The Parkland blood is on the hands of democrats

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The Parkland tragedy was the very definition of the word “clusterf**k.” There could not have been more red flags flying.

Broward County deputies were called to Cruz’s house 39 times over seven years.

He posted a message that said ‘I think I am going to kill people’

He posted images of himself and his weapons

He posted a comment on Youtube that said “Im going to be a professional school shooter.”

He cut himself and posted the image on Snapchat.

The Broward County cops missed it.

The FBI missed it, not that they weren’t warned.

A person close to Cruz warned the the FBI last month that he had a “desire to kill people” and could carry out a school shooting, the FBI admitted on Friday. The agency failed to act on the tip.

The FBI was also warned about Cruz after he posted on YouTube saying he was going to become a “professional school shooter.” The agency said they couldn’t identify the user who made the threat, despite Cruz posting under his own name.

But the fault is not theirs alone. The FBI has been compromised by James Comey, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch and and Congressional democrats.

Comey and Obama conspired to keep intelligence from Trump. Comey was duplicitous in his meeting with Trump. In testimony Comey confirmed that he told Trump that Trump was not under investigation. Comey was rightfully fired and then democrats seized upon it, screaming “Saturday Night Massacre.” They demanded a Special Counsel and they got one. Leading the charge: Schumer, Murray, Kaine.

Andy McCarthy has pointed out that a Special Prosecutor is supposed to be appointed only when there is strong evidence of a crime. There was none. Trump was well within his rights to fire Comey and he needed no reason whatsoever. Further, Comey’s firing did not in any way impede the Russian investigation. If anything, it made it worse for Trump.

The FBI was from that moment on consumed with finding hookers and golden showers from the same sources that spread disinformation into the 2016 election, as well as from Clinton hacks. Perhaps if the FBI wasn’t so burdened with a witch hunt it might have had the resources to stop the slaughter in Parkland.

Thanks, democrats.





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the fbi was re named by hoover, but its first official job was checking for illegals, teenage prostitutes in Vegas. fbi “f**ked up beyond imagination. the 9/11 report gave full responsibility to the fbi. cia’s involvement was downplayed. the illiterate and cluster f**k operations of bureaus should be closed, with the establishment of a new agency with different functions and goals.

The FBI was from that moment on consumed with finding hookers and golden showers from the same sources that spread disinformation into the 2016 election, as well as from Clinton hacks. Perhaps if the FBI wasn’t so burdened with a witch hunt it might have had the resources to stop the slaughter in Parkland.

Perhaps these are the persons Mueller concluded were unwitting participants in Russia’s meddling.

I’m sorry, but I guess I’ve missed the liberal outrage over this hand-carried invitation to stop this tragedy being ignored. Like the FBI’s preoccupation with finding evidence to satisfy the liberal pout over Hillary being relegated to the dustbin of history, so the left misses a REAL detail that would have saved lives in order to obsess about attacking the 2nd Amendment.

Now, I fully believe the liberal left actually LOVES these tragedies because they serve a vital purpose in their agenda to disarm Americans; I sure hope to God there was not personnel within the FBI that played a part in this. You want to investigate something? Investigate THIS.

Now everyone who makes a threat is being arrested, a 23 year old dope here in my town in custody. Information was provided by the FBI given to local law enforcement. My daughter thinks her girls school is secure because they must walk through the office before gaining access, I asked her who is armed, what is stopping them from just being the first victims?
Point fingers, its a local issue, Washington or Madison has no idea if there is a nutty kid here locally.

DJ, with the understanding that your deep hatred of Dems forbids you to engage in any reasonable or constructive dialog, your Trump/Republican water toting just doesn’t stand to scrutiny. However, such nonsense and intellectual dishonesty is consistent with the new Trump Republican Party.

The new Trump Republican Party- the party of Trump, are the folks that soaked up the huge campaign funds from the NRA. The new Party of Trump are the ones who just passed a tax reform/scam/deficit exploding package of $1,5 trillion which awards 83% of that to the top 1%.

