all the same.
They committed terrible crimes exacting unimaginable pain and loss. All were preventable had someone taken their job seriously.
Jared Loughner, who shot Gabby Giffords, was well known to Tucson police. He made numerous death threats. The cops were called to his house numerous times. He purchased a Glock after he made several death threats. They let him keep the weapon.
Nikolas Cruz posted “Im going to be a professional school shooter” on YouTube. The FBI was tipped off.
A person close to Cruz warned the FBI last month that he had a “desire to kill people” and could carry out a school shooting, the FBI admitted on Friday. The agency failed to act on the tip.
The FBI was also warned about Cruz after he posted on YouTube saying he was going to become a “professional school shooter.” The agency said they couldn’t identify the user who made the threat, despite Cruz posting under his own name.
The local cops were summoned to the Cruz home 39 times. Barack Obama was an enabler of Cruz. To keep minority kids out of jail he mandated that criminal referrals from schools be limited.
The demand for an answer to that question has focused attention on Broward County Public Schools policies embraced by the Obama administration that were designed to help rule-breaking students avoid permanent blots on their records by reducing referrals to law enforcement.
Peyton Gendron was hospitalized following a threat to shoot up a school
Payton Gendron, 18, who has been charged with murder over the attack, had previously threatened to shoot up his high school and was taken into custody for a mental health evaluation, an anonymous law enforcement source told The Associated Press.
In 2021, the then-17-year-old talked about committing a shooting at Susquehanna Valley Central High School in Broome County, New York.
Gendron left a trail on social media about his plans. They still let him have weapons.
Salvador Ramos wasn’t right in the head and was known to police. He also left a trail:
Just hours before the killings took place, Ramos had messaged an acquaintance on Instagram telling her he had a ‘lil secret’ he wanted to share, after earlier tagging her in a photo of two guns he bought himself on his 18th birthday. His TikTok account also featured a short user bio that read: ‘Kids Be Scared.’
He mutilated himself
Neighbors and classmates say his behavior spiraled into the bizarre and macabre as he entered his later teenage years, with one friend telling Good Morning America: ‘He had scars on his face and someone asked him, ‘Are you ok?’ and he just said with a smile ‘I did it myself, I liked how it looked.’
He began dressing in dark clothes and military boots and used his BB gun to target random people, one local claimed.
Ramos sent Facebook messages:
‘Ima do something to her rn [right now]’ wrote Ramos in a message at 11.10am Texas time. He added a few minutes later: ‘She’s on the phone with AT&T abojt [sic] my phone…It’s annoying’.
At 11.21am he wrote ‘I just shot my grandma in her head’ and added in his final message: ‘Ima go shoot up a elementary school.’
None of these young people should have been able to buy a gun. Families always profess shock and surprise but never seem to pay attention to the trails of crumbs being left along the way.
And yes, democrats absolutely love mass shootings. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), one of the dimmest lights in the Senate, seizes on these events to draw attention to himself.
“I’m here on this floor to beg, to literally get down on my hands and knees and beg my colleagues, find a path forward here. Work with us to find a way to pass laws that make this less likely.”
Blah, blah, blah.
Let’s not pretend that democrats care about the safety of children. They do not care when children die one or two at a time. They only profess to care when there is a mass shooting.
In 2021 through September, 21 children died from gunfire in New York. Not one word from Murphy, Schumer or any other dem. In 2021 more children died in gunfire in Chicago than died from COVID- 261 of them. 261 is truly mass murder but no democrat is interested. Nothing is made of it. There are no grand displays of public sorrow. When children are killed one at a time, fundraising is not nearly as robust as when a mass shooting occurs.
So don’t fall for the crocodile tears. It’s not about safety. To them it’s about money. They won’t be taking weapons from the criminals. They’ll take them from law abiding citizens. It’s low hanging fruit.
There are preventative measures that could be taken.
- Report any online threats. Anyone making a threat to a school- especially using online social medai- should forfeit the right to own or possess a weapon.
- A psychological evaluation of potential gun purchasers should be . Crazies cannot be allowed to purchase weapons. Mental illness is the common denominator in most shootings.
- Red flag laws are a necessity, but they must be supervised. The potential for left wing abuse is very real.
- Enforce existing laws. This is a big one.
Every one of the above left a trail- hints as to future behavior. We collectively need to pay attention.
We can’t end this discussion without noting the remarks from that insufferable ass Barack Obama, who compared the loss of those 19 children and two teachers to the loss of a career criminal:
“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer.” Obama tweeted. “His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”
The narcissistic king of inequality once again proves what a tone deaf moron he is.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This is happening because men are failing to be men.
Man up. The “if it feels good, do it” disease in our culture has brought us here. Time to climb out.
We know its so much more than that, the shooter had no father in the picture.
Grandpa was a felon but that can be a non serious crime, just enough to remove his right to have firearms.
Its shame this country needs, at least the ability be shamed.
Slut shaming is a good thing, even if its the male.
The fault here is with the parents or parent. Gun control would not nor could not have prevented this tragedy.
When we as a society decide to charge the parents for the actions of their children in instances like this, then we can begin to control this type of violence.
There are other things here that can be done but it starts with parenting.
The shooter was a legal adult this time. Sandyhook mom tried to have her son committed.
Yes I know
That IMHO does not or should not excuse them for failing at parenting. All adults are at one time children and the actions as a child and later into adulthood should not exclude a degree of responsibility on the part of the parents. Just my view.
i understand, sometimes we all must accept evil exists, you just can make laws for some things only good people follow rules and laws. Just as the children cant be blamed for the parents, some parents cant be blamed for childrens bad behavior.
No one was told the shooter was being driven around and shooting random people with a BB gun, that only came out after his rampage.
A culture that does not value life.
That takes God and the 10 Commandments and prayer out of schools.
That allows killers to easily cross its border.
That puts violent offenders back out on the street within hours.
I could write 100 more lines.
“That takes God and the 10 Commandments and prayer out of schools.”
Even if our system allowed public schools to do religious stuff, there are plenty of kids who aren’t Christian or Jewish. Would they just be out of luck?
Telling kids they are trans or that trans is something other than mental illness is “religious stuff.”
Are all those Christians and Jews out of luck then?
Teaching respect for the lives of others isn’t any particular religious tenet, though tenets that promote killing anyone that is a “non-believer” should be looked for. But, removing the idea that we all answer to a Higher Power and will be held accountable for our temporal actions isn’t helpful. I can’t remember any religious teachings in school, but I was definitely taught early on to respect and be kind to other people, as well as respecting adults.
Dr John makes an excellent point about mental health and being allowed to buy guns.
