Did FOX News Intentionally Omit Khizr Khan’s Speech?


I came home last night to see my Newsfeed filled with the story of Khizr Khan’s moving speech; which was also hard-hitting against the Don:

Donald Trump was speaking at an event in Iowa, complaining that America was not allowed to waterboard terrorists, when Khizr Khan and his wife walked up to the microphone at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

Khan’s son, Humayun, was a captain in the U.S. Army. When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he instructed his men to seek cover as he ran toward it. The car exploded, killing Khan instantly. He was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously.

In 2005, The Washington Post interviewed Khizr Khan. “They did not call him Captain Khan,” he said of the men his son led. “They called him ‘our captain.’ ”

“We are honored to stand here as the parents of Captain Humayun Khan,” the elder Khan said at the Democratic convention, “and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.” He spoke of his son’s dreams of becoming a military lawyer and how Hillary Clinton had referred to his son as “the best of America.”

Then he focused his attention on Trump.

“If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America,” Khan said. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.


“Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?” Khan asked. “Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

“You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.”

Apparently, if you were watching FOX News coverage of the DNC, you might have missed this:

The crowd inside Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center gave Khan a standing ovation and his speech was instantly lauded by those watching at home. His name skyrocketed to Twitter’s trending list almost immediately. But, Fox News viewers noticed that the network cut away from the speech switching back to commentary.

Networks cut in and out of the (numerous) speeches that come before the heavy hitters all the time. MSNBC, startlingly, went to commercial instead of airing the speech of young actress Chloe Moretz. But for many, the irony of the conservative network skipping out on a moving—and difficult to spin—speech from the father of a war hero was not lost. Andrew Sullivan, writing for New York Magazine, summed it up like this: “Just an FYI: Fox News cut away from the father of the fallen Muslim soldier. Of course they did.”

Was it an intentional omission by FOX, knowing how impactful Khan’s speech might be? Or just a case of bad judgment and not knowing that this segment might have been the speech of the night? Networks, after all, make judgments like this all the time; and it may or may not have to do with political bias.


As far as Khan’s speech, it was good. It was effective. And I wish he had delivered it on behalf of Republicans at the RNC. After all, a number of anti-Americans on the left and OIF-critics perceive Humayun Khan’s sacrifice as anything but noble, having served in an “illegal” war against “people who did not attack us” instead of being a “conscientious objector” (paraphrasing/summing up some lefty comments I’ve been reading).

The DNC ratings beat out RNC ratings. Who does the former reality television star blame for this? Himself? Nope. It’s the GOP’s fault, of course.

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Khizr M. Khan is an Immigration lawyer that specialized in the E-2 and EB-5 programs that allows immigrants to buy their way into the U.S.. Doubt this? Lookup lawyer Khizr M. Khan’s website!
This is really what Khan is upset about – the potential for a Trump policy on restricted immigration cutting into Khan’s business… sadly, Khan’s son is nothing more then an intro/emo point talking point.
Oh – did you know there is some information pointing out that Khan is in full support of sharia law in the U.S.?

@another vet: “Get his act together” You think ” I sacrificed so much building buildings” What’s the matter with this guy A.V? Does he have the COMMON DECENCY to apologize to Khan AND HIS WIFE. I’ll let up on him if he does.

Ken D Show me where Khan supports Sharia Law in U.S
Did Melania “buy her way in” utilizing either E-2 or EB5 programs. You know “there is some information pointing to that.”
See how that works

I’m not sure how much traction the lastest howl-at-the-moon conspiracy theory of the rabid right will gain but I don’t think a war on war heroes family is exactly a winning ticket.

Along with causing the scales to fall off the eyes of a number of Trump lickers it could be a down ticket biggy.

As Tim Miller, former adviser to Jeb Bush said of Trump this morning “When he’s being criticized and his back is against the wall, he’s going to act out and become more extreme and despicable. Every time we think he’s gone as low as he’s going to go, he manages to sink even lower. There is no argument for waiting until he behaves better.”

The longer legislators hangs with Trump, the more Trump is going to drag them down, handing more seats to Dems. The sooner they jump ship, the better chance of saving face.