And now, Florida Republicans are in an all out panic because 1 man, Al Hoffman Jr., a mega donor of the right, has announced his decision to withhold funding of any candidate not supporting gun control legislation.

Get it? See the connection? The Party of Trump are transferring the wealth (actually :transferred is more appropriate), of the country to just a small handful of the most wealthy and are now (actually, have been for a while) their personal puppets. Paul Ryan delivered a huge tax gift to the elite, Paul Ryan promptly received a $500,000 check. The NRA instructed McConnell et al to ignore the American voters, Mitch and Co. promptly got huge funds for re-election. That’s how it works. Under the Party of Trump, it isn’t the people’s call but rather the call of the very few most wealthy who owns Trump Republican Party.

Now you can scratch together some incoherent bits and pieces of word salad to build some straw man excuse to blame Democrats but very much like your every post, that’s all it is.

The mass media propaganda machine continues to exploit ordinary Americans by encouraging them to be co-producers of a false reality. Violence is a syndrome. Hannah Arendt authored a very insightful review on violence in her stellar work On Violence She noted that ” the very substance of violent action is ruled by the means-ends category, whose chief characteristic, if applied to human affairs, has always been that the end is in danger of being overwhelmed by the means which is justified and which are needed to reach it.”

Trump, on Twitter:

Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!

He’s attempting to using Florida as cover. The man is utterly without shame. The only thing that surprises me is that it took him a couple of days to get around to it. Most likely he was warned that he shouldn’t. His advisers aren’t all tone deaf or stupid.

I really don’t think you want to follow his lead and work this angle.

@Greg: So, where does Trump have it wrong? Since they have been looking for two years for something that does not exist, could those resources be used more effectively somewhere else?

In two years they cannot find what is supposed to be overtly obvious yet they concluded the investigation into Hillary’s lies before they even started it. See what they can do when properly motivated?

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #6:

So, where does Trump have it wrong? Since they have been looking for two years for something that does not exist, could those resources be used more effectively somewhere else?

Typically, Trump’s underlying premise is a lie. The Russia investigation is only taking up a small portion of the FBI’s total manpower and resources. They haven’t stopped all other criminal investigations because of it. There’s no connection at all between that and the fact that the Florida shooter somehow slipped through the cracks. Somewhere along the line, there was a system error or human error, or some combination of the two. Errors and oversights happen, sometimes with tragic consequences. On other occasions—probably more often than we hear about—things do work. Around the same time that the Florida shooting occurred, a different potential school attack did not. A grandmother made a critical report that was acted upon.

It’s also total bullshit to assert that “nothing exists” with respect to Russia. It’s entirely clear that something very serious most certainly does exist. The extent to which that involves the man presently occupying the White House has yet to be determined.

@Greg: It isn’t the time it took , it is that the FBI is orientated towards something else except protecting students from deranged people.


The extent to which that involves the man presently occupying the White House has yet to be determined.

Yes heard them dangling that little shiny object for the desperate today on the Sunday shows. Ignore the indictments wording pay no attention there is no way to reach the phantoms for our justice system. Dont look that they admitted it did not change the outcome of the election. Logic doesn’t dictate a blank check for further investigation with no scalps.

@Greg: So your point is that even without the resources wasted on the nothing-but-politically motivated constant, never ending investigation of Trump, interviewing innocent people, illegal surveillance and trying to wring the first fact out of Hillary’s dossier, they could not have spared an agent to contact the Broward PD or Douglas HS and ask them who Cruz was and could he pose a threat? Gee, one is a total waste of time and money and the other would have saved 17 lives. But, you liberals have to have your priorities, I guess.

It’s also total bullshit to assert that “nothing exists” with respect to Russia.

Really? But, gosh, Greg… nothing exists. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Another liberal failure. But, this one is costing lives.

You know what DOES exist? Hillary’s collusion with Russians to try and change the outcome of the election. Hillary, Obama and Holder collusion to sell Russia US uranium (which was wildly profitable to Hillary… and possibly more).

