Sean Spicer is Not the Hero we Need, But he’s the Hero we Deserve

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Sean Spicer, the former White House Press Secretary for President Trump, has become the newest Emmanuel Goldstein among a niche gang of Leftists. Mr. Spicer had the audacity to join the show Dancing With the Stars (DWTS), and this became the latest act to incite rage in The Radical Left. On Monday he was finally eliminated from the competition, so let’s give a short tribute to his run.

Apparently having ever worked in the Trump White House is grounds enough to never be allowed to be employed again. Or at least, that’s what The Radical Left would have us believe – when Spicer’s casting on the apparently popular show (I’ve never watched) became the latest Leftist meltdown.

Here’s where things truly go sideways for The Radical Left. They broadcast their huffy little outrage to the point where Conservatives took notice. And they kept voting to keep Spicier from getting eliminated from the competition each week. Emily Jankinski gave a good summary of this “controversy” a few days before Spicer’s elimination:

Sean Spicer is cruising through “Dancing with the Stars” on two left feet. He’s certainly not surviving on the merits of his dancing, and I’m not sure it’s his natural charm, either. So what’s the deal with Spicey’s surge?

It’s Trump, of course. For one thing, the president of the United States has been using his leader-of-the-free-world sized platform to get out the vote. That helps. But it’s also the affiliation. For many, a vote for Spicer is a vote for Trump, and sometimes a vote for Trump is a vote against the haters.

Who, exactly, are the haters? The show’s host. The judges. ABC News staffers. The New York Times’ chief television critic. Chelsea Handler. In other words, all the usual suspects.

Speaking of the Gray Lady, dance critic Gia Kourlas is positively scandalized by Spicer’s success. It’s very funny.

This may be the greatest example of The Streisand Effect I have ever seen. I hate to burst your bubble Lefties (Interjection by Ron Howard’s Arrested Development narrator voice: “Actually, he doesn’t”), but most of us didn’t care about Sean Spicer. Personally, I didn’t think he was very good in the role of White Hpouse Press Secretary, nothing compared to the national treasure that Sarah Huckabee Sanders proved to be. But do you know what made us notice and like Sean Spicer? Your completely irrational freakout over his mere presence on some dopey talent show, that’s what. We’re tired of your Cancel Culture. We’re tired of you ruining every movie movie franchise that we loved by sinking your talons into them. But even I have to admit that I’m impressed at how skillfully you destroyed a billion dollar franchise – have fun scolding us for not liking the steaming pile of Sith that is “Rise of Soywalker”!

Which brings us back to Spicer. Had you just left him alone, Spicer would have been rightfully sent packing early on by the judges at DWTS, and Conservatives would have yawned about a former employee of the Trump Administration making the most of his 15 minutes of fame. Instead of that, your hair on fire screeching has elevated Spicer to the status of  decorated veteran in The Culture War, and you have nobody to blame but yourselves. I’d like to think you can learn a lesson from all of this, but we all know you won’t.

Two side notes, if you’re wondering why the header pic doesn’t look quite like Sean Spicer, it’s actually a still from the very funny impersonation that Melissa McCarthy did of Spicer on Saturday Night Live. Yes, SNL is still capable of doing comedy when they choose to. Which is sadly, not often.

And of course, the title of this post comes from the epic speech that Gary Oldman gave at the end of Batman: The Dark Knight.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The left thinks nothing should exist in this world unless they approve of it. If only they know how little anyone else cares about what they think.

Each week viewers could vote 20 or 22 times.
So, a lot of people were trolling DWTS by putting Sean in a safe spot so someone else had to go instead.
But now it’s down to all really good dancers.
So, it was time for Sean to go.
All the ones who went before he did would have gone before the end anyway.

I never watched the show or voted by a whole lot of people in Utah did.
And I bet that Mormon murder in Mexico cut into a lot of that.
People are obsessing here about what’s to be done with Mexico.
There’s even fake news that we (the US military) are prepping to invade Mexico to destroy the cartels.

@Brother Bob: I bet they deleted all the illegal immigrant and cemetery votes.

The Left and the Dems are fascists, plain and simple.

Tom Bergeron should be impeached. He did Putin’s bidding and extorted voters to kick Spicer off. No witnesses stating anything contrary to this will be allowed to live.

@Brother Bob: Nope Tump has yet to tweet about the missing votes for Spicer or an investigation into the server of the show.