Schiff has made a fatal error



Adam Schiff has pursued Donald Trump with a religious fervor.  He desperately want Trump out of office and will resort to just about anything to that end. Of late he is conducting secret impeachment proceedings, having failed to produce his mysterious Russian collusion evidence. In his zeal he has made a gigantic error- his “whistleblowers.”

#1- Eric Ciaramella

  • registered democrat
  • Contacted Schiff’s office first
  • Had whistleblower forms changed just for him
  • worked for John Brennan
  • worked with Alexandra Chalupa, who sought and obtained 2016 Ukranian election in interference
  • worked for Joe Biden
  • left post at NSC under cloud of leaking
  • authored the “Putin told Trump to fire Comey” story
  • disapproved of Trump foreign policy


#2- Alexander Vindman

  • He lied about Trumps’s phone call: “I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’ s support of Ukraine.” Trump made no such demand.
  • Actively worked with Ukraine against Giuliani and Trump
  • He thinks he controls foreign policy

Vindman clearly does not understand government. Foreign policy is what the President wants it to be, not what he or Ciaramella want it to be.

Neither Ciararmella nor Vindman had a problem with Joe Biden threatening to withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating the company on whose board Hunter Biden sat was fired.

Neither was bothered by the inherent Ukrainian corruption.

This is why I doubt that democrats will actually impeach Trump, but rather try to cause death by a thousand leaks.

If Trump is impeached, this all moves to the Senate where the GOP rules. A trial would include subpoenas – of Ciaramella and Vindman. It would mean testifying under oath. It would mean questions-

Did John Brennan ask them to spy on Trump?

Were they in contact with John Brennan during this time?

What was Joe Biden’s role in all of this?

What did obama know and when did he know it?

Is hillary clinton involved?

It is no wonder Ciaramella got cold feet but it’s too late. Schiff made a yuge error dragging them into this. Now they’re fair game.

When you actively undermine the President from within you are not a whistleblower. You’re a criminal.


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@Greg: Sorry Public Liaison Assistant , what is the job description duties, pay?
Bet its not 83K a month for attending 2 meetings a year.
So do you now understand burisma and foreign aid connection?

@Greg: But they aren’t part of a company that was being investigated for corruption where their job title was “Person In Charge of Keeping His Daddy, The Vice President of the United States From Allowing An Investigation Of Our Company”.

They way you qualify for a security clearance is to have a need to know and not be a security threat. Seems our “whistle blower” failed to meet those qualifications but I bet HE has a security clearance.

@Deplorable Me: Greg just digs a deeper hole. He just can not stop!

Trump is the man who’s being impeached, not Joe Biden. Joe Biden isn’t involved in multiple additional federal criminal investigations and multiple state and local investigations. Unlike Trump, Biden hasn’t done anything that warrants any of that.


Joe Biden isn’t involved in multiple additional federal criminal investigations

Are you sure about that…really? WTF was Rudy investigating, why was the State Dept sooo concerned about his activities? Why is George boogeyman Soros so tight with the Embassy in kiev? Look closely at the activist Ambassadors testimony the one that got replaced. Ms Poor me, my self evaluations were perfect, no one ever had a problem with mee whaaaa!

Maybe Rudy was trying to determine the actual source of the $500,000 that was paid to him by Charles Gucciardo on behalf of Lev Parnas.

@Greg: The best you could do in 2 hours? get some sleep. Rest for the next lie that comes from Willard Schiff…I dont know who the whistle blower is bwaahahaha, code name Ben


Trump is the man who’s being impeached, not Joe Biden. Joe Biden isn’t involved in multiple additional federal criminal investigations and multiple state and local investigations.

But WHY is Trump being impeached? Well, because he asked Ukraine about something Biden did. So, it is now MOST IMPORTANT to find out what Biden did, right? If he did NOTHING, then Trump was unscrupulously clawing around for dirt. If he did SOMETHING, then Trump did nothing wrong. Get it? So, did Biden do something worthy of investigation?

Burisma transfers millions of dollars to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and the Kerry Family and then the investigation stops

HUGE! EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family

Unlike Trump, Biden hasn’t done anything that warrants any of that.

Is your edit button still showing? You can go back and delete this stupid statement.