Teachers keep secret from parents that they are grooming the insecure children in their care.
Think for an instant those same teachers would honestly call a mentally ill youngster sick?
They won’t.
Their agenda is completely different from that.
Do you honestly believe that all teachers are sexually grooming their students?
Well, to begin with, Nan G did not say “all” teachers nor did she say anything about “sexual grooming” but of course, you have never let facts stand in the way of your comments.
And yes, some teachers are sexually grooming their students. The LBGQXYZ lobby must have new members and where better to recruit new members than in elementary schools with impressionable minds secured to desk chairs? And perhaps you can tell me why the sexual abuse of children is much greater in the teacher field than it was with Catholic priests but it is the Catholic priests that are still demonized. Why? The priests don’t have a high dollar lobby.
There is no way I would allow a child of mine to attend the current public school system, ANYWHERE.
“There is no way I would allow a child of mine to attend the current public school system, ANYWHERE.”
I imagine teachers everywhere are grateful.
Any teacher who belongs to the AFT, better known as The Groomer’s Club, deserves no respect.
It’s fortunate that I’m not a member, then.
You admit you teach whatever your district buys, just following orders like a good little sheeple.
Trickle down dumbing.
05/27/22 – More than 50 Florida pastors on Southern Baptist Church’s list of alleged sexual abusers
That’s in one state. Will the right go after these guys like they did Disney? Or public school teachers? I think not. Because it’s not politically useful.
Politics has become poisonous. That’s what happens, when all honesty is taken out of it.
I support these pastors being investigated, and charged if need be.
There. I debunked your idiotic “they don’t do the same for their own” statement.
That’s only you and Democrats: “rules for thee and not for me”
The shooting in Texas is politically useful to the Left. That’s about it.
Why didn’t you read your own article? No one has to “go after” them because the SBC is handling it themselves. This is in contrast to Disney or the grooming school teachers who hide their actions, then declare their degeneracy “normal” when caught.
Vastly different. It’s called “responsibility”.
Libs Of TikTok reports California teacher asked students how comfortable they are with anal sex and voyeur masturbation
Libs Of TikTok reports California teacher asked students how comfortable they are with anal sex and voyeur masturbation | Not the Bee
There is no place for this in school. What in the hell is happening in our schools?
And, to think, parents who may be informed about this type of indoctrination and rightfully challenge school boards, are considered domestic terrorists by the AG of the US.
It’s becoming like the gays in the Boy Scouts; it appears we have “teachers” who simply want the opportunity to be around young children for opportunities to satisfy their sick sexual needs.
I can just imagine the sick logic questions these degenerate bastards could come up with.
I dot think so but dont be anti grooming and speak out or they might just try to pull your license for “immoral behavior”.
Yes. Every single teacher in the United States is sexually grooming their students.
(Love those Leftists and their intentional mis-statement of topics, so let’s just go with it).
Ted Cruz flees the dance floor…
History lesson…
I hope they learn not to prop doors open during a lockdown.
That was the KEY, and it is virtually ignored. No doubt this teacher feels terrible, but without that act of stupidity, the shooting might never have happened.
But, let’s punish every law abiding gun owner instead. That sounds smart.
A bigger problem is Democrats actively making sure history repeats itself over and over and over. They claim the “gun lobby” is the problem when the REAL problem is that they are controlled by the “CRIME lobby”. It is Democrats who will not prosecute violent crime, release violent criminals from jail, push for no bail release of violent criminals, promote, sanction and excuse political violence and worship violent, drug dealing, career criminals as martyred heroes.
Hell, Cuomo signed an order that killed 15,000 or more elderly in New York, the same state that legalizes killing a baby at childbirth… and after, and you idiots gave him an Emmy. You think anyone believes Democrats care about human life other than their own?
Good thing we know taking away guns does nothing.
Looked like the assholes do not understand our laws, are trying to make soundbite points.
It did not look like Cruz was fleeing, he was correct, nothing the Democrats are pushing would have stopped this evil kid. His juvy record would not show up in a background check.
If you start to believe this government cares about kids just remember we still don’t know who’s in Ghislaine Maxwell’s black book.
We know 3 Gates, Clinton and a Prince.
not one has been charged.
I guess Obama is referring to those who loved raking in $27 million for carrying out the garbage. Does Obama ever wonder how many children the fentanyl Floyd peddled might have killed? Nah… he can’t see any of that over the high walls of his Martha’s Vineyard estate. Nice and safe there.
Maybe teaching respect for each other in school would be better than teaching kids to be victims that should be outraged whenever anyone doubts their fantasies are real. They might also drill into the kid’s minds that there IS no “kidding around” about violence. Talking about “shooting up a school”, like talking about hijacking in an airport, is going to be taken deadly serious and could have a severe impact on their future, immediate and distant.
Threats of violence and violent behavior should be reported and a record created. That record should be able to be referenced for a background check. As we saw with Hunter, asking a drug addict if they have a drug problem doesn’t always receive an honest answer.
COVID shut down schools and exposed the curriculum for future shooters: CRT, teaching students that skin color shows them who should die and the mental illness of “gender fluidity” that justifies outrage if some unsuspecting rube doesn’t recognize the proper pronoun.
Clearing children’s mind of the numerous reasons to hate and retaliate won’t happen quickly, just as teaching that life is cheap and making the decision who deserves to live or die is a “right” based on emotion didn’t happen over night.
Banning a gun or proposing to ban a gun is the easy, chickenshit, political way out of a deadly problem created by the very same people thinking this is the answer.
“Maybe teaching respect for each other in school…”
“Clearing children’s mind of the numerous reasons to hate and retaliate…”
That’s the point behind SEL curricula, but that has come under attack by the Right.
Social skills should be taught by the parents. As noted, religious teachings are not allowed (well, no CHRISTIAN teachings, anyway) in schools, so the only place children can learn “Do unto others as you would have the do unto you”, for instance, would be the home by the parents. Government and institutional social “guidance” does not always comport with the greater society… as we have also seen.
Children should be taught to think, not WHAT to think. Our kids are coming out of schools dumber and dumber while time is wasted on “gender fluidity”, hundreds of pronouns, thousands of reasons to be outraged by random treatment and new reasons to hate other races, groups and the very nation in which they live.
When you wrote “Maybe teaching respect for each other in school,” I thought you meant doing the teaching in school.
Over the decades I’ve been teaching, I’ve seen less and less evidence that parents are trying to teach their kids how to interact with other kids in a respectful and positive manner.
The culture is to blame for these shootings. Not the guns.
And yes, teachers are not responsible for the actions of these and every kid. Their parents are.
