Schiff has made a fatal error



Adam Schiff has pursued Donald Trump with a religious fervor.  He desperately want Trump out of office and will resort to just about anything to that end. Of late he is conducting secret impeachment proceedings, having failed to produce his mysterious Russian collusion evidence. In his zeal he has made a gigantic error- his “whistleblowers.”

#1- Eric Ciaramella

  • registered democrat
  • Contacted Schiff’s office first
  • Had whistleblower forms changed just for him
  • worked for John Brennan
  • worked with Alexandra Chalupa, who sought and obtained 2016 Ukranian election in interference
  • worked for Joe Biden
  • left post at NSC under cloud of leaking
  • authored the “Putin told Trump to fire Comey” story
  • disapproved of Trump foreign policy


#2- Alexander Vindman

  • He lied about Trumps’s phone call: “I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’ s support of Ukraine.” Trump made no such demand.
  • Actively worked with Ukraine against Giuliani and Trump
  • He thinks he controls foreign policy

Vindman clearly does not understand government. Foreign policy is what the President wants it to be, not what he or Ciaramella want it to be.

Neither Ciararmella nor Vindman had a problem with Joe Biden threatening to withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating the company on whose board Hunter Biden sat was fired.

Neither was bothered by the inherent Ukrainian corruption.

This is why I doubt that democrats will actually impeach Trump, but rather try to cause death by a thousand leaks.

If Trump is impeached, this all moves to the Senate where the GOP rules. A trial would include subpoenas – of Ciaramella and Vindman. It would mean testifying under oath. It would mean questions-

Did John Brennan ask them to spy on Trump?

Were they in contact with John Brennan during this time?

What was Joe Biden’s role in all of this?

What did obama know and when did he know it?

Is hillary clinton involved?

It is no wonder Ciaramella got cold feet but it’s too late. Schiff made a yuge error dragging them into this. Now they’re fair game.

When you actively undermine the President from within you are not a whistleblower. You’re a criminal.


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@Greg: Indeed. It is clear Democrats cannot find a single reason to even suspect Trump had done anything impeachable. It is clear Schitt will deny Republicans their right to ask questions. It is clear Democrats are desperate to hurt Trump and help whichever of their lame-ass candidates gets their nomination (once the DNC decides).

@another vet:

: I read your response after I posted mine. Looks like we came to the same conclusions.

Facts are facts.

@Greg: Trump makes up what he said—then puts out partial transcripts that say otherwise—he’s a flim flam man—a carni—don’t look here look over there

He’s got the orange face and hair—just needs to don the clown suit.

Much like Nixon he excels at lie and deny—-the tapes got Nixon–though he did manage to erase 15 minutes—-and of course blame Rose Mary

Trump’s political demise—it will happen—only question now is when.—and who will go with him

Bret Bair said Trump broke the law—not Wallace

@Deplorable Me:

Facts are facts.

Facts are not important to the left, only their opinions are and that’s regardless of the topic. BTW, since I won’t watch the Schitt show, did they ever say exactly what Yovanovich was a witness to or was she just up there to babble on about whatever she was supposed to babble about?

@Richard Wheeler:

only question now is when.

January 20 2024 he will resign

@kitt: 1/20/24 you say—That would be one year BEFORE the end of his second term—you think it’ll take that long to get him?

@Richard Wheeler:

Bret Bair said Trump broke the law—not Wallace

And Bret Baier (oh, look, Wheeler made a spelling error. So much for his job as the spelling police on FA) got his law degree where?

And when do you intend to answer the many questions asked of you on this thread or all they ALL deemed unworthy of your answers as you have stated before as an excuse for not answering questions posed to you?

@Richard Wheeler: Damn, correction, 1/20/25 he will resign. Just months before the Russian investigation wraps up, finding no collusion.

@another vet:

She was just up there to babble on about whatever she was supposed to babble about.

@retire05: The FBI just arrested a gangbanger in the next town over from me for sending money to ISIS (really an undercover agent). Since he obviously isn’t a Trump supporter, the feds will probably decline to prosecute.