There’s no telling how much lower and deranged this egotistical, racist, sexist, arrogant con artist can go but there is no signs of him letting up.

@Ken DeGeneffe:

This is really what Khan is upset about – the potential for a Trump policy on restricted immigration cutting into Khan’s business

Quite possible, but that is a point that is now best left up to conservative media sites to make. Trump has caused too much of a stir to make the point himself. Hillary was caught red handed lying to Chris Wallace today about what Comey said. Even her fan club at the Washington Post blasted her for it. Instead of Trump being able to seize on that, he is dealing with the Khan issue. He could have had Hillary on the defensive the entire time since the end of the DNC pounding her relentlessly, but he has this self made distraction to deal with and it has put him on the defensive instead. I sometimes wonder if he really wants the job or if this is just some sort of fun and games for him.

@another vet: I just sent an email to the VFW as a member. The Gold Star Families deserve our respect and prayers due to their loss. They do not accrue special rights to not receive responses to political speeches they make at a political conventions.

@Ken DeGeneffe: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/01/clinton-cash-khizr-khans-deep-legal-financial-connections-saudi-arabia-hillarys-clinton-foundation-connect-terror-immigration-email-scandals/

@Richard Wheeler:

Does he have the COMMON DECENCY to apologize to Khan AND HIS WIFE. I’ll let up on him if he does.

He doesn’t have to apologize to anyone about anything in this case. Now, the Democrats are certainly despicable enough to dupe Khan and use him as a dupe. If that is the case, then, as I said, they are despicable.

However, Khan appears to be a smart guy. If the items now coming up from his background, he appears to be more protective of Islam than he is the memory of his heroic son. Why else would he continue the discredited version of Trump’s very logical and rational demand that we vet refugees thoroughly and we suspend (SUSPEND) immigration from terror hot spots until we can? Why would he attack Trump and support Hillary when she SUPPORTED the war and Trump opposed it?

His umbrage is all politics.


I’m not sure how much traction the lastest howl-at-the-moon conspiracy theory of the rabid right will gain but I don’t think a war on war heroes family is exactly a winning ticket.

You leftists have so completely lost faith in your ideology that all you can do is fall back behind what you regard as protected statuses. The worst President in American history cannot be criticized because he is black. Hillary cannot be criticized because she is a woman. And now, a Muslim that has had a child killed by Islamic terrorists cannot have his misguided message refuted because… well, he is a Muslim that has had a child killed by Islamic terrorists.

If people don’t want to become the target of scrutiny and criticism, they should try to be more honest.

@Bill: Your support of Trump is truly laughable “Khan duped by Dems” are you serious Bill? You and he should stop digging–listen to the intelligent Conservatives here at F.A—Trump is burying himself

Did he really oppose going into Iraq?–ia there ANYTHING in writing or on video to confirm that Trump claim?

Randy As a VFW member I applaud their condemnation of “can’t remember which foot it was” Trump.

@Richard Wheeler: No, the media is burying (or attempting to) Trump. Just as they have been doing for the past 20 years, they cover for liberal failure and attack any opposition to the liberal ideology. For instance, Trump’s policy of vetting refugees before they are allowed into the US is characterized as banning Muslims, his accurate statement that many criminals come into the US via our open borders is characterized as saying all immigrants are criminals and Khan reacts to the liberal characterization.

Meanwhile, Hillary has been caught… AGAIN lying about her emails, security, classified information and her implying Ms. Smith lied about Hillary saying the video killed her son, but there is no coverage of that.

Can you tell me where the legitimacy of Khan’s attack on Trump resides?

@Bill: Khan has listened to Trump over the last 12 months. He sees him as a divider rather than a healer. A builder of walls both actually and psychologically. A man devoid of empathy or compassion. I concur

BTW The press doesn’t need to bury Trump. He’s digging his own grave.

@Bill: You leftists have so completely lost faith in your ideology that all you can do is fall back behind what you regard as protected statuses. The worst President in American history cannot be criticized because he is black. Hillary cannot be criticized because she is a woman. And now, a Muslim that has had a child killed by Islamic terrorists cannot have his misguided message refuted because… well, he is a Muslim that has had a child killed by Islamic terrorists.

