I came home last night to see my Newsfeed filled with the story of Khizr Khan’s moving speech; which was also hard-hitting against the Don:
Donald Trump was speaking at an event in Iowa, complaining that America was not allowed to waterboard terrorists, when Khizr Khan and his wife walked up to the microphone at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.
Khan’s son, Humayun, was a captain in the U.S. Army. When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he instructed his men to seek cover as he ran toward it. The car exploded, killing Khan instantly. He was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously.
In 2005, The Washington Post interviewed Khizr Khan. “They did not call him Captain Khan,” he said of the men his son led. “They called him ‘our captain.’ ”
“We are honored to stand here as the parents of Captain Humayun Khan,” the elder Khan said at the Democratic convention, “and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.” He spoke of his son’s dreams of becoming a military lawyer and how Hillary Clinton had referred to his son as “the best of America.”
Then he focused his attention on Trump.
“If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America,” Khan said. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.
~~~ “Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?” Khan asked. “Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.
“You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”
Apparently, if you were watching FOX News coverage of the DNC, you might have missed this:
The crowd inside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center gave Khan a standing ovation and his speech was instantly lauded by those watching at home. His name skyrocketed to Twitter’s trending list almost immediately. But, Fox News viewers noticed that the network cut away from the speech switching back to commentary.
Networks cut in and out of the (numerous) speeches that come before the heavy hitters all the time. MSNBC, startlingly, went to commercial instead of airing the speech of young actress Chloe Moretz. But for many, the irony of the conservative network skipping out on a moving—and difficult to spin—speech from the father of a war hero was not lost. Andrew Sullivan, writing for New York Magazine, summed it up like this: “Just an FYI: Fox News cut away from the father of the fallen Muslim soldier. Of course they did.”
Was it an intentional omission by FOX, knowing how impactful Khan’s speech might be? Or just a case of bad judgment and not knowing that this segment might have been the speech of the night? Networks, after all, make judgments like this all the time; and it may or may not have to do with political bias.
As far as Khan’s speech, it was good. It was effective. And I wish he had delivered it on behalf of Republicans at the RNC. After all, a number of anti-Americans on the left and OIF-critics perceive Humayun Khan’s sacrifice as anything but noble, having served in an “illegal” war against “people who did not attack us” instead of being a “conscientious objector” (paraphrasing/summing up some lefty comments I’ve been reading).
The DNC ratings beat out RNC ratings. Who does the former reality television star blame for this? Himself? Nope. It’s the GOP’s fault, of course.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
@Richard Wheeler:
in 86 you said
I think it is obvious what I’m referring to. I see you’re not denying it.
@Richard Wheeler:
no, I didn’t say ‘new’.
@Redteam: In Jan of 1961 at his inauguration Jfk made his famous “ask not—-” speech.
In Oct of 1962 I joined The Marines PLC program while a freshman in college. Many other young men– future Marine Corps Officers– did the same. After being commissioned on graduation in 1966, I went to Basic School at Quantico,, was stationed at Camp Pendleton and in Nov. 67 went to V.N.
Oh rah You got a problem with that swabbie?
What’s the B.S you posted about my F.B. page. Are you trolling me again?
RW, so you are fully aware of what your lies were. I find it interesting that you don’t even attempt to deny them.
@Ditto: I saw this yesterday when Breitbart first broke the story. It also showed how he supported Sharia Law and backed who was to become one of the future leaders of the Taliban. I still believe that this was best left in the hands of conservative media as opposed to Trump. They were the ones who did the digging and found this not the Trump campaign. Any controversy would have been on them. Trump should have been heavily focused on the GDP report, then Hillary’s lies on Sunday, and now the appearance that a ransom was paid to Iran in order to get our people released. Three big wasted opportunities with more to come.
Look at the state of the country- 70% believe we are headed in the wrong direction and a very anti-establishment mood. In other words, this should be a change election. Trump represents change and is an anti-establishment candidate. Hillary is deeply flawed and represents the establishment. Put all that together and this election should be a repeat of 1980 for the Republicans. A blowout election. Instead, it’s shaping up to be a 1988 for the dems only with the two parties being reversed. A lot of the blame falls on Trump. He needs to get his act together.
