Did FOX News Intentionally Omit Khizr Khan’s Speech?


I came home last night to see my Newsfeed filled with the story of Khizr Khan’s moving speech; which was also hard-hitting against the Don:

Donald Trump was speaking at an event in Iowa, complaining that America was not allowed to waterboard terrorists, when Khizr Khan and his wife walked up to the microphone at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

Khan’s son, Humayun, was a captain in the U.S. Army. When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he instructed his men to seek cover as he ran toward it. The car exploded, killing Khan instantly. He was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously.

In 2005, The Washington Post interviewed Khizr Khan. “They did not call him Captain Khan,” he said of the men his son led. “They called him ‘our captain.’ ”

“We are honored to stand here as the parents of Captain Humayun Khan,” the elder Khan said at the Democratic convention, “and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.” He spoke of his son’s dreams of becoming a military lawyer and how Hillary Clinton had referred to his son as “the best of America.”

Then he focused his attention on Trump.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America,” Khan said. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.


“Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?” Khan asked. “Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

“You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

Apparently, if you were watching FOX News coverage of the DNC, you might have missed this:

The crowd inside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center gave Khan a standing ovation and his speech was instantly lauded by those watching at home. His name skyrocketed to Twitter’s trending list almost immediately. But, Fox News viewers noticed that the network cut away from the speech switching back to commentary.

Networks cut in and out of the (numerous) speeches that come before the heavy hitters all the time. MSNBC, startlingly, went to commercial instead of airing the speech of young actress Chloe Moretz. But for many, the irony of the conservative network skipping out on a moving—and difficult to spin—speech from the father of a war hero was not lost. Andrew Sullivan, writing for New York Magazine, summed it up like this: “Just an FYI: Fox News cut away from the father of the fallen Muslim soldier. Of course they did.”

Was it an intentional omission by FOX, knowing how impactful Khan’s speech might be? Or just a case of bad judgment and not knowing that this segment might have been the speech of the night? Networks, after all, make judgments like this all the time; and it may or may not have to do with political bias.


As far as Khan’s speech, it was good. It was effective. And I wish he had delivered it on behalf of Republicans at the RNC. After all, a number of anti-Americans on the left and OIF-critics perceive Humayun Khan’s sacrifice as anything but noble, having served in an “illegal” war against “people who did not attack us” instead of being a “conscientious objector” (paraphrasing/summing up some lefty comments I’ve been reading).

The DNC ratings beat out RNC ratings. Who does the former reality television star blame for this? Himself? Nope. It’s the GOP’s fault, of course.

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I’m not sure what your point is.

No one on either side of the aisle has ever said (or even suggested) that every single muslim worldwide is a terrorist. What we’ve said is this:
1) of the tens of thousands of terror attacks, large and small, since 9/11/01 there is an astounding commonality of motive. Hint: that motive ain’t “free market or die” or “Methodists Rule!”
2) Given the unassailable fact that is #1 maybe, just maybe, the more vocal adherents of Islam and Shariah bear a little closer scrutiny than your average sixty year old nun.
3) Islam, as virtually the entire Islamic world now understands it, is incompatible with the US Constitution and the society it governs.
3) Pointing out 1, 2 & 3 is not racist or “islamophobic”. These are simple statements of fact.

Nothing in this speech changes any of that. I doubt this speech would change a single mind, one way or the other, not least because its central charge against Trump is a lie.

Ok, his son died in combat.. When you become part of the US military you are trained, paid and a given a position utilizing your skills . The Garden of Stone is very impressive and the services are moving. Keith Nightingale posted a very moving review in Small l Wars Journal: A Homage to Half the Nation’s Source of Grunts. maybe Khizr Khan should have read it. A Marine expression “believe in, and sacrifice for, a cause than self.” I morn the loss of my daughter who died in service to this country. Her flag is on my desk, and it reminds me every day that she died protecting this Country and not a sorry ass excuse to bash Trump. “Combat is not like Hollywood. In combat, the cavalry does not always come to the rescue.”

Brilliant header image!

@James Felix, #1:

I’m not sure what your point is.

Perhaps the point is that FOX News coverage is biased, which I think should come as no news at all. They don’t just take a side in opinion segments; they attempt to control access to information. They present the news in a way that purposefully manipulates audience perceptions to support the opinions that they endorse. Much of their convention coverage was framed in a way that allowed them to spin in on the roll.

That’s my own takeaway, of course. The author only raised the question.

The DNC ratings beat out RNC ratings. Who does the former reality television star blame for this? Himself? Nope. It’s the GOP’s fault, of course.

I thought it was interesting that Trump characterized the two conventions as competing “shows.”

Faux indignation over a fake point..
while i am sure their feelings of indignation are real, they are inspired by the false point that Don is a racist and doesnt like muslims, when all he said was to stop the flow till we can figure out who is ok…

and muslim is not a race
neither is mexican

one is a religion that anyone can join, ask cat stevens
the other is a nation, anyone can move to.. and many have

the Dems have nothing on donald and so have to manufactur it
they have not found he underpays women like hillary
they have found he fought for jews and blacks not to be discriminated against in palm springs
his ex wives like him and work with him, and like his new wife
employees speak highly of him
they went back to his high school and no one said bad things

and on and on

heck, even donalds kids spoke highly of him, unlike teddy roosvelts kids who said he has such a big ego he wants to be the bride at ever wedding and the corpse at every funeral

this is one major reason they are going nuts, the ONE thing that makes them afraid is a decent person with no skeletons beyond normal life and action…

the reason for this is you cant blackmail him to act on your behalf
and without being able to attack him, you have to actually debate the points
which if they really really do, they lose as the points without the bs cover for public consumption, is things people dont want if they actually can think

whether you like him or not usually goes to personal taste which is awhole other thing
heck, if that was the biggest determinant, lincoln the ugly would not have been presdient
if you think he is unpresidential, how about lbj waving his literal dick around?
or adams calling jefferson the child of a indian sqaw and a mullato?
or jefferson calling adams a hermaphordite not qute male or female
or how the paraphle clinton shoved a cigar in the vagina of a intern
or kennedy dealing with fran gincarly, married to a beautifl woman the nation loves, and cheating on her with marylin monroe, and having a mistress Judith Exner
or the president with a illigitimate child while in office
or the few who were alcoholics?

