A country full of idiots
Five years ago I said it. You are an idiot to believe anything obama says. I told you barack obama is an inherently dishonest man. He has not disappointed …
Five years ago I said it. You are an idiot to believe anything obama says. I told you barack obama is an inherently dishonest man. He has not disappointed …
It’s no secret that Obamacare is in trouble. Nearly half a billion dollars in federal money has been spent developing four state Obamacare exchanges that are now in shambles …
Obamacare was sold to America on a set of false premises. The most famous of them? “no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If …
The clues were there and some of us saw them. It became very clear in 2014. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing to carry out a campaign against the …
The major networks have for the most part steadfastly hidden Grubergate from the masses, acting as useful idiots. Here’s what one of the biggest name useful idiots, Brian Williams, reports …
Rush Limbaugh made an interesting observation yesterday: President Barack Obama was scorched Monday as a “sociopathic” liar and “lying con man” by radio host Rush for denying he misled the …
A new term has appeared in the American lexicon: #Grubered Eric Bolling described it this way: In Bolling’s assessment, Gruber and his cohorts knew Americans would never approve of a …
“Your mission, Jonathan, should you decide to accept it, is to write a health care bill that redistributes wealth, exploits stupid American voters and grossly deceives the American people. As …
The NY Times of late has been stuck on stupid. Really stuck. Really stupid. They have endorsed Obama’s lies, omitted key information in sensitive issues, outright lied about George Bush …
Today Nancy Pelosi made a jaw-dropping assertion: “I don’t know who he is,” Pelosi said of Jonathan Gruber. “He didn’t help write our bill.” Gruber didn’t just help write Obamacare. …