@Deplorable Me:

So while the Democrats allow Yovanovitch to whine about how butt hurt she was because she got axed, the left here at FA forget this:

From the Washington Post:

Obama Gives Political Ambassadors Their Pink Slips

By Glenn Kessler
The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush’s ambassadorial appointees.

Most ambassadors, of course, are foreign service officers, but often the posts involving the most important bilateral relations (such as with Great Britain, Japan and India) or desirable locales (such as the Bahamas) are given to close friends and well-heeled contributors of the president.

By Web Politics Editor | December 3, 2008; 10:04 AM ET

@Deplorable Me:

Was Yovanovitch aware of Trump accepting any bribes? “No”

Since ‘bribery’ is the new impeachment gimmick (after collusion, obstruction, and quid pro quo failed) and that has been destroyed, I suppose they’ll now have to Schiftt to ‘witness intimidation’.

Yovanovitch contradicts her own testimony about Burisma and Biden

If she was a Trump loyalist, the Federal Bureau of Corruption would have been waiting with handcuffs and the Department of Corruption would have already drawn up perjury charges. But being a DS/dem/Obama loyalist does have its privileges you know.

@another vet: Has he ever talked to anyone that heard from someone that they had talked to someone who talked to someone who overheard someone talking about having heard from someone that Trump made or took a bribe? If so, the Democrats could certainly use him. They’re getting MORE desperate.

Since ‘bribery’ is the new impeachment gimmick (after collusion, obstruction, and quid pro quo failed) and that has been destroyed, I suppose they’ll now have to Schiftt to ‘witness intimidation’.

Well, “bribery” is what Pelosi found sounds worse to the public in focus groups. So, that is what is now driving impeachment… what sounds bad.

I guess that’s what you do without evidence.

I guess that’s what you do without evidence.

What the witnesses are testifying to under oath IS evidence. Sworn testimony IS evidence.

@kitt: Confusing ====why would he be resigning-on 1/25/ 2025—-or anytime for that matter—just askin.

This is a blog where people state their opinions and in many cases ask and answer their own questions—–as Dep said—don’t ask any questions you don’t know the answer to.

I find it amusing most of the time—-some here take themselves much too seriously. Nobody’s mind is gonna be changed.

I miss the humor and good common sense that was once displayed here by people like Skooks and Word.

@Greg: Evidence of something they heard. I have no doubt they actually heard what they said they heard; however, testifying under oath that you heard a rumor don’t confirm a fact.

No facts. No evidence. No crime. No bribe.

Ambassador Sondland coming up—Trump appointee who spoke directly with Prez—–NO HERESAY—–He will testify under oath and seeing the Stone conviction will not lie for Trump—-though Trump will most certainly say Sondland misunderstood him–er is lieing–

See you Monday enjoy the weekend

@Deplorable Me, #266:

David Holmes made a sworn statement today about a telephone conversation between Sondland and Trump that he heard both side of firsthand, confirming the early testimony of Ambassador William Taylor.

State Department official: Sondland told Trump that Ukrainian President ‘loves your ass’ and would do ‘anything you ask him to’

Marie Yovanovitch’s testimony concerning the circumstances leading up to her removal is a firsthand account. Her testimony on the adverse affect shadow diplomacy has had on the U.S. relationship with Ukraine and Ukrainian national security is a firsthand account. We have all witnessed Trump’s Twitter responses regarding her testimony while it was still in progress today ourselves. This has gone well beyond a recounting of rumor.

@Greg: Hers is a first hand account of her firing. That has nothing to do with impeachment.

Zelensky likes Trump; no bribe, no extortion, no quid pro quo, just doing the right thing.

Big bag of nothing.


What the witnesses are testifying to under oath IS evidence. Sworn testimony IS evidence.