our lack of historical knowlege makes the tiem we live in seem unique and extreme when its actually not all that different and not at all extreme compared to the past

take the kkk, and the knights of the white camelia murdring hundreds to thousands of blacks in the south so that they cant vote republican. you can read the testimony of eliza pinkerston who had her breasts cut off, her baby drowned and huspands throat slit where she was the only one to survive. oh, how the dems showed their face then

and who can forget the dems of the south putting the dogs on blacks, like bull connors

learn history… 🙂

so when is the hollywood demorat cavalry arriving to save this country?

Hopefully sometime before Ahab is given his captaincy, and spies Moby-Dick out on the distant horizon.

There are over 109 verses in the koran that dictate to its followers to maim, kill and yes chop off the head of non- believers. They say those that do not abide by the koran are hypocrites and are not really muslim. There are no moderate muslims. You are a koran abiding muslim or you are not a muslim.

He was murdered by a bunch of cowards who hide their faces behind hoods and masks and of a president pushing for a new world order and the United Nations war mongers

@Artfldgr: Sometimes a point become more clear, if we reverse the premise: Let’s increase the immigrant flow and completely ignore who is coming in; we can deal with the disasters that occur as they happen.

The Republicans have not run a more troublesome candidate since they ran George Wallace.

I honor and respect every soldier and especially respect those who have fallen in combat. I do not differentiate by religion, though a Muslim not only requires a special amount of courage but are also especially useful to our military.

I also hold loved ones of those who serve, are wounded and pay the ultimate price in special adoration.

That being said, is Mr. Khan some kind of idiot? First, Trump does not propose, nor never has, to address any Muslims but those who pose a threat to innocent people. So, the entire point of his.address, like those relatives of fallen thugs the Democrats enjoy idolizing so prominently, is based on, at worst, a lie, at best, a misconception based on liberal media dishonesty. Next, the very people Trump wants to keep out of the country are the same as those who killed his son.

I also wonder if Mr. Khan is aware that the people he was speaking to considered his son a murdering war criminal?

@Mos #8541: I don’t have proper words to express my personal appreciation for the tremendous sacrifice you, your family and especially your daughter have made for me and our country.

@Skookum: we can deal with the disasters that occur as they happen.

Terror attacks are good for the anti-gun agenda.

The Republicans have not run a more troublesome candidate since they ran George Wallace.

Say, what?

your are truly a democrat piece of shit. your illiteracy is astounding and your racial profile is magnanimous.

I have no idea why each of the networks left whichever speech they left.
I saw the writing on the wall early on day one of the RNC and found that C-SPAN was covering it ALL, gavel-to-gavel.
That’s where I watched until the power outage right as Hillary stepped up to speak.
We had a small forest fire that took out power to us and 4,600 other households until the early AM several hours later.

But I recall Captain Khan from back when he was killed in 2004.
It made news then.

Now, when, exactly, would Donald Trump have had to have been president in order to have wanted to ”prevent” Captain Khan from coming here?

He was born in 1980 in UAE.
In 1998 his family came here so he could attend HARVARD.
The Islamic terror attacks on the Pentagon, the Twin Towers and (potentially) the White House or Congress had not happened YET.
So, why on earth would Donald Trump have held the position he does TODAY back then?

This is the fallacy of logic that uses anachronism.

It is like going back to when Bill Clinton was groping women in Arkansas and claiming they suffered from being ”triggered,” not from being groped.

Even today, the UAE might not be one of the nations on Trump’s list of terrorist supporting nations where the would-be immigrants might be extra-vetted.
But, even if it were the paperwork from UAE makes strict vetting possible. A young brilliant man whose parents and he wanted to get him into Harvard would be an exception even under Donald Trump’s most vigorous immigration standards.

@Bill: Sometimes a point becomes more clear if we reverse the premise. You may have been the only one who noticed. Mind games can be mental gymnastics. I was expecting righteous indignation and condemnation, oh well.

@MOS #8541, #13:

Your candidate, on Khizr Khan, whose son, Capt. Humayun Khan, died in Iraq in 2004:

“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

And on Khizr Khan’s wife, Captain Khan’s mother:

“His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me, but plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet and it looked like she had nothing to say.”

The man is a bloviating gasbag, with all the emotional sensitivity of a garden slug. And what is it supposed to mean that my racial profile is magnanimous?


Perhaps the point is that FOX News coverage is biased, which I think should come as no news at all. They don’t just take a side in opinion segments; they attempt to control access to information. They present the news in a way that purposefully manipulates audience perceptions to support the opinions that they endorse. Much of their convention coverage was framed in a way that allowed them to spin in on the roll.

You brilliantly just described 80% of the media, but biased to the left. Agreed, FOX is biased to the right…but FOX was created by the liberal biased media. Only a matter of time.

In summary, liberal news media bias has unduly influenced the public much, much more than FOX and they’re conservative bias.

This only bothers you because of your own bias…not understanding the wool pulled over your eyes until you saw it done to others.