If Biden hadn’t done something shady, there would be no mention of him in the phone conversation (remember, ZELENSKY brought Biden’s name up, NOT Trump) and, thus, there would be no impeachment. You think Trump is just randomly calling people up and asking them all to investigate Biden, a person that even Palin made to look stupid in a debate?

@Deplorable Me: If we all remember, the left started impeachment talks within 6 days of Trump’s talking the pledge. This impeachment was always a process in search of any excuse. Nothing Gregie says has any validity.

@Randy: They started clamoring for impeachment the day after the election. Ciaramella’s lawyer talking about a coup and impeachment back then is no outlier. That was the whole of the left.

@Deplorable Me:

Biden, a person that even Palin made to look stupid in a debate?

In Joes defense she just washed her hair he just couldnt concentrate, the fresh shampoo odor wafting across the stage, if she were just 30 or more years younger he would just creep on over.

@kitt: I always remember that Biden was the “wisdom” part of the ticket. If Palin had been 30 years younger, Joe might have fought her to a draw.

Schiff finds another star witness

@kitt: Well, Pelosi says discussing the worthless value of second hand information and hearsay is a Republican ploy, so you better stop it. When second-, third-, fourth-, fifth- or sixth-hand opinions is all you have, you better damn well believe it’s valid.

Yup we just dont accept the facts, just weird.

@Deplorable Me, #208:

But WHY is Trump being impeached?

For many more reasons than putting his own personal political needs ahead of what’s in this nation’s best geopolitical interests. The reasons would make for a long list.

Ukraine has become the chosen focus of the impeachment hearings only because the wrongfulness of withholding military aid in an effort to extract such a politically useful favor is something almost anyone should be able to understand, and something that no right-thinking American should condone.

Ukraine is under armed attack by the same aggressor that attacked our own democratic election process in 2016, and is preparing to do so again in 2020. It’s the same aggressor that undoubtedly interacted with highly placed figures in the Trump campaign organization, and the same aggressor that is about to consolidate its influence and power base in the Middle East as a step toward controlling western Europe’s access to gas and petroleum.

While the full extent of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia has not been determined with certainty, that such cooperation did in fact exist is absolutely certain. There were multiple people known to have been involved. Clandestine meetings and communications were in fact taking place. This was in fact purposeful, and was, in fact, a betrayal.

@Greg: So, investigating the Ukraine role in the 2016 election is Trump’s personal needs and not that of the USA requirements to prevent foreign interference in US elections?

Why were there no impeachment on Obama when he withheld military support to the Ukraine?

Where is the proof that Trump was working out side of the authority given him by the Constitution?

You just keep showing your ignorance and stupidity.


While the full extent of that cooperation has not been determined with certainty, that such cooperation did in fact exist is absolutely certain. There were multiple people involved. Communications were in fact taking place. This was in fact purposeful, and was, in fact, a betrayal.

Quit bashing on Hillary and Obama already.

@Randy, #217:

So, investigating the Ukraine role in the 2016 election is Trump’s personal needs and not that of the USA requirements to prevent foreign interference in US elections?

Ukraine had no role in the 2016 elections. If pushing the tale that Russia didn’t meddle but Ukraine did isn’t insidious, I don’t know what would be.

Trump has become an example of a domestic threat in “all threats, foreign and domestic”. It’s happening by degrees, and his followers have been shifted by degrees, so that they haven’t yet noticed how far they’ve been taken from traditional conservative values and principles. They’re embracing policies and actions that are a stark departure from traditional American values.

There are those in the GOP who know this. Many have left. More are leaving. Those who remain are terrified to speak out, because they’re dependent on a party that is no longer their own. It’s dominated by Trump and his converts. Speak out against them, and you’re “human scum”.

@Greg: Why does your media keep you so poorly informed?
Thus, the audio recording made public in the Ukrainian media was one piece of evidence of Ukraine’s interference. According to it, a person with a voice similar to the voice of the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, admitted that he had supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.

His office was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian «black ledger», which implicated Paul Manafort, to the media. The document contained a list of secret payments made by Ukraine’s Party of Regions to Manafort.

Earlier, the county administrative court of Kyiv had pledged the director of the NABU Artem Sytnyk, and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament Sergey Leshchenko guilty of publicizing the pre-trial investigation materials concerning Paul Manafort and election interference. The information was spread illegally and inflicted damage on the foreign policy of Ukraine.
Just another taped confession nothing to report there. It was in the NYT but most likely buried in some sunday flyer no one reads.