My kids, in their actions and conduct, are the reason that many teachers love teaching.
Moms out of the house working the kids are raised in Daycare herds, fed fast food, over stimulated by mindless violent video games and given a cellphone for companionship. The feminists of the 70s began this. I want it all I want it now, so far in debt it takes 2 salaries to make the payments. Garbage products that are made to wear out every 5 years. Except the stove which isnt used very much.
And this drives high crime in poverty neighborhoods; everyone else has STUFF, but they can’t afford all the gee-gaws. Add to that the leftist mindset that they DESERVE to have anything and everything they see and those who have them didn’t work for them, don’t deserve to have them, etc, etc, etc, so they’ll just TAKE it. Yet, like conquering violence, Democrat’s ideas to reduce poverty only seem to create more poverty, just as their “gun control” ideas only leaves people disarmed and vulnerable to MORE crime.
Yeah, there’s a problem. A BIG problem. Democrats created it. I wouldn’t waste much time waiting for Democrats to actually come up with any real solutions.
Discipline is also teaching. As you yourself have pointed out, discipline in schools is sorely lacking. Lack of discipline in school has been shown to be a factor in some of these shootings.
I would agree that many parents have been taking for granted that the schools are forming the larger part of their children’s sociology. However, they got a rude awakening thanks to the COVID shut downs. We now have parents protesting what has been going on behind their backs (while in plain sight) in the classrooms and we see the top levels of this government reacting negatively to these parents’ attention.
This problem is not about guns. It’s about minds. It’s also not just about the schools, it’s widespread. Not only does some curriculum teach onerous things to kids, but they see reinforcement in the entertainment media, social media and some news media. In other words, it’s a deep problem that’s not related to guns and it won’t be solved by banning a gun or guns. It’s going to be much tougher to solve than that and the solution goes against the leftist agenda.
The only rapid solution is to harden schools by having resource officers present at all times and keeping access locked and secured.
Who’s paying for that?
We have billions in COVID19 relief that went directly to schools that was never spent. Use that.
We are flush with cash, we can pay Ukraines pensions and government salaries and increase their military budget over 6 fold.
Or get creative national guardsmen already getting paid by the government. Open your mind think outside the box. Cali has 24,000 fully trained troops at its disposal.
The Local, State, and Federal Governments.
OMG, how in the hell did the previous generations, who did not shoot up schools, manage without some left wing goofy SEL curricula? How did their parents manage to raise kids who took rifles on the school bus so the kid could participate in the Rifle Club? How many of those kids shot up their school killing school mates?
Keep your damn “modern” method of teaching with it’s SEL/CRT instructions. While you pat yourself on the back for being modern, your students can’t do simple math and can’t read at grade level. Of course, math is now considered (you know it’s coming, right?) racist.
Of course, I’m assuming you’re going to tell us what a great teacher (groomer) you are and how your school district is so wonderful but I doubt you’l own up to what failing school district you teach at.
“how in the hell did the previous generations, who did not shoot up schools, manage without some left wing goofy SEL curricula?”
As I already said in the comment to which you were replying, this stuff has always been taught in schools, but it was informal, and it depended on having a teacher who cared about making that happen. The only difference now is that teachers are doing it in an organized fashion.
As to why parents don’t teach this stuff at home now, I have no idea.
If teachers don’t address this stuff, class is impossible to conduct effectively.
Assuming you are actually a teacher and not an FBI-paid troll, I don’t envy teachers a bit. It’s not easy, primarily because they are teaching so many un-parented children.
I did my part by making sure my own kids are not one of them.
As I already said in the comment to which you were replying, this stuff has always been taught in schools,
So you are telling me that there was an ac hoc form of SEL being taught to previous generations? Perhaps you would like to provide some documentation on that or are you confusing a teacher stressing manners to children as comparable to the Yale developed SEL?
Frankly, I think you’re just punting trying to redirect.
“a teacher stressing manners to children”
That’s essentially what it is. The curriculum adopted by my district is—as I have already said—just organizing lessons that used to be taught in, yes, an ad hoc format by teachers.
If you have an example of a lesson in a specific, real-life SEL program that you believe crosses the line, I’d be interested in reading the details.
Provide me a sample of your class material for SEL. If you don’t have it, what the hell kind of teacher are you? Do you just wing it?
Maybe you can find what you use on Teachers Pay Teachers.
“Provide me a sample of your class material for SEL. If you don’t have it, what the hell kind of teacher are you? Do you just wing it?”
I’m a teacher who’s at home, and his materials are at school.
In another thread a few weeks back, I typed the titles of all the lessons in the program. I’m not interested in going through it again. Do a comment search, if you’re actually interested.
“Provide me a sample of your class material for SEL.”
I found a paper with the overview on it for lesson 14, which is titled “Community Solutions”:
“Students will be able to evaluate possible solutions to a community problem by considering different points of view.”
The community problem discussed in the lesson, if I’m remembering correctly, is that the kids in the hypothetical school were throwing litter on the playground, and some kids didn’t think it was a big deal, while other kids did.
Not as outrage-inducing as you imagined, I’m guessing. Or maybe it is; I can never tell with you people.
Are you now into using your pronouns?
And you’re telling me you can’t remember your own study material? Do you really get paid for that?
Are you teaching “transformative” SEL? Lesson 14? Was that day, or week? Are you shoving this crap down children’s throats while they fail STEM classes?
You people? You really are one rude SOB, aren’t you? Just another arrogant leftie who has the ability to damage children’s minds. YOU are the reason I would not put my kid in ANY public school.
Give it up, Michael, or Michelle or what ever your name is. You have proven you have less intellect than Comrade Greggie. So you teach because you aren’t smart enough to do anything else. And you get to be a groomer.
So it was that outrage-inducing. Live and learn.
“YOU are the reason I would not put my kid in ANY public school.”
Teachers the world over rejoice.
How would I know? Where did Lesson 14 come from? Who provided the study material? What group? You clearly didn’t write the study material or you would have remembered what was in it, all of it. What grade level was it? What was in the rest of the lessons (there were at least 13 more)?
You didn’t provide enough information for me to create an informed opinion except the crap I have read on line that is provided to teachers, too stupid to write their own study materials, is bullshit.
If you want to be a teacher, spend your time making sure your students can read, write coherently and are proficient in math and science. If you want to indoctrinate them in other crap, go back to school and get your Ph.D. in psychiatry.
What if the students claimed it was their right to throw trash on the playground?
No, it wasn’t.
Let me rephrase that, then. It has been taught in schools since the late 1960s, when I first started school.