Not if it is hearsay, this is a hearing of rumors, and opinion.
Being starved of facts for years, you really think opinion is truth and fact you really cant tell the difference.
Today we heard of thousands of document requested by the Democrats, I think they requested the same documents already requested by Sen. Johnson for his senate investigation.
We know there are corruption investigations in Ukraine and not specifically into Burisma one name does keep popping up…Burisima.
More lies from the democrats but hey they are immune The media then said Letsenko had recanted his statement about a do not prosecute list. Letsenko did another interview and was again asked about Yovanovitch. Letsenko said Yovanovitch did not give him a written list, but instead she told him verbally who he should not prosecute.
That is not a recant that he didnt get a do not prosecute list, just that it was not in writing.

Though republicans are still trying to work it, I think the “it’s all just unsubstantiated rumor” angle has pretty much collapsed. It’s clear enough what the Trump administration was up to. Too many people directly involved in the situation knew, even if they weren’t directly told.

It’s also clear that Team Trump is asserting that no testifying witnesses have firsthand knowledge, while simultaneously trying to block as many people having firsthand knowledge from showing up to testify.

Why doesn’t Rudy come in to testify and reveal how perfectly innocent everything he was doing in Ukraine actually was?

Simple answer: He knows he would either have to tell the truth and blow the administration up, or risk going to prison for perjuring himself.

Rudy is betting everything on a successful stonewalling effort, or on last-act presidential pardons if that effort fails. He may wind up like Paul Manafort.


Not if it is hearsay, this is a hearing of rumors, and opinion.
Being starved of facts for years, you really think opinion is truth and fact you really cant tell the difference.

Well, what they are saying is they swear this is what they heard, second-, third- or fouth- hand. Perhaps they are being factual about what they HEARD, but what they heard unless backed up by documentation or FIRST HAND knowledge it is worthless. But, it’s all the Democrats have, so they pretend to believe it is rock-solid.

Letsenko said Yovanovitch did not give him a written list, but instead she told him verbally who he should not prosecute.

And, as we know, Democrats consider that as as solid and unshakable as evidence gets.


Though republicans are still trying to work it, I think the “it’s all just unsubstantiated rumor” angle has pretty much collapsed.

What you and your fellow Democrats think is immaterial. What has been substantiated is that this a baseless persecution. You’ve had nothing with collusion, nothing with obstruction, nothing with quid pro quo, nothing with extortion and nothing with bribery. The fact Democrats have to focus group what they want to call the charges to make them sound the worst says it all: it’s a big, bungled circus.

If you had ever had ANYTHING, Schitt wouldn’t have had to meet secretly with the “whistle blower” to coordinate their stories (which collapsed) and arrange for his perv-lawyers, and then LIE at the hearings about what was actually in the transcript. Maybe you are too much of a liberal zealot to see it, but WE see it… clearly.

All because you don’t have any credible candidates. Pathetic.

What you and your fellow Democrats think is immaterial.

What I also think, for the first time, is that there’s not just the possibility of an impeachment resolution passing in the House, but an actual possibility of a conviction in the Senate. Enough republicans just might appraise the entire situation and decide that the time for their party’s redemption is at hand.

What Trump and his crew were up to is clear.

@another vet: Rich and little greggie just can not understand what is illegal and what is granted to the president under the constitution. Blogs like this is supposed to be mind expanding, but it only works on those who have one. I think that explains the comments we see from them here.

Rich told a few days ago the he worked for a stock broker and that investing in stocks is a crap shoot. Well, that is only true if you have not mental capability, so in his case, I guess that is right. Me, I have increased my retirement account almost 3 times in the past 3 years by watching what our president does.

@Greg: You are delusional. PATHETICALLY delusional. You have no more evidence of an impeachable offense than you did in November of 2016 when your Democrat crybabies first started clamoring for impeachment. Think about that; you’ve been targeting impeachment before Trump ever took office. You think anyone with any mentality whatsoever takes you seriously?

They don’t. Democrats are a joke and all they have evidence of is that they are not mature enough to have any political power in this country.

@Randy:” Blogs like this IS supposed to be mind expanding.” lol That was true when you had intelligent open minded people—folks like Word. Mata, Aye Chi, Skooks and Aqua.
One could learn from their knowledgeable input. For instance I enjoyed AV’s discussions of The Civil War

What’s left is a bunch of close minded Trumpeteers blinded by bullshit and as delusional as he is.