What a great point.
It harkens back to the Cindy Sheehan defense!
She was an ”untouchable.”
Until she wasn’t.
I’m not always in Ann Coulter’s corner, but in destroying the untouchableness of a victim-class member so that that member’s arguments could not be even spoken about, much less refuted, she was at the top of her game for her entire career.
Odd that we all forgot it.
We cannot allow the Left to stop argument by putting their side out of the mouth of an ”untouchable.”

@Richard Wheeler:

Khan has listened to Trump over the last 12 months. He sees him as a divider rather than a healer. A builder of walls both actually and psychologically. A man devoid of empathy or compassion. I concur

He, like you, has listened to nothing but liberal bullshit. As clearly stated, all Trump has recommended is what the DHS and FBI have stated; there are terrorists among the refugees and we have no way to sort them out; best to figure that out before we let more Orlando’s, San Bernardino’s, Nice’s, Paris’, etc into our communities.

But selfish, ideological assholes want to manipulate that into something more politically useful. So, that common sense, secure, rational approach is turned into bigotry. A lie. Bullshit. Leftist propaganda, of which Khan became a tool, either unwittingly or as a radical Islamic zealot.

You are such a left wing zealot that you just gobble up anything that undercuts Trump. Only he is right. He is absolutely right. Khan dishonors his son’s memory by advocating allowing any Muslim into this country, regardless of the threat they may pose, simply because they be a Muslim. This is the position you take… simply because Trump opposes the left. People like you weaken the country because you crave the liberal ideology… not for the benefits it offers, but simply because it is the liberal ideology. You don’t even understand it. You just hate.

@another vet #50 –

You’ve precisely pointed out the problem regarding Trump. He should’ve let this go. He didn’t. This is his visceral reaction to any criticism.

When he came to Colorado last week, he complained about the fire marshal limiting his audience size at his rally. The Trump campaign gave away nearly 3500 tickets knowing they only had space for 1500. He expects to carry the state though he only has 10 people working the state. If this is his effort, then he should lose Colorado.

The second point is closer to home. Two of my friends died in Afghanistan, one in 2010, the other in 2011. No matter how much training is received, no one ever talks “sacrifice”. The word is for those who will never see a day of combat ever on any battlefield, in any war. No one thinks of glory or valor. I attended the funerals and the graveside ceremonies for my friends. It is one place you do not want to be at, especially when they have young children. If there is anything required, it is simple decency and decorum. And, yes, allowances should be made – always.

@Randy: Yes, Khan took the chance when he went political and the media definitely used a double standard compared to their coverage of Hillary demonizing Patrica Smith. That is to be expected. My point is that Trump should have focused on bigger fish like the GDP report and then today’s news about the lie Hillary told yesterday concerning her emails. He just lost four days where he could have been slamming her. Rest assured, the Clinton campaign and MSM are already figuring out a way to distract him when those Wikileaks come out in order to divert attention away from their damning content. In military terms, he is allowing them to shape the battlefield.

@Bill: Bill clearly you are the hater in this debate. I am not voting for Trump or HRC. You have become FA’S leading Trumpeteer.and you can go down the tube with him.
Have you read Word’s evaluation of Trump. There is a man of conscience—Quiet your hatred and LISTEN–IN THE LONG RUN IT WILL SERVE YOU WELL
BTW As a New Yorker I’ve watched him closely for 40 years—the media does not influence my opinion of him
What’s he hiding in his tax returns. No one in his family has served–both VP candidates have Marine Corps Officer sons.


This is his visceral reaction to any criticism.

Let’s see if he blows it again with the Wikileaks. I’m sure they are going to try and bait him with something and you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

This will be a nasty election to be sure as it will highlight the divisions within this country that have been magnified the last seven plus years. We now have a retired 4 star running around raising the idea that if Hillary doesn’t get in there we will have a massive civil-military crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen before. Slowly but surely we are going towards the brink.