From WaPo to NYT to Rolling Stone to Comedy Central to CNN to most media outlets, “They don’t just take a side in opinion segments; they attempt to control access to information. They present the news in a way that purposefully manipulates audience perceptions to support the opinions that they endorse.”

This is how Obama was allowed to happen…complicit propaganda programming by a biased demographic working in media/entertainment.

The amount of media bias, proportionately, on the right has much less affect than that of the left. Like most Leftists, you’re behind…just now pissed about things like FOX and the Koch Brothers….even though they were simply arms race responses to Soros and CNN…

@Nanny G: Incredibly said, Nanny…better than I could have mustered.

The pathetic goal of branding Trump a label that the libs think will make him step down just doesn’t work, as it’s the reason most of us don’t like liberalism. Engineering a social behavior protocol with the intent of keeping those you want in power is simple tyranny.

@Greg: Khan appears to be the new Cindy Sheehan.

Khan appears to be the rightfully distraught and angry father of an American hero, whose religion and ethnicity have been repeatedly publicly defamed by a pompous jackass who has never personally sacrificed a thing for his country in his entire life.

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier’s Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

“I cannot see my son’s picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are,” she said. “That’s why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn’t take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard.”

Her husband added that she served as his “coach” while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

“Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another,” Khan said. “Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters.”

If ever there was a criticism Trump should have responded to in a more sympathetic fashion, surely this was it.


_______ appears to be the rightfully distraught and angry father of an American hero, whose religion and ethnicity have been repeatedly publicly defamed by a pompous jackass who has never personally sacrificed a thing for his country in his entire life.

I’ll tell you what Greg. Replace Khan’s name with that of all those Christian, Jewish and white servicemen who have suffered and died in the service of our country, whom leftist democrats have defamed and spit upon since the Vietnam war. Warriors from whose graves you crybaby Democrats have forced symbols of their faith and even the flag they fought under removed because of your party’s intolerable political correctness butt-hurt.

@Ditto: I’ll tell you what Greg. Replace Khan’s name with that of all those Christian, Jewish and white servicemen who have suffered and died in the service of our country, whom leftist democrats have defamed and spit upon since the Vietnam war.

You reminded me of a now-dead link to the far-left-leaning Portland Independent Media Center from 2004.
It’s headline read:
Dumb Jock Killed in Afghanistan
It was an article about Pat Tillman.
How unequal, how ”racist,” how hate-filled, how disgusting.

There is nothing wrong with mourning the death of a relative for years, even decades.
There are many people who are mourning the deaths of relatives killed by illegal aliens who are here committing crimes and/or driving drunk. they deserve the same deference as the Khan family.

@Skookum: George Wallace ran as a Republican??? On what planet? He was a democRat who ran as an independent in the American Independent Party. He also ran in the democRat primaries 4 years later. Comparing Trump to Wallace displays willful ignorance.


whose religion and ethnicity have been repeatedly publicly defamed by a pompous jackass who has never personally sacrificed a thing for his country in his entire life.

Actually, members of Khan’s own religion are defaming it. It was THOSE people, MUSLIMS, that killed Captain Khan. The left would like for people not to realize that fact.

The ONLY Muslims Trump addresses are those who would support the Muslims that killed Khan’s son. The only way the soldier’s death can be made a political weapon against Trump is to deny and ignore the reality of the situation… something the left is most adroit at accomplishing.

Why should Trump be sympathetic to people inappropriately using their son’s death as a political prop? At the time Captain Khan was killed, Trump opposed the war…. remember?


How is this less appropriate than the RNC using Patricia Smith?

Because Smith is directly addressing her loss as a result of actions (or inaction) of Hillary. Hillary CAUSED the death of Patricia Smith’s son… then lied about it. Trump did nothing to Khan and has only proposed using some common sense regarding allowing more of the people that killed Captain Khan into our country to kill innocent civilians.

Patricia has a very distinct grievance against Hillary and makes the case that anyone that did what she did to her son should never have that opportunity to do it to anyone else’s son or daughter. Khan is attacking Trump…. why? Because his son was killed 12 years ago due to the inaction of Hillary’s husband?

If Khan is attacking Trump because Trump’s policy is to ban all Muslims from entering the US, then he is a fool and is being used as a fool by the Democrats; as anyone with minimum levels of intelligence knows, this is NOT Trump’s policy . Ms. Smith can make a direct connection between her son’s death and Hillary’s ability to handle the job she seeks.

THAT’S how.

Though we have no Lincoln’s to choose from, the selection is nonetheless clear. It is between a bombastic, egotistical businessman that has worked in the real world, risked his own assets, created jobs and businesses or an egotistical, narcissistic corrupt liar that has proven herself outright to be incapable of doing the job she seeks. While it is not a particularly tasteful choice, it is a clear and easy choice.

Is Khizr Khan Muslim? Is the attack on Trump planned?

Just forget if you Khan. Let him have it right in the khizr!

Mark Cuban just endorsed Hillary Clinton. Here’s his endorsement:

I know Hillary is sick. She’s also an incessant liar!


@Ditto, #22:

Replace Khan’s name with that of all those Christian, Jewish and white servicemen who have suffered and died in the service of our country, whom leftist democrats have defamed and spit upon since the Vietnam war. Warriors from whose graves you crybaby Democrats have forced symbols of their faith and even the flag they fought under removed because of your party’s intolerable political correctness butt-hurt.

Why should Khan’s name be replaced by that of anyone else? He is no different than any Christian or Jew or white person who gave their lives. He’s an American who gave his life for his country, and his parents are the parents of an American who did so. The entire point is that he has been discredited by a religious and ethnic generalization, that his parents feel the sting of that, and that such generalizations are fundamentally un-American.