A monkey throwing darts at the Wall Street Journal has tripled his money during Obama/Trump bull market fueled by historically low interest rates—-Lets see how you do when the bear comes growling

Deplorable—If you are unhappy now imagine how you’re gonna feel when Trump goes down in 2020 and Dems take back The Senate over next two cycles—-Trifecta by 2022.

Re hearing— Sondland shacked up with his lawyers for the weekend

You think anyone with any mentality whatsoever takes you seriously?

I doesn’t matter if anyone takes me seriously or not. I’m nobody.

Gordon Sondland will be testifying again, and he’s got a big problem. He somehow “forgot” about the telephone call between himself and Trump that David Holmes just testified about, and there were two other unnamed witnesses present at the time. Giuliani is in jeopardy. He’s apparently the subject of three federal investigations, and his buddy Lev Parnas has apparently decided to cooperate. And nobody yet knows what John Bolton knows, other than his attorney, who suggested that might be plenty.

Senate republicans up for reelection in 2020 may be faced with a choice between trying to save Trump, or saving themselves and their party.


Gordon Sondland will be testifying again, and he’s got a big problem. He somehow “forgot” about the telephone call between himself and Trump that David Holmes just testified about, and there were two other unnamed witnesses present at the time.

You mean the call that Trump says never happened? You MIGHT want to consider the possibility that the call never happened. Like everything else the Democrats’ “witnesses” (they have witnessed NOTHING but their own confusion), you are now pinning all your hopes on something that likely never happened.

Sondland was one of the star “witnesses” last week. Now he’s a liar? You should take a step back and look at yourself.

Your beloved Democrats keep digging their hole deeper and deeper. They can keep telling themselves all this vapor they put such stock in is a “bombshell”, but it’s only making them look like the bitter, sore loser crybabies with no regard for truth, justice or the Constitution they are.

@Richard Wheeler: See Rich, the secret is to know when the bear is coming. You let the bear get you!

@Greg: Ridiculous, baseless, innuendo more unhinged conspiracy theories you chase like a dog chases cars. How many more Clinton 2016 bumper stickers are you going to bash your snout into.
Huge lies being told by the majority Schiff doesnt know the identity of the Whistle blower, Letsenko had recanted, Abassador optional Geneva Convention says Obama administration never raised the issue of Hunter Biden and Ukrainian gas company Burisma.
Ignore all of it, cause the minority isnt and its being televised live the media cant hide it.
Schiffs treatment of the female member of the minority Rep. Elise Stefanik is going over like a lead balloon.


I’m nobody.

Congratulations, Comrade Greggie Goebbels. For the first time since you showed up here at FA, you’re right.

@Randy: I’ll see the bear coming before you will Randy and I’ve done at least as well as you have over the last 30 years—-helped me buy the million two home I Iive in….
That doesn’t mean it’s not legalized gambling.

BTW if you wanna place a small wager on where the S&P 500 will close on 11/15/2020 I’m in.

@retire05@, #281:

Some of us don’t require anyone else’s validation. This is why your personal insults are irrelevant to me. The only real question is why dishing them out seems so necessary to you, and to so many other Trump followers.

@Deplorable Me, #278:

You mean the call that Trump says never happened? You MIGHT want to consider the possibility that the call never happened.

Trump might want to consider that the call was made using a non-secure cell phone from a restaurant in Kiev. Lord only knows who all was listening in.


Did you notice when Schitt-for-brains introduced Yovanovitch you would have thought she was the female reincarnation of General George Patton? Remind me again how Gen. Patton cried when things didn’t go his way. Then when Schitt-for-brains read a portion of Trump’s tweet, he ask Yovanovitch how that made her feel and she said it was “intimidating.”

So an Ambassador who is a tough cookie like General Patton was “intimidated” by a tweet? If that is the case, she needed to be removed. Never mind that her time in Ukraine was going to be up in June and she was released just a few months early. She had requested another year to say in Ukraine until June 2020.