I’m attentive to media outlets that aren’t pushing conspiracy theory as if it were real news. Trump and his followers have mainstreamed and weaponized this garbage, which was once confined to late-night AM radio and obscure internet bulletin boards.

You can find lots of references to Paul Manafort in Ukrainian media, because one of Manafort’s previous jobs was to manipulate Ukrainian public opinion on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych, a Putin puppet who is presently hiding out in Russia. Maybe he’s splitting rent on a Moscow apartment with Edward Snowden.

@Greg: It was in the NYT, I know they pushed the Russian conspiracy theory but not exactly Alex Jones, Is Politico also pushing conspiracy theory?
The found him guilty in a court in Ukraine thats just a fact, not a theory.

@Greg: Trump is being impeached because he won. Period. If this weren’t true, Democrats would not have been proceeding with impeachment from the day after he won.

Obama did NOTHING to support Ukraine while Trump has provided lethal, defensive aid and money. Obama made support contingent upon leaving Democrat’s corruption gold mine alone.

Ukraine had no role in the 2016 elections.

Evidence shows otherwise. EVIDENCE, not someone telling someone they heard something from someone else. EVIDENCE.

If pushing the tale that Russia didn’t meddle but Ukraine did isn’t insidious, I don’t know what would be.

That’s not what is being presented. WHY are you and Democrats afraid of an investigation into the Ukrainian role in the 2016 election?

Trump has become an example of a domestic threat in “all threats, foreign and domestic”.

HOW? Provide some SOLID EVIDENCE, not hearsay or opinion.

I’m attentive to media outlets that aren’t pushing conspiracy theory as if it were real news.

i.e., “those that will reinforce my prejudices and bias and doesn’t make me think.”

@Deplorable Me: He is following the dots, a dot to dot for tots, laid out for him by twats. Show him dots that are not so carefully arranged that will not draw an outline of Russia with Trump in the center he lashes out, puts his hands over his eyes and throws his oversized crayons across the room.
This is about the deep state being able to continue the goose step march to one world order.

@kitt: They show they can just as easily totally ignore the lack of evidence against Trump as they can ignore MOUNTAINS of evidence against their own. The mark of a true despot.

2016 ELECTIONS The Ukranians not The Russians?? ? Nuts

Putin and his cohorts are ecstatic with that meme from Trump admin.

@Richard Wheeler: It was the China that had a real rime read out of the former SOS server. The DNC and Schiff is doing exactly what Putin wants.

@Richard Wheeler China?: Anybody but DT’S buddy Putin and the Russians—that how you see it?

@Richard Wheeler:

2016 ELECTIONS The Ukranians not The Russians?? ? Nuts

What is it with you and your buddy, Comrade Greggie? Is it only possible for an “either/or” situation? Can you not wrap your head around the fact that both Russia AND Ukraine interfered in our 2016 election no matter how much proof of that fact has been exposed? Can you not admit that #6 on the Taco Bell menu has admitted that she was working with the Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, made up false dirt, to aid in the election of Hillary Clinton?

Now the crying Ambassador Yovanovitch is once again on the Congressional stand whining how she was fired by Trump, IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT SHE SERVED AT HIS PLEASURE. Instead, she should be grateful that Obama did not assign her to Benghazi. She is complaining that the President “hijacked” her foreign policy. Ignore the fact that she violated the terms of the Geneva Convention. Ignore the fact that she demanded the Ukraines not prosecute at least three criminals or look into the involvement of George Soros in the Ukraine.

You don’t seem to be able to connect the dots any better than your buddy, Comrade Greggie.

I think I’m going to throw up. She just compared herself to Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith. She is just another night crawler from the Foggy Bottom.

@retire05: Remember #6 on the taco bell menu is Chalupa sent to Ukraine by the WB, then in the Obama white house, to dig up dirt on Trump.
This is Ms Geneva Convention is optional, didunufin wrong.
Funny the Ukainian Prosecutor Quid Pro Joe described as a “solid guy” is now corrupt.

@Richard Wheeler:

2016 ELECTIONS The Ukranians not The Russians?? ? Nuts

How about the Ukrainians AND the Russians? AND Britain, and Italy, and Australia. All colluding with Democrats. Nuts, indeed.

