Schiff has made a fatal error

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Adam Schiff has pursued Donald Trump with a religious fervor.  He desperately want Trump out of office and will resort to just about anything to that end. Of late he is conducting secret impeachment proceedings, having failed to produce his mysterious Russian collusion evidence. In his zeal he has made a gigantic error- his “whistleblowers.”

#1- Eric Ciaramella

  • registered democrat
  • Contacted Schiff’s office first
  • Had whistleblower forms changed just for him
  • worked for John Brennan
  • worked with Alexandra Chalupa, who sought and obtained 2016 Ukranian election in interference
  • worked for Joe Biden
  • left post at NSC under cloud of leaking
  • authored the “Putin told Trump to fire Comey” story
  • disapproved of Trump foreign policy


#2- Alexander Vindman

  • He lied about Trumps’s phone call: “I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’ s support of Ukraine.” Trump made no such demand.
  • Actively worked with Ukraine against Giuliani and Trump
  • He thinks he controls foreign policy

Vindman clearly does not understand government. Foreign policy is what the President wants it to be, not what he or Ciaramella want it to be.

Neither Ciararmella nor Vindman had a problem with Joe Biden threatening to withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating the company on whose board Hunter Biden sat was fired.

Neither was bothered by the inherent Ukrainian corruption.

This is why I doubt that democrats will actually impeach Trump, but rather try to cause death by a thousand leaks.

If Trump is impeached, this all moves to the Senate where the GOP rules. A trial would include subpoenas – of Ciaramella and Vindman. It would mean testifying under oath. It would mean questions-

Did John Brennan ask them to spy on Trump?

Were they in contact with John Brennan during this time?

What was Joe Biden’s role in all of this?

What did obama know and when did he know it?

Is hillary clinton involved?

It is no wonder Ciaramella got cold feet but it’s too late. Schiff made a yuge error dragging them into this. Now they’re fair game.

When you actively undermine the President from within you are not a whistleblower. You’re a criminal.


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@Richard Wheeler: There is nothing more powerful than the woman behind the man, or the hand that rocks the cradle, even daddys little girl. Kelly learned that the hard way.
The democrat women have not exactly been a shining example. Not one of them is Presidential material, the one that could be they attack like a flock of harpies. There will be no woman president as long as Stinky lives.
Thank goodness your presidential election predictions have a crappy track record.

@Richard Wheeler: Really? Maybe if more Democrats would vote for the Republican women instead of their socialist candidates there would be more in Congress. Nothing belies anything except that Democrats will not tolerate a woman, black, gay or any other representative of one of the groups they routinely exploit to stray off the plantation. They will destroy anyone to try and keep the facts from reaching exposure.

Stefanik presented a much better example of womanhood than Yovanavitch did. OR Schiff.

@Richard Wheeler:

Would you gentleman mind giving a short civics primer on why Greg has “a totalitarian mindset.”

He’s all about control. Read his posts (I stopped doing that a LONG time ago) and look at the cumulative theme. Gun control. Speech control. Monetary control. He’s advocated wealth redistribution, the very essence of Marxism. He once stated to me that the person working on an assembly line is entitled to make just as much money as the person who invested his capital to start the company. Marxism 101. He has stated that your money isn’t yours until the government gets their portion. He’s constantly bemoaned the “evil capitalists” as being responsible for it seems just about everything bad. I’ve read some of Lenin’s writings and there is a definite similarity. Everything viewed through a Marxist prism. He has advocated guilty until proven innocent for anyone on the opposing political spectrum. He has bemoaned the Constitution numerous times. If that’s not enough evidence for you, then oh well.

@another vet: Something to think about–Thanks

@Richard Wheeler: How are the new dogs?

@Richard Wheeler:

Republican women—not many left—only one on intelligence committee and a shrinking breed–heading towards extinction?– in The House. and Senate.

Actually, and as usual, you are wrong……….again.
There are two women on the House Intelligence Committee, one from each party. The Democrats hold 60% of the 22 seats while the Republicans have just 40% at 9 seats.

I think your defense of women—specifically female Intel questioner—seems a bit hypocritical when taken in conjunction with your tirade against Ms Yovanovitch.

What is hypocritical is Schitt-for-brains representing Yovanovitch as the female reincarnation of George Patton and her equating herself to the 55 FSOs who endured captivity in Iran and Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith and two Navy Seals who were slaughtered in Benghazi and returned home in body bags. We were told what a tough cookie she is yet, here she is, weeping like a child at the hearing. Patton would have never cried. I didn’t see Stefanik crying when Schitt-for-brains disrespected her. Guess Republican Congresswomen are just tougher than Democrat women who serve as FSOs.

Yovanovitch wanted to play with the big dogs. Seems to me she wasn’t up to the task. But don’t worry about her, Wheeler. She now has a (one class) teaching gig at Georgetown being assigned there by the State Department. Nice gig!! Miss Weepy Tears is still on the taxpayer payroll.

And Christopher Stevens is still dead. Why wasn’t Obama impeached for that?

@another vet, #303:

He once stated to me that the person working on an assembly line is entitled to make just as much money as the person who invested his capital to start the company.

I never said such a thing, but quite possibly that’s what you think you heard.

The right seems to take in all events, information, and statements through a perceptual filter that sorts everything into a number of narrowly defined, black or white categories that are compatible with their world view.

If someone observes that corporate CEOs are now typically compensated at a rate that’s 271 times higher than the average corporate worker while the ratio in 1965 was 20 to 1, that’s viewed as a call for socialism. So is the observation that more and more wealth and power are rapidly concentrating into the hands of a relatively small percentage of people at the top of the economic pyramid.