Why did the Khan’s appear on the DNC stage to say what they did? Because Donald Trump is promoting a fundamentally un-American value, every time he makes broad, highly negative generalizations about Muslims, Mexicans, or anyone else. The fact that he always later claims that his statements have been misrepresented, and were intended to be far more specific, doesn’t alter the fact that he made them, and continues to do so. It’s obvious he’s pandering to one audience, and then making lame excuses to another.

There’s absolutely no question in my mind that the campaign to have the words Islamic or Muslim spoken every time an Islamic terrorist is mentioned is an appeal to bigotry. It does not have to be clarified what religion Islamic terrorists claim to subscribe to every damn time they are mentioned. It serves no useful purpose—except, of course, for those who exploit bigotry. It offends good people, and it widens a cultural divide in a way that makes it harder to focus on a subgroup that is the true mortal enemy both of the religion they claim and of Western values.

Negative generalizations are best avoided. I’m saying that as a Vietnam veteran who also happens to be a democrat.


Yes, Wordsmith, we all get it that you don’t like Trump. What I find notable in your comments during this election, is that you have had very little to say about Hillary. Why is that? Why do you give her a pass and save all your vitriol for Trump?


The entire point is that he has been discredited by a religious and ethnic generalization, that his parents feel the sting of that, and that such generalizations are fundamentally un-American.

Bullcrap. You, like the rest of the Democrats just want to keep spreading this unsubstantiated lie, painting Trump as a bigot. Meanwhile the hypocrites of your own party have been demonizing our military members, Christians and Jews for decades, only giving them lip service support when it’s election time. Your party’s intolerance has now spread to include our nation’s law enforcement which deserves much more credit than your intolerant hatred gives them. Trump has suggested little more against Islam, that your own Jimmy Carter did when he banned Islamists from the radical fanatical state of Iran. What we are demanding is only that proper vetting of of Muslims be done, just as should be done for ALL would-be immigrants. The reason why there is an emphasis for Islamism to receive special scrutiny is because the overwhelmingly vast majority of terrorism has been done by radical fanatics of that religion using their religion to justify it.

@Ditto. #33:

Bullcrap. You, like the rest of the Democrats just want to keep spreading this unsubstantiated lie, painting Trump as a bigot.

To be clear, I’m not saying he’s a bigot. What I’m saying is that he’s consciously and repeatedly pandering to bigots, and encouraging their bigotry as part of his populace sales pitch. He’s politically exploiting bigotry just as he exploits fear, anger, ignorance, and any other negative factor that might be useful.

Throw in a load of personal boasts and a double-load of empty promises devoid of any clear explanation as to how they’ll be achieved, and you’ve just described his entire campaign methodology.

Meanwhile the hypocrites of your own party have been demonizing our military members, Christians and Jews for decades, only giving them lip service support when it’s election time.

That’s another load of manure the right is spreading. Mostly on their own lawns, because other people know better from their own observations. You need only look at the composition of the Democratic Party and its elected officials, at the composition of its constituencies, and at the policies and agendas they’re collectively promoting and endorsing.

@Wordsmith: My criticism of Trump isn’t because I’ve abandoned conservatism. It’s because I care about the future of my party and the conservative cause- even if you think I’m hurting that cause with my hostility toward him.

A few days ago I wrote about how all of the true conservatives among the 17 candidates for Republican nominee were like philosophers.
Look at their records.
Their records of actual accomplishments are scanty.
Rubio didn’t even like doing his job as US Senator so he wanted to skip it and become president without more of a resume than being the high school class president, the unpaid intern of some elected officials, the local, state then federal elections where he didn’t do anything other than pad his resume.
But he spouted all the right words for the Conservatives to buy into.

Sen. Ted Cruz is even better known for accomplishing nothing in the Senate.
Seems those fellow senators who know him won’t work with him.
So what if he speaks all the right words?
He gets nothing done.

All the other 16 Republican candidates went down with varying degrees of fight from NONE to a bit.
Gov Kasich was all fight as long as someone else was paying for it.
Same with Gov. Bush.

So, what’s it going to be?
Under these Republican philosophical dreamers the Dems managed to get all of their agendas passed.

Maybe it is time to put in a fighter.
Someone who knows how to get things done.

You look at the boondoogles in gov’t.
An ice rink that was $13 million and 10 years and STILL not built. Donald Trump asked to finish it.
He tore it all out (because it wasn’t level and the coolant hoses leaked) and built it in only 6 months for less than he thought it would cost and it is one of New York’s most treasured public spaces to this day.

The United Nations needed an extension.
Their own contractors wanted $1.5 Billion and five or more years with everyone out of the areas near their work. It was going to have vinyl flooring and painted walls.
The designer had no idea who would supply the hot water, the electricity, the heating.
Donald Trump was asked how much and how fast he could do it since he had built a 90 story building across the street for only $325 million.
He said much less, much faster and finer materials like marble and granite.
The UN decided to stick with their original contractor.
The cost over-runs are in the billions, and it isn’t done even yet.

Wordsmith, you are sticking to NRO’s Against Trump talking points even as one-by-one other conservatives are joining him.

And what about the Blue-Dog Democrats?
It used to be a huge voting chunk.
But Obama tossed these fiscal conservative/socially liberal voters under the bus.
Hillary would love to retrieve them but telling them ”We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”
So, she’s going to have a hell of an uphill battle with these non-voters.
Trumps, OTOH, attracts these presently non-voting people.

Orlando, FLA is another reason why.
Did you not see that Dems took sides between two of their grievance classes and picked Muslims over homosexuals?
A whole lot of homosexuals did.
Donald Trump made sure a homosexual spoke at the RNC convention.
But even he could not have predicted the overwhelming standing ovation response from the attendees.