One wonders, if Trump wanted to get dirt on Biden he didn’t go to China for it. Far more exists there than in Ukraine and Trump actually has something to barter for the dirt. In point of fact, Trump has no reason to worry about Biden; if he doesn’t destroy himself before he gets the nomination, he most certainly would if he were the nominee. If anything, Trump WANTS Biden to be his opponent.

Do you still cheer for Biden like you were before?

What I see are The Russians literally dancing in the streets as Trump SEEMINGLY BLAMES EVERYONE SEE #231 EXCEPT THEM for 2016 INTERFERENCE———DELUSIONAL

Does it not make sense that Putin would wish to create an alternative narrative to “Russian interference?” Why not his enemy and our ally The Ukranians?

Trump has temerity to call his career diplomat and Ambassador” bad news” to a foreign leader who he’s proven not to give a damn about.

Dep—Biden not my choice but he can beat Trump who is unpopular with close to 60% of the electorate—-at this point

@Richard Wheeler:

Trump has temerity to call his career diplomat and Ambassador” bad news” to a foreign leader who he’s proven not to give a damn about.

You say Trump doesn’t care about the foreign leader, i.e. that leader’s nation. Would you have preferred Trump send the Ukrains blankets and MREs instead of hard aid that allows the Ukrains to defend themselves from Russia? Maybe the Ukrainian could throw those MREs at the Russians. Yeah, that should do it and scare the Russians.

@Richard Wheeler:

What I see are The Russians literally dancing in the streets as Trump SEEMINGLY BLAMES EVERYONE SEE #231 EXCEPT THEM for 2016 INTERFERENCE———DELUSIONAL

Really? How about some examples or citations?

Does it not make sense that Putin would wish to create an alternative narrative to “Russian interference?” Why not his enemy and our ally The Ukranians?

Yeah, no sense at all.

Ukraine supporting Hillary’s campaign
Ukraine helping Hillary’s campaign

After Trump won, Ukraine scrambles to make up for supporting Hillary

Obama gave Ukraine a list of “untouchables” and sought dirt on Trump

Hillary and the DNC colluding with Ukraine for help in 2016 election

Ukrainian admission they aided Hillary in the election

Email, Audio Evidence Shows DNC Colluded with Ukraine to Harm Trump

Ukrainian “anti corruption” director bragged about Ukraine helping Hillary in 2016

Biden angry at Ukrainian President because their efforts to interfere in 2016 election leaked

“You F*cked Up!” – EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Joe Biden Blasted Ukrainian President After Politico Report – Reveals Biden’s Role in 2016 DNC Election Interference

Former Ukrainian intelligence officer says Ukraine funded support for Hillary with stolen IMF funds

EXCLUSIVE: Former Ukrainian Secret Service Official Leaks Info on How Ukraine Funded Clinton Campaign with Stolen IMF Money

Hillary, Comey, Ukraine and interference in the 2016 election

All Eyes on Ukraine: Deep State and Hillary Operatives Worked with Ukrainian Government to Take Down Trump

Trump has temerity to call his career diplomat and Ambassador” bad news” to a foreign leader who he’s proven not to give a damn about.

She ordered surveillance on US citizens, disparaged her boss to foreign representatives and promoted protecting corrupt Ukrainians from investigation. Maybe she can start crying again and get her job back.

Yavanaitch lied under oath about email

Yavanavitch gets three lawyers when she testifies, leaks her testimony to the WaPo (not allowed to answer questions about leaking by lawyers)

Yovanavitch found to have been ordering surveillance on US citizens

What does she have to do with this anyway? She wasn’t around when the phone call was made. Goldman is asking her what she thinks Zelensky was thinking Trump was thinking…. wow, what EVIDENCE!!

You used to sing Biden’s high praises, how he would be the nominee and defeat Trump. What… no more?

@retire05: I guess he can’t recall Obama giving Putin the green light to have his way with Ukraine.

@Deplorable Me: You got nothing but right wing sources—American Thinker– Gateway Pundit– Conservative Treehouse– Federalist Papers

Be Serious Dep. You don’t think Putin would set Ukraine up and push it to Trump—That makes sense and is exactly what he did.

