The Week In Radical Leftism, 10/30/2020
It’s hard to believe that this will be the last TWIRL before Halloween, and more importantly, our upcoming Civil War election. It’s been a busy week, as you’ll see …
It’s hard to believe that this will be the last TWIRL before Halloween, and more importantly, our upcoming Civil War election. It’s been a busy week, as you’ll see …
Yesterday I published a piece talking about Leaving Facebook, breaking down how & why I broke my Facebook addiction two years ago. I left off in that piece noting that …
Two years ago I made a decision to leave Facebook, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in recent years. AFter having spent roughly a decade …
I’ve been saying this in various Comments Sections for a while now, and that it deserved a quick post of its own. But then this post quickly grew, hence …
Welcome back everyone! “Spring Break” is over for Little Bob, and I continue to gain newfound respect for parents who home school. Onto the crazy, and it’s a really full …
The Chinese Coronavirus is bringing out a particularly ugly side to The Radical Left. They’re losing the war of their primary narrative of Orange Man Bad, and don’t care …
First off, I have no delusions that President Trump is another President Lincoln. Both are incredibly consequential presidents, although in very different ways. For example, I doubt Lincoln would have …
Welcome back, everyone! One month of 2020 is gone, so here’s our final dose of Lefty insanity before we leave January in the rear view mirror: January 20 – We …
After the death of The Radical Left’s latest hero, Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani, Time Magazine published an insanely stupid article even by Leftist standards, How to Talk to Your Kids …
Welcome back, everybody! The holidays have died down, and the end of the college football season is almost over, with the NCAA football championship just days away. And of course, …