I gotta hand it to idiot Biden, though. NO “ghost guns” used in any of the recent mass shootings! Boy, those Democrats are truly keeping us safe! More of your effective and helpful legislation, please.
I’m just waiting for the “common sense” gun laws to show up so I can read them.
I hope you have a comfortable chair and something to eat and drink. It’ll be a long time before any Democrat proposes any “common sense”. Everything is designed to promote their failed agenda.
They cant come up with common sense lunch laws
Put boys in girls bathrooms or the low income kids get no food.
The laws that already exist but Leftists don’t know about theem.
Schools in addition to the family along with the absence of religion has gone a long way to produce cultural rot in or society.
This did not happen in the short term, this has been intentionally part of the lefts agenda for decades
This shooter doesnt hold the record for kills

“the absence of religion”
I assume you’d be fine with non-Christian religions making their way into the classroom. Surely you wouldn’t mind if a Muslim teacher were to lead the class in prayer a few times a day.
Islam is theo-political belief. It comes with it’s own justice system, and by definition seeks to supplant and replace existing laws and governments.
We’re a Christian nation, even if you are atheist. Your beliefs, morals, and ethics are Christian. You are a Christian Atheist.
The current divorce happening in America is the godless Left seeking to usurp and eventually commit genocide against Americans who are Christian, while they take the spoils of what a nation build on the idea of personal sovereignty (A Christian truth).
Trust me. The Muslims would LOVE for people like you to push this false understanding of separation of church in state.
And you WILL bow for prayer 5 times a day….or die.
“and eventually commit genocide against Americans who are Christian”
Wow! That’s some powerful paranoia!
You say paranoia, I say anthropology backed with historical patterns….meh.
” I say anthropology backed with historical patterns”
Tell me more about all the genocides conducted by atheists against others because of their Christianity which form these historical patterns of which you speak.
Fail. Gather your thoughts and ask an actual question, not a cowardly and deliberate mis-statement.
I try not to ask many questions any more. They really seemed to piss you off.
If you didn’t want to deal with blowback from sharing your fear that atheists are going to genocide Christians, then possibly you shouldn’t have shared your fear that atheists are going to genocide Christians.
You spend a lot of time trying to dance away from the stupid stuff you type in comments. You should re-examine some of your life choices. If you don’t type stupid stuff, you won’t have to disavow it later. Think before typing.
How many questions do you ask? Why do you think they “piss me off?”
What “blowback” are you talking about? How many questions did I ask you that you actually didn’t answer? How often do you intentionally mis-state a question then answer something that no one asked?
How often you find yourself not able to defend your comments? Why do you resort to such inanities as “life choices” and other nebulous things instead off actually debating the issue?
Who said what I said was stupid? Who said I disavowed anything?
Why are you here? What thoughts or ideas do you have to offer FA, or anyone?
You often act like a six-year-old. This is one of those times.
Do tell the Copts they are just paranoid.
“Do tell the Copts they are just paranoid.”
Are they being genocided by atheists? Because that’s what Nathan was specifically referring to.
I wasnt responding to Nate, who exactly were you referring to?

The religion of peace?
I was responding to what Nathan wrote about the “historical patterns” of Christians being genocided by atheists.
I mentioned Islam in response to an entirely separate comment by an entirely separate person.
And a response was given to you. Now you evade by parsing words and deliberately misframing the topic:
Let’s try this again:
If we’re letting religion into the classroom, we need to let them all in—not just the one you like.
You keep repeating that.
America is a Christian nation. It was built on Christianity. It doesn’t work without it.
Atheism, Christianity, and Islam (to name a few) are not compatible.
You already undermine you silly statement because you support the Woke religion, the one you like, and are markedly anti-Christian, and part of a genocidally-tainted movement that won’t go anywhere good.
Who the hell said we were?
What you believe about God isn’t something that stops at the door at home, work, or school.
Only those who hate your faith and your God would say something like that.
TrumpWon was saying that removing religion from the classroom was one of the things hurting our society.
It is. But as a Christian in a Christian nation that allows for freedom of religion (a Christian ideal, not any others), I understand respecting others and letting them come to their own faith.
That’s unique, and other religions do not share this. Atheist Americans are merely following Christian ideals when they claim “freedom of and from” religion.
“Atheist Americans are merely following Christian ideals when they claim ‘freedom of and from’ religion.”
Then you should be rejoicing.
“What you believe about God isn’t something that stops at the door at home, work, or school.”
Not for you, I guess. A lot of stuff stops at the classroom door, because to do otherwise would be inappropriate. I would never share my thoughts about religion with my students.
Teaching children that someone can be of the opposite gender they are, and have it not be a mental illness, is a religion.
You are forcing your religion on everyone else.
“Teaching children that someone can be of the opposite gender they are, and have it not be a mental illness, is a religion.
“You are forcing your religion on everyone else.”
That topic has never once come up in any class I’ve ever taught, so you’re shouting at the wrong cloud.
You’ve opening said you support such a religion, and support it at school.
You’re being a coward now.
As a matter of fact, I’ve said elsewhere at this site that I never reveal that kind of personal opinion to my students. My ideas about sexuality, politics and religion have always been kept out of the classroom.
We agree on that.
Do we? Why? Most schools now only allow one orthodoxy: liberalism. That shouldn’t be being taught in school, either, except as a comparison to other ideologies. The left has replaced teaching with indoctrinating. So, if religion was actually taught, why would there be an obligation to teach them all?
It’s kind of a real thing.
What did Muslims do prior to 1962?
Apparently you know little of Islam and its teachings when it comes to those who do not accept its tenets. But then, for a teacher, you seem to have limited knowledge about many things.
There is currently a jihad against Christians. Perhaps the groomer has heard of the atrocities committed in Africa.
A genocide being conducted by atheists? Because that’s what Nathan said he’s worried about, and that’s what I was responding to.
How many Christians have been killed by Communists? Or did you not learn in your second class college that Communists are atheists? Never heard of the Vendean martyrs?
You are a disgrace to your profession.
“You are a disgrace to your profession.”
You’d be flabbergasted at how little your opinion means to me.
If that were true, you wouldn’t be here posting “stupid stuff.”
We own your mind.
Actually, no I wouldn’t. I learned a long time ago that liberals have closed minds and care little what others think of them since in their minds, they are correct about all things and consequently the opinions of others are moot.
You prove me correct.
You’re lying. You know you can’t argue this, so you’re squirming like a worm, trying to parse words and hide.
Let’s clear it up.
Historically, when culture labels a sub-culture as the root of all problems, they commit genocide. That’s called “collectivist guilt” and it’s what was more recently used against Jews and Kulaks.