Notice how none of those on the left are talking about the disrespect Schitt-for-brains showed a female Congresswoman today. Guess he doesn’t like being shown up by a Republican woman. And I lost count of how many times Schitt-for-brains violated Congressional rules today.


Some of us don’t require anyone else’s validation. This is why your personal insults are irrelevant to me.

That is obviously a lie as you seem to always respond to them.
You’re an idiot, Comrade Greggie.

It’s not possible to respond to a post from you without responding to something containing a personal insult. You never fail to include one or more.

@retire05: She’s been caught lying at least twice. Maybe that’s why she’s crying.

Obviously, she doesn’t have the disposition to be an Ambassador.


Trump might want to consider that the call was made using a non-secure cell phone from a restaurant in Kiev. Lord only knows who all was listening in.

If the call happened at all, the lack of security sort of speaks to the professionalism of those making the call, doesn’t it?

I think it might speak to the lack thereof. On Sondland’s part, at least. These people are amateurs. Russian intelligence was probably shadowing him electronically, if not physically.


Any willful idiot like you deserves to be ridiculed.


You mean the call that Trump says never happened?

He didnt say it didnt happen, quote “I know nothing about that, first time I’ve heard”. The reporter couldnt formulate a question about the meeting the presser was about? Instant recall of every call is expected.
@retire05: Schiff is coming off as quite the weasel zipper live on TV.

@kitt: You realize you are referencing Deps #278.
No one, including Trump, should deny the call from Sondland was made.

DT’S appointed Ambassador will be under some heavy questioning next week–only question is will he lie like Stone, tell the truth, or take the 5TH and look for immunity.

Shiff is one ugly son of a gun..

@Richard Wheeler: It was MSM that made the claim based on his answer. Stone, process crimes. The FBI and Weissman wont have the Ambassador in a room grilling him for 8 or 10 hours waiting for a slight memory lapse. He went to trial cause they couldnt financially break him.
Yup found one for schiff.

Nunes’s closing remarks…crickets. Followed by Shiff’s comments to Marie Yovanovitch, republican bleating, and spontaneous applause.

The writing is on the wall, folks, and I’m not referring to the republicans’ ridiculous signs. The Ukraine story is being told by highly credible people in a way that the average person can easily understand. Truth is sounding like truth, and the lies are beginning to sound like lies. Schiff knows exactly what he’s doing.

@Greg: Your entire case is built upon hearsay, rumors, gossip, lies and hurt feelings. NOT ONE SHRED of actual evidence of an actual impeachable offense. This is why the Democrats have kept pivoting from collusion to obstruction to emoluments to quid pro quo to extortion to bribery. They are simply throwing crap against the wall to see which draws the most flies. THAT is the writing on the wall: desperation.

Yovanovich has been caught lying. Democrats rely on lies when they can’t get high quality hearsay and gossip. It’s a joke, but the American people aren’t laughing.

@Greg: Greggie is a good example why civics should be taught in schools today. Their thought are all about feelings instead of the law. Who wants an ambassador who has her feelings hurt easily? We need an ambassador who can implement the vision of our elected president.


Greggie is a good example why civics should be taught in schools today.

Along with a historical lesson in how may people have been enslaved and have perished at the hands of people with totalitarian mind sets such as his.

@retire05: Republican women—not many left—only one on intelligence committee and a shrinking breed–heading towards extinction?– in The House. and Senate.

I think your defense of women—specifically female Intel questioner—seems a bit hypocritical when taken in conjunction with your tirade against Ms Yovanovitch.

AV AND Randy—Would you gentleman mind giving a short civics primer on why Greg has “a totalitarian mindset.”

@Richard Wheeler: Actually, Democrats pretending to care about women as they USE one as a prop to further their fake impeachment agenda is what is hypocritical. Of course, it was the same tactic they used in their failed Kavanaugh attacks, but Democrats are having a difficult time coming up with new and inventive ways to prove how low-living and scummy they can be.

@Deplorable Me: Actually, the shrinking number of Republican women in Congress belies your crude as always supposition.
The female vote over the next two election cycles will give the Dems a trifecta.