Rush Limbaugh made an interesting observation yesterday:
President Barack Obama was scorched Monday as a “sociopathic” liar and “lying con man” by radio host Rush for denying he misled the American public to get his signature health-care plan known as Obamacare passed.
During a news conference in Brisbane, Australia, Obama was asked by reporter Ed Henry of Fox News: “At your Burma townhall a couple of days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying, ‘governments need to be held accountable, need to be responsive to the people.’ I wonder how you square that with your former adviser, Jonathan Gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words the American people, the voters are stupid. Did you mislead Americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed?”
“No, I did not,” Obama responded. “I just heard about this. I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.”
Limbaugh, sounding incredulous, took direct aim at Obama’s answer, stating: “This is unbelievable. This little sound bite of 23 seconds may be more jam-packed with lies than any 23-second presidential sound bite I’ve ever played for you.”
Regarding Jonathan Gruber, Limbaugh said, “He was in meetings with Obama. Gruber has been bragging about them. Obama has talked about Gruber being in meetings. … He was not just a member of the staff, he was paid $400,000 alone just for this. … Gruber has made almost $6 million in government contracts, advising them on various things. … Gruber has his hands in advising the regime on amnesty, illegal immigration, how to do it, when to do it, what to do it and all that. The guy’s deep, he’s a rock star with these people.”
Welcome to the club, Rush. I’ve been saying this for years. Back in early 2011, I had this to say:
It’s mind boggling. Obama is not just detached. It’s far worse than that. He doesn’t give a freaking damn and I don’t think he is even capable of caring.
Barack Obama is a sociopath.
I believed it to the be true then, and I absolutely believe it now. The difference now is the degree of audacity. Obama has grown breathtakingly bold with his lies. Grandiose.
Again, let’s list some of the characteristics of a sociopath:
* Glibness/Superficial Charm
* Manipulative and Conning
* Grandiose Sense of Self
* Pathological Lying
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
* Shallow Emotions
* Incapacity for Love
* Need for Stimulation
* Callousness/Lack of Empathy
* Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
* Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
* Irresponsibility/Unreliability
It’s almost as if the author studied Obama personally. This was bad enough:
“The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.”
I don’t even know the guy!
We know that Gruber convinced Obama to include the personal mandate, we know that Gruber was an important person in the White House in 2009. We know that Obama “stole” ideas from Gruber as far back as 2006:
We know Gruber visited the White House more than a dozen times, admitting conspiring personally with Obama on the Cadillac tax deception and more.
Gruber was repeatedly referred to as an independent analyst when in fact Gruber was under contract to HHS all the while. We know that Gruber concluded that at least 5 million people would lose their plans.
Lie after lie after lie.
But here’s the single most significant statement:
When the president was asked whether he had intentionally misled the public in order to get the law passed, he replied: “No. I did not.”
It is the single biggest lie Obama has ever told. And that’s saying a lot. It’s bigger even than this one on June 15, 2009
“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
Listen to this interview
Obama lied endlessly about Obamacare and then he flat out lied to entire press corps about being misleading. He looked them in the eyes and lied.
And, other than Ed Henry, they just sit there. They just freaking sit there and swallow.
Ron Fournier remarked that Obama has ‘Destroyed the Credibility of His Administration and Government Itself.’ Yes he has, but he’s not alone. The press has destroyed its credibility as well. It continues to largely ignore this issue, which everyone sane agrees would be a gigantic issue were this a Republican President and would receive non-stop coverage by the same networks that ignore it now. Barack Obama is an inveterate liar.
This is a scary time. Yes, the President is a sociopath and the press is unwilling to face it.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Yes, Obama is a sociopath.
Question: What do all these organization have in common?
The White House, NSC, and State Department, the Justice Department and the FBI?
Answer: They are all, each and every one of them, under Obama.
So, how sociopathic is it for Obama to claim that some of these organizations wants to PAY RANSOMS TO ISIS while others of them do not?
Totally sociopathic.
And yet that is Obama’s latest tack in his war against everything non-Islam.
What do you want to bet Obama ends up negating the very reason the US Navy came to exist; to fight paying ransoms to Islamists?
ISIS hasn’t got enough from selling oil and antiquities, slave workers and slave women for sex or marriage.
Obama wants them to be even more flush with cash.
Edit feature not working, so link to Obama’s ”debate” within his own Depts:
Another trait is some of them have a “cult” of loyal followers.
Look Rush … Of course Obama is a Sociopathic Liar in the first degree ! If anyone would know a Sociopathic Liar don’t chew think I would know one from first hand experience. Just ask Supermodel Janice Dickinson who has joined a growing chorus of women claiming I plied them with drugs and raped them. Now don’t get me wrong, I would never do anything like that and then lie about it. Even Bill Clinton says I would never lie about raping women and Bill Clinton would know about things like that. Signed: Bill Cosby
I recognized him as such during the 2008 elections. I had an Uncle who was a sociopath and the behavioral similarities between Obama and my Uncle were frankly uncanny, and personally very disturbing to recognize in a presidential candidate. Nearly every week during the last six years I have seen the facial expressions and body language signs in Obama that mirrored those of my Uncle. I fully expect Obama to go through with his Executive Amnesty, because – to the sociopath in Obama – there is an imperative to prove that he can do so with impunity. The weak-kneed, Milquetoast reactions of McConnell and Boehner only serve to support Obama’s narcissistic belief that he can do this and get away with it. There is no reasoning or compromise possible with a sociopath who is convinced he is in total, unimpeachable control.