Atheists from Mao to Pol Pot to Stalin have killed hundreds of millions. That’s a fact.
Today’s Left is showing signs of using collectivist guilt by constantly inventing new labels and devices that boil down to one thing: killing off Christianity in America. From attacks on our monuments and statues re-writing history with the 1619 project to a public lynching of Chauvin to many things you’ve said on FA, rabidly and unoriginally anti-Christian.
It’s atheistic, and Communistic.
It has the marks of a potential genocide against white Christians in America.
“You’re lying. You know you can’t argue this, so you’re squirming like a worm, trying to parse words and hide.”
Dude: If you don’t type stupid stuff, you won’t have to work so hard pretending that you didn’t type stupid stuff.
Think before you type.
When you can point out what was “stupid stuff,” please do. I’ll wait.
In the meantime, you should cry more.
“you should cry more.”
I was waiting for you to pull that well-worn arrow out of your metaphorical quiver.
Cope more.
So you didn’t say you were worried about an atheist genocide of Christians, but you’re supplying examples in an attempt to support the thing you didn’t say. As one does, of course.
What I said is pretty clear.
Let’s clear it up.
Go ahead and squirm, lie, mis-direct. The above is my original statement.
It’s based on historical and anthropological understandings of how collectivist guilt leads to genocide.
Hey, I wouldn’t want someone to tell me I’m genocidal either.
Cope more.
“Apparently you know little of Islam and its teachings when it comes to those who do not accept its tenets.”
He specifically referred to a genocide conducted by atheists, not by Muslims.
He who? Are you referring to Nathan?
You are the one who brought Muslims into the conversation and I was responding to you, not to “he.”
Did you major in obfuscation because you sure are a practitioner.
“You are the one who brought Muslims into the conversation and I was responding to you, not to ‘he.'”
Then why didn’t you respond to the thing I wrote about Muslims? You don’t even know what it was.
I did. I asked you:
What did Muslims do prior to 1962? Answer that and you had your answer.
You’re pathetic. No wonder you teach. You’re not smart enough to do anything but influence vulnerable children.
He’s flailing.
Here’s a great summary by Allen West:
Father of Uvalde Shooter: ‘I Don’t Want Them Calling Him a Monster… They Don’t Know Nothing’
Is he talking about the monster that shot his wife in the face or some other grandchild we havent heard about?
I’d like to know the statistical odds of these two random events actually being random:
Columbine (Littleton, CO) school shooting: One week before NRA national meeting in Denver, CO.
Uvalde, Texas school shooting one week before NRA national meeting in Houston, Texas.
Reading thru this thread I am surprised by Michael’s duality as a Lefty.
He admits to being homosexual, a crime in only a few countries, most of them Islamic countries.
A DEATH PENALTY offence in one Islamic country.
But now, Michael stands with Islam.
How safe of him to do so inside the USA, a country he’d love to change.
He might do a history lesson about his fellow travelers, Code Pink.
Many of Code Pink’s leaders went to Gaza to try to stand with Hamas against the naval blockade Israel imposed after illegal arms were found on incoming ships.
They were almost immediately arrested by Hamas.
According to an exCode Pink member some of them were sexually assaulted.
As Soon As They Could they escaped to safety……in Israel.
Far as I know they never went back to Gaza.
How does Hamas treat suspected homosexuals?
They shoot out their knees from the back and leave them on the streets to bleed out or live.
They deny them medical care so they become crippled.
They also suspect anyone they want, many members of Fatah were shot this way ostensibly because they were homosexuals.
How does th Iranian regime treat suspected homosexuals?
They use construction cranes to slowly suffocate these men who are strung up from a crane in a noose.
The strangling to death takes between 30 minutes and an hour because these cranes are set to rise up as slowly as possible.
Pakistanis stone suspected homsexuals to death.
Egyptians mob suspected homosexuals, force them up into a tallish building and throw them off.
So, put your money where your mouth is: Go to an Islamic country and espouse your dual love for homosexuality and Islam.
Well, as I pointed out in another thread, I’m not gay, and I’ve never said I was. All I’ve ever said is, “If I were, who cares?”
Also: I don’t “stand with Islam.” It’s a religion, so it’s as full of crap as all the rest of them. I’m just pointing out that if we let one religion into the classroom, we need to let them all in—even the ones you don’t like.
Government school people do not care about your kids. Government school people do not take security seriously. They leave doors open. They don’t arm themselves.
Law enforcement will not protect you or your kids – they will get in your way if you try to save your kids.
Government is the enemy of the people. Government and the media celebrate psychopaths and make heroes of them.
Chaos has always been a tool that leftists use to herd the sheep to slaughter.
Why didn’t an 18 year-old purchasing two rifles and a lot of ammo raise a red flag with someone at the gun shop?
Because it’s not illegal to buy more than one weapon. Question is, where did this kid get all this money? I wish I had the cash to buy ONE, and over 500 rounds of ammunition. Wendy’s must be paying really well.
The signs are there, but the are obfuscated by the noise of millions of other signs. Clarity is easy after the fact, thus the term 20/20 hind sight. In this case the signs were so few, and the most obvious were so immediate to the act, that act of prevention was impossible. There is no common denominator unique to these acts. How many people cut themselves but never harm another? How many purchase AR-15’s but never consider harming another? How many threaten to kill another, but never carry the act out? If the goal is to prevent these actions, the question you have to ask is how many innocents are you willing to punish, and to what extent, to make you feel safe? And there is the heart and soul of gun control, background checks, proposed psychological evaluations and red flag laws. If there are no clear criteria pointing to a particular act, the only way to prevent the act is to assume everyone capable is guilty until proven otherwise.
The answer… the ONLY answer is to harden the schools. Nothing else would have immediate effect and, obviously, we need immediate action. Maybe something can be found in this moron’s background and background check that can make background checks more effective, but EVERY call for “gun control” misses the entire point of the problem and NO time should be wasted on that.
For instance, would this tragedy have even happened if that one door had remained locked? How simple a solution is THAT?
40 billion sent to Ukraine, meh
let the boys grow up to be men not Ballet Dancers or Tree Hugging Vegans who meditiate in the forests going OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM OOOOOOOMMMMMM OOOOOMMMMMM
Remarkably sharp essay. Right on point. Thank you. As a sidebar to your sobering words, I have to say that I have recently wandered into the worlds of Instagram, SnapChat and TikTok, finding that there is a level of sadness, mindlessness, ugliness and violence that consumes many youth today. They use these digital outlets to express their directionless emotions and their clearly rootless family lives, their words often underscored by crass, profane and decidedly unmusical hip-hop. The young are infected with misery, and their broken homes are the breeding ground. I’m divorced myself — so I know. I pray a lot these days. I don’t expect solutions from politicians.