Where do you stand when it comes to social issues?
Perhaps homosexuals will be cursed by God at their deaths.
But as long as they breathe there is hope they might repent.
So, hate the sin, love the sinner.
Or do you also hate the sinner?
Trump hates the sin, but loves the sinner.


To be clear, I’m not saying he’s a bigot. What I’m saying is that he’s consciously and repeatedly pandering to bigots, and encouraging their bigotry as part of his populace sales pitch.

So, only bigots agree with the assessments of the FBI and Homeland Security that we don’t have the capacity to properly vet refugees coming from ISIS occupied territories? Actually, only a blind moron would deny the existence of the threat and do nothing to address it.

Throw in a load of personal boasts and a double-load of empty promises devoid of any clear explanation as to how they’ll be achieved, and you’ve just described his entire campaign methodology.

Good Lord. You just described Obama’s campaign. Hillary pledges to continue the legacy of empty promises coated with slogans.


But I seriously think he could do long-term damage to conservatism and may be more dangerous to the country itself than Hillary and a third Obama/Democrat term.

Nonsense. Regardless of what the trolls you so admire on this site claim, most Republicans are not voting for Trump because we have been deluded into thinking he is a conservative. We are doing so because he has been supporting a good many conservative (and moderate) positions that the establishment RINOs have completely ignored in their hard push of this nation towards globalism. There is no question that another “Obama” term under Hillary will hurt this nation. If you can’t see that, well I have to seriously question your RW vaunted grounding in reason and reality. I suggest you take a step back, take a breath, and start to take a look at the many proposals and solutions he and his team have been putting forward.

.but then he again puts foot in mouth with bigoted passive-aggressive comments …why she didn’t speak, perpetuating a religious stereotype of veiled subservience).

As Nanny G points out, you are reading this exactly as the Democrats and MSM want you to. Ask yourself this:

Why is it that the Democrats and MSM continually attack Republicans, Conservatives & Christians for bigotry & misogyny, while ignoring it within their own ranks? And why do they give Islam a pass in completely ignoring the rampant misogyny deeply embedded in it’s society, even amongst moderate Muslims?

It is not bigotry to notice what might be misogyny. Trump asked why Khan’s mother did not also speak, and wondered if it could be because misogyny. Is that bigoted? No, it is showing that Trump is indeed aware that male dominance is often inherent within the Muslim family unit. Most Democrats would ask the same of Christian males step-up to the microphone with their wife, when she doesn’t speak. Is it bigoted for them to question the possibility of misogyny in such an instance? o, of course not.

Trump is the worst possible candidate for the GOP and has divided, put-off, and alienated much of the base.

Of course he isn’t. There are quite a few of the 17 candidates who ran who I am absolutely certain would be even worse candidates than Trump. Many whom I wouldn’t even consider voting for for President. I held my nose and voted for both Bushes, McCain & Romney. I thought each of those establishment RINOs were terrible choices and the worse possible candidates, but there was no way I could support the Democrats.

We agree, Trump is a bombastic, sometimes insufferable loud-mouth. That does not disqualify him from holding office any more than it disqualified Obama, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR, Obama, or any number of others who were elected. Hillary, Bernie Chris Christie, etc… have the same qualities. At least Trump is out there giving press releases and talking to real people. Meanwhile Hillary hides from answering questions and keeps the press away.

Of course corrupted press is going to take everything Trump says and pick out the worst of it, while ignoring the good. Instead of listening to the Democratic corrupted press sound-bites, turn off the damn TV and start seriously studying Team Trump’s proposals as they are released. Most of them are pretty darn conservative and fairly well thought out.


Meanwhile the hypocrites of your own party have been demonizing our military members, Christians and Jews for decades, only giving them lip service support when it’s election time.

That’s another load of manure the right is spreading.

No Greg, it isn’t. I’ve been watching how your party has been treated the military, Christians, Jews, Blacks, etc.. since I was born. Democrats have long bigoted history, and that continues to this day. You have simply added Conservatives and now Law-enforcement to the list of people you hate. That’s not surprising considering that “progressive” socialists have always hated anyone who doesn’t go along with their fascist agendas.

@Nanny G:

Let’s look at some of the people whom Wordsmith is branding as ” Trumpeteers” shall we?

List of Donald Trump presidential campaign endorsements, 2016

Former U.S. Vice Presidents

Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle,

Former Executive Branch officials

Gary Berntsen, Pat Buchanan, Jeffrey D. Gordon, Richard Grenell, Jeffrey Lord, Michael Mukasey, Ed Rollins, Donald Rumsfeld, Joseph E. Schmitz, Linda M. Springer,

U.S. Senators

John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Thad Cochran, Bob Corker, John Cornyn of Texas (Senate Majority Whip), Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Steve Daines of Montana, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Orrin Hatch of Utah (President pro tempore of the United States Senate), John Hoeven of North Dakota, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, James Lankford of Oklahoma, John McCain of Arizona, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (also Senate Majority Leader), Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rand Paul of Kentucky (Interesting that he is not supporting the Libertarian candidate), David Perdue of Georgia, Rob Portman of Ohio, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Marco Rubio of Florida, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, John Thune of South Dakota, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, David Vitter of Louisiana, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Jeffrey Chiesa of New Jersey, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Bob Dole of Kansas, Bob Kasten of Wisconsin, Trent Lott of Mississippi, Mack Mattingly of Georgia, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.