Perhaps the point is that FOX News coverage is biased,

Actually no, the point was that Fox didn’t want to run a free ad for an Immigration lawyer seeking business. You obviously have Fox confused with the PMS channel or the Clinton News Network.

@Skookum: Actually George Wallace ran on the American Party.

@Nathan Blue: Such as Hillary demanding military wear business suits in the White House instead of their uniforms.


who has never personally sacrificed a thing for his country in his entire life.

hey buffoon, tell us all about all your major sacrifices. No, it takes a real pos to use his dead son as an advertising promotion for his illigitimate business. (trafficing in humans) Trump was not in politics when his son came to America and would have no reason to prevent him from serving in the military. This is made up stuff. Unlike your gal Hill that doesn’t even want military people wearing uniforms. There is no requirement that any American make any sacrifice, it’s personal choices that each one have. Tell us how Mr Khan sacrificed for the opportunity to come to this country?

@Richard Wheeler: I am, at this point, voting for Trump. Trump winning is the best chance of keeping the criminal liar Hillary out of office.

That being said, whenever someone like you wrongly attacks a point with falsehoods, you can expect me to contradict it. Concentrate more on facts and less on narrow-minded liberal hate and we will see eye to eye more often.


@Bill: I have attacked no points with falsehoods. As a Trumpeteer you have bought into this populist pied piper primarily because of your blinding hate for BHO and HRC.
Like Conservatives Word and 05 I see Trump clearly for what he is.
You are the one with the problem Bill.. An inability to rationally discern reality.

@Richard Wheeler: Falsehoods? When have the Dimocrats mentioned that Khan is a member of Muslim Brotherhood?

@Redteam: Answer would be never and even DJ doesn’t allege MB membership.
Former Trump campaign manager Roger Stone “alleged” it yesterday then today said Khan was not a M.B. member
This is another losing issue for loud mouthed Trump and his fading number of supporters.

@Richard Wheeler: So is aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood in their objectives better or worse than actually being a member?

Trumpeteers are digging their grave on this one DJ—Even bombastic Christie is telling Trump to STFU. DT now down 9 points in apparent free fall.
What NEW voters can he hope to gain from this? ANYONE??

I don’t see how anyone in good conscience can vote for either of these people–The majority of the electorate calls them liars.

Coming up Trump will say the election was rigged

@Richard Wheeler: I checked out the polls to see if you were cherry picking again and sure enough you were. The 7/31 CNN poll you referenced has Hillary up by 9. The 8/1 poll from the Economist/YouGov has her up by 3. The LA Time/USC poll from 8/1 has Trump up by 2.

Let’s see here. Right on this thread you have cherry picked polls to bolster Hillary and told us what a great, positive speech she gave. No criticisms of how she lied (again) about her emails or how she bashed the parents who lost family members in Benghazi (again). Signs of a Hillary shrill for sure.

@another vet: I’ve pledged that I will not vote for either of these liars. Will you take that pledge?

Or you gonna hold your nose and abandon your principles when you cast your ballot?

Semper Fi

@Redteam, #69:

hey buffoon, tell us all about all your major sacrifices.

I am not the presidential candidate who makes blanket criticisms of people based on their religion or ethnicity, which have deeply offended a Gold Star family of that religion and ethnicity. You’re talking to the wrong “buffoon.” You want the one who was dodging the draft while I was serving in Vietnam.

You do seem to have a habit of picking the wrong people.

@Richard Wheeler: I may have secured another vote for my two dogs this afternoon. One of my Army buddies (who is black) said there is no way he will vote for Hillary but has reservations about Trump. Unlike most dems, he actually isn’t some left wing ideologue. He voted voted for Bush in ’04 and said after 9/11 he was glad Bush won instead of Gore, even though he voted for Gore. He also knows that if we did what Hillary did with classified material, we’d be in Leavenworth. He’s pro 2nd Amendment and all for concealed carry. Perhaps being a retired cop has something to do with it.