That sentiment is the sort of corrosive bullshit that that eating away at the soul of our nation. It’s calculated to divide us into warring factions, to the benefit of worthless political opportunists. RECOGNIZE IT FOR WHAT IT IS, AND FOR WHAT IT DOES.
They don’t care, it is a talking point only
greg, with respect, you have been spreading division at the behest of your Party for years.
I know that the new play for the deep state/Democrats is to suddenly claim to be “unifiers.”
You’re not. The cost of installing Biden was that you no longer have one America. You have two.
Choose which one your part of.
“Let’s not pretend that democrats care about the safety of children” is TOTAL BULLSHIT.
It’s a poisonous idea.
It’s an insidiously toxic propaganda meme, encouraging you to deny both rational thought and the essential humanity of half of the nation.
That sort of denial might have something to do with the state of mind that Salvador Ramos got into, before turning elementary school children and their teachers into targets.
It’s what Putin would have Russians and the world think about Ukrainians, so that he can invade their nation and slaughter its people with impunity.
No matter who’s pouring it out, it’s always the same damn poison.
If only the left cared about children. Is that why they have murdered over 50 million and counting since 1973? Your duplicity is not surprising
Really. Well, how about ACTING like it, then?
We’ll just totally skip any discussion of abortion right now, where you leftists refuse to even call a baby a “life”.
Where is all the angst for the dozens of children killed every week in Democrat cities by the thugs they let out of jail, refuse to prosecute, keep in poverty and provide with scores of unarmed and defenseless victims?
How many children killed by fentanyl that flows across our wide f**king open southern border do Democrats care about? Does worshiping a fentanyl dealer that killed himself with his of fentanyl show their overwhelming concern for children’s lives?
Idiot Biden, who watches his watch when the military he got killed come from overseas to express his complete boredom with it all, runs to Uvalde to grope the photos of the murdered children but never even mentioned those killed and maimed in Waukesha by a BLM killer because… POLITICS. OPTICS.
The left jumps on their beloved anti-gun soap box after every mass shooting before the smoke clears and facts are known. There is no confusion where their sentiments lie: with their agenda, nothing else. If they cared, they’d keep violent criminals in jail and would work harder to prosecute and convict them. It was a propped open door that killed the kids and teachers in Uvalde, not a gun.
There may be children’s lives Democrats actually care about. It’s just that they feel they have the power to determine which lives are worth allowing to continue and which are worthless… to them.
Typical bot response.
You represent the division, the poison, the totalitarian ideologies the free people of the world are fighting against…and of course, like all evil, you pose and gaslight.
When you fools talk about a global union and government, the rest of the world knows what you really mean: a European takeover of the world.
Not going to happen.
Some of bidens illegal dirtbags
FFS do these kids think this is a #challenge? Just eat the whole box of tide pods.
They seek attention. Ramos was seeking attention. It’s why they telegraph what they are going to do, to look “cool” to their dimwitted peers. If they can’t get a gun, they’ll find another sick way to draw attention to themselves.
“If they can’t get a gun, they’ll find another sick way to draw attention to themselves.”
A way, presumably, by which they won’t be able to so quickly take one or two dozen lives.
Left in that room for as long as he was, how many could Ramos have hacked to death with a machete? How many could he have killed with a propane tank bomb, which the Columbine killers intended to us? How many were killed and injured by a small SUV in Waukesha? How about a pressure cooker? How about some fertilizer and diesel fuel?
Wake up. Or at the very least, assume others are awake.
A position and statement that is easily debunked. Waukesha and Nice, just to start.
If they can’t get an AR-15, they will find another way to quickly take one or two dozen lives. It’s factual.
Glad to clear that up for you.
We could presume or look at reality. If he came in with a baseball bat presumably two teachers could have foiled his murder spree.
“If they can’t get an AR-15, they will find another way to quickly take one or two dozen lives. It’s factual.”
You’re pretty certain about that. Thanks, I guess, for giving us all that glimpse into the mind of a spree killer.
I am. Google Bath Consolidated School.
Damn, do you enjoy showing how uninformed you are?
“Google Bath Consolidated School.”
I’m familiar with it. You people keep going back to that well. It comes up with each school shooting. That was 1927. How many school bombings have there been in the intervening ninety-odd years? Compare that to the number of school shootings in the past twenty years.
I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on why killers overwhelmingly choose firearms over explosives when they want to kill people at a school.
So what? You seemingly are making the claim that there would be no school attacks if it were not for firearms.
How would I know? I don’t think like them.
“How would I know? I don’t think like them.”
Not knowing anything about a topic has never stopped you before.
I understand full well why you’re afraid to answer the question.
I did answer the question. I don’t think like a killer. Perhaps you do or think you are so damn smart that you can tell what is in a person’s mind. A person you have never met or never spoken to.
And while we’re at it, rain man, how about YOU answering questions that I have asked you and you refused to answer? Or is it your rule that you think others should answer questions but you don’t have to?
The best thing you can do is stop playing the arrogant clown.
“how about YOU answering questions that I have asked you and you refused to answer?”
Okay. Here goes:
“How would I know? I don’t think like them.”
Certainly that answers any question you asked at least as well as you answered mine.
Certainly that answers any question you asked at least as well as you answered mine.
Wrong. Below is just one example of questions I have asked you, in this thread alone, that you totally ignored. Were you “afraid” to answer those questions?
Anyone with the memory issues you seem to have should not be “teaching” impressionable children.
Reply to
2 days ago
Are you now into using your pronouns?
And you’re telling me you can’t remember your own study material? Do you really get paid for that?
Are you teaching “transformative” SEL? Lesson 14? Was that day, or week? Are you shoving this crap down children’s throats while they fail STEM classes?
Those were serious questions? I thought you were just having a tantrum. The first one is particularly stupid and beside the point.
While you’ve never been a teacher, you feel pretty free to tell me how I’m supposed to do my job. So much for “I’ve never done it, so I can’t say anything about it,” but we both knew that was a simple evasion on your part, anyway.
I’ll tell you what: choose your favorite of those seven questions, and I’ll answer it.
It is not up to you to decide whether my question has merit or is stupid. Your only option is to answer, or not. To think my question was stupid is simply arrogance on your part (the ‘I’m smarter than you are so your question is stupid’ attitude)
And you know that how?
To begin with, an Education major is the easiest major in all of academia. Even a D- student can pass the criterion for an Education major easily. If you can’t cut a Business major, get an Education degree.