U.S. Representatives

Ralph Abraham of Louisiana, Robert Aderholt of Alabama, Mark Amodei of Nevada, Brian Babin of Texas, Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania, Joe Barton of Texas, Gus Bilirakis of Florida, Mike Bishop of Michigan, Rob Bishop of Utah, Diane Black of Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Charles Boustany of Louisiana, Dave Brat of Virginia, Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, Vern Buchanan of Florida, Larry Bucshon of Indiana, Michael Burgess of Texas, Bradley Byrne of Alabama, Ken Calvert of California, Buddy Carter of Georgia, John Carter of Texas, Steve Chabot of Ohio, Jason Chaffetz of Utah, Curt Clawson of Florida, Tom Cole of Oklahoma, Chris Collins of New York, Doug Collins of Georgia, Mike Conaway of Texas, Paul Cook of California, Ryan Costello of Pennsylvania, Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, Rick Crawford of Arkansas, John Culberson of Texas, Rodney L. Davis of Illinois, Jeff Denham of California, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, John Duncan of Tennessee, Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Tom Emmer of Minnesota, Blake Farenthold of Texas, Mike Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee, John Fleming of Louisiana, Randy Forbes of Virginia, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, Trent Franks of Arizona, Rodney Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, Scott Garrett of New Jersey, Bob Gibbs of Ohio, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, Sam Graves of Missouri, Morgan Griffith of Virginia, Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin, Frank Guinta of New Hampshire, Brett Guthrie of Kentucky, Gregg Harper of Mississippi, Andy Harris of Maryland, Joe Heck of Nevada, Jeb Hensarling of Texas, French Hill of Arkansas, George Holding of North Carolina, Duncan D. Hunter of California, Darrell Issa of California, Evan Jenkins of West Virginia, Lynn Jenkins of Kansas, Bill Johnson of Ohio, Sam Johnson of Texas, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, Peter T. King of New York, Steve King of Iowa, John Kline of Minnesota, Raul Labrador of Idaho, Darin LaHood of Illinois, Doug LaMalfa of California, Leonard Lance of New Jersey, Billy Long of Missouri, Frank Lucas of Oklahoma, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Tom MacArthur of New Jersey, Kenny Marchant of Texas, Tom Marino of Pennsylvania, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Kevin McCarthy of California, (House Majority Leader), Michael McCaul of Texas, Tom McClintock of California, Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Luke Messer of Indiana, John Mica of Florida, Candice Miller of Michigan, Jeff Miller of Florida, John Moolenaar of Michigan, Alex Mooney of West Virginia, Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, Randy Neugebauer of Texas, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Rich Nugent of Florida, Pete Olson of Texas, Steven Palazzo of Mississippi, Gary Palmer of Alabama, Erik Paulsen of Minnesota, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Robert Pittenger of North Carolina, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, Bill Posey of Florida, Tom Price of Georgia, John Ratcliffe of Texas, Tom Reed of New York, Jim Renacci of Ohio, Tom Rice of South Carolina, Martha Roby of Alabama, Phil Roe of Tennessee, Mike Rogers of Alabama, Dana Rohrabacher of California, Todd Rokita of Indiana, Tom Rooney of Florida, Dennis Ross of Florida, Keith Rothfus of Pennsylvania, David Rouzer of North Carolina, Ed Royce of California, Steve Russell of Oklahoma, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, (current Speaker of the U.S. House), Matt Salmon of Arizona, Austin Scott of Georgia, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, (House Majority Whip), David Schweikert of Arizona, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Pete Sessions of Texas, Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania, Adrian Smith of Nebraska, Lamar Smith of Texas, Elise Stefanik of New York, Chris Stewart of Utah,, Marlin Stutzman of Indiana, Dave Trott of Michigan, Michael Turner of Ohio, David Valadao of California, Tim Walberg of Michigan, Greg Walden of Oregon, Mark Walker of North Carolina, Jackie Walorski of Indiana,
Mimi Walters of California, Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, Bruce Westerman of Arkansas, Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia, Roger Williams of Texas, Rob Wittman of Virginia, Steve Womack of Arkansas, Kevin Yoder of Kansas, Ted Yoho of Florida, David Young of Iowa, Don Young of Alaska, Todd Young of Indiana, Lee Zeldin of New York, Ryan Zinke of Montana, Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, John Boehner of Ohio (Speaker of the House 2011–2015), Eric Cantor of Virginia, (former House Majority Leader), Newt Gingrich of Georgia (Speaker of the House (1995–1999)), Virgil Goode of Virginia, James Lightfoot of Iowa, Bob Livingston of Louisiana, Doug Ose of California, Joe Walsh of Illinois.

Retired U.S. Armed Forces members

Michael T. Flynn, retired U.S. Lieutenant General, director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (2012–2014), Bert Mizusawa, retired U.S. Army Major General, former Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Robert C. Oaks, retired U.S. Air Force General, commander of Air Training Command and United States Air Forces in Europe (1986–1990), Paul E. Vallely, retired U.S. Army Major General, 351st Civil Affairs Commander (1982–1986),

State governors

reg Abbott, Robert Bentley, Terry Branstad, Sam Brownback, Phil Bryant, Chris Christie, Jack Dalrymple, Nathan Deal, Mary Fallin, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, Paul LePage, Pat McCrory, Butch Otter, Mike Pence, Pete Ricketts, Brian Sandoval, Rick Scott, Scott Walker. Jan Brewer, Donald DiFrancesco, Robert Ehrlich, Jim Gilmore, Dave Heineman, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Frank Keating, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Perry, Don Sundquist.

Territorial governors

Eddie Calvo – Guam, Ralph Torres – Northern Mariana Islands

State officials

Pam Bondi (Attorney General of Florida), Brian Calley (Lieutenant Governor of Michigan), Jeff DeWit (Treasurer of Arizona), Kris Kobach (Secretary of State of Kansas), Henry McMaster (Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina), Ronna Romney McDaniel (chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party), Leslie Rutledge (Attorney General of Arkansas), André Bauer (Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina)..