Not sure where Rush has been during the last 6+ years; but I (and most other honest non-parasite people) have known since ’07 that 0Muslim is, and always has been, a sociopath. 0Muslim’s entire life story is nothing but lies, deceptions, coverups, and chronic denial.
Denial that he, most likely, would never have amounted to anything if not for the United States.
Denial that his “typical White” relatives helped raised him while his typical pump-and-dump Black father abandoned him and his “mobile” mother.
Denial that he’s as White as he is Black (except when he thinks he can benefit from his White side).
Denial that he is far too lazy to be anything other than a sleazy free-loading part-time ghetto community organizer.
Denial that he lies so often that he can’t remember when he lied, or what he lied about.
Denial that he lacks the moderate intelligence and honesty required to formulate a thoughtful sentence without having to rely on a teleprompter.
Denial that he lacks the intelligence and work ethic required to lead a small town parking lot pancake breakfast.
So, if the lie that we could keep the insurance and doctor we wanted was the biggest lie of last year and Obama lied that he lied about that, does that make THIS lie the biggest EVER?
Obama is a guy of records, isn’t he?
@Bill Cosby: Just like Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain before you, if you are a black man who preaches individual responsibility and hard work instead of welfare and victimhood, your reputation will be tarnished.
Beware Ben Carson. Hopefully you are taking note in case you become a prominent threat to the Party in 2016.
Those of you bearing false witness about Barack do so at your own demise. None of you truly believe Obama has a personality disorder of any kind. You , like Limbaugh , are trying to find a way to legitimize and conceal your racist anti American views. There will come a day when you have to give an account for your treacherous lies .
Oh yeah? please enlighten us on exactly how our telling the truth about Obama will lead to ‘our demise.’ Please give details.
Yes we truly do believe it, because he exhibits the classic symptoms.
Your silly emotionally overwrought trollish message makes no sense. How is it that someone posting their views is also concealing them?
No lies here troll. Please, we are very curious how this “accounting” you speak of shall come to pass. Sounds like little more than idle threats from a weak-kneed, adolescent newbie, leftist, “useful idiot” spreading incoherent dribble from his parent’s basement.
@another+vet: Are you defending Bill Cosby? Is he getting a bad rap—over 25 women lying about his actions? PLS CLARIFY.
Your thoughts on FA’ers jumping on Trump bandwagon. Do you think Dems “fear” him? Or rooting for him? How bout Repubs?
Dear Ditto, you must read your own post and be honest with yourself , are these the words of a righteous man? You are a better person than that. You were not created to advance the darkness of lying about another man’s character . Everyone can see that Barack is no leftist. The left is just as upset with him as you are. He is a moderate on the political scale and a good honest man by all of the years of evidence we have. Sociopaths feel no empathy for others… making sure poor people can get health insurance is an empathy laden act. Please reconsider your methodology and your life and how you want to hurt innocent people .. You I repeat are better than that. t. I think
They are words of fact. “Righteousness” is irrelevant to the issue of examining someone’s mental instabilities. You are ignorant and your pretense at presenting a religious aloofness is laughable. We are not impressed by your adolescent adoption of the moniker “Jesus” to act as if it bestows some kind of “higher authority” to your pathetic attempt at trolling.
Marxism and socialism are to the far-left of the political left. Obama was raised by socialists and has had far-left, US hating Marxist radicals as his mentors – whom he honors and emulates. His own actions and attitude clearly identify him as a narcissistic, megalomaniac, tyrannical sociopath determined to enact the ‘Dreams of (his) Father’ which were to destroy the United States and reduce it to being equal to third would nation status. The Obama administration and Democratic party have been transformed by the socialist-left into a pro-totalitarian oligarchy of elite “Progressives”. Historical examination of the Progressive movement tells us exactly where that form of tyrannical leadership will take a nation. It always leads to oppressive, atrocity committing pseudo-communist and fascist regimes.
A sociopath is fully capable of using the ruse of “helping the poor” to manipulate others into following a path of their destruction. It is what these self-serving con-artists do.
Take your sanctimonious dribble and stick it. Your self-assumed lofty attitude, presumptive delusions of divine grandeur and deceptive propaganda are not working to sell your message. Such ridiculous, pathetic “Jedi mind-tricks” do not work on free thinkers.
Ditto head
You must think for yourself and do more reading . Everything you site from the Marxist charges to the obviously inaccurate childishness about Obama wanting to destroy America are not your original thoughts. You have selectively ingested and spewed out ridiculous accusations. Progressives ,liberals and even conservatives are all legitimate positions to hold by reasonable people . When you demonize any of them you demonstrate a pathology that is organic in that you own it but reinforce it with your own selection of hateful people who cannot accept a good man. Obama is still a good man though I may not agree with all of his policies. When you drag us into your hateful words you have a negative effect on everyone reading this. You see how you drug me into the mud with you as I call you a ditto head who cannot think for himself . I see the corrosive and evil influence your words have had on me. I am not worthy to be associated with the name Jesus. We can both do better man.. Truly. t
Most likely this is pronounced, “Hey-zues”
Hi Bill, please reread your words. The Spanish pronunciation of Jesus which you seem to mock or have disdain for is also telling. You have become proud and audacious in your bigoted pronouncements. The world is full of hateful people to prop you up and ” normalize” your bigotry . You wallow in this filth. I pray you come to your senses one day. What you sew that too you shall reap. Christ be with you man.. Love is stronger you can’t win.. I think you already know this…
Rush Limbaugh displays the characteristics that he lists to a greater degree than the man he’s talking about.
This is retarded.