As to telling you how to do your job; I have not done that but based on nothing but the things you have posted on this website, if it were left up to me you would not be allowed to teach.
Sorry, but I ceased to be a juvenile a long time ago so I am not interested in your “gotcha” games. Stop acting like a student and learn to be an adult. All you’re doing is obfuscating.
“It is not up to you to decide whether my question has merit or is stupid.”
You are blindingly incorrect.
“To begin with, an Education major is the easiest major in all of academia. Even a D- student can pass the criterion for an Education major easily. If you can’t cut a Business major, get an Education degree.”
Yeah, yeah, I get it. You’ve done that shtick already.
What was your degree? Now I’m interested.
I assumed that those questions were nothing more than a public tantrum. You set the tone with the first one, which has nothing to do with anything.
Choose your favorite of those seven questions, and I’ll answer it for you.
“You seemingly are making the claim that there would be no school attacks if it were not for firearms.”
I will assume that you read my previous comments before responding to me, because to do otherwise would be the act of a belligerent dope. That being the case, you know I’m not making that claim at all, but I was responding to this comment by Deplorable Me:
“If they can’t get a gun, they’ll find another sick way to draw attention to themselves.”
My response was this:
“A way, presumably, by which they won’t be able to so quickly take one or two dozen lives.”
The only way you could think I’m saying there would be no school attacks without guns is by being wilfullly obtuse.
Firearms are effective. They’ve proven useful in numerous applications. The mentally disturbed using them for heinous and sick acts is but one application. It doesn’t negate any or all of the other useful applications, such as self defense from these very maniacs.
Automobiles have been used as a means to get to and away from crimes, as projectiles in crimes and as containers for deadly bombs. Do we contemplate banning automobiles or mandating only “trusted governmental officials” have access to them?
It’s even possible to poison a cities water supply with the wheel-barrel loads of fentanyl idiot Biden looks the other way as it flows into our country. Do we ban municipal water supplies? We damn sure don’t protect the border.
It is as asinine to blame the gun for gun crimes as it is to believe getting rid of them (as if that were even remotely possible) would abate crimes.
“Do we contemplate banning automobiles or mandating only ‘trusted governmental officials’ have access to them?”
No, but users have to pass a test in order to legally be allowed to drive. Cars have to be registered in all fifty states, and that helps track down the owner if a car is misused. We also say that certain people won’t be allowed to drive.
When it was clear that wearing seatbelts would cut down on deaths in accidents, we used the power of the government to get people to wear them.
Car manufacturers regularly and voluntarily do their best to make cars safer for both drivers and the people around them.
Oh, that’s so comforting. Now we know that Darrell Edward Brooks, Jr. will never be able to drive.
Of course, there is the little matter of Form 4473. The final decision for that form being made by the Federal Government. I’m sure you can point out the mistakes made by the Federal government when it comes to the Uvalde shooter, right? (that’s a question, dimwit)
“that’s a question, dimwit”
Try again.
A “?” sign denotes a question.
And “that’s a question, dimwit” denotes someone who needs to change his tone if he wants me to answer his question.
And “that’s a question, dimwit” denotes someone who needs to change his tone if he wants me to answer his question.
You do not get to determine the rules of the game. I never expected you to act like an adult and respond to my questions because you only obfuscate anyway. You make statements you cannot back up. Answer, or not. That is your choice. I don’t submit to the demands of someone who assumes the position of school yard bully.
Your cowardice is obvious.
” I don’t submit to the demands of someone who assumes the position of school yard bully.”
That’s rich, coming from you.
Listen: I said I’d answer one of your battery of questions. If you want an answer, tell me which one you want to hear. If you don’t want answers, why’d you ask them in the first place?
I scrolled back and the tone was quite civil when the questions were originally posed. Maybe as an aid to civility, you could answer the questions when they are presented instead of your usual dance routine that lasts for days.
Nope. Wrong. I only need a drivers license to drive on public roads. If I bought a truck and only used it on a farm or ranch, I need no license or even registration for it. Likewise, if I have a gun and I use it lawfully, I need no license… or shouldn’t.
Guns are serialized and the lawful purchaser can be tracked down. It is also unlawful to deface or remove a serial number.
Yeah, once they’ve committed some onerous violation of the driving laws and, again, only on public roads. The proposals for guns punishes EVERYONE for what a tiny percentage does.
So do gun manufacturers. Using the proper ammunition and with proper maintenance, guns rarely unintentionally harm anyone. But guns, like cars, cannot be manufactured so that someone with evil intent cannot abuse them
Got anything else, scooter?
Are we doing “likewise” now? How about this: if you want to take your gun off of your property, as with open carry fetishists, get tested and regularly licensed. Just like cars and drivers. Your right wouldn’t be abridged—if you follow the rules.
Your driver’s license can be suspended or even revoked for a number of non-driving issues that don’t constitute “some onerous violation of the driving laws,” including failure to respond to a court summons and non-DUI drug convictions.
THIS JUST IN!! If you get a CHL, you ARE tested regularly and have your background checked (except if one has renewed a license several times and have nothing on their record). I don’t open carry; I don’t want to be the first taken out in the event of a shooting. But when I see someone open carrying, I feel safer.
A CHL can be revoked for any violation of the rules, including carrying in a prohibited area. But, having a CHL, which means you have had a background check and are a responsible person, gets you an instant background check when buying a weapon and might make the difference between getting a traffic ticket or a warning.
Do you think locking your door or your car is a fetish?
“Do you think locking your door or your car is a fetish?”
No, but it’s not the same thing. To all outward appearances, open-carry guys are dudes who are still playing army. Also: there seems to be a strong vein of assholishness running through the open-carrier’s personality.
How many people do you actually know that open or conceal carry?
I’ve only seen it from a distance. I know what I need to know from the simple fact that they’re carrying openly.
Thats what is known as being a BIGOT you see from a distance and make a judgement, you dont know anyone but shove them all in the same box and slap on the label. Mike you are an asshole.
“Mike you are an asshole.”
If you say so.
I do say so, they have an entire song just 4 you.
Were you born an asshole or did you work on it your whole life?
Actually, YOU said so. You used nothing but your biased outlook to make a prejudiced determination about people who actually CARE about public safety, so much so to put themselves in harm’s way.
And from the occasional observation from a distance, you drew all those conclusions. That, my friend, is prejudice and ignorance.
No, but it is. It’s about protection and OPEN carry acts as a deterrent.
How so? Never seen it.
Not so. Never seen it, unless you think outwardly declaring you will not be a defenseless victims is being an asshole.