You are an active Party member. Since you actively worked for Obama’s campaign I’m sure the Party hit you up for this election. Based on the composite your posts, you probably agreed to get the word out on behalf of the Party even if you don’t care for her. You are beginning to give the impression of being a Hillashrill!

I find it fascinating that Liberals have finally found virtue in military service.

Sure it’s phony, hypocritical and half a century too late but still… fascinating.


I am not the presidential candidate who makes blanket criticisms of people based on their religion or ethnicity, which have deeply offended a Gold Star family of that religion and ethnicity.

So tell us, when was the first time you ever heard the term “gold star family’? So you don’t think Hillary has made any statements that hurt any families? Uh, I meant lies. Ask the Benghazi mother what she has said about her and said to her if you don’t think Hillary lies. Why did she just lie and say that Comey said she was truthful about everything when actually he basically said she didn’t even know what the word ‘truth’ means.

You want the one who was dodging the draft while I was serving in Vietnam.

No, I’ve never been a Slick Willie supporter.

I’m supposing you know that Trump was rejected for military reasons. that hardly qualifies as dodging. If you want to know what felony draft dodgers did, read Slick’s itinerary during that time period, especially when he went to Russia to dodge. So getting ‘them mixed up’ hardly.

@another vet: You seem to be fantasizing–I ask you again -will you pledge,.as I have, to not vote for either. .-believe Word feels the same.
Or are you simply another Trumpeteer?

@Richard Wheeler:

I ask you again -will you pledge,

Watch it AV, I know you’re on to RW’s game. He wants you to pledge to vote for his gay black vegetarian and piss your vote down the drain. It’s okay with me if all of them do that as it’s not a vote against Trump, it’s a vote against those who oppose Trump.

@Richard Wheeler:

I have attacked no points with falsehoods.

Well, yeah. Yeah, you have.

Right here.

Khan has listened to Trump over the last 12 months. He sees him as a divider rather than a healer. A builder of walls both actually and psychologically. A man devoid of empathy or compassion. I concur

How do you know what Khan has listened to? He actually demonstrates, beyond any doubt, that he, like YOU, has not listened to Trump but has, instead, paid attention to left wing characterization of what Trump says. For, Trump has dividing no one.

The divisiveness has come from the left. Apparently, taking the recommendations of the FBI, DHS and intelligence leaders and waiting to effectively vet Muslim refugees from terrorist hot spots is, in your view, divisive. It isn’t… it’s smart, something Obama, Hillary and Khan are not.

Is it compassionate to lay the groundwork for another Orlando? Another San Bernardio? Another Nice, here in our communities? Is it compassionate to see more Kate Stenlie’s killed by liberal-protected and sanctioned illegal immigrants?

Was it compassionate to step aside and allow ISIS to grow to the point where they can murder tens of thousands of innocent people? Trump proposes compassion. Khan demands favorable treatment for Muslims at the expense of everyone else.

Yeah, every criticism you have made has either been based on falsehoods or your skewed left wing opinions… which are derived from falsehood.

@James Felix: I served as a USMC Platoon Commander in V.N as did many Dems. called to service by JFK.. I was awarded a Navy Commendation Ribbon with Combat “V”
Tell us about your service James

@Richard Wheeler: :

I serveD as a USMC Platoon Commander in V.N as did many Dems. called to service by JFK..

I believe there is at least two lies in this statement.

Tell us about your service James

Why should James tell you about his service, unless he wants to? Is not talking about your military service somehow ‘wrong’? Do you think a vet is required to talk about his service unless he chooses to do so? I resent you attempting to use someone’s military service as derogatory.
Tell us about your gay black vegetarians military service.

@Redteam: You mean like your lie that Khan is a member of The Muslim Brotherhood?
It should be very clear to all why you are a Trumpeteer–you share many traits. Good luck with that You lost in 08, again in 12, and it looks like you’re gonna get a trifecta.

“is at least 2 lies” sad RT.one or two? What is they or are they?

@Richard Wheeler:

I serveD as a USMC Platoon Commander in V.N as did many Dems. called to service by JFK..

I mean like the ‘at least two lies’ in that sentence. May actually be three. Are we to think you don’t even know when you’re lying?