State legislators

Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward, Alabama State Representatives: Ed Henry, California State Assemblymen Jay Obernolte and Bob Pacheco, Connecticut State Representatives: Anthony D’Amelio,. Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, Lake Ray, Georgia State Senators: Burt Jones, Michael Williams, Iowa State Senator: Brad Zaun, Massachusetts State Representative: Geoff Diehl, Michigan State Senators: Jack Brandenburg, and Joe Hune, Mississippi State Representatives: Becky Currie, Alex Monsour, Margaret Rogers, Gary Chism, Gary Staples, Nevada State Assemblyman: Brent A. Jones New Hampshire State Representatives:Fred Doucette, Werner Horn, Joe Pitre, Stephen Stepanek (Deputy Majority Leader), Dan Tamburello, Joshua Whitehouse, Al Baldasaro New Jersey State Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi and Assemblyman Robert Auth, New Jersey State Senators: Michael J. Doherty,[269] Joe Pennacchio, Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Vereb, South Carolina State Representative: James H. Merrill (former Majority Leader), Utah State Representative: Greg Hughes (Speaker), Virginia State Senator Dick Black, Washington State Senators: Don Benton, West Virginia State Senators: Donna J. Boley, Bill Cole (President). West Virginia State Delegates: Randy Smith, Ron Walters, Ray Canterbury, Joshua Nelson, Arizona State Senators: Lori Klein, Thayer Verschoor, Kelli Ward, California State Senator: Tony Strickland, Idaho State Representative: Phil Hart, Stephen L. Gunn (Independent), Louisiana State Senator: Troy Hebert, New Hampshire State Representatives: Jenn Coffey and Paula Johnson, South Carolina State Senator: Jake Knotts, West Virginia State Senator: Vic Sprouse.

Mayors and other municipal or county leaders

Joe Arpaio, Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr., Joseph Borelli, Mary Hawkins Butler, David A. Clarke Jr., Arnaldo Ferraro, Pam Helming, Tim Howard, Ed Mangano, Joseph Mondello, Bill Reilich, Corey Stewart. Greg Edwards, Charles Evers, Rudy Giuliani, Vincent Ignizio, Tom Leppert.


Sheldon Adelson, Thomas J. Barrack, Jr., Andrew Beal, Herman Cain, Pete Coors, Bernie Ecclestone, Marc Faber, Steve Forbes, Brian France, Foster Friess, Harold Hamm, Stanley Hubbard, Carl Icahn, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Kraft, Shalabh Kumar, Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner, Kenneth Langone, Erik Laykin, Nancy Mace, Bernard Marcus, Robert E. Murray, Carl Paladino, T. Boone Pickens, Phil Robertson, Wayne Allyn Root, Phil Ruffin, Naguib Sawiris, Anthony Scaramucci, Paul Teutul, Sr., Peter Thiel, Dana White, Steve Wynn, Wirt Yerger III.

University and academic figures
A. D. Amar, Peter Navarro, Walid Phares, Ben Carson.

Other politicians
Doug Burgum, Ron Cohen, Ed Gillespie, Brian Mast, Otto Voit.

Religious leaders

Mark Burns, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Jr., John Hagee, Robert Jeffress, James F. Linzey, James David Manning, Mike Murdock, Ralph E. Reed, Jr., Paula White.

American Energy Alliance, Amish PAC, Hindu Sena, Indian Hindu nationalist organization, International Defensive Pistol Association, American Freedom Party, Independent Party of Delaware, Log Cabin Republicans, Missouri Right to Life, National Black Republican Association, National Rifle Association, Rent Is Too Damn High Party, Republican Hindu Coalition, Republican Jewish Coalition, Texas Federation of Republican Women.

Trade unions

National Border Patrol Council, New England Police Benevolent Association.

Media personalities, Actors and comedians

Kirstie Alley, Scott Baio, Stephen Baldwin, Gary Busey, Dean Cain, Adam Carolla, Stacey Dash, Robert Davi, Joe Eszterhas, Lou Ferrigno, Jerry Lewis, Amy Lindsay, Brandi Love, Chuck Norris, Randy Quaid, John Ratzenberger, Antonio Sabàto Jr., Lindsey Shaw, Kevin Sorbo, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jon Voight, Fred Williamson.

Athletes and sports figures

Rocky Boiman, Tom Brady, George Brett, Adrien Broner, Clay Buchholz, Zeb Colter, John Daly, Johnny Damon, Ted DiBiase, Mike Ditka, Vince Dooley, Bill Elliott, Chase Elliott, Natalie Gulbis, Hulk Hogan, Holly Holm, Lou Holtz, Richie Incognito, Caitlyn Jenner, Woody Johnson, Gene Keady, Don King, Bob Knight, Jerry Lawler, Mike Leach, Matt Light, Nick Mangold, Mark Martin, Shawne Merriman, Ryan Newman, Jack Nicklaus, Paul O’Neill, Tito Ortiz, Terrell Owens, Billy Packer, Digger Phelps, David Ragan, John Rocker, Dennis Rodman, Rex Ryan, Curt Schilling, Mike Shanahan, Chael Sonnen, Latrell Sprewell, Miesha Tate, Mike Tyson, Kevin Von Erich, Herschel Walker, Chris Weidman.

Political strategists

Alex Castellanos, Paul Manafort,

Commentators, writers and columnists

Adam Curry, Vox Day, Lou Dobbs, Pamela Geller, Jim Hoft, David Horowitz, Gavin McInnes, Eric Metaxas, R. R. Reno, Michael Scheuer, Roger L. Simon, Lauren Southern, Jared Taylor, Daryush Valizadeh, Paul Joseph Watson, Diana West, Milo Yiannopoulos.

