What happened to George Floyd is most definitely a crime. It’s horrendous. On the face of it you’d have to call it murder. I cannot comprehend this cop’s actions. Not at all.
It boggles my mind. The cop should have put Floyd in the cruiser and taken him downtown. Instead, the cop, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on Floyd’s throat for as many as nine minutes. He died soon after being transported to the hospital.
Chauvin has a history of ten complaints.
Chauvin and three other officers were immediately fired. I expect- hope- that the Minnesota AG orders their arrest on whatever charges are appropriate and that they are held accountable.
That being said, there are other things I do not understand.
Like an Autozone store being burned in protest.
A fire was started at AutoZone. Some protesters attempted to extinguish it some posed for photos. pic.twitter.com/1EGwTPrUTq
— Carlos Gonzalez (@CarlosGphoto) May 28, 2020
Or a Target being looted in protest
Stealing 43 inch flat screens as a means of seeking justice for George Floyd.
Target is being looted pic.twitter.com/GCGteCG8gV
— Karen Scullin FOX9 (@kscullinfox9) May 27, 2020
A post-apocalyptic scene after the Minneapolis riots.pic.twitter.com/hTStc0mJkL
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 28, 2020
Nothing says I support George Floyd like rioting, looting Target and burning down the city. This does nothing but harden people who would otherwise be very supportive. One wonder how much sympathy has been extinguished by these criminal actions. Like I said, I cannot comprehend the cop’s action and can’t see a single reason to do as he did, but this is not helpful.
And if true, this is going to leave a mark
In 2006 Amy Klobuchar, then a district attorney, declined to bring charges against a cop who had shot and killed a Native American man.
Two days ago that cop, Derek Chauvin, murdered George Floyd.
Amy Klobuchar needs to resign.
— Gravel Institute (@GravelInstitute) May 28, 2020

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
… don’t…
Bad cops exist. Bad people exist. People don’t want perfect cops, they want no laws, no authority to enforce the law.
Bad cop most likely caused the death of the man, worse someone told other cops to ignore rioting looting and property destruction.
This happens repeatedly in democrat run shitholes.
@kitt: The only question for many is this: How do we tie these riots to Donald Trump?
Then there’s would be president, now wanna be VP Amy Klobuchar’s role in this saga.
Klobuchar spent eight years as the Hennepin County attorney, in charge of prosecution for Minneapolis.
While there, Klobuchar declined to prosecute multiple police officers cited for excessive force, and did not prosecute the officer who kneeled on Floyd’s neck as he protested.
Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derick Chauvin saw at least 10 conduct complaints during his 19-year tenure before he was fired Tuesday, according to a database that documents complaints against police.
Klobuchar did not prosecute Chauvin and other officers involved for a first death, which occurred in October 2006 while she was running for Senate.
The case was under investigation when Klobuchar took office in the Senate in Jan. 2007, and later went to a grand jury, which declined to charge the officers.
Chauvin was later placed on leave when he and other officers shot and wounded a Native American man in 2011.
WaPo: Klobuchar “declined to bring charges in more than two dozen cases in which people were killed in encounters with police” as Hennepin County attorney.
Instead, she “aggressively prosecuted smaller offenses” that “have been criticized for their disproportionate effect on poor and minority communities,” the Post continues. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/amy-klobuchar-was-a-tough-on-crime-prosecutor-will-a-diverse-democratic-base-accept-her-record/2019/03/21/739e6984-4057-11e9-9361-301ffb5bd5e6_story.html
@Nathan Blue:
Don’t worry; Maxine Waters is on it:
“I’m reflecting on all of the killings of young black men in particular, but of course black women too, at the hands of the police and at the hands of these white supremacists.”
“And I’m thinking about the way that the president conducts himself — in a way he’s dog-whistling — and I think that they’re feeling that they can get away with this kind of treatment.”
Remind me again how Maxine Waters has campaigned on trying to stop the killing of young black men every weekend in Chicago.
Congratulations, LBJ; your “Great” Society has worked out really well for black Americans.
Never let a crises go to waste. COVID19 is dying out . The virus no longer holds the majority in fear and did not damage President Trump . Biden’s gaffe of “You are not Black” has angered Black voters. It would not surprise me if the riots are being directed by paid democrat agitators with the goal of bringing the Black vote back to the plantation.
Stop using riot. Stop using looting. These are protests.
Let the people have those things.
I was near DC in 1968. City was burned down.
Watts was destroyed after Rodney King beatdown.