It should be very clear to all why you are a Trumpeteer

Are you saying that there a lot of Dims that can’t see clearly? What is your proof that I’m a “Trumpeteer”, whatever that is. I’ve never voted for him, never donated to him.

Tell us more about the military service of your gay black vegetarian.

footnote: I’ll keep a link to your comment with the lies for future reference. I’ll provide you with a link.

@Redteam: I’ll look forward to that link but won’t hold my breath–2 maybe 3 you say-reminds me of one of your heroes–Sen Joe McCarthy
I’m out till late this eve. but will check in then

@Richard Wheeler: You know, if someone had just accused me of blatantly lying 2 times or maybe 3 in one sentence. I would challenge them. You just tried to blow it off as ‘business as usual’ Is that it? Is lying ‘business as usual’ with you?

I notice you’re not happy to jump into the military record of your gay black vegetarian either.

@Richard Wheeler: I’m relatively sure it’s 3, but it might only be 2. Definitely 2 tho.

@Redteam: I do challenge you Think you are lying. Back around midnight Cal time

@Richard Wheeler: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xecVsuCD2258S988q8ZbiwkPQiQeul28qlJtLHISmE0/edit?usp=sharing

That’s the link you are holding your breath for, I just tacked it onto the bottom of the note that I kept for reminding Greg about one of his comments.

@Richard Wheeler: Ok, when you get back, look at the elements in your statement, break it into three and tell us the truth about each one of the three. You’re not trying to ‘distract’ anyone by saying you think I’m lying without saying what I’m lying about, are you? Your sentence only contains approximately 3 elements, so it’s pretty clear what you’re lying about.

@Richard Wheeler:

You seem to be fantasizing

You didn’t elaborate on what I seem to be “fantasizing” about.

I ask you again -will you pledge,.as I have, to not vote for either.

There is no way to verify the pledge is there? You told me on another thread that you didn’t take sides on the “hands up don’t shoot” lie but then I posted multiple posts by you from that time that proved otherwise showing how you bashed Wilson to no end.

believe Word feels the same.

Word has never asked me to pledge anything. As a matter of fact, we’ve barely discussed the man and the little bit we have, we seem to be on the same sheet of music. Burden of proof is on you to show me when he has asked me to take any sort of a pledge. I also believe the only one he is emphatic about not voting for is Hillary.

Or are you simply another Trumpeteer?

Unless Trump gets his act together, either Johnson or my dogs will be getting my vote. I will never vote for Hillary nor would I ever take pride in having voted for someone like Obama. I live in Illinois so my vote for POTUS doesn’t matter since Hillary will win the state hands down. With that being said, you can call me whatever you want. A Trumpeteer, an asshole, a right wing extremist, a gun nut, a piece of shit Republican, a lowlife Libertarian. It doesn’t bother me. This is the Internet.

@another vet: I’m beginning to believe RW is not a real person. He just created a facebook page using the same name so he could remain anonymous, As I pointed out above, he clearly lied in his one statement and doesn’t even bother to deny it.

@another vet:


Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that Democrats and their allies media wide have been using to hammer GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, has deleted his law firm’s website from the Internet.

This development is significant, as his website proved—as Breitbart News and others have reported—that he financially benefits from unfettered pay-to-play Muslim migration into America.

A snapshot of his now deleted website, as captured by the Wayback Machine which takes snapshots archiving various websites on the Internet, shows that as a lawyer he engages in procurement of EB5 immigration visas and other “Related Immigration Services.”

@Redteam: I stand by my short and clearly worded statement to Janes Felix in #85.
You say I created a new F.B. page? That’s news to me. Same name same page.
You’re getting as nutty as Trump.

@another vet: The fantasizing would be that I support HRC–not true.
I’d say based on your current statement Word ,you, and I agree on our distain for Trump.

I don’t recall bashing Wilson. Could you show me that? I did find fault in the police shooting in Minn.
I never said Word asked you to take a pledge. I asked you.

You are a smart guy that I respect. Do you have ANY idea what RT is talking about in #95 and #97? Thanks and good night