@Deplorable Me: Ukraine supporting Hillary’s campaign
Ukraine helping Hillary’s campaign

The previous Ukrainian leader was of the opposite party as this Ukrainian president.
The incumbents that Obama and Marie were working so well with opposed Donald Trump.
But this new Ukrainian administration opposes the corruption of the previous admin.
It is investigating them all.

@Richard Wheeler:

You got nothing but right wing sources—American Thinker– Gateway Pundit– Conservative Treehouse– Federalist Papers

So now Politico is a right wing source? And who do you consider a reliable source? CNN? MSNBC? ABC? Huffington Post, Vox or any of the other left wing socialist outlets?

Be Serious Dep. You don’t think Putin would set Ukraine up and push it to Trump—That makes sense and is exactly what he did.

Wow!!! Putin, definitely not an honest player, had his comments read this morning by the Democrats Lawfare hit man as honest statements.

So which is it, Wheeler? Is Putin a dishonest player, as you content, or is he an honest player, to be believed, as the Lawfare hit man contented this morning?

@Richard Wheeler: No Doubt Putin would do such a thing, why did Trump feel he had to send in the 3 Amigos?
On March 5, now-removed former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to Ukraine called to have anti-corruption prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytskyi fired in a speech to the Ukraine Crisis Media Center.
This action is a violation of the Geneva convention and caused quite a stir in their media.
Shows she is an activist and now it seems every prosecutor in Ukraine that the activist didnt like who they were investigating including Joes guy is corrupt. Yet they have no examples of this “corruption.”
Even accepting there was rampant corruption and theft of Aid who says we have to borrow money from China to pour into a corrupt government?
The administrations reason for delay is rejected completely by Schiff and his kangaroo mob. They are building a case based on hearsay to bolster their conclusions, and the President is guilty and has to PROVE innocence.
Thats not the way our system is designed.

Any Ukranian interference EXTREMELY minimal compared to Russian interference –paper tiger/roaring lion—-this is-smokescreen thrown up by Putin/Trump.
You Fa’ers are savvy enough to understand these dynamics.

Question is where do we actually go from here—To get too close to and lie for Trump is bringing jail time to Stone, Manafort. Cohen, Flynn—not a wise thing to do—-is Rudy next?

I will be interested in the imminent report going back to FISA warrant and alleged “COUP” That should keep you all typing 24/7

@Richard Wheeler:

@Deplorable Me: You got nothing but right wing sources—American Thinker– Gateway Pundit– Conservative Treehouse– Federalist Papers

Did you READ them? They report FACTS; sources, document, quotes. I know it’s not as substantive as “I know a guy that knew a guy that overheard a conversation on the other end of another person’s phone call” but it’s what shows the facts. What you SHOULD be wondering is, WHY doesn’t YOUR propaganda sources report these facts? Because they are LEFT WING sources?

Well, I’ve done my job; I’ve provided you facts. When you ignore them, I am neither surprised or disappointed. It’s to be expected.

Be Serious Dep. You don’t think Putin would set Ukraine up and push it to Trump—That makes sense and is exactly what he did.

Why don’t you answer those questions I posed? Did Biden demand Ukraine kill an investigation of a company that his son was on the board or he would withhold $1 billion in aid?

Any Ukranian interference EXTREMELY minimal compared to Russian interference –paper tiger/roaring lion—-this is-smokescreen thrown up by Putin/Trump.
You Fa’ers are savvy enough to understand these dynamics.

How do you F&%KING KNOW without investigations? HOW? TELL US!!! You damned liberals are BLOCKING investigations while you claim there is nothing to see.

@Nan G: Liberals like Greg and Rich don’t give a damn who meddles in our elections as long as they assist the furtherance of socialism and Democrats. Even though NO collusion between Trump and Russia has been found, they still want to harp on Russia and Russia alone.


So now Politico is a right wing source? And who do you consider a reliable source? CNN? MSNBC? ABC? Huffington Post, Vox or any of the other left wing socialist outlets?

Anyone that will continue filling his brain with anything that supports his prejudices and doesn’t make him think. He hates Trump viscerally and he will gravitate towards hate-propaganda and the hearsay they promote as “evidence”.

So which is it, Wheeler? Is Putin a dishonest player, as you content, or is he an honest player, to be believed, as the Lawfare hit man contented this morning?

Both, but usually on different days, not on the same thread. That’s embarrassing.