Send in the Guard.
@Nan G:
Prosecutors and police are on the same team. No aspiring prosecutor is going to ruin their career by clashing with police.
This ultimately gives police less accountability, particularly in poorer neighborhoods where the families of the slain are less likely to afford decent representation or have access to people in high places.
I don’t I personally don’t believe it’s as much about killing black people but rather so many of these neighborhoods happen to be poor black people.
@Ronald J. Ward:
As I said before; LBJ’s “Great” Society ideals have worked out swimmingly, haven’t they?
@retire05: Long term brainwashing the blacks into believing they are(only) entitled to much less than they can do for themselves.
Break their legs then give them a crutch and tell them, see you couldnt walk but for our help.
Keep them poorly educated in the government child warehouses they call schools, no choice. They brag on, 42% of students are at least proficient in math and 45% in reading, less than 1/2 of all K-12 kids. So stupid the burn down their own shit.
This cop had 18 previous complaints, the democrats kept him on the force, he isnt a white sup. he is a true blue democrat.
I had it explained to me this way; it’s “battered wife” syndrome. Take the abuse handed out by the Democrat Party for generations then expect the Democrat Party to put makeup on the black eyes and claim that makes everything OK.
Those teachers in those terrible schools are teachers who were admitted to universities to seek a degree in Education not because they were smart with great SATS, but because of racial preferences by universities. Perhaps that explains why Condoleezza Rice refused to put her race on her university application. She said she wanted to be admitted on her merit, not her race.
Where are the parents demanding good teachers and a good educational system for their children?
Most of the businesses in LA during those riots were minority owned. Of course, CNN says “Don’t call them rioters; they are protesters.”
Take a look at any major city run by Democrats. Abstract poverty in the ghettos. Decades of welfare moms. Missing baby daddies. And read Thomas Sowell’s reporting on the stats of the black family PRIOR to LBJ’s Great Society. Disgusting how the Democrats have facilitated the destruction of the black family.
Ah yes. Here we go. Charlottesville mis-quoting was so effective, so:
Minneapolis Seethes Over George Floyd’s Death As Trump Calls Protesters ‘THUGS’
We need better libel laws to stop these *ssholes from lying and manipulating public opinion.
By the way, if you’re looting…you’re a thug.
Twitter flagged a third Trump tweet. This time it was also curtained. You have to click on VIEW if you want to read it.
These are not the calming words of a competent national leader. They’re not an appeal to reason and a call for order. They’re the inflammatory remarks of a mob leader, far more likely to raise the levels of anger and violence than reduce them.
Maybe it would behoove you to take a.walk down memory lane and refer back to Ferguson, Missouri. When the rioters started looting, the guns came out and innocent people were shot. It is just a matter of time before this happens in this current case. Looters ARE thugs and criminals. Trump is right; when the looting starts, the shooting starts no matter how much you want to ignore LA, Detroit, Baltimore and Ferguson.
Any moron should realize that a handcuffed black man face-down on the street murdered by a mentally unbalanced cop over the course of several minutes with cameras rolling, while others just stood there watching, is a situation that requires immediate arrests and the most careful words from all public officials. LA, Detroit, Baltimore, etc etc should make any responsible person fully aware of that. It certainly doesn’t help that we’re in the midst of a pandemic that has probably hit the demographic in question much harder than any other. Tensions are already very high.
The man in the White House should understand that his rally crowds are not the entire country. The buttons he randomly punches to get a rise from his base reach a much broader audience. Words have consequences. He needs to think about how they affect everybody.
Maybe Minneapolis should stop electing Democrat County Attorneys.
Oh, so this mess in Minneapolis is TRUMP’S fault? How is he responsible for how the city PD acts? Perhaps you would like to explain exactly what it is that Trump said that has your Hanes in such a wad?
Trump is totally responsible for his own words, which have not been helping much of anything.
My question was: Perhaps you would like to explain exactly what it is that Trump said that has your Hanes in such a wad?
And I see, once again, you have no answer. That is because you know any answer, beside the bland pablum you just spewed, would incriminate you.
You’re a coward, Comrade Greggie. And an idiot.
@retire05, #18:
Refer to post #13. You might want to discuss any other indications of possible memory issues with your doctor.
You might want to answer directly a direct question. But you’re a coward with nothing to say so you post more of your b/s.
My memory is fine. Your spine is apparently gone soft.
But then, it’s been known for a long, LONG time you are just a coward.
