George Floyd shouldn’t have lost his life. I think just about everyone regardless of politics has condemned Derek Chauvin and the other 3 officers involved for their actions that day. This said, there have been some stupid memes navigating their way across social media. Below are some of the ones I’ve collected. I’ll comment on a few; feel free to add your own commentary as well.
Two separate incidents. Two different circumstances. Linked by the fact that those involved in conflict happened to be white and black. Is there an underlying systemic racism or institutionalized racism that connects the two separate events?
Seeing anyone killed like this is upsetting; and yes, I suppose because he is black and knowing how predictable the fallout will be and how this affects the country (the reaction was predictable) matters. It shouldn’t. But it does.
I have some FB friends who only seem to post stories (in part the fault of the media’s selective reporting; but then, they also are only feeding the kind of news that they know sells, giving “us” what “we” want) to their wall when it involves white on black crimes and “crimes”. Conversely, when you y’all going to be upset regardless of the victim’s skin color?
And why the virtue signalling strawman? I think most people are outraged by both.
And then we have the Kaepernick comparison (is he really cheering violent protest, btw?):
How convenient though, with the whole “kneeling” comparison. I see what you did there. False comparison. Just like the comparison between Kaepernick and Tebow and failure to understand the difference. Here are my thoughts on the Kaepernick caper.
And then there’s the failed history comparison:
While some important colonist leaders such as John Adams were thrilled to learn Boston Harbor was covered in tea leaves, others were not.
In June of 1774, George Washington wrote: “the cause of Boston…ever will be considered as the cause of America.” But his personal views of the event were far different. He voiced strong disapproval of “their conduct in destroying the Tea” and claimed Bostonians “were mad.” Washington, like many other elites, held private property to be sacrosanct.
Benjamin Franklin insisted the British East India Company be reimbursed for the lost tea and even offered to pay for it himself.
No one was hurt, and aside from the destruction of the tea and a padlock, no property was damaged or looted during the Boston Tea Party. The participants reportedly swept the ships’ decks clean before they left.
Rioters protesting the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, an African-American man who died after being arrested and pinned to the ground by officer Derek Chauvin, destroyed a bar owned by a black former firefighter Wednesday night.
Korboi Balla had invested his life savings in the bar and was planning to open it before the coronavirus pandemic caused mass business closures. Balla then moved the opening date to June 1, when Minnesota plans to lift restrictions on restaurants, but the bar has since been wracked and looted in the riots, CBS first reported.
CBS was filming a segment at the bar when looters entered through the back of the establishment to try to steal Balla’s safe.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Balla said in an interview. “It hurts, man. It’s not fair, it’s not right. We’ve been working so hard for this place. It’s not just for me, it’s for my family.”
Balla’s wife Tywanna said that the bar was not insured.
“Yes people are mad and upset, I get that and I understand the protest, I’m hearing people say F*** the business they have insurance WELL WE DON’T AND THIS IS ALL OUT OF POCKET!!!” Tywanna wrote in a Facebook post. “Let someone come run in your home and loot for the cause then and let’s see you be ok with it!”
Pedro Mojarro, 32, got it and rushed over. He would spend the next few hours protecting his struggling business during a night and morning of looting and vandalism.
He pleaded with anyone who came by not to damage his restaurant.
“If you’re not standing outside of your businesses, they’re going to break into it,” he said.
Mojarro said he supported the demonstrators but he didn’t like that they were targeting businesses.
“We’re with you, I’m not against you,” he said. “If you need to protest go do it in front of the police station. Be angry at them.”
Mojarro said he was mostly upset that the demonstrators didn’t take into consideration how difficult it has been for businesses like his.
He said he had to shut down his second business in Boyle Heights because of the coronavirus outbreak. A month ago, someone broke the window of his burger shop in downtown L.A., which ended up costing him $7,500. On top of that, sales at his restaurant were down by more than 70%.
“Give us a break,” he said. “We got a lot going on already.”
Along 6th Street, between Spring Street and Broadway, residents watched from their lofts and apartments, sometimes egging on demonstrators as they drank beer and recorded video of the chaos.
In the downtown loft district, jewelry stores were hit. One person offered a reporter a handful of stolen jewelry. A nearby CVS pharmacy was looted, as were other businesses elsewhere in the city.
Some pleaded with demonstrators not to damage their cars parked on the street. Almost every wall on a building was tagged with profanity and anti-police statements
Fireworks were set off on the streets, the sparks hitting buildings. The smoke filled the air and protesters became looters, breaking into stores stealing tennis shoes, clothing and electronic items such as televisions screens and speakers.
Demonstrators broke into jewelry stores, rushing in and smashing display cases and taking anything that may have been left out. Jewelry lay on the sidewalk and street and people stopped to scoop up some of it, others began distributing to other people or telling others where to go loot.
“You need tennis shoes? Just go up the street, you can get whatever you want,” one man told another.
One business on 6th Street had a signed that read “Black owned.” The windows of the salon next to it were broken.
It was 2 a.m. and Mojarro and Huizar were still standing outside of the restaurant, taking video as protesters ran up and down the street, smashing things.
Asked what he wanted demonstrators to know: “I’m just a business owner trying to survive.”
Then there’s the comparison memes and cartoons of (mostly) white protesters toting guns over government shutdown and stay-at-home mandates being left alone while protesters over George Floyd’s death are supposedly molested.
And as progressive virtue signalers like to point out, the cartoon is flawed because the gun-toter is wearing a face mask.
Let me know when those gun-toddlers start rioting with their guns and destroy private and public property.