The two issues are not related. It’s contemptible to attempt to exploit the deaths and injuries in Florida as a means of attacking the Russia investigation.

@Greg: Actually they are related. The FBI is supposed to be performing investigations that protect the people. Instead of protecting the people like the children in FL, they are orientating the organization towards the Russians, Trump and all others except the Clinton issues. The FBI had plenty of time to investigate and prevent the shooting by identifying the shooter as a domestic terrorist. Instead, the NRA, Christian organizations, veteran groups have been identified a likely domestic terrorists by the Obama administration. The FBI by faulty prioritizing their efforts allowed the FL shootings. They are not only related, they reveal a huge crack in law enforcement efforts by the FBI. Only a die hard liberal can not see this.


It’s contemptible to attempt to exploit the deaths and injuries in Florida

Says the person who’s party exploits EVERY human tragedy for its own political benefit.


The FBI is supposed to be performing investigations that protect the people.

Instead they are protecting corrupt politicians who mean to do harm to the United States. Those who are corrupting the FBI will allow citizens to die while they pursue their false accusations; they both lead to the same end.

Says the person who’s party exploits EVERY human tragedy for its own political benefit.

By pointing out what should be obvious? Guns do kill people. They greatly empower those who have very bad intentions. They’re greatly desired by them, almost like fetish objects, and increasingly accessible to them. The evidence is in the news.

Politics is how we collectively respond to problems. Or how we evade doing so. When do you expect such a serious problem to be discussed, if not when the events occur? Do nothing, and it will happen again. How many times must this be demonstrated? This is a political issue, but it shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Nobody is taking a poll of the political leanings of the parents of slaughtered children. It doesn’t matter. Make it a partisan issue at your peril.


By pointing out what should be obvious?

Trump pointed out the obvious. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see it.

Guns do kill people

The moment I heard of this shooting, I ran to the closet to see if my AR-15 had freed itself, ran to Florida and and committed this murder itself. To my relief, it hadn’t. Turned out, it was a gun with a maniac behind it. No, no gun has killed anyone all by itself. It doesn’t happen. It’s always a person and usually one with liberal motivations. We’ll see about this one.

This tragedy happened because the FBI failed to do it’s job. Turns out Hillary and Obama had them too busy to respond properly.

When do you expect such a serious problem to be discussed, if not when the events occur?

I was searching to try and find out when Cruz purchased his weapon and reading articles from the Chicago Tribune, USA Today, NYT and AOL all I see is the same old oft-repeated lies about “assault weapon” and “red flags”. There were no red flags because no authorities had registered any. The police had been called to issues caused by him 39 times and apparently there was nothing registered about him. Until someone takes action, there is nothing to flag. Then, the FBI failure.

So, why don’t you let me know the “reasonable gun control” measure that would have prevented this.

Mueller quietly gathered a team of more than three dozen attorneys, investigators and other staff in Washington.
Meanwhile the the entire country calls the FBI 360,000 times a year.
There are only two dozen FBI agents whose job it is to field and forward all those calls.
Up until the Parkland shooting, that is.
Will the priorities of the FBI shift back to making America safe, or, will the FBI become a witch-hunting joke.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Greg and those gun deranged people like him can never admit that guns are an inanimate object and must be used by deranged people. They always will believe that there is some power in those inanimate objects that causes “good” people to pick them up and use them to commit violent acts. To them, guns are evil. Guns make “good” people do evil things. Maybe those people who think inanimate objects control people should be committed to insane asylums!


To them, guns are evil.

And evil is politically useful.

Liberals will blame guns they’ll blame the NRA they’ll lay blame on everyone but the one who did it becuase liberals are total idiots their always looking for a scapegoat becuase liberals a re driven by emotions not the facts

@Greg: give me a break. This is not Trump’s fault. There were more then enough times for the FBI and law enforcement agencies to get a clue. Gun control has nothing to do with guns, it us all about control of the people.