If you can’t figure out what’s wrong with the following two sentences, it’s not very likely that anyone will ever be able to explain it to you.
Are you tone-deaf? Do you grasp that metaphor, or are you missing the meaning of that also?
Stop copping out, Comrade Greggie. Answer the question, you coward.
Perhaps you would like to explain exactly what it is that Trump said that has your Hanes in such a wad?
Perhaps if you checked in a couple of other current forum threads, you would realize that it already has been explained. I’m certainly not going to repeat it everywhere that you’re spamming your imbecilic question using your amazing powers of cut-n-paste.
Your obsession with Hanes shorts is a bit odd, but certainly no odder than some of your other idiosyncrasies. Have you learned somewhere that these are Trump’s underwear of choice? Surely there’s an explanation for that, every bit as interesting as why I think Trump’s public post serves only to stir up his peanut gallery and further inflame those who are justifiably angry at seeing a televised murder.
I asked my question to you on THIS thread, loser. I got it. You’re not going to answer it. You’re a coward. You want to blame this on Trump but you were silent when Obama fanned the flame of racism and violence. And not one damn word from you about the thugs that are burning Minneapolis down. 170 buildings burned, Comrade Cowardly Greggie. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY. My guess is you support those who are committing these crimes.
So the good people of Minneapolis, and now other cities, are watching their neighborhoods burn. And five years from now, just like with Baltimore, those neighborhoods will still look like Dresden. And why? Because of sick, far left radical haters like you.
It’s nice to see that this thread has deteriorated into a Retire05 discussion of Greg’s undergarments. If there’s nothing more to say, why not just shut up?
Nathan Blue opens with:
Of course he doesn’t, and he won’t until the cancer reaches HIS neighborhood. Then, when HIS police discover how many thousands of thugs there are for every cop or national guardsman HE can mobilize, it will be too late.
Retire05 blames the problem on LBJ’s “Great Society,” but ignores the fact that Republicans have on occasion held both chambers of Congress AND the White House since then and did NOT fix the problem when they had an unobstructed opportunity to do so. Why? Because on its face, the “Great Society” was a politically attractive idea. It soon became apparent that its devil was in the details, but NEITHER party had stomach for imposing painful solutions on a public that had in the mean time grown dependent on the Government’s largesse. Since NEITHER party ever made a convincing case for fixing what LBJ got wrong, the blame cuts both ways equally.
Unfortunately, Hitler ruined the term “final solution” for all eternity, but the race problem in America begs for a “final solution.” If this race problem is allowed to continue to grow, we will never have enough law enforcement to stop the sort of lawlessness that we are now getting a small taste of. We are a divided people, divided politically and divided racially, and we share no binding philosophy that can hold us together. And we WON’T fix that. Why? Because, as the very reasonable Nathan Blue puts it, WE……..DON’T………CARE!
So, we get what we deserve.
@George Wells:
Hold it there, George. I’m not talking about the riots. We have those here and I was overwhelmed when I watched the St. Johns fire last night.
I was saying I don’t care about Floyd’s story. The riots aren’t about race or that he died. They are political and coronavirus caused.
Every day people die. Cops kill perps, illegally at times. The real issue is that people don’t want laws. They don’t want rule of law.
Being a cop is a terrible job. For all the 1000s they save, we’re going to riot because an ex-con got killed by a cop he knew? I’m supposed to think the cop executed a black man just because the cop was white?
This is the death throes of the incarnation of the Dem party and their rabid fans. We all knew they were going to “revolt” against the rule of law. Now without jobs and without purpose, they are.
@Nathan Blue:
I am sorry that you believe that these riots have anything to do with the politics of either political party. They don’t. Riots are just that. Riots. Stupid animals will occasionally bite the hand that feeds them, and they will also occasionally burn down their own neighborhoods, shoot their own friends, and do other equally senseless things because, well, they are stupid animals. It is a sad and terrible flaw of our “democracy” such as it is that such stupid animals were ever given the right to vote, but they were. And it is an equally sad reflection on the Democratic Party that it panders to these animals for their votes, but they do. I will remind you that because these stupid animals DO vote, Republican candidates also pander to them, asking questions like “Why NOT vote Republican, since Democrats have given you so little?” Democrats may be dirtied more by them simply because they have succeeded in winning more of their votes, but neither party has clean hands in this matter.
If you have an answer to the question of how to resolve these riots without making the problem worse, I’m all ears, but I’m not sure that such an answer exists.