Media personalities and socialites

Dan Bilzerian, Diamond and Silk, Teresa Giudice, Jesse James, Charlotte Laws, Steve Malzberg, Omarosa Manigault, Dennis Michael Lynch, Jeanine Pirro, Willie Robertson, Tila Tequila, Ivana Trump, Kendra Wilkinson, Melissa Young.

Radio hosts

Mark Belling, Anthony Cumia, Andy Dean, John Fredericks, Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Alex Jones, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, Lana Lokteff, Jeff Rense, Michael Savage.
Singers and musicians

Azealia Banks, Zoltan Bathory, Sean Combs, Jesse Hughes, Loretta Lynn, Justin Moore, Wayne Newton, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Kenny Rogers, Gene Simmons…

Social and political activists

Christopher Barron, Elizabeth Emken, Day Gardner, Jim Gilchrist, David Lane, Sue Lynch, Troy Newman, Michael Reagan, Phyllis Schlafly, Joe ‘The Plumber’ Wurzelbacher.


Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Malik Obama.

@Wordsmith: The stereotypical subservient Muslim woman has as much to do with regional, tribal, ethnic cultural customs and traditions as much as to do with anything Islamic. Nor is misogyny unique to Islamic cultures.

the son assimilated well into American culture.
He even volunteered for the military.
He served as an officer.
And served well.

But even after 18 years the parents never assimilated.
Mom still acts like a piece of property to her husbandly owner.
And hubby lets her!
I have to wonder if they would prefer a Sharia court to an American one in the case of, say, divorce or inheritance.

Two words: Supreme Court. If Hillary is allowed to fill any openings, the damage could be irreversible.

We have far too many far left activist judges now. Just look at abortion, 2nd Amendment and voter ID judgements that get decided, un-decided, re-decided, overturned and decided again. It is chaos. If the left is allowed to fill any more judge openings, we might as well start turning all our property over to the collective.

THAT is why we need to keep Hillary out.


You might want to mention, just to let us know you are not some radical leftist who thinks Hillary is a middle of the road candidate, that CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, etc., etc., do exactly the same thing – tailor their “news” coverage to promote their political agenda. It’s called propaganda. There are no neutral sources, not even our own federal government.

@Wordsmith: Aye Chihuahua–love the guy-please give him my best oh rah!
I’ve watched F.A.’S Trumpists. I’ve watched FA’S Conservative Non Trumpists. People like David, 05, Dr Pete and yourself.The major difference. The Trumpists, like their candidate, look apon qualities such as empathy, humility , charity, compassion, mercy, forgiveness as weakness. They love the tough guy, take no prisoners, crude, obnoxious, demeanor of Trump. They don’t care if he’s not a Conservative.They love the way he skewers any that would question him.
A Gold Star Family
4 star Marine General Allen “a failure” Sure Donald which foot was it?

There’s no sin in voting your conscience–For me that’s Clifton Roberts The Humane Party—still got my Webb 2016 bumper sticker next to my, keeps away the cops, Semper Fi

Word –Thanks for keeping it real. Nobody does it better than you.

@Lew, #46:

You might want to mention, just to let us know you are not some radical leftist who thinks Hillary is a middle of the road candidate, that CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, etc., etc., do exactly the same thing – tailor their “news” coverage to promote their political agenda.

I don’t believe any of those mentioned do that to the extent that the FOX News Channel does. MSNBC has a strong liberal slant, but they’re totally open about it and MSNBC is primarily a news commentary outlet, not a news channel. The other three are far less slanted than either MSNBC or FOX. My chief complaint is that they spend far too much time on hot top stories, to the exclusion of other important news.

What I detest about FOX is that, while obviously biased, they claim otherwise. They subtly frame reporting in a way that’s designed to confirm the views they promote. They rely heavily on unnamed sources, which they attempt to give an air of credibility by association with organizations that have made no such statements or have even said the exact opposite. They sometimes use deceptive charts and graphs to reinforce bogus claims. They also focus on promoting propaganda memes.

For example, I just heard a FOX reporter—not a commentator—assert that Hillary Clinton has stated she will put Bill Clinton in charge of fixing the economy. He was reporting from a campaign event today in Omaha. The claim, however, relates to an off-handed comment she made back in May, which was reduced to a few words in quotation marks to create the desired impression. It wasn’t something she today, or any time since May that I can find, and it wasn’t clearly meant as a serious statement of intention to begin with.

This is an example purposefully deceptive reporting, plain and simple.

@Ditto: If Trump expects to beat Hillary, he’s going to need to get his act together real soon. Khan’s speech wasn’t going to sway any voters to Hillary just like the woman whose family member was killed by an illegal alien wasn’t going to sway any voters to Trump. It does however provide ammunition to argument that he lacks the temperament to be President, something that will sway voters to Hillary.

Last week there was an absolutely dismal GDP report. It presented Trump with a golden opportunity to call B.S. on the DNC meme that everything is going real great and take away any post-DNC momentum for Hillary. Trump should have made that his primary focus and kept it front and center. Instead, he picks a fight with a Gold Star family and lets that dominate the news cycle instead of the dismal GDP report probably much to the delight of the Clinton campaign and DNC.

The next round of Wikileaks presents Trump with another golden opportunity to ram home the crooked Hillary theme with her Russian/Clinton Foundation dealings and how incompetent she was in arming ISIS with Gaddafi’s arsenal, something she denied having any knowledge of to Congress while under oath (perjury). Let’s see if he can stay disciplined enough to manage that or if he goes off on some other tangent allowing that to take center stage instead of the Wikileaks.

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