Regardless of the outcome of the election and my misgivings about Trump, there are two things I give him (and to a lesser extent Sanders) credit for doing with his candidacy. First of all, it exposed the fact that we have an oligarchy running the country. The elitists in DC have gone bonkers over the fact that someone rose to the top of a ticket who can’t be bought and therefore controlled thus challenging their lock on power. They are scared that we the people may actually get our country back and put an end to their Keynesian economics and globalist desires which are designed to keep the American people down via dependency on the federal government which of course gives them the ability to control.
Secondly, it exposed lots of Republican frauds out there, those being the ones who endorsed Hillary. In doing so, they threw in with a lying, criminal who places her own self-interests over that of the country. It is a direct reflection on their true character. If Trump wins, they should banished from the party. If he loses and the Republican Party goes back to its Jeffersonian roots of small government with power concentrated in the states (my desire) and those frauds try to get back in, they should be turned away.
@Richard Wheeler: Why won’t you tell us about the military service of your new presidential candidate?
@Redteam: The only lie posted on this thread was yours re Khan’s membership in M.B. To my knowledge all statements by me have been true Leaves you as the sole confirmed liar. Nuf said
Keep digging and trolling if you must. I’ve better things to do today
@another vet:
Don’t you find it interesting that Trump called him out ‘before’ the ‘conservative media’?
that’s not ‘new’ news, we knew about it at the time and most Americans opposed it.
and yet Obama has a high approval rating with the uninformed.
I think he is doing just fine. He certainly has the Dims in a dither. The Dim press is not going to make it look good for Trump, they are selling socialism to all that will listen.
Great statement. I find it interesting that the average increase in worth of each Senator, who is paid $172,000 yearly, is 1.6 million dollars. Where is that money coming from? What is it buying? Do you think the Congress votes their conscience or their pocketbook?
So true. The Republican party is about as contaminated as the Dims are.
@Richard Wheeler:
So you are clearly not denying your obvious lies. I knew you were lacking in character, but didn’t think you would deliberately lie. Reminds me of….hmmmmm… Khan, maybe?
I’ll list your non denials along with your original lies so that when you deny it in the future, we’ll have a good record. Use the same link, I’ll just attach it.
Gotta get your rainbow flag all washed and ironed ready for your next rally.
@another vet: Did you get a chance to read my most recent posts to you? any response?
RCP mentioned 5 polls out yesterday and today I believe—Clinton leads all between 1 % and 8%. It appears Trump is unravelling.
Rubio or Kasich would be well ahead of HRC. Biden would crush Trump. Talk today of Trump dropping Repub. nom and going 3rd Party.
What are your thoughts on his bashing of Mac and Ryan?
Doesn’t RT remind you of Trump–without DT’S money? Claims I lied but won’t say about what? strange guy much like Joe McCarthy.
He certainly seems to enjoy himself.
@Richard Wheeler</
This is what I said in 73, I did not say Khan was a member of MB, I only asked a question about Dims. See, I disprove your lies about me, you have to disprove my statement about your lies if you want to attempt to do so, otherwise, they stand.
@Richard Wheeler: Didn’t you say you had better things to do?
He didn’t bash them. The truth isn’t ‘bashing’. Both of them are ‘for hire’ sold to the highest bidder pols.
LOL. Now that’s funny.
I’ll bet you’re excited about the coming release from Wikileaks of Hill’s emails. Previews are excellent.
@another vet #50, #62 –
What you said what Trump should’ve paid attention to since last Friday through today was the pathetic GDP report that came out. Karl Rove must have channeled your thoughts – he said the same thing this morning on Fox News in talking about the state of the campaign. Rove also said Trump needs to get back on message and use today’s WSJ story on Iran as that vehicle. This is all before the talk about a candidate intervention by Gingrich and Guiliani to get Trump back on track.
The story about a retired four-star going around the country talking about massive civil disobedience on a scale we haven’t seen before, I’ve read that story too (maybe last week or the week before). Roger Stone, who formerly advised Trump and continues to do so on an informal basis, said if Trump loses the election the disobedience will result in a “bloodbath”. When pressed, Stone refused to define what he meant by “bloodbath”. This has all the hallmarks of banana republic style politics. Whatever, it doesn’t sound good.
Regarding the Iran story, it’s not getting any traction except in conservative media. And, I don’t find that surprising either. When the money was released at the same time Iran released the 4 prisoners/hostages, the question of ransom was raised then as it is now. It almost seems someone wanted to change the storyline of the moment.