Now, in the open, fair, legal and Constitutional hearing that Schitt is running, he will not allow Nunes to yield time to Stefane so she can ask questions, as has been done previously. Schitt keeps interrupting Republicans asking questions. This is the Nazi Sondergericht; all that’s missing (I presume) is the piano wire after the “hearings”.

@Deplorable Me:

I know it’s not as substantive as “I know a guy that knew a guy that overheard a conversation on the other end of another person’s phone call” but it’s what shows the facts.

K. Conway labeled them as gossip girls. A fitting description. The closer we get to the OIG report, the more unhinged they become. Perhaps it really will be as devastating as some claim.

@another vet: It certainly describes that bug-eyed swish Schitt. Gotta love Nunes getting in the “naked pictures of Trump” gouge in again. I hope he does it every session to remind Schiff of what he missed. He sure wanted those naked pics.

@another vet: Like I said that OIG report should keep FAERS going 24/7.

How the hell do you stomach Trump AV—-tweeting attacks and intimidating a witness while testifying.—-calling Repubs and those who have disagreements “scum” Calling Mad Dog Mattis “most over rated Gen. ever.” Brags about himself daily.
The man is without class or basic dignity—you don’t care?

On FOX I see Wallace defend Yovanovich and Baier say Trump broke the law in attacking her.
Good for them

Dep naked pictures of Trump?—That horrible image will burn in my mind all day.

Thanks for your service AV

I think Nunes just had a serious deer-in-the-headlights moment. What the Trump administration did in Ukraine suddenly came into sharp focus. Yovanovitch’s testimony and sincerity have been utterly devastating.

@Richard Wheeler:

How the hell do you stomach Trump AV—-tweeting attacks and intimidating a witness while testifying.—-

Apparently Schitt-for-brains is fixated on Trump tweets. Bottom line question, Wheeler…………….how would the Ambassador even know what Trump had tweeted to affect witness intimidation, unless Schitt-for-brains told her?

calling Repubs and those who have disagreements “scum” Calling Mad Dog Mattis “most over rated Gen. ever.”

Wow! Good thing you were not around when Truman called a great general a S.O.B. You would have been apoplectic.

Brags about himself daily.

And Obama did not?

The man is without class or basic dignity—you don’t care?

You want lack of dignity? William Jefferson Clinton, who you voted for twice.

Not that I expect you to answer anyone’s questions. You seem only capable of asking them.

@Richard Wheeler:

On FOX I see Wallace defend Yovanovich and Bair say Trump broke the law in attacking her.
Good for them

And Mike Wallace got his law degree where? You frankly don’t give a crap that the Democrats are conducting an illegal impeachment “investigation” and you don’t care because your hatred for Trump is so strong.

With Wallace; the acorn did fall far from the tree. He’s just as big a liberal as his lying daddy.

@Greg: She revealed no new testimony, none. Perhaps the should have asked her about meddling in the internal affairs by calling for the firing of a prosecutor?

What she just provided was clarity. All that’s necessary is for the true nature and intentions of the Trump administration’s shadow diplomacy operation in Ukraine to be seen clearly. All that’s necessary is for Trump himself to be seen and understood clearly.

@Richard Wheeler:

How the hell do you stomach Trump AV

Comical coming from someone who supported the most anti-American President in history. Apologizing for “American arrogance” on a continent where hundreds of thousands of Americans spilled their blood fighting their wars? Weaponizing government to go after people who disagreed with him politically?

tweeting attacks and intimidating a witness while testifying.

How would someone who was supposed to be testifying even know about what was being tweeted at the time? Since your comrade Schiff wouldn’t allow him any representation in the show trial, how is he supposed to defend himself? Do you believe in the right of the accused to be able to cross examine/confront a hostile witness?

Brags about himself daily.

Like your messiah, BHO, did? Remember all those ‘I’ and ‘me’ counts when he gave his speeches? Just out of curiosity, whatever happened with the material you guys made his temple in Denver out of? Did everyone get a little piece to take home? Asking for a friend.

On FOX I see Wallace defend Yovanovich and Bair say Trump broke the law in attacking her.

Exactly what law did he break? Cite the code. Speaking of that, did you ever find where in Mueller’s report he said PT obstructed justice like you claimed?

Given your history and contrary to your previous claims, I don’t expect an answer to any of my questions.

@retire05: I read your response after I posted mine. Looks like we came to the same conclusions.