A question for Adam Schiff




Adam Schiff is truly a low life cretin. I wanted to establish that right up front. He is a miserable liar and a despicable human being.

Schiff has a history of distorting facts to fit his desired narrative. He spent years repeatedly telling reporters that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government. Then the Mueller Report exposed those assurances as mere partisan bluster.

Schiff’s perfidy only grew more brazen after he became the de facto leader of the impeachment push. After vehemently insisting that “we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” for instance, Schiff was forced to acknowledge that his staff had, in fact, coordinated with the so-called whistleblower before the complaint that led to the current impeachment farce. Schiff also notoriously gave a “dramatized” rendition of the president’s call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine that bore almost no resemblance to the publicly available transcript released by the White House.

In his opening statement at Wednesday’s public hearing, Schiff continued his now familiar habit of distorting the facts to fit his desired narrative. His monologue was rife with exaggerations, mischaracterizations, and downright falsehoods — yet Schiff still absurdly tried to maintain the veneer of standing above partisan politics.

Even Democrats directly contradict Schiff’s version of events — the facts of which he insisted “are not seriously contested.”

Carter Page is the second most maligned American over the last three years plus. He has been accused of all sorts of misdeeds, including treason.

Carter Page was a CIA “operational contact” from 2008-2013. He aided his country.

His reward was to be framed by Comey’s FBI.

democrats and the media have been forced to eat their words. They colluded to do harm to Page, and it continues. Adam Schiff persists in demonstrating what a wretched demon he is.

Page is a Navy vet. He is a patriot. For that, Adam Schiff schitts on him.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is not expressing any remorse for former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who was swept up in the yearslong Russia investigation.

In an interview clip released on Friday, “Firing Line” host Margaret Hoover read quotes from Page about how the Russia probe had such a negative impact, including how the FBI spying into his life “ruined his good name” and that he will “never completely have his name restored.”

“Do you have any sympathy for Carter Page?” Hoover asked.

“I have to say, you know, Carter Page came before our committee and for hours of his testimony, denied things that we knew were true, later had to admit them during his testimony,” Schiff responded. “It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who isn’t honest with you when he comes and testifies under oath. It’s also hard to be sympathetic when you have someone who has admitted to being an adviser to the Kremlin.”

“But then was also informing the CIA,” Hoover pushed back.

“Yes, yes,” Schiff acknowledged.

Then Hoover tries to provide cover for Schiff.

“Which we didn’t know about,” the host added.

But Schiff did know. Nunes knew, and Schiff had access to exactly the same information.

But let’s go back to Schiff’s words

“I have to say, you know, Carter Page came before our committee and for hours of his testimony, denied things that we knew were true, later had to admit them during his testimony,” Schiff responded. “It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who isn’t honest with you when he comes and testifies under oath. It’s also hard to be sympathetic when you have someone who has admitted to being an adviser to the Kremlin.”

“It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who isn’t honest with you when he comes and testifies under oath.”

So here’s the question:

If Page committed perjury, then why didn’t Schiff send a criminal referral to the DOJ?

Schiff sent one in April 2019

House Intelligence Committee Sends Criminal Referral on Erik Prince to DOJ


Devin Nunes sent one in March 2019

Thus if Page did commit perjury, why didn’t Schiff send a referral?

Because he’s a lying dog. He’s full of schitt.

Jonathan Turley rightly argues that Page reminds us of Raymond Donovan:

After he was acquitted in a major fraud trial, former Labor Secretary Ray Donovan asked, “Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?” The trial was ruinous for Donovan, personally and financially, and the question was a fair one. Donovan, however, at least received a trial. Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has never been given a fair hearing, let alone a trial, to clear his name. As the two political parties spin the results of a report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, one matter remains unaddressed. Someone needs to apologize to Page.

And wonders when Page will received his apology

At what point does someone apologize to Page? He is, in fact, the victim of this criminal referral. He is the victim of what Horowitz describes as a “misleading” basis presented to the FISA court. He is a victim of media “groupthink” that portrayed him as the sinister link proving collusion with Russia, an allegation rejected by the FBI, by the inspector general, and by the special counsel. Of course, Washington does not work this way. Page served his purpose and the trashing of his reputation was a cost of doing business with the federal government for many members of Congress and the media. In recalling the question by Donovan, there is no such office. Page is simply supposed to disappear and leave his reputation behind.

But to apologize to Page is to admit that Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and every other dem were completely wrong about him and everything else.

Two years ago Schiff filed a memo in response to the Nunes memo. The Nunes memo was on target and the Schiff memo was full of lies. They knew.

It’s hard to imagine anyone being more wrong, but democrats wanted to believe the worst and because of that they became the worst. Schiff became the worst of the worst.

He is beneath contempt.

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He should be exposed to the nation to see that he is a miserble little liar and a weapon for the dirty democrats

Schiff is the spear-point of the impeachment scheme and that tells you all you need to know about the veracity of this impeachment. Schiff is a liar and the entire process has been based on nothing BUT lies.

Now, of course the corrupt liberal media has not advertised Schiff’s lies; they simply don’t want to draw attention to them. However, you can’t let the millions of hateful liberals use their ignorance to let them off the hook. I have asked probably hundreds of times, what happened to all that “evidence” Schiff (and others) SWORE they had right at their fingertips that PROVED Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016? It all just mysteriously evaporated the moment Mueller’s report on his phony “investigation” was released. Well, obviously, that’s simply something liberals do not wish to discuss. Which means they KNOW Schiff and his fellow crybabies are lying, and lying big-time. They know it, they accept it and, worst of all, they LIKE it. They DEPEND on it.

None of that will be included in Trump’s asterisk.

So here’s the question:

If Page committed perjury, then why didn’t Schiff send a criminal referral to the DOJ?

Schiff sent one in April 2019

House Intelligence Committee Sends Criminal Referral on Erik Prince to DOJ

Does anyone remember what “crime” Erik Prince committed?

He is a rich man who is a supporter of President Trump.
His “crime?”
He used his own money to finance finding Hillary’s supposedly lost emails.

@Nan G: It’s a “crime” to reveal Democrat corruption.

The political Left has become the religious Right.

yep, slimy schiiff is gay, just like the radicalized muslin terrorist-obama. two of obama’s lovers were killed in Chi a few months before he entered the senate race. check the velvet letter archives for a picture of the terrorist being dry-humped in a gay bar in Chi.