@Richard Wheeler: Per your #110:
Other than saying she is a liar and won’t vote for her, you have yet to go after the Hillashrills who post here like you have done repeatedly with the Trump supporters. Don’t worry- it’s actually okay to disagree with people on the same side of the aisle. Notice how conservatives who post here aren’t always in lock step, Trump being the but the latest example. That is why no one can call us “the collective” which fits so well for the left. You have also paid her kudos recently as well.
Here is my response when you made a similar comment on a another thread. My #29 lists some of the statements you made about Wilson at the time.
Actually, you referred to it as an “execution” not a shooting:
The last statement also contradicts your statement that Obama isn’t divisive. We wouldn’t be close to a civil war if we had a President who wasn’t divisive.
Normally I stay out of personal feuds here but here it goes. About the only two things I can come up with is that you later said you volunteered for service meaning no one called you given there was a draft (I think) at the time. The second is that JFK didn’t send you to VN. Johnson did. The way your post is written, it sounds like JFK sent you.
As for the polls, I fully expect them to fluctuate between now and election time. Both candidates got their bounces and it put the race back to where it was prior to the conventions. In Trump’s case, he blew his. I also believe the Clinton campaign and MSM surrogates will try to keep the Kahn controversy alive as long as possible especially knowing more damning Wikileaks are right around the corner. The dems have gotten lots of bad news the last week and they need a distraction. Unfortunately for Trump, he complied.
And he has since lost control of the situation and given control of the narrative to the dems and MSM who are having a field day with it and have morphed it into a huge deal in order to get the attention away from the GDP report, Hillary’s lies, and the ransom that was paid to Iran all of which would have put a big dent in Hillary’s bounce.
@another vet: The “call” I was referring to “ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Sorry if that wasn’t clear. We all know LBJ was Prez. in 67. I would never suggest JFK sent me to V.N–and of course I VOLUNTEERED.
Yet this character keeps calling me a liar–go figure
His FB comments bizarre–he seems to troll my page on which there is nothing to hide.
He does remind me of Trump with his over the top accusations. I try to laugh it off while considering the source
Re Wilson you noted I said “to be clear I’m not anti Wilson. I’m pro fairness and truth.” Truth turned out Wilson was NOT at fault.
Thanks for your response and your service.
I hadn’t heard of Kahn or anything he said prior to Trump blowing this up since I didn’t watch the DNC’s version of Fantasy Island. Given the majority of Americans didn’t watch it either made Kahn’s comments somewhat irrelative to the big picture which is where the focus should be. That’s not to say that Trump should be a whipping boy like McCain and Romney, but he needs to focus on the picture.
Given that some people are above the law, the lack of respect for the Constitution, a dismal recovery, and the fact that most people don’t seem to care because of the freebies they get and that is where are headed one way or the other.
@another vet:
The Dims and MSM will always attempt to have a field day with anything to do with Trump. They are about that vicious about anyone that is not Dim or Socialist. Trump was right to point out that Kahn was both a fool and a tool. First he knew little about History or he would have known that Trump had nothing to do with Muslims serving in the US military in 2004. He also was not involved in policy on which foreigners came to the US in the 90’s. And he used hisl dead son as an advertising chip for signing up Muslim terrorists.
@Richard Wheeler:
Well at least you are beginning to admit that you do know what you lied about.
“Called to Service” ‘indicates’ you were ‘drafted’ to serve. You were not.
“called to service by JFK..” JFK was dead long before your military service, in fact when you were about 16-17 years of age. JFK did not ‘draft’ any combat troops for Viet Nam.
” in V.N as did many Dems. ” No Dems or Rep’s were ‘called’ to service in Viet Nam by JFK.
” I served as a USMC Platoon Commander in V.N as did many Dems. ” How do you know that ‘many Dems’ served as USMC Platoon Commander’s in VN?
In short, not a damn thing you said was true, you knew when you wrote it it wasn’t true, you were just bloviating like Kahn was to make yourself into something you were not.
I personally think that if you had simply told the truth, it would have been a much prouder moment for you. You heard a great speech by JFK, it gave you a patriotic feeling and caused you to volunteer for the USMC where you proudly honorably served and fought for the USA in a foreign war.
That sounds much better than your lies.
By the way, I do thank you for your service, it was an honorable thing to do.