@George Wells: You’re probably right, but I do believe the unemployment due to coronavirus made this possible.
I have an answer, but you’re not going to like it.
I agree that both parties “pander” to get votes, but promising things you never give is called buying votes. That’s Dem territory. Like it or not, Trump did what he said he would.
Broke Obamacare by striking down the individual mandate.
Reformed border security and started building a wall.
Got us out of the Iran Deal and Paris Climate Accords
Created jobs
Re-defined trade with China
Prison Reform
Housing creation for inner city (black Americans, mostly)
He did major things. That’s fair. Trying to steal an election because you can lie about what is true…not fair.
The headlines are “Trump’s in a bunker” and “Trump Teargassed “peaceful” protestors”…even though he walked nakedly from the rose garden to St. Johns and gave a good speech.
Well, then it’s “Trump cleared peaceful protestors with tear gas for a photo op”, and “The Bishop of St. Johns said Trump is defiling Christianity…”
There’s nothing he can do that won’t be mis-reported.
At this point, that’s just treasonous to me. This is about a Left-wing coup. Period.
But yeah, Republicans suck too. I’m not sure why people think that matters. Left-wing people will hide behind “there’s fault on both sides”
Right now, no there’s not. It’s all the Left and Democrats.
The vote of a 22 year old who’s in poly sci classes being told Republicans are evil is not a valid vote to me. It’s brainwashing.
Getting people to vote overwhelmingly for one party by way of sensationalism and propaganda is a form of tyranny. It’s call The Tyranny of the Majority, and our Constitution is supposed to guard against that form of tyranny like all other forms.
Ok, I’m just ranting.
I agree with your last post, 110%…that it’s just our animal side coming out under the guise of “political anger” or whatever.
I do think this animal side if very easy to manipulate. That so many are “protesting” just another bad cop killing an ex-convict in a bad situation doesn’t make any sense to me.
It’s all being guided by the Left.
@Nathan Blue:
I said:
…which you should have understood to mean I was looking for a solution, not just another list of Republican accomplishments followed by a list of Democrat faults. Your answer to the question was not a solution.
Blaming the other guy accomplishes nothing more than making yourself feel good that you are not the other guy. You even admit to “just ranting.” So now you feel good. Did you accomplish anything else? No. And we HAVE to do better. Our society will eventually collapse if we don’t.
I have already painted for you the big picture showing the root causes of our human tragedy, so I won’t bore you by reiterating them. Instead, I’ll point you in the right direction regarding the present dilemma we face. First, you are correct that the massive unemployment caused by the coronavirus has ignited the current civil unrest – we’ve seen similar chaos caused by idle hands all over the planet. Stop and ponder that for a moment. People without prospect, no hope, no job, not enough money. The Republican solution is to dismantle the social safety nets that admittedly too many Americans of every race have become dependent upon, leaving millions more with nothing. NOTHING! What do you suppose these millions of financially dispossessed will do when their Welfare, or their food stamps, or their Medicare and Medicaid, or their Social Security (disability or otherwise) are simply eliminated? If this demographic had been raised being taught the same values that you were taught, perhaps they’d all race right out and find good-paying jobs, but they weren’t taught that, so now it’s the last thing on their minds. Remember, they’re just so many thugs. We’ve gotten used to bribing them into a semi-peaceful co-existence. We pay them “protection.” You MUST understand that this isn’t the answer. It’s a “Band-Aid.” It’s something that we have gotten used to paying on a limited scale, but we certainly can’t afford to pay it to 30% of our population, and we can neither jail that 30% or pay them all not to work.
They have guns, and we have guns. When they get hungry enough they’ll use their guns. Then, we’ll defend ourselves and our property, and you’ll have over 50% of our population fighting a civil war. This is where the collapse of our society that I foretold occurs.
So, we’re still looking for a solution, aren’t we?.
@George Wells:
I know. I said I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
I’ll soften the solution, in description only, by saying this:
All sedition and riots will be put down by the most decisive, and powerful methods available…stopping it dead, dead, dead…
That’s not going to fly with some, perhaps even you…and I understand.
This is an insurrection, not a protest.
@George Wells:
The portion of the populace that supports the Constitution and our existing form of government has more guns, has more training, and has better instincts on when and how to use them.
The other “side” does not.
If this goes on for too long, you’ll see the real gun-owners start to police their own streets. If the police won’t enforce the laws, those people will.
This is the result of decades of Left-wing indoctrination, pure and simple.