He’s right. The conversation shouldn’t be one-sided. But if you’re not black, you’re told to sit down and shut-up. That you can’t know what it’s like. And this is true. But the converse is also true as well. Sometimes we aren’t listening. But neither is the other side. And so sometimes both sides contribute to the problem.
One day Chuang Tzu and a friend were walking by a river. “Look at the fish swimming about,” said Chuang Tzu, “They are really enjoying themselves.”
“You are not a fish,” replied the friend, “So you can’t truly know that they are enjoying themselves.”
“You are not me,” said Chuang Tzu. “So how do you know that I do not know that the fish are enjoying themselves?”
Yes! Prove it. As I mentioned earlier, some of my FB friends only post stories when it involves white on black “crimes” and crimes. And it’s always because the white person is racist. That’s the default rationale. Never because the person is simply an A-hole.
What are the stats on black on black crime? Is this the fault of systemic racism and the aftermath of slavery and Jim Crow? Are white still to blame for this? Are blacks victimized more often by police than whites? Or is this a manipulation of stats?
Nothing quite like white folk- usually liberals- virtue signalling for approval:
Yeah, Ben Franklin did not say that.
Can’t breathe, still? Take a deep breath.
Nothing says I support George Floyd like rioting, burning and looting
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
The Battle of Seattle showing the usial bunch of Hoodelums kick down and smashing windows and looting they ended up many getting arrested Looters should all be arrested and anyone should be allow to shoot looters trying to loot their place to heck with all that liberal Bleedingheart crap we hear from those whining little liberal snowflakes
Not committing crimes keeps you from being arrested.
There was nothing racial about this.
It the last dying gasp of the current Dem Party, peddling fear to get votes.
And then there’s this:
A couple of old truths are being put to the test in these riots.
1. The guy above is probably a paid George Soros Antifa thug.
He is checking to see that, YES, the “broken window” theory holds water.
He went around, calmly breaking windows and soon the “protestors” were looting and setting fires to cover their own crimes.
2. The socialist/sociologists Cloward and Piven opined that communism/socialism could more easily replace our gov’t when sympathizers had overwhelmed the system. By their own admission, Minn gov’t officials put too few feet on the ground to deal with the huge numbers of people on the streets after curfew.
So, they stood down.
And the burning, looting, shooting happened with few arrests.
Tonight will be different.
Instead of 1,000 Nat’l Guard there will be over 15,000 along with federal soldiers available.
Other cities see that giving the criminals space only leads to more criminality along with loss of tax base.
So, there will be no equivalent to the American Revolution coming out of this, much as Soros would like that.
Not this time.
@Nan G:
Antifa has not gone away. It is still there and now, look at any of these riots and count the people in the black Antifa uniforms.
Yes, Soros money is behind a lot of this. Along with Twitter which is the preferred method of communication for Antifa.
As I watched those guys loading a flat bed cart with flat screen TV’s, I could not find the “This is dedicated to the memory of George Floyd” plaque.
Kaepernick explained that his kneeling was for “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, a proven lie to incite racial violence. Nothing similar whatsoever.
the guys loading a flat bed cart with flat screen TV’s, were not protesting they were stealing. this is the typical MO for these people. Ferguson, Missouri was the same with bussed in protestors. states and cities run by democraps are now in total ruin physically and financially. ca., ny, nyc, and chi now want federal bailout. so how is it that ca. declaring it the state a “nation state” qualifies for federal aid?? what pelosi’s
nephew, yes the AH gov of ca. does not understate that the concept of a “natoin state” collapsed in 1914, with the commencement of WWI.
this incident was staged by the globalist and deep state terrorists . these domestic terrorist-protestors are illiterate pawns in a game they have no idea or concept. if you are arrested for destruction of property, etc. date run both federal and state and if on welfare-your welfare check is CX for life.
Next level virtue signalers…
Or antifa….
Conspiracy from the left is white supremacists wanting to foment the discord. Or police started it.
Could be a little of all of that going on along with willing participants and instigators with their own motives. Mob mentality is a beast.
Watching the crowds in various cities last night there was one thing apparent; Antifa was there, marching in their unmistakable black-dress and gear. Outsiders, anarchists, funded by Soros and the left wing, hi-jacking what was to be peaceful protest marches. One other thing that was quite apparent but not addressed by the press; most of these marchers are young, late teens, early 20’s.
If the people who want peaceful protests do not police themselves, they need to. They need to photograph (every one has a cell phone) the Antifa goons who come with pipes, Molotov cocktails, etc. to smash up windows and encourage looting and hand those photographs over to the PDs of those cities. They need to inform the police on who those goons are. And once the leaders of these marches realize their movement has been hi-jacked, they need to disperse and go home leaving nothing but the Antifa agitators standing alone. And they need to identify those who were looting. You can’t tell me that no one knows who they are. If the marchers truly want justice, that includes justice for those looting.
And where are the “civil rights” leaders with bullhorns telling those protesters to follow the model of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? Hiding in their multi-million $$ homes, I’m sure.
Frankly, I’m sick of these riots be they LA, Baltimore, Detroit or Ferguson, Missouri. People burning down the very neighborhoods they live in and then whining when there are no businesses in their neighborhoods run by minorities. This same cop in question killed a Native American. Did you see the Choctaw, Apache, Seminole, Cherokee and Comanche marching in the streets demanding “justice” for the Native American man? Nope. And you won’t.
But this November black Americans once again will vote for the very same Democrat party that has not done one damn thing for them but give pretty promises like so many broken treaties. It’s “battered wife” syndrome on steroids.
@Nathan Blue:
You guys really don’t get out of your bubble much, do you?