Actually, both are observations concerning a dangerous trend that could endanger the capitalist system itself. Left unchecked, it might result in an unsupportable level of economic inequity that would lead to an overthrow of the entire system, or to the end of democracy and the rise of authoritarian rule by representatives of consolidated wealth and power. (Such as Donald effing Trump.)

I might observe that the recent tax changes are highly favorable to those who needed tax cuts the least on a permanent basis, while bestowing far less advantage on the vast majority of working people, and that only on a temporary basis. I might point out that the vague promises that everyone’s cuts will become permanent is patent bullshit, because we’re now running an annual deficit of a trillion dollars per year even with the economy booming. People telling you tax cuts for American working families will become permanent are lying to you. They’ll wind up paying even more than before.

This is all undeniable TRUTH, but the predictable response to anyone stating it will be an accusation that they’re a socialist. That accusation takes the place of the impossible task of successfully arguing against the truth of what is observed. Be prepared to hear the accusation a lot as the 2020 election approaches, no matter who the Democratic Party candidate turns out to be.

Likewise, any call for regulation that the right dislikes is perceived as authoritarian control and the suppression of individual freedom—but they’ve got no problem at all taking away a woman’s right to exercise sovereign control over her own body. Idiots’ easy access to firearms? Yeah, we would like to control that.

I’m surprised that the impeachment effort hasn’t yet been tagged as a socialist plot.

It just occurred to me that Mike Myer’s portrayal of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me incorporates numerous physical and speech mannerisms of Donald Trump. Once seen, this cannot be unseen.


Likewise, any call for regulation that the right dislikes is perceived as authoritarian control and the suppression of individual freedom—but they’ve got no problem at all taking away a woman’s right to exercise sovereign control over her own body. Idiots’ easy access to firearms? Yeah, we would like to control that.

You, who support the killing of an innocent life fail to acknowledge that the “right to exercise sovereign control over her own body” was already exercised when the decision to have unprotected sex was made. With rape and incest representing less than 1% of the reason for all abortions, it is clear that the participation in the sex that brought about pregnancy was willing. If you don’t want a hang over, don’t drink irresponsibly. But for you, dismembering a child is A-OK even if that child is just hours away from being born. Never mind that you also support killing the potential that unborn child has.

As to the “idiots” easy access to firearms: what exactly has Democrats proposed that would remove those firearms from those “idiots?” None. Democrats, in true Hitler style, simply want to remove firearms from everyone, including law abiding citizens who will never murder anyone. In that respect, Comrade Greggie, you are a true Socialist, Nazi style.

Death, taxes and government control. That is all the Democratic Party has to offer.

You once said you would be willing to pay more in taxes. I asked you why you didn’t when you can send the U.S. Treasury a check and you responded “Why should I?” I think that sums up your political philosophy pretty damn well.

@Richard Wheeler: No Rich, do not start thinking at your age. You may have a stroke!!


It just occurred to me that Mike Myer’s portrayal of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me incorporates numerous physical and speech mannerisms of Donald Trump

You liberals convincing yourselves of this I and shit is what is leading you to follow the antics of Schitt et al and will lead to your embarrassment and defeat. So, by all means, keep it up.


Eddie Gallagher is imprisoned and brought up on court martial charges for killing a freaking terrorist.
Vindman clearly violated the UCMJ and should be brought up on charges. Instead, the legacy media sings his praises.

You have no idea of the depth of the swamp. This is a long read but well worth it. Add that to your link and it seems all roads lead back to the Obama CIA.

@Randy: Bet my health is better than yours old man.

AV–My two huskies Akira and Baloo are great—thanks for asking.

@Richard Wheeler: I doubt it! We can see the mental degradation with every post you write.

@retire05: Actually I was right and you were wrong in questioning me—as you love to do

I said there was one Republican woman on the House Intelligence Committee.
No apology necessary.

@Randy: You’re a strange duck Colonel.

Another Trumpist goes down to defeat in La. Governor’s race.

@Richard Wheeler: Cant lose a seat you didnt have. LA is the 3rd poorest state speaks volumes for the leadership.

@kitt: Three poorest states W.Va. Miss. and Ark all have Repub Govs–La. 5th

Wanna guess who governs the wealthiest states? Repubs got #1 but less than half of top 10

Have a great Sun—-80 degrees with ocean breezes in SOCAL

@Richard Wheeler: Wanna guess which ones have the most shit an needles on the streets?

Saw Schiff being “solemn” and “not celebrating” impeachment Saturday in California. Democrats are such transparent liars and phonies. WHO supports this garbage? (besides Russians)

@Deplorable Me: I dunno– It’s been said “to find Texas head west till you smell shit then head South till you step in it”.
That still true?–

@Richard Wheeler: Possibly. We’ve gotten a lot of California, Illinois and New York transplants escaping liberal paradise. Plus all the illegal immigrants you’ve let in. But we’re smart enough to not even let dogs shot on the street.

@Richard Wheeler:

The smell of shit is coming from your left wing nasty Loonafornia cities. Stay out of San Francisco, you’ll get some all over your shoes.

When will the citizens unite and take action by removing all corrupt government officials who are attacking President Trump?
I became political when it has become fact that our elected officials (mainly Democrats) show obvious hate and disrespect for all American values, desire to abolish our Constitution < this is obvious not only from their actions and their statements, because the best and only way to accomplish those desires require further destruction to all American citizen’s 2nd amendment rights. I like that the East coast has more and more cities and county’s are becoming gun sanctuary’s.

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