How close to someone open carrying has Michael ever been? Doesn’t he live in Loonafornia? When did California approve open carry?
He’s just another Comrade Greggie; his mouth writes checks his ass can’t cash when he makes statements he can’t prove, demands to make the rules for all engagements and then gets all pissy when he is shown to be the asshole he is.
His state isn’t even a reciprocity state, so those who have gone through the training and background check in other states (as the left pretends to think is important) cannot concealed carry in California. I could at least respect their point of view if only they could be somewhat consistent in it.
And where IS Greggo?
Mikey wants a right, something that is as natural as burping, taken away then sold back to you and controlled by the government.
The constitution was to tell the government what they could not do to you, not what they granted to you.
There are fools who have no repect for others rights just plan ways to take them away from not just the assholes that prove they deserve them taken, but everyone must be punished.
The more we learn about the latest massacre the more we learn that school failed the adults failed those children.
The shooter was outside for 11 minutes shooting, the classroom door that had to be opened by unlocking it for the police was not locked to hold out the killer.
Im sure Mike would not fail to lock his classroom door to protect his little wards if it was in his training. Every school needs to have fire drills, tornado drills and active shooter drills.
The one entry standard other doors exit only, is a doorbell cam so expensive? How about a bake sale.
“is a doorbell cam so expensive?”
Many of them would be destroyed in the first year, unfortunately.
Also: I have to buy school supplies myself or ask parents to donate them. I can’t envision where the money would come from for doorbell cams and/or armed officers.
I see you will reject any simple solution such as the school locked one entry and having to be identified before being let in.
Expect more laws that are ignored by evil people to fix the problem.
Yeah I had to buy my own steel-toed boots and prescription safety glasses, cry me a river. We buy all the kids supplies for school a list is sent.
I would use the money spent on CRT materials, CRT seminars, paying drag queens for performances, hiring pronoun administrators or dealing with non-english speaking students first, then see how much more is needed.
‘The 2nd Amendment was never absolute’…
Idiot biden spews his bullshit again. No amendment to the US Constitution is absolute that is true. If it is not absolute, use the Constitutional process and repeal the amendment. There is no other way legislatively or politically to do so.
So now their demagoguery goes all the way down to 9mm? I guess that includes .38, too. Hell, a .32 is just about the same size; might as well ban that. Well, shit, go ahead and ban .22. I mean, the Founders didn’t have .22’s, so surely they didn’t mean for them to be included.
Let’s ban semi-automatics. Let’s include double-action revolvers in that as well, since they fire every time you pull the trigger just like a semi-auto. That blade sight on the end of a pistol barrel looks scary… better ban anything that has one.
But forcing people to “respect pronouns” is a right. These muddled idiots need to be as far away from US political power as is possible to place them.
Using that logic, we will be left with flint lock muskets
Obviously, when the left makes considerations logic is not in play.
“something that is as natural as burping”
There is nothing natural about guns, and the only reason gun ownership is a “right” is because people agreed at some point that it should be.
When you get past all the philosophizing, the only rights you have are whatever someone more powerful lets you have. I know that it feels noble to talk about God-given rights, but anything in the Bill of Rights could conceivably be taken away if enough people got on board with it.
Self defense is a natural right, you really need a better education as to natural rights. Try reading the books the founders read and not pulling liberal answers out of your ass.
I’ve read the Enlightenment thinkers. I just didn’t find their ideas on natural rights to be all that compelling.
So you’ll joyfully give yours up?
Do you think healthcare and abortions are human rights?
Which ones? What ideas?
As usual, you’re long on vagueness and short on specifics.
Tells me all that I need to know about Michael. The thinkers of the enlightenment were principal influencers to the founding Father and the Framers.
It is no wonder michael is as mixed up as he is.
Well, “teacher”, that point was before the nation was even founded. It was declared a right second only to speech and religion.
At least you can say it out loud. That is absolutely the view from the left. Democrats think THEY have the right to determine what rights are and who gets some. They think everyone else should be disarmed and defenseless while the disarmed and defenseless pay for the armed security details of the Democrats. Democrats feel if they can’t take away a right like gun ownership, they can simply disarm the right by making ammunition disappear or putting the manufacturers out of business. And THAT is exactly what the 2nd Amendment is for.
You know, being able to see reality based on examples doesn’t necessarily make one a “spree killer”. I guess that is missed by someone viewing with the mind of a leftist ideologue.
05/29/22 – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Loudly Booed At Uvalde Memorial
UPDATE: Biden Was Supposed to Meet Uvalde Residents, But Fled When They Booed and Chanted “Do Something!”
Actually, that’s a lie. It was Abbott that got booed. “Do something!” WAS directed at Joe Biden, because he’s the guy who actually listens. Biden was well received by the families he visited.
Is the video lying?
You are a real piece of shit
Video taken Sunday afternoon and posted to Twitter by El American reporter Anthony Cabassa shows Joe Biden, in town to pay respects to those killed in the school massacre this week, walking down a sidewalk with wife Jill after leaving mass in Uvalde, Texas, making their way to a crowd of people behind a police line. Biden’s motorcade can be seen inching down the street alongside him. The crowd breaks out into boos and chant’s of “Do something!” After a few seconds Biden turns away, walks into the street and climbs onto the Beast as it pulls up, stepping up on the door platform to tell the crowd, “We will!”, pointing his index finger and then giving a thumbs up to the vocal crowd.
Did the idiot Biden go to the nearby southern border where, thanks entirely to him, criminals, guns, drugs and human trafficking is flooding across and into the nation? If you got your wish and banned guns in the US, how would you stop a lucrative market of guns coming across such an open border?
Biden is hated and unpopular.
Not Abbot.
And though he was right next to it, he ignored the southern border. He can’t go there because then he can’t deny he’s aware of the gigantic disaster he has created.
So, you have successfully politicized the tragedy. Nice job, Democrats.
Yahoo is leftist. Again, you present something lacking credibility.
There is no “easy access” to guns. One has to jump through hoops to buy one, aside from the exorbitant costs thanks to regulations and demand due to the Democrat-created crime spree.
And it took him how long to visit with the families of those killed by a guy in a vehicle who deliberately ran over them at a Christmas parade in Waukesha?
Oh, wait, those folks were killed (along with the 17 children that were wounded) by a black dude so no need for Biden to visit the mourning families in Waukesha. No political gain for him there.
Add idiot Biden’s fentanyl deaths. If you die and you want Democrats to pay attention, you better be serving one of their agendas. Otherwise… they can’t be bothered.
Hey Mike, mike, mike Mikey, are you really voting for these scum?