The solution is to vote Donald Trump and all of his enablers out of public office before they destroy all faith in American democracy and every trace of fundamental American values. His sort are trouble enough when their incessant self-seeking, scheming, manipulations, and machinations are kept confined to the private sector. It needs to be recognized that those things are their primary talents, and that none of them are being used in the public interest.
All partisan rhetoric, and not remotely accurate.
You and your party support open insurrection against the rule of law and the Constitution.
You offer no alternative, to boot. Biden is not a viable candidate.
Your party tried to seize permanent control of our government during the Obama years, and it failed.
These pathetic riots are the death throes of your inept brand of totalitarianism.
What’s clear is that Trump has had to fight the sedition and treason of the Democrat Party as much as any foreign nation.
“….enemies foreign and domestic.”
As with most things, Trump has offered clear and direct competence rather than wishy-washy double speak.
The solution is to put these riots down decisively, and with extreme prejudice.
The Democrats know they can’t win the election, so they’ve resorted to banana-republic methods for a good old coup d’é·tat.
Here’s Why Men Are Pointing Loaded Guns at Their…
They don’t really understand the Constitution, either.
@Greg: Lets hope they “do it” and end the possibility of future generations of Gregs. No more deevolution
Those and the ones who think waistbands are quick draw holsters.
Vice Magazine?
Yes, I’m aware.
Your inept attempt at debate is a classic logical fallacy, junior. The Episcopalians failed you.
The Trump administration is burning down itself.
Good luck tonight, New York City.
BREAKING: NYPD has received intelligence that U-Haul trucks with NJ registrations may be aiding looters and vandals by transporting stolen goods and criminal actors— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2020
@Nathan Blue:
Quite true. The REACTION you prescribe is of course necessary, because riots allowed lead to full-blown insurrection, and such would be intolerable. But that “reaction” is only a temporary Band-Aid that will quickly lose effect if a better, real solution is not at least sought by all players in earnest and good faith.
The peaceful protestors just keep those hits coming:
BREAKING: Van without plates seen dropping off boxes of concrete blocks in Brooklyn pic.twitter.com/BD3tW3Vn1g— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) June 2, 2020
This is going on in multiple cities, spur of the moment grassroots action of course.
@Nathan Blue:
You were going along just fine until you slipped on your blaming-clown-face with this crap.
What good did that do? Did it make your argument in support of taking the Law into your own hands any stronger? (NO.)
Or did it make the stupid animals (thugs) running amuck any MORE guilty? (NO.)
You just wanted to make sure that you kept all wounds wide open and properly salted. Thanks for that.
Your explanation of what? A hundred million (?) disorganized armed citizens summarily executing whomever they BELIEVE to be behaving criminally is basically the quintessential post-apocalyptic nightmare scenario, no matter how well-trained or well-behaved you think such trigger-happy fans of the second amendment might be. It is already bad enough when the occasional Waco, TX mess happens, or some rancher decides he has un-deeded rights to federal land and is willing to say so with guns. Each time that sort of lawless initiative is allowed to be taken, it dangerously weakens our country. Our government DOES govern at our pleasure, and it DOESN’T have the power to win a guerilla war against its own citizenry. But if such a state of anarchy were to ushered in by the mischief of gun-owners, do you think for one minute that our REAL enemies would just stand by and watch? LOL! The REAL question would be where the border between Chinese-America and Russian-America would come to be drawn.
The Babylon Bee stings again:
Governor Cuomo Orders Nursing Homes To Admit Rioters
Babylon Bee ^ | 06/02/2020
Posted on 6/2/2020, 5:30:44 PM by DFG
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered nursing homes to admit violent rioters and protesters throughout the state.
“If we are going to be compassionate, caring, and pro-science, we need to admit these oppressed individuals into every care facility available,” he said at a press conference this morning. “I don’t want to hear any talk of how this might hurt old people. This isn’t the Dark Ages — we listen to SCIENCE in this state!”
The order forced nursing homes to admit anyone carrying a brick, Molotov cocktail, baseball bat, or bike lock and house them until they recover. Scientists agree this is the best possible move and say that anyone who has concerns about how it might affect the elderly is an anti-science bigot.
“What a nice young man!” Ethel Carver said as one protester burst in with a Molotov cocktail. “Ooooh! He brought a fun toy to play with too! Come over here and let me pinch your cheek!”
There has been considerable violence in the nursing homes since this occurred, though these deaths are being counted as COVID-19-related.