@Redteam: Called to service does not mean I was drafted–you described it correctly that I was inspired to join about 21 months after his speech 3 months after my 18th birthday–Platoon leader class program. This was Oct 62–JFK died Nov 63. I ASSURE you I knew many that joined the Marines in answer to Kennedy’s call–true in all services and similar to enlistment spike after 9/11. Many were Dems who were truly inspired by Kennedy and remain Dems to this day. In short everything I said was true and I resent you calling me a liar. Of course, like Trump, I don’t expect you’ll apologize
You wanna explain your cryptic face book assertion?
Thanks for your service
@Richard Wheeler: Apology? you need to apologize to those that really were ‘called’ by someone to go and get shot at in the war. You know damn well that ‘called’ to serve means ‘drafted’. I could copy and paste the entire JFK speech and you can not show me where in that speech he ‘called anyone to serve in Viet Nam’. Here is a quote from the speech”Now the trumpet summons us again — not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are — but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, ” See, he specifically ‘did not call for anyone to battle’ and ” not as a call to bear arms, ” So show us again, where he ‘called’ you to serve in the Marine Corps in Viet Nam? “This was Oct 62–JFK died Nov 63” Really? and the first combat troops were called up to go to Viet Nam when? Sure as hell wasn’t JFK that did this ‘call’. It was around Feb, 1965. JFK wasn’t asking anyone to do anything at that time.
BS, you have no way of knowing if that statement is true or not. Total BS.
More BS. Everything you said was clearly a lie and your trying to change the meaning of words to make what you said be true sounds rather pathetic, well, er, like a dimocrat.
You don’t owe me an apology, it wasn’t me that was offended by your lies, it is those that truly were called up and died in Viet Nam.
And now, tell us about the ‘inspiration for serving in the military by your new gay black vegetarian’ candidate. Surely he was inspired by JFK also, right? or maybe his ghost.
Ever hear the saying about “know when to stop digging’?
@Redteam: “gay Black vegetarian” You seem to say that with derision.
Why is that RT?–Your Party stands proudly beside the LGBT COMMUNITY–did you miss that meme at the Repub Convention.? You even had a few token Blacks and Latinos. About 3% of the delegates when they comprise over 22% of the electorate.
That’s why Repubs will continue to lose National Elections.
Talk about stop digging. All that’s left for the hole Trump has dug for himself is the dirt to cover him up. He may not even make it till Nov.Down 10 points in today’s Fox poll. Bye bye Donnie Your 15 minutes are up.
BTW I offended none of my brothers that were called to serve with me in Viet Nam. Donnie offended them and continues to offend Vets with his stupid Purple Heart comment “I always wanted one” how stupid can you be Trump?
@Richard Wheeler:
Getting into mind reading RW? Seem? to say?
Which party is that? I don’t stand proudly by the LGBT community? That’s your rainbow deal. I don’t even believe there is such a thing as Transgender. When they do a DNA test that shows that a person is both male and female, then I’ll believe in them. As of now, the results come back as boy or girl. (I’m science oriented, and when it can be proven by science, I’ll go along)
poor wittle vets and their hurt feelings. boo hoo. I’m a vet and I agree with what he said. Khan is an asshole that tried to trade on the body of a son killed by muslims and tried to blame it on a man that was not in office nor making military or political decisions at the time. Notice that ahole wouldn’t even let his wife nod her head and she had to keep it wrapped in a rag.
I might be wrong, but I believe it was likely after you served that men were actually drafted into the Corps. And you’re persisting in the lie that you were ‘called’ to serve in Viet Nam. You’ve said you volunteered, that seems more honorable to me, it means you ‘wanted’ to serve, not were compelled to serve.
@Richard Wheeler: You are aware that, unlike the Democrats, the Republicans cannot go out and bus in whatever color mixture looks good on camera. Thankfully, they will not stoop to luring in the worst elements of groups by featuring cop hatred and support for illegal immigration, either.
However, until the content of those hacked emails sinks in to those people who think the Democrats are “looking out for them” and they see how they are REALLY viewed, they will continue to flock to the party of victimhood and false promises.
@Richard Wheeler:
“Ken D Show me where Khan supports Sharia Law in U.S
Did Melania “buy her way in” utilizing either E-2 or EB5 programs. You know “there is some information pointing to that.”
See how that works ”
Like anything… yet another website re: Khan=supporting Sharia Law
Interestingly it has reference to some articles penned by Khan=Sharia, along with other direct references on Khan=Sharia by other authors.
On your Melania thing – nope nothing but your fantasy statement comes up (in the effort to give you a benefit of a doubt).